Big Family Small World

Post on 07-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Big Family Small World

Series 1 Episode 1 - Meeting FriendsJohnny: Hello! Hello? Excuse me! Excuse me?Olivia: Just sit down anywhere they dont have waiters in here!Johnny: Oh, ok, is it ok if I sit here?Olivia: Sure...but youll need to go to the counter if you want anything...Johnny: Actually, Im not really here to eat, or anything. Im supposed to be meeting someone.Olivia: Well, wait here long enough, most of London will come in...Johnny: Sorry?Olivia: Just joking.Sarah: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?Olivia: I cant see anyone!Sarah: Sorry?Olivia: Just joking. Go ahead, sit down.Sarah: Thanks.Olivia: You might be waiting a while if you sit here.Sarah: Sorry?Olivia: There are no waiters here people usually just go up to the counter and order whatever they want.Sarah: Oh...well...Im just supposed to be meeting someone here actually...Olivia: Not him, by any chance?Sarah: Who?Olivia: This guy here!Johnny: Hello!Sarah: Oh. No...Johnny: No...I am waiting to meet someone...but not you! Where are you from, anyway?Sarah: Well, I live in London now, but Im originally from Shanghai.Johnny: Thought so! Im from Hong Kong.Olivia: Sorry to interrupt..but who are you both waiting for?Johnny: Im waiting for my friend Harry...Sarah: ...and Im waiting for my friend Magda...Olivia: How interesting!Johnny: Erm...whys that interesting?Olivia: Because Harry and Magda are both friends of mine as well, and right now Im waiting for both of them too...and here they are!All: HelloOlivia: Lets make this easier - Im Olivia!Johnny: Im Johnny. Im a friend of...Harry: ...mine. Hes a friend of mine. Im Harry.Sarah: Ok! Im Sarah, and Im a friend of...Magda: ...mine! Im Magda. Nice to meet you!Olivia: This is complicated, isnt it? Shall I get some tea? I think well need a big pot, this might take some time. So, how do we all know each other..?Series 1 Episode 2 - Job offerHarry:So how are things going, mate?Johnny: Good. Things are good. Im really enjoying my job... lots of work, but Ill be rich in three years!Harry: You work all the time. I dont know how you manage it. You should take a break some time, come and play football with me!Johnny: Too busy, mate, too busy. Venture capital its so exciting right now. All the opportunities opening up in China. And Im here to make the most of it! You should think about changing your job, Harry get a piece of the action!Harry: Youre right... I'm always thinking about changing jobs... but I only know about computers, nothing else.Johnny:There are lots of computer experts around. You need to specialise!Harry:Perhaps youre right, but I really like my job.Johnny: Is the money good?Harry:Not bad...Johnny: But not good?Harry: Well, I could find a job that pays more, but I would enjoy it less...Johnny: You could come and work for our company!Harry:Hmmm... is that an offer?Johnny:Yes... Im serious! Listen, Ill have a word with the human resources people tomorrow. I know there are some vacancies at the moment in the IT team... youd easily get it. Have to go now, see you soon.Harry: Yeah, cheers, see you mate.Olivia: Hi there! You on your own?Harry:Yeah, Johnnys just gone off to work...Olivia: As always. Never stops, that boy.Harry: Talking of which, what are you doing here? Shouldnt you be in the shop?Olivia:Im just taking a break. Im fed up of standing in that shop selling shoes all day, to tell you the truth.Harry: Theyre very nice shoes, though.Olivia: All hand made, of course. But, like I say, I dont want to spend the rest of my life running that shop.Harry:You could sell your shoes on the web.Olivia:Thats right! Ive thought about that already...Harry: Have you got anybody to set up a website for you?Olivia: No but I did think... I was wondering... I dont suppose....Harry:What?Olivia: ...that youd be interested?Harry: Me? Do your website for you?Olivia:Well, yeah... Id like someone I know... someone I can trust...Harry: Well, I guess I could do it, sure... Ill have to think...Olivia: Hi Fadi! How are you doing? Do you know my friend Harry?Fadi: No... nice to meet you!Harry: Yeah... you too... cheers.Olivia:Fadi works in the restaurant business, dont you Fadi?Fadi: Well, sort of, not exactly... we supply food to lots of restaurants, but... I tell you... its a nightmare at the moment...Olivia:Oh dear. Whats the problem?Fadi: Well, theres just too much work really... cant keep up. Its my dads business, but hes getting old now. My uncle works with us too, but hes not really interested, so its all up to me... I cant keep track of whats coming in and going out...Harry: Sounds like you need a better stock management system!Fadi:Yeah! Thats exactly what I was thinking how did you know that?Harry: Thats my job, innit? I set up computerised stock management systems, all kinds of business IT solutions...Fadi: Wow! Thats brilliant! Listen... seriously now... would you be interested in some work?Harry:Erm... well... yeah!.... Thats three job offers in the last five minutes! What should I do?Series 1 Episode 3 - Kicked Out!Olivia: Hi there Harry!
