Bio Metrics Lecture 2008 PD Workshop

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Transcript of Bio Metrics Lecture 2008 PD Workshop

  • 8/3/2019 Bio Metrics Lecture 2008 PD Workshop




    Presentation to 2008 AFCEA PD Workshop

    CAL CLUPP BSC CISSPCAL CLUPP BSC CISSPDirector, Risk Management ConsultingDirector, Risk Management Consulting

    Bell CanadaBell Canada

    (613) 597(613) 597--23362336


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    Biometrics - (Classical Definition) Identification of

    living things based on physiological and/orbehavioral characteristics

    Biometrics - (ISO Definition) A measurable, physicalcharacteristic or personal behavioral trait used torecognize the identity, or verify the claimed identity,of an enrollee.

    Biometric System (ISO Definition) An automatedsystem capable of: capturing a biometric sample from an end user;

    extracting biometric data from that sample;

    comparing the biometric data with that contained in one or

    more reference templates; deciding how well they match; and

    indicating whether or not an identification or verification ofidentity has been achieved.

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    Used since man first walked upright

    We all use facial recognition on a daily basis

    We use voice recognition during conversations to identify

    the other party (e.g. Telephone)

    Fingerprints have been used in forensics for over 100years by police investigators

    Babies registered at birth using palm/foot prints

    Dental records and X-rays have long been used toidentify decomposed bodies

    The hand written signature is a form of behavioral

    biometric identification DNA is one of the latest advances used in


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    HISTORY (continued)

    Modern technologies have made it possible tomechanically and automatically convert physical andbehavioral characteristics into digital electronic form

    Early biometric systems were slow, expensive,proprietary and unreliable

    They were considered as science fiction orspy toysand not likely to be used by ordinary people in dailytransactions

    Today costs are coming down, speed and reliability

    are increasing and biometric devices are starting tobecome part of our daily lives

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    Depending on the application, biometrics can be used for

    security, privacy, convenience, fraud reduction, or to deliverenhanced services. Applications include:

    Physical security and access control (e.g. borders, airports)

    Computer/Network logins (e.g. laptops with fingerprint sensors built in)

    Business transactions (e.g. ATM withdrawals)

    Credit and debit card protection Voting

    Receiving government benefits (e.g. welfare, pension)

    Healthcare services (e.g. patient ID)

    Law enforcement (e.g. drivers licenses, vehicle registration, smart

    guns, criminal identification systems)

    Identification Documents (e.g. Visas, passports, SIN cards,

    Military/Govt/Corporate ID cards)

    Registering race horses, research animals, pets and other wildlife

    Data protection (e.g. biometric tokens)

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    With all biometric systems there are 3 steps (i.e. datacapture, signal processing, and decision) which definethe process flow:

    Data Capture

    All biometrics start with a piece of raw analogue data (e.g.fingerprint, voice sample, face/hand/retina image)

    Signal Processing

    This raw data is digitized so that computers can process it

    The computer software extracts the critical features (e.g.minutiae) and discards those elements that are irrelevant tomaking a successful comparison (i.e. creates template)

    Decision The stored and live templates are compared and if they

    match (i.e. within set threshold) user will be accepted

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    HOW DEVICES WORK (continued)

    During enrollment the template is created and stored(sizes from 9Bytes to 1KByte)

    Source: SCA Biometrics May 2002

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    HOW DEVICES WORK (continued)

    During verification the first 2 steps are repeated with

    the resulting representation being the live scan ortemplate.

    Source: SCA Biometrics May 2002

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    HOW DEVICES WORK (continued)

    Compare Template

    The live scan is compared to the stored template.

    Decide Match

    If they match within a set statistical range, it is accepted as valid

    Source: SCA Biometrics May 2002

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    Biometric System


    Signal Detection

    Extract Features

    Create Template*



    Decide Match




    User Administrator Portal



    Present Biometric Sample

    *Template = Processed Biometric Sample

    The Create Template process may also include the creation of the Biometric Identification Record (BIR)

    Set Threshold

    Creation of BIR (Enrollment)

    Grant Privileges

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    Physiological (i.e. physical) Characteristic Devices

    Finger/thumb print readers

    Hand/Finger geometry readers

    Facial Verification Systems

    Eye Scanners Retina Scanners

    Iris Scanners

    DNA Identification Systems

    Voice Verification1

    Note 1: Voice verification can also be considered a Behavioral Characteristic device

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    DEVICES (continued)

    Behavioral Characteristic Devices Voice Verification1

    Signature Dynamics Analysis

    Keystroke Dynamics Analysis

    Gait Analysis

    Note 1: Voice verification can also be considered a Physiological Characteristic device

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    Most widely used

    Most systems rely on classifying the differencesbetween ridges and valleys in the patterns of the printand at ridge bifurcations or ridge endings (i.e.minutiae)

    Produces one of the largest templates (aprox 1KByte)depending on the method used

    Devices are very reliable in use but in some casesother techniques may be required

    Several types (e.g. optical, capacitive, ultrasound, RF)

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    FINGERPRINT (continued)

    Fingerprint matching techniques can be placed into two

    categories: minutiae-based and correlation based. Minutiae-based techniques first find minutiae points and then map

    their relative placement on the finger. However, there are some

    difficulties when using this approach.

