Biology EOCT Review. Intro to Biology 1. Sexual reproduction : two parents :: asexual reproduction :...

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Transcript of Biology EOCT Review. Intro to Biology 1. Sexual reproduction : two parents :: asexual reproduction :...

Biology EOCT Biology EOCT ReviewReview

Intro to BiologyIntro to Biology

1. Sexual reproduction : two parents :: asexual 1. Sexual reproduction : two parents :: asexual reproduction : ______.reproduction : ______.A. two parentsA. two parents D. two cellsD. two cells

B. one nonliving thingB. one nonliving thing E. one parentE. one parent

C. one cellC. one cell

Answer: E. one parentAnswer: E. one parent

Intro to BiologyIntro to Biology

2. one gram : 1000 milligrams :: one meter : 2. one gram : 1000 milligrams :: one meter : ______.______.A. 1000 millimetersA. 1000 millimeters D. 1 milliliterD. 1 milliliter

B. 1 millimeterB. 1 millimeter E. 1000 metersE. 1000 meters

C. 1 kilometerC. 1 kilometer

Answer: A. 1000 millimetersAnswer: A. 1000 millimeters

Intro to BiologyIntro to Biology

3. A researcher investigated two groups of 3. A researcher investigated two groups of fruit flies. Population A was kept in a 0.5-L fruit flies. Population A was kept in a 0.5-L container. Population B was kept in a 1-L container. Population B was kept in a 1-L container. The manipulated variable was thecontainer. The manipulated variable was theA. number of fliesA. number of flies D. time in daysD. time in daysB. number of groupsB. number of groups E. size of the containersE. size of the containersC. difference in time per groupC. difference in time per group

Answer: E. size of the containersAnswer: E. size of the containers


5. Which one of the following is NOT an 5. Which one of the following is NOT an organic molecule found in living organisms?organic molecule found in living organisms?A. proteinA. protein D. sodium chlorideD. sodium chloride

B. nucleic acidB. nucleic acid E. lipidE. lipid

C. carbohydrateC. carbohydrate

D. Sodium ChlorideD. Sodium Chloride


6. Which combination of particle and charge 6. Which combination of particle and charge is correct?is correct?A. proton: positively chargedA. proton: positively charged

B. electron: positively chargedB. electron: positively charged

C. neutron: negatively chargedC. neutron: negatively charged

D. proton: negatively chargedD. proton: negatively charged

E. electron: no chargeE. electron: no charge

A. Proton: positively chargedA. Proton: positively charged


7. The elements or compounds that enter into 7. The elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction are thea chemical reaction are theA. cohesion.A. cohesion. D. reactants.D. reactants.

B. adhesion.B. adhesion. E. products.E. products.

C. catalysts.C. catalysts.

D. ReactantsD. Reactants


8. Protein : amino acids :: nucleic acid : _____.8. Protein : amino acids :: nucleic acid : _____.

A. acidsA. acids D. ribose sugarsD. ribose sugars

B. basesB. bases E. fatty acidsE. fatty acids

C. nucleotidesC. nucleotides

C. NucleotidesC. Nucleotides


9. A group of individuals belonging to a single 9. A group of individuals belonging to a single species that live together in a defined area is species that live together in a defined area is termed a(an)termed a(an)

A. population.A. population. D. biome.D. biome.

B. ecosystem.B. ecosystem. E. biosphere.E. biosphere.

C. community.C. community.

Answer: A. populationAnswer: A. population

EcologyEcology 10. In addition to herbivores, another type of 10. In addition to herbivores, another type of

consumer is a(an)consumer is a(an)I. CarnivoreI. CarnivoreII. OmnivoreII. OmnivoreIII. DetrivoreIII. Detrivore

A. I onlyA. I only D. II and III onlyD. II and III onlyB. II onlyB. II only E. I, II, and IIIE. I, II, and IIIC. I and II onlyC. I and II only

