Bill Talacko. History of the Conflict For around 100 years now the Middle-East has had violent...

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Transcript of Bill Talacko. History of the Conflict For around 100 years now the Middle-East has had violent...

Israeli Palestinian Conflict

Bill Talacko

History of the ConflictFor around 100 years now the Middle-East

has had violent relationshipsNatural resourcesOilNeed for Jewish Homeland

History ContinuedIn the 1920's the British gained power and control in the Middle

East, which when put with the Jewish immigration to Palestine created increasing tension over time. Because of the spoils and winnings of WWI, tensions increased leaving havoc in the Middle East. After WWII the United Nations decided to split up the land of Palestine into two states, which gave the Jews, the smaller faction, the larger amount of land. "The State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14 1948, but the Arab states rejected the partition of Palestine and the existence of Israel. The armies of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Egypt attacked but were defeated by the Israeli army." In conclusion, the Jewish people had gained so much land that over the next fifty years we have had what is formally known as the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, where many countries (mainly Palestine) have been attacking Israel in an attempt to gain back the land that they believe is rightfully theirs.

Palestinians living in Israel150,000 Palestinians live in State of IsraelIsraelis call them “Arab Israelis” instead of

Palestinian citizensPalestinians living in Israel are discriminated

against Israel took over the land, and now is racist

against it’s natural-born people.Even the government is prejudice and thinks

that once a state of Palestine is created all of the Arab Israelis need to leave Israel

Israeli justificationAvigdor Lieberman, from the Yisrael Beiteinu

political party, believes the Palestinians to be disloyal to Israel and therefore should all be sent away from it.

Other Israeli leaders think the same way.

Sources Shah, Anup. “Palestine and Israel.” Global Issues, Updated: 01 Feb. 2009.

Accessed: 18 Jan. 2011. <>

Shah, Anup. “The Middle East conflict—a brief background.” Global Issues, Updated: 30 Jul. 2006. Accessed: 18 Jan. 2011. <>

"Israeli–Palestinian Conflict." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 27 Mar. 2002. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. <–Palestinian_conflict>.