Harry: Hello Olivia. Hows it going?
Olivia: Not bad...what are you reading?
Harry: Just checking the jobs page of the local newspaper...
Olivia: More? I thought you already had too many job offers to choose from...
Harry: Well, I have...but theres no harm in looking, is there?
Olivia: Suppose not.
Harry: Youve got to know whats going on...
Magda: Keep ahead of the game!
Harry: Exactly!
Magda: I think the internet is a better place to look for jobs, though...
Harry: Youre probably right, but I spend all day sitting in front of computers. Its nice to have a change every now and then. So, Olivia, any more thoughts on what we talked about... your website?
Olivia: I said, Id love you to do it!
Harry: Great Id love to do it. Now then, normally, for a job like that, Id ask about a grand...
Olivia: A grand!
Magda: Whats a grand??
Olivia: A thousand pounds.
Magda: Phew! That sounds like a lot...
Olivia: It is!
Harry: It isnt really...thats what these things cost now...if you take into account the work Ill have to put into it, and all my time...
Olivia: Maybe...
Harry: But anyway, because were friends, Ill do it for say, seven fifty...?
Olivia: Seven hundred and fifty...hmm...well...can you let me think about that? Ill get back to you in a day or two.
Harry: Sure! No probs!
Fadi: Hi
All: Hi there!
Fadi: Hang on, Ill just get a coffee and then Ill be with you......ok, cheers! So, hows it going?
All: Good...fine...not bad!
Fadi: Harry thought any more about that offer?
Harry: Sure, yeah... Im up for it! Ill do it, no problems.
Fadi: Great, we really need it. What kind of costs are we looking at?
Harry: Well, the basic package will be fifteen hundred...
Fadi: Hmmmm....
Harry: Then for upgrades and maintenance, well, up to two five...
Fadi: Two thousand five hundred quid?
Magda: Quid?
Olivia: Pounds.
Fadi: You dont come cheap, do you Harry?
Harry: Im good at my job.
Fadi: Ill have to have a word with my uncle...see if I can clear it with him. Ill get back to you.
All: Hi there!
Olivia: Whats up Sarah?
Sarah: Just had some bad news...
Magda: Oh no! Whats the matter?
Sarah: Ive just been kicked out of my flat!
All: Oh no!
Magda: Kicked out?
Olivia: She has to leave...find another place to live...Series 1 Episode 4 - We Have a Mission!Harry: Well Sarah, heres the paper...I was looking at jobs...but youll need the accommodation page!
Olivia: Hmmm, not very sensitive, Harry...
Harry: Have to go now...see you all!
All: Bye!
Olivia: Whats the problem with your flat, then Sarah?
Sarah: Well, I was renting a room in a shared house, but now the landlord has decided to sell the house, so we all have to move out...
Magda: Oh no...that can be really difficult in London. Its so expensive here...
Sarah: I know, Im not sure Ill be able to afford it...
Olivia: Tell me about it!
Sarah: About what?
Olivia: Sorry...I just mean, I know how expensive life is!
Sarah: Whys that?
Magda: Olivia wants Harry to set up a website for her, but hes asked for loads of money!
Fadi: too!
Magda: I think hes greedy.
Fadi: Im not sure about that...hes a professional after all. Hes right to ask a reasonable amount for his work.
Olivia: Youre just like him, I can see...only interested in money!
Magda: Yeah, thats right...
Fadi: Leave off...Im not only interested in money. I like football too...
Olivia: I dont think I can afford it, but I dont know how to say no without offending him now.
Sarah: Do you think hell be offended?
Olivia: Perhaps...
Fadi: I shouldnt worry. Hes not a very sensitive guy, is he?
Olivia: No! I like him, though...
Fadi: Oh yeah?
Olivia: Not in that way...hes just a friend...
Fadi: Just a friend, eh?
Olivia: Are you jealous?
Fadi: Get out of here! Course Im not. Ive got lots of girlfriends...
Magda: And they only ever last for two weeks!
Fadi: I like to keep them keen!
Sarah: Oh yeah, sure...
Fadi: Listen, Olivia, if it makes it easier for you, I think Im going to take Harry up on his offer. Ill get him to do some work for me, then it wont matter if you turn him down.
Sarah: I do some work for a website, Olivia. Its called its for the Chinese community in Britain. I could find out who does their website they might be cheaper.
Olivia: Could you do that for me? Id be really grateful.
Sarah: Sure, no problem.
Olivia: And well try and help you find a flat!
Sarah: Thanks!
Magda: How long have you got before you have to move out?
Sarah: Only a month.
Magda: Thats not long.
Fadi: Ill ask around, see if anyone I know has a room free in their house...
Magda: Ill do the same thing...
Olivia: Me too!
Magda: Ok everyone...we have a mission!
Fadi: Find Sarah a place to live!
