Bingo: Meadow Style. The US Constitution is signed this year.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Bingo: Meadow Style. The US Constitution is signed this year.

Bingo:Meadow Style

The US Constitution is signed this year.

Year of the Louisiana Purchase

Time period of the Civil War

Year Jamestown is founded

The Declaration of Independence is signed this year

The first U.S. constitution – drafted in 1781. It didn’t work so well…

Agreement on how the Pilgrims would govern themselves – a first! (1620)

A breakup letter to Great Britain in 1776. (It’s not you, it’s me.)

First 10 Amendments to the Constitution

This is considered the first written constitution in America

A form of government where the people vote for representatives

Power is separated between the state and federal governments

System that allows each branch to overrule another if an action is unconstitutional

A term that means “to keep the government small” and allows citizens more control

Government gets it’s power from the consent of the people

3rd President of the U.S. – main author of the Declaration of Independence

Famous Secretary of the Treasury – shot by Aaron Burr

Famous revolutionary that rode through Boston warning of a British invasion

British General that surrendered at Yorktown

King of England during the Revolutionary War

Term that means “to approve of” or “to validate” (the Constitution)

Term that means “a change in power” (from British to American, in this case)

Term that means “to take back or cancel a law”

A form of protest that urges people not to buy things or services

A tax on an imported good