Bingu Wa Mutharika Quotes

Post on 07-Mar-2015

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Bingu wa Mutharika Quotes

Transcript of Bingu Wa Mutharika Quotes

Bingu wa Mutharika Quotes – Sourced from:

" I don’t want to hear of any demonstrations this month because it is a month of prayers" -


" We are extremely worried about reports of arrests of large numbers of people during the

demonstrations, and death threats against several leaders of the protests following President

Bingu wa Mutharika’s announcement via radio that eight people he specifically named would

be arrested ... We urge the Gove..." SOURCE: Law Professor Blogs

" To overthrow a legitimate government is treasonous and you will hear from me soon ... I

will smoke you out wherever you are because you have no right to destroy our peace."


" From the time that I was alive ... I've seen Dr Hastings Banda, Bakili Muluzi, and now Bingu

wa Mutharika. But with Bingu, I've never seen anything like this. Not even under the

federation government. I have never seen anything like Bingu. He does not listen." SOURCE:

Al Jazeera

" Those who did this are thugs and sons of Satan" SOURCE:

" There are similarities in terms of their president and Bingu wa Mutharika ... They're both

using a heavy hand in terms of their governance, in terms of how they want to rule. And also

disregarding other branches of government - the judiciary, the legislature." SOURCE: Al


" If you go back to the streets, I will smoke you out. Enough is enough" SOURCE: BBC News

" There are similarities in terms of their president and Bingu wa Mutharika, their style of

leadership. They're both using a heavy hand in terms of their governance, in terms of how

they want to rule. And also disregarding other branches of government - the judiciary, the

legislature" SOURCE: News24

" Even God knows that I have been the most patient president on the continent. Enough is

enough. You wanted to take government by force, which is against the laws of the land. This

time I will follow you into your homes. I will smoke you out" SOURCE:

" The Office of the President and Cabinet has announced that President Bingu Wa

Mutharika has appointed Brigadier General Henry Odillo as new commander of the Malawi

Defense Force replacing General Marko Chiziko" SOURCE: People's Daily Online

" This time I'll go after you" SOURCE: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

" Police opened fire when looters descended on Chinese-owned shops and offices of the

ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of President Bingu wa Mutharika" SOURCE: 2 weeks ago

" I cannot devalue the kwacha because no one, including the IMF, is giving me convincing

arguments on what will be done to deal with the rise of the cost of living that will follow the

devaluation" SOURCE: International Business Times

" Stop the rioting and let's sit down to discuss ... I have a responsibility, based on the

powers vested in me by the constitution to bring law and order." SOURCE: Rantburg

" I will continue to govern the country ... As mandated by the constitution, the authority to

run government is in my hands and not any other person." SOURCE: The Age

" I would continue to govern the country ... As mandated by the constitution, the authority

to run government is in my hands and not any other person." SOURCE:

" I am asking each one of you, wherever you are, to go back to your homes and stop looting.

By allowing these people to demonstrate violently, have we solved our problems? Do we

have fuel or [foreign exchange]? Is this democracy? Not so." SOURCE: International Business


" It is wrong to go in the streets and demonstrate, instead let us dialog and work out a

solution for these problems" SOURCE: BusinessWeek

" It's certainly not a possibility. What do we apologise for? Here is an envoy who insulted our

country" SOURCE: News24

" I'm a very open person. Some people have dubbed me dictator. They don't know what a

dictator is" SOURCE: News24