Olivia: And tell Harry hes greedy!
Sarah: I think this might be difficult....
Magda: What? Finding you a flat, or upsetting Harry?
Sarah: Both!Series 1 Episode 5 - Fadi to the RescueJohnny: Hi
Harry: Hi
Harry: Could we get two cappuccinos please?
Tony: Ok...sit down and Ill bring them over to you.
Harry: Cheers...
Johnny: So, listen, I had a word with the IT department about that job that Id mentioned, and theyd like you to come in for a chat sometime...
Harry: A chat?
Johnny: Well, yeah, you know, not really a formal interview,, a chat, so they can get to know you, and see what youre like, and stuff...
Harry: But theres no real job on offer...
Johnny: Well, no, perhaps not as yet, not exactly...
Harry: Hmmm, Im not sure.
Johnny: Go on! What have you got to lose?
Harry: I guess youre right...
Johnny: And its a good company to work for...lots of prospects...great bonuses! And you get to work with me!
Harry: OK, when can I come in?
Olivia: Hi
All: Hi!
Johnny: Tomorrow I guess...
Olivia: Tomorrow what? What are you two planning in secret?
Harry: Olivia, you are so nosey! You always have to know everything about everyone else....
Olivia: Just natural curiosity...
Johnny: Harrys coming to work with me!
Olivia: Thats great!
Harry: Hang on, hang on...its not definite yet...
Olivia: Im sure youll get the job! Well done!
Harry: Slow down, will you!
Olivia: That means youll be too busy to do my website for me...
Harry: Im sure I can squeeze you in...
Olivia: I wouldnt want to overwork you!
Harry: Well see, eh?
Olivia: OK, but dont lose any sleep over it.
All: Hi Sarah!
Johnny: Hows the flat-hunting going?
Sarah: Oooooppphhhh....Im exhausted. Ive been going round the city all day, looking at flats.
Olivia: And no success?
Sarah: No success at all.
Harry: Whats the problem?
Sarah: Theyre all too small, or too dark, or too far away, or too expensive, or there are weird flatmates...
Harry: Youll have to compromise at some point....
Sarah: Yeah, I guess so, but I dont want to live in a complete dump, and it seems that I cant afford much more.
Fadi: Hello all!
All: Hi Fadi!
Harry: Hows it going mate?
Fadi: Im fine here, but why are you lot all looking so glum?
Olivia: Sarah still cant find a place to live.
Harry: Olivias fed up because I cant do her website for her!
Johnny: Harrys not enthusiastic about working with me!
Fadi: Great...Well, Ill just have to try and solve all your problems, then, wont I?Series 1 Episode 6 - He's a pest!Olivia: Joe! Can you stop that please! Can you please come here and sit down!
Magda: Hello there, Olivia. Whos this?
Olivia: This is Joe hes my nephew.
Magda: Nephew?
Olivia: My sisters son.
Magda: Oh! I see. Hes lovely! I love children...
Olivia: Yeah, theyre great until you have to look after them...
Magda: Youre looking after him?
Olivia: Yeah, just for today, fortunately. My sister cant get a babysitter. But Joe comes to my shop quite often. He loves it there...unfortunately!
Magda: Whys that unfortunate?
Olivia: Because hes a pest, thats why...
Magda: Whats a pest?
Olivia: Somebody or something which makes you angry...
Magda: No!! I dont believe it! Hes so sweet! How old is he?
Olivia: Four, nearly five.
Fadi: Whoooaaaa! Slow down there, little man! Whos this?
Olivia: Fadi, meet Joe.
Magda: Hes Olivias nephew. And a sweet little pest!
Fadi: Oh really! I didnt know you were Aunt Olivia!
Olivia: Thank you very much Fadi. You make me feel old. Listen, have you had a chat with Harry yet?
Fadi: About work?
Olivia: Yeah.
Fadi: No, not yet, but Im supposed to talk to him today. He said hed be in here later.
Olivia: Listen, though, its not true what Harry was saying...
Fadi: About what?
Olivia: About me being upset if he cant do the website for my shop...I dont mind if he cant do it! He wanted far too much money. I could never have afforded it. Now its ok, because he thinks hes turning me down...I dont have to offend him by saying no! A happy result all round!
Fadi: I I dont have to bail you out, after all?
Olivia: No!
Olivia: Joe, can you stop that please? Come over here!
Fadi: ...and here he is!
Harry: Alright mate! Alright Olivia, Magda...whos this young man?
Olivia: My nephew, Joe.
Harry: Hello Joe!
Harry: Hes very...erm...whats the word...energetic?
Olivia: I just call him trouble!
Harry: So, Fadi, you wanted to talk business?
Fadi: Yeah, finally...well, Ive got the all clear from my uncle, so were on.
Harry: Great.
Fadi: But...
Harry: Theres always a but!
Fadi: Youre going to have to do us a favour and come down on the price, mate...
