Bio112 Module Iii

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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great description of bones, muscles, ect..

Transcript of Bio112 Module Iii

Endocrine System

Endocrine Glands


Glands that secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system are called

(a) exocrine (b) endocrine (c) sebaceous (d) secretory

Hormones have an effect on (a) all cells of the body (b) growing cells

(c) stem cells (d) target cells.

Steroid Hormones – Gene Level Effect

Protein (non-steroid) HormonesSecond Messenger Effect

Steroid hormones (a) are protein (b) stimulate production of a second messenger

(c) have a gene level effect (d) all of these.

Protein hormones (a) are not protein (b) stimulate production of a second messenger

(c) have a gene level effect (d) none of these.

Feedback – regulates hormone release

The level of secretion of hormones is most often controlled by (a) chromosomes

(b) negative feedback loops (c) positive feedback loops (d) neutral feedback loops.

Prostaglandins – “tissue hormones”

Which type of hormone is not a "systemic hormone"? (a) prostaglandin

(b) protein hormone (c) steroid hormone (d) sex hormone.

Pituitary Gland

Pituitary Hormones

The Pituitary gland is (a) attached to the brain (b) the "master gland"

(c) an endocrine gland (d) all of these.

Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis)

Which is NOT controlled by the anterior pituitary (Adenohypophysis)? (a) growth

(b) water retention (c) metabolism (d) sexuality.

Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis)

Which is controlled by the posterior pituitary gland (Neurohypophysis)? (a) growth

(b) water retention (c) metabolism (d) sexuality.

Thyroid Gland

Thyroid Hormones

Thyroxin (a) is a pituitary gland hormone (b) is an adrenal gland hormone

(c) regulates metabolic level (d) is antagonistic to parathyroid hormone.


Calcitonin (a) is produced in the thyroid gland (b) lowers blood calcium level

(c) is antagonistic to PTH (d) all of these.

Parathyroid – Parathyroid Hormone

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) (a) is produced in the parathyroid glands

(b) raises blood calcium level (c) is antagonistic to calcitonin (d) all of these.

Adrenal Gland

Adrenal Cortex

• Mineralocorticoids

– Aldosterone – increases resorption of sodium

in the kidneys

• Glucocorticoids

– Gluconeogenesis

– Anti-alergy hormones – Cortisol

• Androgens

– Masculizing Hormone

Adrenal Medulla

• Epinephrine

• Norepinephrine

The adrenal gland produces (a) Thyroxin (b) Melatonin

(c) masculizing hormone (d) all of these.

Epinephrine is also know as (a) adrenalin (b) growth hormone

(c) a trophic hormone (d) masculizing hormone.

Cortisol (a) is antagonistic to epinephrine (b) is synergistic to ADH

(c) suppresses inflammation (d) none of these.

The Pancreas

Functions of the Pancreas

Histology of the Pancreas

Pancreatic Hormones

• Insulin – Necessary for uptake of glucose

by tissue cells throughout the body.

• Glucogon – Stimulates glycogenolysis

which is the conversion of starch

(glycogen) to blood sugar

Insulin is (a) necessary for cells to absorb glucose (b) produced in the pancreas

(c) produced in the Isles of Langerhans (d) all of these.


Glucose is produced by (a) glycogenolysis (b) glycogenesis (b) the thyroid gland

(d) the mitochondria.

Endocrine function of Ovaries

Estrogen – Stimulates the growth of

the inner uterine lining (endometrium)

during proliferative phase. Stimulates

development of secondary sexual

characteristics in the female.

Progesterone – Stimulates thickening of

the uterine lining during the secretory


The ovaries have an endocrine function in producing (a) FSH (b) LH (c) estrogen

(d) masculizing hormone.


Testosterone – Stimulates development

of secondary sexual characteristics in


The testes have an endocrine function in producing (a) FSH (b) LH (c) Testosterone

(d) masculizing hormone.


Thymosin – Stimlates

The maturation of T-cell


The Thymus is part of the (a) endocrine system (b) the immune system

(c) both of these (d) neither of these.

Thymosin stimulates (a) the growth of the Thyroid (b) metabolism

(c) the growth of the Thymus gland (d) the maturation of T-cell lymphocytes.


Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) – “Pregnancy Hormone” signals brain

and pituitary gland to interrupt the menstrual cycle.

