BikeShareKC Executive Summary

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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BikeShareKC Executive Summary Redesign.

Transcript of BikeShareKC Executive Summary

Bike sharing represents an

easy step for the city and

local businesses to begin

improving the community’s

attitude about health.

System Size and Growth

BikeShareKC intends to start the system with 200 bikes and 20 stations from Downtown to Crown Center. In year two, 100 additional bikes and 10 stations will be added in either Midtown or the Plaza. In year three, another 100 bikes and 10 stations will be added to the alternate geographic area. The three target areas, including anticipated bike station locations, have been determined by a detailed GIS analysis performed by local planning firm Vireo. The flexibility of the system (movable stations) ensures that BikeShareKC can adapt the system to promote maximum use and growth as determined by real data and experience.


BikeShareKC will have two initial target users. Professionals who live and work in downtown Kansas City will likely make up the majority of subscribing yearly members, and tourists will likely be the highest users of day passes.

Paying for Bike Share

The initial investment in bike sharing consists of equipment – stations, bikes, and ancillary software and installation costs. BikeShareKC seeks a Presenting Sponsor for the purchase of the initial capital – 200 bikes and 20 stations – and certain related costs for $1.2M. Annual operations for the first three years are anticipated to cost about $600K. BikeShareKC will fund the program through a combination of rider fees (~$300K) and advertising/sponsorship revenue (~$300K). Any excess year-to-year will be reinvested into expansion until the appropriate system size is reached. Initial planned expansion will require additional capital via sponsorship.

Current Partners

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (BCBS) has provided important project support, including funding to create a feasibility study and business plan. BCBS has been a major sponsor of bike sharing programs in other cities.

BikeShare demo at Kansas City’s First Fridays, Summer 2011

BikeShare station kiosks allow for ease of payment

What We NeedIn order to complete this effort, we must plant a seed for major growth. BikeShareKC is a quick, inexpensive way to transform the transportation, health, and environmental landscape of Kansas City. BikeShareKC will encourage thousands of residents, workers and visitors to choose active transportation.

BikeShareKC seeks exceptional help – from fiscal sponsors, in-kind partners, and civic supporters – to make bike sharing a reality in Kansas City. BikeShareKC needs funding for capital equipment purchases, sponsorship for ongoing operating expense, community and civic support for installation and implementation, and general publicity to encourage use of the system by residents and visitors.


BikeShareKC is a spinoff entity of BikeWalkKC, the metro’s premiere cycling and pedestrian advocacy and education nonprofit. BikeShareKC was started in late 2011 and will operate as a Missouri limited liability company. The operator will employ at least 3 full time employees and will contract with 2-3 local businesses for ancillary services (repair, advertising, accounting/legal).

BikeShareKC expects a minimal storefront with most consumer interface via our webpage or via public displays and demonstrations. During winter months, the operation will be shut down and removed to secure storage


Bike sharing is more than just a means of getting from point A to B – it represents innovation, prestige and progress for Kansas City. Our city’s new bike sharing system will be a concrete step toward defining Kansas City as an exciting, vibrant, and inviting city where people want to live, work and play.

BikeShareKC builds on the success of the burgeoning bike sharing concept that has taken root in many US cities. Bike sharing will add major value to Kansas City’s status as a bicycle friendly community, giving residents and visitors more opportunities for active living and encouraging more people to seek active modes of transportation.

Lastly, a portion of the revenue generated by BikeShareKC will be dedicated to funding BikeWalkKC’s ongoing education and encouragement programming in order to increase the overall awareness of bicycling in the Kansas City region. This will encourage even more people to use active transportation – which will encourage implementation of the region’s long-awaited bicycle and greenway plans.

BikeShareKC is a project of BikeWalkKC, the preeminent advocacy and education organization for bicycling and walking in Greater Kansas City. BikeWalkKC is the unified voice for active living, promoting a healthy, safe and accessible outdoor experience for all in a vibrant, engaged community. We work to improve the quality of life and economy of the region by improving residents’ options for transportation, recreation, and fitness.