Harry: What price did I quote you?
Fadi: Two thousand five hundred.
Harry: Well, seeing as youre a friend, I could come down to two thousand four hundred, but not less than that.
Fadi: We can offer two thousand. Thats our top limit. We dont have a bigger budget than that.
Harry: Come on! Youre joking!
Fadi: Sorry mate. Its two thousand, or nothing.
Harry: No way. Cant be done. Ive got to go to go and see Johnny hes offered me a real job...bye all!
Fadi: Oh no, do you think hes really upset now?
Olivia: I dont think upset is the word....
Fadi: We can go a bit higher actually...I was just trying to be a tough negotiator.
Magda: A bit too tough, I think.
Olivia: You should never mix work and friendship, anyway.
Magda: And you probably shouldnt have a business meeting in a caf!
Fadi: Oh no. What a mess. Id better go. Hang on..wheres my...where are my....I cant find my mobile! Or my keys! Has anyone seen them?
Magda: Lets look under the seats...they must be here somewhere...
Fadi: I cant see anything.
Magda: No sign.
Olivia: How strange...hang on a minute, my nephews been terribly quiet for the last five minutes...whats he up to...Joe!!!Series 1 Episode 7 - Cheer up!Fadi: Morning Olivia!
Olivia: Hello there!
Fadi: Do you live here?
Olivia: How do you mean?
Fadi: Its just that every time I come in here, youre here...its like you live here or something...
Olivia: Just taking a break thats all...
Fadi: Youre always taking a break.
Olivia: Well my shops next door, so its so easy just to pop in here when things are quiet...
Fadi: Wheres the little thief today?
Olivia: Who? Oh! You mean my little nephew Joe...
Fadi: Exactly...the sweet little pest!
Olivia: Hes with his mum, my sister, today, youll be relieved to know.
Fadi: Has Harry been in today?
Olivia: He dropped by the shop before. Said he might pop in here later for a coffee.
Fadi: I think hes angry with me, perhaps I should avoid him for a bit.
Olivia: Whys he angry with you?
Fadi: Oh, you know, we argued about money he was going to do that job for me...
Olivia: Oh yeah, but dont worry. Im sure hes not really angry. And even if he is, hell soon forget it. You know what hes like!
Fadi: Yeah, I guess so. Ill just let it drop.
Fadi and Olivia: Hi there!
Sarah and Magda: Hello
Fadi: Cheer up! Whats up with you two?
Sarah: Just the usual...
Olivia: Hows the flat-hunting going Sarah?
Sarah: Still nothing. I really need somewhere to live. Im getting desperate. Ill end up homeless if things dont get better!
Olivia: Oh come on, its not that bad...
Sarah: No, of course its not, but...its so difficult to find a place...
Fadi: Im glad you showed up I wanted to talk to you about that...
Sarah: Oh yeah?
Fadi: Yeah - Ive heard of something that might interest you...
Sarah: Great! What is it?
Fadi: A cousin of mine has a spare room in his house.
Olivia: A cousin of many people are there in your family...?
Fadi: A lot!
Sarah: That sounds good...can I look at the flat?
Fadi: Ill call him now.
Olivia: Are you sure about moving in there?
Sarah: Look, I really need a place, urgently, and itll be ok, Im sure...
Olivia: Lots of opportunities to see Fadi....
Sarah: You are such a terrible gossip!
Johnny: Theres Fadi, always stuck to that phone, always working...or perhaps its girls!
Olivia: Actually, hes helping Sarah to find a flat.
Johnny: Oh. Ok. Good. Well hello! Whats up? Why does everyone look so glum here?
Sarah: Im still trying to find a flat...
Magda: And I finish my degree soon, which means I have to get a job, or go back to Poland.
Johnny: And you want to stay here in London?
Magda: Yeah, but its so difficult to get a job.
Olivia: Thats not true, there are lots of jobs around...
Magda: Yes, but I dont want to just work in a bar or a caf or a shop...
Olivia: Oh thanks!
Magda: Sorry! I know you work in a shop, but...thats different..its your own shop, and you sell such special things, those lovely handmade shoes! But usually, you know, shopwork isnt great..
Olivia: Tell me about it...
Sarah: But youll be a trained architect, wont you?
Magda: Yes, exactly...but its not easy to get work as an architect. Theres a lot of competition here in London
Johnny: You should go to China...lots of opportunities there right now, lots of building.
Fadi: Listen, Sarah, I spoke to my cousin and we can go round to have a look at the flat this afternoon if you like...
Sarah: We?
Fadi: Well, Ill go with you, show you where it is...
Sarah: Erm, ok...Thanks!
Olivia: Told you so!