    It is difficult to extract the minutiae points accurately when thefingerprint is of low quality.

    Also this method does not take into account the global pattern ofridges and furrows.

    More subject to wear and tear, and false minutiae.

    The correlation-based method is able to overcome some of the

    difficulties of the minutiae-based approach. However, it has some

    of its own shortcomings. Correlation-based techniques (i.e. pattern matching) require the

    precise location of a registration point and are affected by imagetranslation and rotation.

    Larger templates (often 2 3 times larger than minutiae-based)

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    FINGERPRINT (continued)

    Intrusive procedure

    In 1997 the stamp-sized fingerprint reader on amicrochip was introduced which has led to thepotential for many new applications (e.g. securingsmartcards)

    A much smaller scrolling sensor is now availablewhich has made even more applications possibleand has addressed some of the security concernswith latent prints

    Some more advanced readers can differentiate

    between live and dead tissue by checking for pulse

    by sensing oxygen level

    by checking capacitance of the biometric sample

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    FINGERPRINT (continued)

    Print showing various types of MinutiaePrint showing various types of Minutiae

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    FINGERPRINT (continued)

    To reduce the search time and computational complexity, it is

    desirable to classify fingerprints in an accurate and consistent

    manner so that the input fingerprint is required to be matched

    only with a subset of the fingerprints in the database.

    Special algorithms have been developed to classify fingerprints

    into five classes, namely, whorl, right loop, left loop, arch, and

    tented arch.

    Most often used in forensics, rarely in authentication systems


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    FINGERPRINT (continued)

    Source: Various websites

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    FINGERPRINT (continued)

    Source: Protective Technologies Website


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    The first modern biometric device was a handgeometry reader that measured finger length

    These devices use a 3D or stereo camera to mapimages of the hands and/or fingers to measure size,shape and translucency

    Actual sensor devices are quite large in size

    Templates are typically small (approx 10 Bytes)

    High acceptance rate among users

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    HAND/FINGER GEOMETRY (continued)

    Source: Biometrics Store Website


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    Considered by some as an intrusive system

    Uses high resolution cameras (several types) to takepictures of the face for comparison

    The four primary methods traditionally employed by

    facial scan vendors to identify and verify subjectsinclude eigenfaces, feature analysis, neural network,and automatic face processing

    New systems are being developed that measurethree dimensional characteristics of the face

    One of the fastest growing areas in biometricindustry

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    FACIAL (continued)

    Typical EigenfacesTypical Eigenfaces

    Utilizes two dimensional,

    global grayscale images

    representing distinctivecharacteristics of

    a facial image

    Variations of eigenface are

    frequently used as the basisof other face recognition


    Source: MIT Face Recognition Demo Page

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    FACIAL (continued)

    Eigenface: "one's own face," a technology patented at MIT thatuses 2D global grayscale images representing distinctivecharacteristics of a facial image. Most faces can bereconstructed by combining features of 100-125 eigenfaces.During enrollment, the user's eigenface is mapped to a seriesof numbers (coefficients). Upon a 1:1 match, a "live" templateis matched against the enrolled template to obtain a coefficient

    variation. This variation either accepts or rejects the user. Local Feature Analysis (LFA): also a 2D technology, though

    more capable of accommodating changes in appearance orfacial aspect (e.g., smiling, frowning). LFA uses dozens offeatures from different regions of the face; incorporates the

    location of these features. Relative distances and angles of the"building blocks" of the face are measured. LFA canaccommodate 25-degree angles in the horizontal plane and 15degrees in the vertical plane. LFA is a derivative of theeigenface method and was developed by Visionics, Corp.

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    FACIAL (continued)

    Automatic Face Processing (AFP): This 2D technology uses

    distances and distance ratios between eyes, nose, and cornersof mouth. Not as robust as the other technologies, but may bemore affective in dimly lit, frontal image capture situations.

    Neural Networks: use algorithms that use as much of the face aspossible. These algorithms run as the human brain would in

    cognition to learn about facial features. Neural networks are astep up from LFA.

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    FACIAL (continued)

    New Volumetric-based 3D Processing Systems: Create a templateof the face that is based on tens-of-thousands of points on theface, thus forming a very high-resolution interpretation of thesubject.

    A 3D laser camera takes a picture of the face and represents it within a

    virtual cube.

    The input starts as a digital image and does not need to beconverted

    The secret to a true 3D method lies in the ability to use direct

    measurements to compare individuals.

    That is, rather than the traditional method of an indirect searchfor facial features on an image, these systems look at specific

    points within a millimeter apart..

