Biological and Physical Sciences SKELETAL SYSTEM.

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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OVERVIEW Primary Functions Classification of bones Major bones Joints

Transcript of Biological and Physical Sciences SKELETAL SYSTEM.

Biological and Physical Sciences SKELETAL SYSTEM Objective Recognize the function, classification, major bones, and joints of the skeletal system in relation to Public Health. OVERVIEW Primary Functions Classification of bones Major bones Joints Primary Functions SupportProtectAssist Storage site Blood cell production Bone growth Classification of Bones Parts of the Bone Cancellous Bone Compact Bone EndosteumPeriosteum Medullary Cavity Major Bones Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Axial Skeleton Skull - Protects brain, eyes, etc Hyoid bone - Primary support for tongue and muscles Vertebrae 5 Areas Axial Skeleton - Vertebrae Cervical (7) Thoracic (12) Lumbar (5) Sacrum (1) Coccyx (1) Ribs (12 pairs) Sternum Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Shoulder girdle Scapula - shoulder blade Clavicle - collar bone Upper Limbs Arm Humerus Forearm - Radius & Ulna Hand Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges Appendicular Skeleton PelvisIlliumIschiumPubis Bones of the Lower Extremities Femur (Thigh) Patella forms a joint Leg - Tibia & Fibula Foot Tarsals Ankle Metatarsals - Sole Phalanges - Toes Joints Formed where a bone joins bone Hold bones together and give mobility Three types: Fibrous - immovable joints Cartilaginous - slightly movable Synovial joints - freely movable Objective Recognize the function, classification, major bones, and joints of the skeletal system in relation to Public Health. Summary Primary Functions Classification of bones Major bones Joints Questions??