Magda: Well you might have solved your problem then...but I might not be here much longer!Series 1 Episode 8 - I'll Be Rich In Three Years!Magda:So, did you see the flat?Sarah:Yeah, its great...really spacious, really light, good location near a tube station and not too expensive!Magda:Sounds perfect. Theres got to be a catch...Sarah:Well, Fadis cousin is the owner...Magda:Thats not a problem, is it?, I dont think so...He seems ok...Magda:You dont sound sure...Sarah:No, really, hes ok. And I really need a new place!Magda:So you think youll move in?Sarah:Yeah, certainly. Already decided....I move in on Saturday!Magda:Great!Johnny:Hi! Magda andSarah:Hi there Johnny! Come and have a seat! Hows it going?Johnny:Great thanks...just waiting for Harry.Sarah:You two are hanging out together all the time at the moment...Johnny:Were good mates, we get on really well...Magda:Isnt Harry working for you as well now?Johnny:No!!! Hes working with me, not for me...theres a very big difference!Magda:Whats that?Johnny:Well, if he was working for me, that means Id be his boss! But hes working with me, which means that we work for the same company, thats all.Magda:Im not sure Id want to be in the same office as you and Harry! What do you do, talk about football all the time?Johnny:No! We dont even work in the same office!Magda:Sorry, only joking...I didnt mean to be rude, but I think its a good idea to keep friends and work separate...Sarah:Mmm, I agree...Johnny:You could be right but we dont actually work together closely. Its a big company you know, and Harry works on the IT side. Im at the front of the operation searching out opportunities, winning contracts, clinching deals...Magda:Alright for you then!Johnny:Ill be rich in three years...Magda:Thats what you always say! There are more important things in life than money, you know!Sarah:Magda, dont worry...not all Chinese people are like that. We dont only care about money!Johnny:Maybe, but all I mean is, well, I know where Im going...Magda:Lucky you...I wish I did...Im about to finish my degree and havent got anything lined up for the future yet...Sarah:Oh dear...nothing at all?Magda:Well, Ive got an interview with a small architects practice next week...Sarah:Thats great news! Well done!Magda:Yeah...but...Im really worried about it! Ive never done a job interview before. Can you give me some advice?Sarah:Erm...I guess I could help...Ive done one or two interviews...Johnny:Ill tell you all you need to know! Dont worry. Just listen to me, take my advice and youll definitely get the job!Magda:Oh, er, well, great...Johnny:But I cant tell you to go...Sarah:Where are you off to in such a hurry?Johnny:Got an appointment with the boys, havent I? Fadi and Harry - were all playing football this evening. Bye!Sarah:Bye!!

Series 1 Episode 9 - Aaagghhh...My Injured Leg!Johnny: Oucchh!! Be careful!

Fadi: All right, all right...Im trying..youre heavy!
Harry: Hell need his crutch...hang you go...ok...can you sit down now?
Johnny: Yeah...I think so.
Olivia: Oh my goodness!! What has happened?
Sarah: Johnny! What have you done to your leg?
Johnny: Sporting injury. Sarah: Oh no! What happened?
Johnny: Well, we were playing and the boys...
Harry/Fadi: We were...thats right...
Johnny: And I was Sun Jihai, from Manchester City...
Harry: I was Drogba, from Chelsea...
Fadi: And I was David Beckham, of course...
Sarah: So you were playing football, and Johnny got injured?
Harry/Johnny/Fadi: Ermm...
Olivia: Did someone kick him?
Fadi: No... Sarah: Did he fall over?
Harry: Not exactly... Olivia: Well what happened then?
Fadi: It wasnt really a sporting injury...
Sarah: Go on! Johnny: It was kind of a sporting injury...
Fadi: But wed actually finished playing football...
Harry: And we decided to go to the pub for a drink...
Fadi: And as we were walking there...
Johnny: I slipped and fell over.
Olivia/Sarah: What???
Olivia: Thats ridiculous!
Sarah: Thats hilarious!
Johnny: Hmmpph. Thank you very much. Here comes Magda, at least shell give me some sympathy...hi Magda!
Magda: Hi Johnny...oh dear! What happened to your leg?
Johnny: Long story...dont really want to talk about it...
Olivia: Really Magda, its better if you dont know.
Sarah: Just dont ask! Well tell you later...dont worry!
Magda: Erm, ok then...sure..listen, Johnny, I was hoping you were going to give me some interview you remember? I have an important interview next week...
Johnny: Oh sure, yeah, I remember. Yes, good idea Ill give you some tips. Itll help take my mind off this injury...So, interviews, well, first thing make sure you dress smartly.
Magda: How do you mean smartly?
Johnny: Well, wear a suit...a grey one...
Magda: A womans suit?
Johnny: know the kind of thing, skirt and a jacket...
Magda: Ok...
Sarah: Erm, Im not sure thats always right, depends on the company, surely.
Magda: How do you mean?
Sarah: Well, if youre going to a company where everybody wears smart suits like the kind of people Johnny works with then, yeah, you should wear a suit. But if the company youre applying to isnt the kind of company where everyone wears suits all the time...
Olivia: Where people dress more casually...