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    FACIAL (continued)

    Varying light (i.e. outdoors) can affect accuracy Some systems can compensate for minor changes

    such as puffiness and water retention

    Smiling, frowning, etc can affect accuracy

    Some systems can be confused by glasses, beards,


    Human faces vary dramatically over long term(aging) and short term (facial hair growth, differenthair styles, plastic surgery)

    Expected high rate of acceptance as people arealready used to being photographed or monitored

    Best method for identification systems (e.g. airports)

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    FACIAL (continued)

    Source: MIT Face Recognition Demo Page


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    Rely on the uniqueness of the pattern of bloodvessels lining the retina

    Users place their eyes a few inches from anincandescent light beam and the sensor maps thecapillary pattern by measuring reflected light

    People with high blood pressure, diabetes orglaucoma may give inconsistent readings

    Template aprox 35 Bytes and extremely reliable

    Primary use is in high security access control

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    RETINA SCANNERS (continued)

    CameraCamera Enrollment deviceEnrollment device

    Source: Biometrics Store Website

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    RETINA SCANNERS (continued)

    Main retina featuresMain retina features Actual photo of retinaActual photo of retina

    Source: American Academy of Ophthalmology

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    A completely non-intrusive technique

    Examines tonal wave patterns that cannot beimitated by other individuals (voice patterns ofimpersonators are different than the real voicepattern)

    Analog recordings cannot reproduce accurate tonepatterns, but digital recordings may be able to do so Random question and answer techniques, and pattern

    matching (i.e. comparing successive voice samples) mayhelp to prevent reply attacks based on digital voicerecordings

    Most appropriate method for telephone use

    People with colds & laryngitis can affect FRR although slight variations can be compensated for

    Signal quality can introduce errors (e.g. bad phoneline, noise in background)

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    VOICE VERIFICATION (continued)

    It is these well-formed, regularpatterns that are unique toevery individual. These patternsare created from the size andshape of the physical structure

    of a person's vocal tract. Sinceno two vocal tracts are exactlythe same, no two signalpatterns can be the same.

    A complete signal has an

    overall pattern, as well as amuch finer structure, calledthe frame. This frame is theessence of voice verificationtechnology.

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    VOICE VERIFICATION (continued)

    These unique featuresconsist of cadence,pitch, tone, harmonics,and shape of vocal tract.

    The image at rightshows howcharacteristics of voiceactually involve much

    more of the body thanjust the mouth.

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    These devices quantify speed, pressure, angle-of-attack and stroke characteristics (40 plus)

    A typical system will take up to 100 elements ofspeed, pressure, etc to characterize an individual

    User stress can affect the accuracy of this device

    Signatures tend to change over time

    These types of devices are now starting to make theirway into practical everyday use

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    SIGNATURE ANALYSIS (continued)

    Built-in sensors register the dynamics of the act of writing. These dynamics

    include the 3D-forces that are applied, the speed of writing, and the angles invarious directions.

    This signing pattern is unique for each individual, and thus allows for strong

    authentication. It also protects against fraud since it is practically impossible to

    duplicate "how" someone signs.Source: Biometrics Store Website and Smart Pen

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    Otay Mesa, California/Mexico border crossing

    facial recognition of drivers who frequently cross border

    Japanese Racing Association

    uses iris scanning to identify over 10,000 race horses

    Walt Disney World, Florida

    seasons ticket holders gain entrance by finger geometry Coca Cola is using hand geometry to prevent

    workers from buddy punchingat the time clock

    Lotus employees must pass hand geometry scanbefore picking up their kids at the company daycare

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    IMPLEMENTATIONS (continued)

    Several states use voice recognition for parolees onhome detention

    US Immigration and Naturalization Service

    Frequent travelers between Canada and Montana use

    voice verification to access an automated border crossing


    A leading ATM manufacturer in Tokyo, OKI ElectricIndustry Co has implemented iris scanners in ATMmachines of Japanese banks

    ICAO using facial recognition as mandatory identifier

    and fingerprints & iris as optional identifiers onMRTDs

    Aeroplan Voice Recognition System for AccountAccess

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    IMPLEMENTATIONS (continued)

    Terminal 3 at Pierson Airport uses hand geometry to

    identify frequent travelers between US and Canada Canadian Airlines uses voice recognition to control

    access at two of its hangars

    Citizenship and Immigration Canada - $3.5 millionbiometric pilot project

    Transport Canada and the Canadian Air TransportSecurity Authority (CATSA) new restricted areaidentification card

    Facial Recognition Project at the Passport Office

    Bell Canada Maintenance Technician Voice

    Verification Bell Canada Client Account Access Voice Verification

    (My voice is my password)

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    Today's powerful computers and microelectronics make biometric

    identification and verification systems a reality Biometric advocates still face uphill battle to convince the skeptical

    public, legislators, lawyers & security professionals that systems are

    safe, reliable and worth implementing

    In the aftermath of 9/11, Biometrics has seen a resurgence in

    interest and is now being seriously considered by governments andother organizations as part of their solution for ensuring the identity

    of individuals and protecting their assets

    Biometrics by itself is not the solution, only one part of it

    Biometrics has the potential to be utilized in any application where

    authentication and verification is required and it is only a question oftime before we start to see these systems used in our daily lives

    Use of Biometrics is not the main contributor to security and privacy

    risks, only the inappropriate or inadequate implementation of it is