Bio 11 third_exam_post_labs

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Transcript of Bio 11 third_exam_post_labs

Execrcise 20: Types of Tissues

Epithelial Tissue

Muscular Tissue

How is a synctium brought about?

Through the fusion of multiple uninucleate cells to produce a single multinucleate cell

Connective Tissue

Hyaline Cartilage

present in the nose, larynx, and trachea

skeletal cartilage in the embryos of all vertebrates

skeletal cartilage of adult sharks and rays

Elastic cartilage

external ears,

eustachian tube,



intervertebral disks,

pubic symphysis, disks of knee joint, and pads between

femur and tibia


Bone prepared by the grinding method

Removes the oscteocytes but preserves the extracellular matrix

Vascular Tissue


2-5 or more thin lobes, connected by slender chromatic threads



nuclei stain very faintly, often obscured by cytoplasmic granules; U or J-shaped

Inflammatory reaction


2 oval lobes linked by thread-like chromatin

against helminthic infections


nuclei vary slightly, indented ovals to horse-shoe shaped structure

Becomes macrophage, phagocytic


large, somewhat spherical with some indentations and only slightly concentric position

Antibody production


Erythrocytes Transport of necessary metabolites, wastes, oxygen

Leukocytes Immune system --> for defense

Nervous Tissue

Execrcise 21: Frog Organs


Pigment containing cells

Provides coloration for camouflage, courtship, defense

Cutaneous glands

Also known as mucous glands

Secretes mucous

Keeps skin moist for respiration and protects the frog from predators


Goblet Cells

Secretes mucin which reacts with water to form mucus

Mucus acts to lubricate the internal lining of the intestine

Apocrine secretion


Simple squamous epithelium

Lines all visceral organs as the visceral epithelium

Lines body cavities as parietal epithelium

Stomach1. Tunica mucosa

has inner layer of columnar cells and outer layer of loose connective tissue, the lamina propia

chief cells and parietal cells are found in this layer

2. Muscularis mucosa lies outer to the lamina propia has stratum circulare and stratum longitudinale

3. Tela submucosa contains large blood and lymph vessels

4. Tunica submuscularis thick and made up of circular layer of smooth muscles

5. Subserosa narrow layer of connective tissues containing few longitudinal muscle


6. Tunica serosa made up of loose connective tissue covered with mesothelium


Tunica mucosa lines cavity of lumen made up of simple columnar epithelial cells and goblet cells

Tunica submucosa muscular coat made up of two layers of muscles stratum circulare – thick inner circular layer stratum longitudinale – thin outer longitudinal layer

Tunica serosa outermost covering a thin layer of loose connective tissue covered with mesothelium

Gastric Glands

Neck cells --> secrete mucus

Parietal cells --> secrete gastric acid / Hcl

Zymogenic cells --> secretes the zymogen, pepsinogen

Muscle layers

Muscularis mucosa --> moves the rugae, expels contents of gastric glands and allows for more exposure of epithelia with the chyme

Tunical muscularis --> responsible for gut movement which churns the food


Adrenal gland --> endocrine system

Veins vs. arteries --> thickness of walls

Spinal Cord

Central Canal --> cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Motor Neurons --> soma are spindle shaped, carries motor impulses which causes muscular contraction

Multipolar neuron --> includes all motor neurons and internuerons, long axon, many dendrites