Sarah: dont want to look overdressed, too formal...
Magda: No, I guess not...
Olivia: You just need to look like you fit in!
Johnny: Yeah, thats good advice. But you have to know first, and thats the second thing I wanted to say research the company! Find out as much about them as you can! Dont let them ask all the questions...
Sarah: Yes, thats right they always give you a chance to ask a question, so ask an intelligent question!
Johnny: Just one or two questions are enough, no more than that.
Sarah: Yeah, to make you sound interested, and look interested...
Johnny: Precisely look interested. Body language. Its really important. Make sure you lookthe interviewers in the eyes....
Sarah: But dont stare at them!
Magda: No.
Johnny: But show youre confident, and you know what youre talking about...
Magda: Thats the problem...Im not sure that I do!
Johnny: Oh, and dont be late for the interview! Plan to get there early.
Magda: So much advice, so much to think about...its making me more nervous, not less!
Olivia: Oh dear...
Sarah: Dont worry, thats the important thing. Relax and enjoy it! Whats that?
Olivia: Oh, I forgot to tell you all my nephew Joe is here again today...
Fadi: I remember Joe...hes the little boy whos always exactly!
Olivia: Joe! Slow down please! Joe! Please be careful!
Magda: Hes so sweet...
Johnny: Hes sweet as long as he doesnt come near my...aaaagghhhh!!!! injured leg!!

Series 1 Episode 10 - You'll be a shoo-in!Olivia: Hows the leg Johnny?
Johnny: A bit better thanks...Ive got the plaster off it now, but I still need the crutch.
Olivia: Good to hear...
Johnny: Your nephew young Joe didnt help...hes not here today is he? I need to recover!
Olivia: No, dont worry...Im not looking after him today. Hes with my sister.
Harry: Hello there!
Olivia: Hi Harry!
Johnny: Hi there workmate!
Olivia: Hows it going, Harry?
Harry: Erm...not bad...
Olivia: You dont sound so sure...
Harry: No, really, everythings fine...
Johnny: Everything ok at work? I dont get to see you much...
Harry: Well, Im always busy, you know...
Johnny: Oh yeah, I know...busy busy busy. Thats me, too! Got to go right now...just to the doctors though, hes having another look at my leg, making sure its ok...
Olivia: Bye then Johnny! Hope it goes well!
Johnny: Me too! Whoops.......Magda! Watch out!
Magda: Oh, sorry Johnny!
Johnny: Owwww!
All: Oh no!
Magda: Oh! I stepped on your toe!
Johnny: Dont worry...never mind...nothing serious...Ill get better! Good job Im going to the doctors right now! Bye!
Magda: Oh no! I feel so bad!
Harry: Dont worry about it, hes not really that bad! He hasnt broken any bones or anything.
Olivia: Hes just a bit of an actor, thats all...
Harry: Tell me about it...hes terrible at work! I try and avoid him...
Olivia: Oh no! Why?
Harry: He just talks about his work all the time, about how important he is, and how rich hes going to gets boring...
Olivia: But are you getting on with him ok, otherwise?
Harry: Yeah, I guess so...they really make me work hard for my money though...
Olivia: Do you think youll stay with that job?
Harry: For a bit, I guess. Ill have to see how it goes, long term...
Magda: Isnt anyone going to ask about my interview?!
Olivia: Oh yes...sorry! Of, how did it go?
Magda: Im not sure...ok I think...its difficult to say...
Harry: What questions did they ask you?
Magda: The usual ones...why I want this job, what I can bring to their company...
Olivia: Did you answer all the questions?
Magda: Sure...yes.
Harry: Did you ask a question?
Magda: Yes...I only got a chance to ask one, so I asked them how far Id be free to follow my own projects as part of the job.
Olivia: Good question.
Harry: What did you wear?
Magda: A suit, like Johnny told me to! Black jacket, trousers...
Olivia: Did you arrive on time?
Magda: I was perfectly punctual!
Harry: Youll be a shoo-in!
Magda: Sorry? A what?
Harry: A shoo-in! It means youre certain to get the job!
Magda: Well, I hope so.......Oh no! Its them...theyll be calling to tell me if I got the job or not....

Series 1 Episode 11 - I'm an architect!

Magda: (talking into phone) Sookhmm...yeah! Thats great news!
Olivia: So? Did you get the job?
Magda: Yes!!!
All: Hooray!! Fantastic! Well done!!
Magda: But...
Harry: Theres always a but...
Magda: Its only on a trial basis...just for a month.
Harry: Ok, thats pretty normal actually. Most companies do that.
Olivia: But they are paying you, yes?
Magda: Oh yes, the salary isnt bad. Its not an internship.
Harry: I did internships for ages...had to work for a month to get experience no pay! and then I never got offered the real job at the end. Like now! Im doing this work for Johnnys company they want me to work at weekends too Saturdays and Sundays with no extra money!
Olivia: Thats terrible!