Answer: E. I, II, and IIIAnswer: E. I, II, and III


11. Which is NOT an abiotic factor in an 11. Which is NOT an abiotic factor in an ecosystem?ecosystem?

A. microorganismsA. microorganisms D. rainfallD. rainfall

B. lightB. light E. soilE. soil

C. temperatureC. temperature

Answer: A. microorganismsAnswer: A. microorganisms


12. Flea : dog :: parasite : _____.12. Flea : dog :: parasite : _____.

A. predatorA. predator D. competitorD. competitor

B. bacteriaB. bacteria E. carnivoreE. carnivore

C. hostC. host

C. HostC. Host

EcologyEcology 13. Which factors increase the size of a 13. Which factors increase the size of a

population?population?I. EmigrationI. Emigration

II. BirthrateII. Birthrate

III. ImmigrationIII. Immigration

A. I onlyA. I only D. II and III onlyD. II and III only

B. III onlyB. III only E. I, II, and IIIE. I, II, and III

C. I and III onlyC. I and III only

D. II and III onlyD. II and III only


14. J-shaped curve : exponential :: S-shaped 14. J-shaped curve : exponential :: S-shaped curve : ______.curve : ______.

A. demographicA. demographic D. limiting factorD. limiting factor

B. predationB. predation E. immigrationE. immigration

C. logistic C. logistic

C. LogisticC. Logistic


15. Which of the following is NOT a 15. Which of the following is NOT a renewable resource?renewable resource?

A. windA. wind D. fossil fuelsD. fossil fuels

B. sunlightB. sunlight E. treesE. trees

C. water C. water

D. Fossil FuelsD. Fossil Fuels


16. Animal cells have all of the following 16. Animal cells have all of the following EXCEPTEXCEPT

A. mitochondria.A. mitochondria. D. a cell D. a cell membrane.membrane.

B. chloroplasts.B. chloroplasts. E. Golgi E. Golgi apparatus.apparatus.

C. a nucleus. C. a nucleus. B. ChloroplastsB. Chloroplasts


17. Which process always involves the 17. Which process always involves the movement of materials from inside the cell to movement of materials from inside the cell to outside the cell?outside the cell?

A. phagocytosisA. phagocytosis D. exocytosisD. exocytosis

B. endocytosisB. endocytosis E. osmosisE. osmosis

C. diffusion C. diffusion

Answer: D. exocytosisAnswer: D. exocytosis


18. Oak tree : autotroph :: human : ______.18. Oak tree : autotroph :: human : ______.

A. consumerA. consumer D. omnivoreD. omnivore

B. producerB. producer E. heterotrophE. heterotroph

C. autotrophC. autotroph

Answer: E. heterotrophAnswer: E. heterotroph


19. Which equation best summarizes the 19. Which equation best summarizes the process of photosynthesis?process of photosynthesis?A. water + carbon dioxide A. water + carbon dioxide → sugars + oxygen→ sugars + oxygen B. sugars + oxygen B. sugars + oxygen → water + carbon→ water + carbonC. water + oxygen C. water + oxygen →→ sugars + carbon dioxide sugars + carbon dioxide D. oxygen + carbon dioxide D. oxygen + carbon dioxide → sugars + oxygen→ sugars + oxygenE. sugars + carbon dioxide E. sugars + carbon dioxide → water + oxygen→ water + oxygen

Answer: A. Answer: A.


20. In a typical plant, all of the following 20. In a typical plant, all of the following factors are necessary for photosynthesis factors are necessary for photosynthesis EXCEPTEXCEPT

A. chlorophyll.A. chlorophyll. D. carbon dioxide.D. carbon dioxide.

B. light.B. light. E. water.E. water.

C. oxygen.C. oxygen.

C. OxygenC. Oxygen

Cellular RespirationCellular Respiration 21. What raw materials are needed for cellular 21. What raw materials are needed for cellular


A. glucose and carbon dioxideA. glucose and carbon dioxide

B. glucose and oxygenB. glucose and oxygen

C. carbon dioxide and oxygenC. carbon dioxide and oxygen

D. oxygen and lactic acidD. oxygen and lactic acid

E. carbon dioxide and waterE. carbon dioxide and water

B. Glucose and OxygenB. Glucose and Oxygen

Cellular RespirationCellular Respiration

22. In eukaryotic cells, most of cellular 22. In eukaryotic cells, most of cellular respiration takes place in therespiration takes place in the

A. nuclei.A. nuclei. D. cell walls.D. cell walls.

B. cytoplasm.B. cytoplasm. E. centrioles.E. centrioles.

C. mitochondria.C. mitochondria.

C. MitochondriaC. Mitochondria

Cell DivisionCell Division

23. Which of the following is NOT a phase of 23. Which of the following is NOT a phase of mitosis?mitosis?

A. anaphaseA. anaphase D. prophaseD. prophase

B. metaphaseB. metaphase E. interphaseE. interphase

C. telophaseC. telophase

E. InterphaseE. Interphase

Cell DivisionCell Division

24. A process in which unregulated cell 24. A process in which unregulated cell division occurs is known asdivision occurs is known as

A. mitosis.A. mitosis. D. cancer.D. cancer.

B. the cell cycle.B. the cell cycle. E. interphase.E. interphase.

C. cytokinesis.C. cytokinesis.

D. CancerD. Cancer


25. What happens to the chromosome number 25. What happens to the chromosome number during meiosis?during meiosis?

A. It doubles.A. It doubles. D. It becomes D. It becomes diploid.diploid.

B. It stays the same.B. It stays the same. E. It quadruples.E. It quadruples.

C. It halves.C. It halves.

Answer: C. It halves.Answer: C. It halves.