The Placenta has an endocrine function in producing

(a) human chorionic gonadotrophin (b) testosterone

(c) placentone (d) all of these.

Pineal Gland

Melatonin – Controls day-night rhythms (Sleepiness).

The Pineal gland controls (a) when you get sleepy (b) when you are wide awake

(c) daily rhythms (circadian) (d) all of these.

The Heart

Atrial Natriuretic Hormone (ANH) – Lowers blood volume by decreasing water

resorption in kidneys (makes urine hypotonic).

Atrial Natriuretic Hormone is (a) antagonistic to aldosterone (b) antagonistic to ADH

(c) produced by heart muscle (d) all of these.

The Blood

Red Blood Cells - Erythrocytes

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) (a) have a nucleus (b) contain mostly hemoglobin

(c) are among the largest of human cells (d) all of these.

White Blood Cells - Leucocytes

White Blood Cells (leucocytes) (a) have a nucleus (b) contain mostly hemoglobin

(c) are among the largest of human cells (d) all of these.


Platelets (a) have a nucleus (b) contain clotting factors

(c) are among the largest of human cells (d) all of these.

Blood Plasma


Clotting Factors

Blood Sugar

Blood Proteins

Minerals (electrolytes)



Dissolved gasses

Waste products

Which is NOT a component of blood plasma? (a) minerals (b) nutrients

(c) hemoglobin (d) clotting factors.

Clotting Factors

Which is NOT a clotting factor? (a) fibrinogen (b) gamma globulin (c) prothrombin

(d) thrombin.


A hematocrit measures relative (a) percentage of RBC in whole blood

(b) hemoglobin level in RBC (c) percentage of clotting factors in whole blood

(d) all of these.

Blood Types

A universal blood donor would have which blood type? (a) O negative (b) O positive

(c) AB positive (d) AB negative.

The Heart

Chambers of the Heart

Heart Tissue Layers

Heart muscle is called (a) pericardium (b) myocardium (c) endocardium (d) epicardium.

Heart Valves

Heart Circulation

The valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle is called the (a) tricuspid valve

(b) pulmonary valve (c) mitral valve (d) aortic valve.

Circulatory Loops

The right ventricle pumps blood to the (a) systemic loop (b) pulmonary loop (c) heart

(d) all of these.

Heart Innervation

The sino-atrial node (SA node) is also called the (a) pacemaker (b) ectopic pacemaker

(c) extrinsic pacemaker (d) none of these.

Contraction of ventricular myocardium is controlled by (a) the SA node (b) the AV node

(c) the AV bundle (d) all of these.

Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins

Blood supply to the right ventricular myocardium is provided by

(a) the left coronary artery (b) the right coronary artery (c) pulmonary artery

(d) all of these.

Blood Vessels

The inner lining of a blood vessel is (a) called tunica intima (b) smooth

(c) continuous with the endocardium (d) all of these.




Aortic Arch


Arteries of the head and neck

Thorax and upper arm

Abdominal and Pelvic


Superior Mesenteric


Inferior Mesenteric

Common Iliac

Internal Iliac

External Iliac

Arteries of the leg



Head and Neck

Veins of the upper thorax

Shoulder and Arm

Hepatic Vein and Hepatic Portal

Renal Veins

Pelvic Veins

Leg Veins

Blood Pressure

The pressure of blood in an artery during a compression wave (systole) is called

(a) systolic (b) diastolic (c) peristolic (d) epistolic.


Lymphatic System

Lymph Vessels

Lymph Node

Efferent lymph ducts lead (a) toward lymph nodes (b) away from lymph nodes

(b) toward the spleen (d) away from the spleen.


Tonsils contain mostly (a) T-cell lymphocytes (b) B-cell lymphocytes (c) macrophages

(d) erythrocytes.


The spleens function is (a) fetal hemopoesis (b) recycling of red blood cells

(d) destroying enemy cells in the blood (d) all of these.


• Inherited or acquired?

• Non-specific

• Specific

Immunity to tuberculosis infections is (a) inherited (b) specific (c) both of these

(d) neither of these.

Immune System Cells

T -cells mature in the (a) lymph nodes (b) brain (c) thymus gland (d) spleen.


Antibodies bond to (a) blood cells (b) B-cells (c) antigens (d) toxins.


Antibody Binding Sites


Complement is used to (a) truss up enemy cells (b) explode bacteria

(c) stimulate the immune system (d) rally B-cells.