Harry: I dont know what to do...I want to say no, but Im afraid Ill lose the job...
Olivia: Youll have to think carefully about it!
Magda: Or youll be trying to do an internship again!!! Only joking! It can be important to do an internship if you want to get experience things to put on your CV...
Harry: Yeah, I guess youre right, but Im past that stage...Ive got lots of experience now.
Magda: Im really worried though, about my first day, really nervous. I might be terrible!
Olivia: Dont worry Magda, youll be great. Show them how good you are in the first month and theyll be offering you more money by the second month!
Magda: Lets hope so!
Harry: What are you going to be doing exactly?
Magda: Well, its a lot of admin work..but I do get a chance to work with the senior partners on some designs.
Harry: Great...What is it you do again?
Olivia: Harry! How come you always forget this stuff?
Magda: Architecture! Im an architect! I design buildings!
Harry: Oh yeah, right, of course...
Sarah: Shes a good one too, Harry Ive seen some of her drawings. I keep on telling her that she should go to China there are lots of opportunities there at the moment.
Magda: Maybe, one day. Thatd be really interesting...How are you, Sarah?
Sarah: OK...
Harry: Hows the new flat?
Sarah: Thats the problem...
Olivia: Oh no! Youve only just moved in!
Magda: I thought the flat was great...
Sarah: The flat is nice, but the problem is the landlord...
Olivia: Isnt that Fadis cousin?
Sarah: Yes, exactly...but hes really intrusive.
Magda: Intrusive?
Sarah: He comes round all the time, wants to know everything about me. I think that if I pay rent, thats it, I shouldnt have to tell him anything else.
Olivia: I see...thats not on, is it? Have you mentioned it to Fadi?
Sarah: No, I dont know how to. He was so kind helping me get the place. I dont want to seem rude.
Olivia: Would you like me to have a word with him?
Sarah: Could you? Thatd be really great. Id really appreciate it.
Olivia: Ill say something the next time I see him! Promise!

Series 1 Episode 12 - Good News & Bad News

Olivia: Hi Magda! How was your first day?Magda: Fantastic!Olivia: Really!? Im amazed...Sarah: Yeah, you were so worried about your new job...Magda: Well, I had some good news...Olivia: Yeah? What?All: Hi Johnny!Johnny: Hi! Ive got some good news...Sarah: Makes two of you then!Johnny: At least I think its good news...Im not really sure...Olivia: Tell us!Magda: Cant I tell you my good news first?Sarah: Wow, this is getting complicated...and Im afraid Ive only got some bad news...Magda: Oh no...what a shame! Whats the problem?Olivia: Yeah, go on, bad news first, then the good news will cheer us up!Sarah: OK, well, I had a row with my landlord, finally! And Im moving out...Magda: Oh no!Sarah: Oh yes! So, I need a new flat...Olivia: Again!!!Magda: Oh dear...Olivia: What a shame. I hoped it was going to work out...Sarah: Yeah, but I didnt get on with the landlord.Magda: Have you told Fadi yet?Sarah: No...Im worried what he might think. The landlord is his cousin, after all...Olivia: Well, lets just wait until he comes in. I was going to tell him you werent happy now Ill tell him youre leaving!Magda: Is it good news time yet?Sarah: Yes! Go on! Whats your good news?Magda: Ive been offered a job!Johnny: Me too!Olivia: Hang on! Wait a minute! Youve already got a job, havent you Magda?Sarah: And you have too, Johnny, havent you? You talk about it all the time...Magda/Johnny: But...Magda: Go on...!Johnny: No, you first, please...Magda: Ive been offered a permanent job, with the same company! Ill be a proper architect!Olivia: Wow! Thats fantastic!Magda: But...Olivia: Theres always a but...Magda: I have to get a distinction in my masters degree...Sarah: Phew...thats not easy...Magda: No, but Im doing well...Olivia: Fingers crossed then...Sarah: Lets hope!Johnny: Thats amazing Ive got the same news!Olivia: What? Youre going to be an architect?Johnny: No!Sarah: Youre doing a masters degree?Johnny: No!Magda: What then?Johnny: A job...Ive been offered a new job!Olivia: Yes, you said...Johnny: And theres a but...Olivia: I told you there was always a but...Johnny: Its not in London...Olivia: Youd have to leave...Johnny: Yeah...Olivia: Well, where is it? New York?Johnny: No...Magda: Paris? Berlin? Where?Johnny: Its back in China.Sarah: Oh...Beijing? Shanghai?Johnny: No, its in Chongqing.Olivia: Where?Johnny: Chongqing!Magda:: Wheres that?Sarah: Southwest China. Its a really interesting place...growing really quickly...Johnny: Yeah, its a great opportunity...Olivia: But?Johnny: But I love it here so much. Im not sure I want to go back to China yet Id miss all my friends...Olivia: Youll have to choose!Sarah: Its big decision time! Oh comes Fadi....and Harry.All: Hi