26. Two pink-flowering plants are crossed. The 26. Two pink-flowering plants are crossed. The offspring flower as follows: 25% red, 25% offspring flower as follows: 25% red, 25% white, 50% pink. What pattern of inheritance white, 50% pink. What pattern of inheritance does flower color in these flowers follow?does flower color in these flowers follow?

A. dominanceA. dominance D. recessivenessD. recessivenessB. multiple allelesB. multiple alleles E. polygenic traitsE. polygenic traitsC. incomplete dominanceC. incomplete dominance

Answer: C. incomplete dominanceAnswer: C. incomplete dominance


27. Mitosis : diploid daughter cells :: meiosis : 27. Mitosis : diploid daughter cells :: meiosis : ______.______.

A. egg cellsA. egg cellsB. sperm cellsB. sperm cellsC. four daughter cellsC. four daughter cellsD. haploid daughter cellsD. haploid daughter cellsE. tetraploid daughter cellsE. tetraploid daughter cells

Answer: D. haploid daughter cellsAnswer: D. haploid daughter cells


29. During replication, which sequence of 29. During replication, which sequence of nucleotides would bond with the DNA sequence nucleotides would bond with the DNA sequence TATGA?TATGA?






30. In which of the following ways does RNA 30. In which of the following ways does RNA differ from DNA?differ from DNA?

A. RNA contains uracil and deoxyribose.A. RNA contains uracil and deoxyribose.B. RNA contains ribose and thymine.B. RNA contains ribose and thymine.

C. RNA contains uracil and ribose.C. RNA contains uracil and ribose.

D. RNA contains adenine and ribose.D. RNA contains adenine and ribose.

E. RNA contains uracil, adenine, and E. RNA contains uracil, adenine, and ribose.ribose.C. RNA contains uracil and riboseC. RNA contains uracil and ribose


31. Which of the following nucleotide(s) 31. Which of the following nucleotide(s) bond(s) with adenine?bond(s) with adenine?

A. thymine onlyA. thymine only D. cytosine & D. cytosine & guanineguanine

B. uracil onlyB. uracil only E. thymine & uracilE. thymine & uracil

C. thymine, uracil, and cytosineC. thymine, uracil, and cytosine

E. Thymine and UracilE. Thymine and Uracil

DNA and RNADNA and RNA 32. Which sample(s) support(s) the base-32. Which sample(s) support(s) the base-

pairing rules?pairing rules?

A. Sample A onlyA. Sample A only

B. Sample B onlyB. Sample B only

C. Sample C onlyC. Sample C only

D. Samples A and CD. Samples A and C

E. Samples A, B, and CE. Samples A, B, and C

A. Sample A and CA. Sample A and C


33. Which scientist formulated the theory of 33. Which scientist formulated the theory of evolution through natural selection?evolution through natural selection?

A. Charles DarwinA. Charles Darwin D. Charles LyellD. Charles Lyell

B. James HuttonB. James Hutton E. Alfred WallaceE. Alfred Wallace

C. Jean-Baptiste LamarkC. Jean-Baptiste Lamark

A. Charles DarwinA. Charles Darwin


34. When two species reproduce at different 34. When two species reproduce at different times, the situation is calledtimes, the situation is called

A. temporal isolation.A. temporal isolation. D. temporal selection.D. temporal selection.

B. speciation.B. speciation. E. geographic E. geographic isolation.isolation.

C. genetic drift.C. genetic drift.

Answer: A. temporal isolation.Answer: A. temporal isolation.


35. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of 35. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Linnaeus’s system for naming organisms?Linnaeus’s system for naming organisms?

A. two-part nameA. two-part name

B. multi-part name describing several traitsB. multi-part name describing several traits

C. name that identifies the organism’s genusC. name that identifies the organism’s genus

D. name that identifies the organism’s speciesD. name that identifies the organism’s species

E. name unique to a single speciesE. name unique to a single species

Answer: B. multi-part name describing several traitsAnswer: B. multi-part name describing several traits


36. Animalia : kingdom :: Eukarya : ______.36. Animalia : kingdom :: Eukarya : ______.

A. orderA. order D. phylumD. phylum

B. classB. class E. domainE. domain

C. speciesC. species

Answer: E. domainAnswer: E. domain

Bacteria & VirusesBacteria & Viruses

37. Which illness is NOT caused by a virus?37. Which illness is NOT caused by a virus?

A. AIDSA. AIDS D. common coldD. common cold

B. polioB. polio E. fluE. flu

C. botulismC. botulism

C. BotulismC. Botulism

Bacteria & VirusesBacteria & Viruses

38. All bacteria are classified as38. All bacteria are classified as

A. eukaryotes.A. eukaryotes. D. prokaryotes.D. prokaryotes.

B. protists.B. protists. E. blue-green algae.E. blue-green algae.

C. archaea.C. archaea.

D. ProkaryotesD. Prokaryotes


39. In amoebas, what structure helps the 39. In amoebas, what structure helps the organism move and feed?organism move and feed?

A. flagellumA. flagellum D. pseudopodD. pseudopod

B. ciliaB. cilia E. contractile vacuoleE. contractile vacuole

C. food vacuoleC. food vacuole

D. PseudopodD. Pseudopod


41. Which of the following organisms is NOT a 41. Which of the following organisms is NOT a fungus?fungus?

A. mushroomA. mushroom D. bread moldD. bread mold

B. puffballB. puffball E. yeastE. yeast

C. water moldC. water mold

C. Water moldC. Water mold


42. Plant : root :: mold : _____.42. Plant : root :: mold : _____.

A. gametangiumA. gametangium D. stolonD. stolon

B. zygosporeB. zygospore E. sporangiophoreE. sporangiophore

C. rhizoidC. rhizoid

Answer: C. rhizoidAnswer: C. rhizoid


43. Gymnosperm : cones :: angiosperm : _____.43. Gymnosperm : cones :: angiosperm : _____.

A. rootsA. roots D. leavesD. leaves

B. seedsB. seeds E. flowersE. flowers

C. stemsC. stems

Answer: E. flowersAnswer: E. flowers


44. Which of the following is a basic requirement of 44. Which of the following is a basic requirement of plants?plants?I. sunlightI. sunlightII. Carbon dioxideII. Carbon dioxideIII. waterIII. water

A. I onlyA. I only D. II and III onlyD. II and III onlyB. II onlyB. II only E. I, II, and IIIE. I, II, and IIIC. I and II onlyC. I and II only

Answer: E. I, II, and IIIAnswer: E. I, II, and III


45. Where does most of the photosynthesis occur 45. Where does most of the photosynthesis occur in a plant?in a plant?

A. stomataA. stomata D. vascular tissueD. vascular tissue

B. rootsB. roots E. leavesE. leaves

C. barkC. bark

E. LeavesE. Leaves


46. Where in a flower are pollen grains 46. Where in a flower are pollen grains produced?produced?

A. sepalsA. sepals D. ovaryD. ovary

B. anthersB. anthers E. stigmaE. stigma

C. carpelsC. carpels

B. anthersB. anthers


47. Radial symmetry : jellyfish :: asymmetry : 47. Radial symmetry : jellyfish :: asymmetry : _____._____.

A. medusaA. medusa D. coralD. coral

B. polypB. polyp E. spongeE. sponge

C. sea anemoneC. sea anemone

E. spongeE. sponge


48. The concentration of nerve tissue and organs 48. The concentration of nerve tissue and organs in one end of the body is calledin one end of the body is called

A. cephalization.A. cephalization. D. body symmetry.D. body symmetry.

B. segmentation.B. segmentation. E. nerve nets.E. nerve nets.

C. diffusion.C. diffusion.

Answer: A. cephalizationAnswer: A. cephalization


49. tadpole : gills :: frog : ______.49. tadpole : gills :: frog : ______.

A. atriumA. atrium D. eggsD. eggs

B. lungsB. lungs E. stomachE. stomach

C. scalesC. scales

Answer: B. lungsAnswer: B. lungs


50. Amniotic eggs are a characteristic of50. Amniotic eggs are a characteristic ofI. AmphibiansI. Amphibians

II. ReptilesII. Reptiles

III. BirdsIII. Birds

A. I onlyA. I only D. II and III onlyD. II and III only

B. II onlyB. II only E. I, II, and IIIE. I, II, and III

C. I and II onlyC. I and II only

Answer: D. II and III onlyAnswer: D. II and III only

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