Fadi! Hi Harry!Fadi: Hows it going everyone?Olivia: Dont ask...Magda: Ive been offered a new job, a really good job if I get a good degree!Johnny: Ive been offered a new job, a really good job but I have to go back to China!Harry: Wow! Busy day everyones having...Ive got some news too...Olivia: Oh no...Harry: Oh yes Ive been sacked!Magda: Sacked?Harry: Yes Ive lost my job, been made redundant, unemployed, no longer working!Magda: Oh no!Harry: Dont worry I dont care. I hated that job anyway. Ill soon find another job. A man with my skills and abilities is always in demand!Johnny: Somebody from my company sacked you? Why?Harry: I told them I wasnt going to work at the weekend Saturdays and Sundays. If I worked on Saturday and Sunday, when could I play football!? So I said no, and they said goodbye...Magda:: What will you do now?Harry: I have absolutely no idea! The future is an open book...Sarah: Very poetic!Fadi: Well Sarah, at least youre ok...with your new flat and everything...Sarah: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that...cousinFadi: You wanted to talk to me?Olivia: (whispering) Yeah, well, you see, Sarahs a bit embarrassed...Fadi: (whispering) Whats up?Olivia: She wants to leave the new flat...she doesnt get on well with the landlord...Fadi: My cousin.Olivia: Yes, your cousin.Fadi: Im not surprised!Olivia: Eh?Fadi: I said Im not surprised! My cousins horrible! I cant stand him!Olivia: (laughs) Oh thats a relief...Fadi: Sarah Im sorry if I got you involved with my cousin...I thought you were desperate for a place to live...I know my cousins horrible!Sarah: Oh, never mind Fadi thanks for trying to help anyway...Now I need a new place to live though...Magda:: If I get this job, Ill have more money we could get a place together...Sarah: Thatd be great...Johnny: If I take the job in China, Ill have to leave my flat...Sarah: And we could move in...Olivia: What a lot of ifs...Sarah: Its exciting...Magda:: But also worrying...Johnny: And confusing...Harry: And thats not all...Fadi: What?Harry: Ive just been speaking to the owner of the caf...Olivia: And?Harry: Theyre closing down next week!All: What!!?? Ohthats terribleno....what are we all going to do??Series 2 Episode 1 - Fingers CrossedOlivia:Hey! Good to see you again!
Sarah/Magda:Hey! You too!
Harry: Hello Sarah, hi Magda....
Sarah: How are you Olivia? Harry! Great to see you too...
Olivia: Fine, fine thanks, all well. Tony!? Could we have some coffees over here please?
Tony: Ok, ok...hold on...Im rushed off my feet here...
Harry: Hes always so miserable, so grumpy that guy....
Olivia: Hes not really, its just his way...
Harry: Ill believe you then...his coffees always good!
Olivia: So, how are you two getting on?
Magda: Fine. Its great, weve got this really nice flat...
Sarah: We moved into Harrys old place...
Olivia: Yeah, I remember. Hows it going? No problems? Still friends? Its not always easy sharing a flat...
Sarah/Magda: No, no problems...
Sarah: except she leaves the top off the toothpaste tube
Magda: ...and she spends too much time watching soap operas on tv!
Sarah: No, really, were getting along fine.
Magda: The only problem is the rent...
Sarah: Its really expensive.
Magda: I still need to find that proper job, and that depends on me getting the right degree results...
Olivia: Yeah, I remember you telling me. When will you find out?
Magda: Next week.
Olivia: Fingers crossed, then!
Magda: Fingers what?
Olivia: Crossed. Its what we say when we hope for something good to happen.
Magda: Oh, ok...fingers crossed!
Olivia: Has anybody heard from Johnny? Sarah?
Sarah: Just because were both Chinese doesnt mean we keep in touch all the time, you know! There are a lot of people in China! (laughs)
Olivia: Of course...sorry...I just thought...
Sarah: He was more of a friend of yours, wasnt he Harry?
Harry: Yeah, were good mates. I hear from him all the time.
Sarah: Hows he doing?
Harry: Hes still in Chongqing with his new job. He says its really interesting, really exciting, but he misses us and he wants to come back to London!
Magda: Fingers crossed!
Sarah: And how about you Harry? What are you up to? Are you still job hunting?
Harry: Yeah, thats right. Im still looking for a new job.
Magda: Any luck?
Harry: I havent found anything yet, but Ive got a few possibilities. I really liked not working at first, I really enjoyed the free time, but now well, I need the money, and also well, I just get bored if I havent got something to do all the time.
Magda: Wheres Fadi, Olivia? I havent seen him for ages.
Olivia: Why ask me?
Magda: I thought youd know...yknow, youre like, good friends, arent you?
Olivia: Yes, thats exactly what we are. Good friends. Nothing more.
Magda: I wasnt suggesting anything! (laughs)
Olivia: I hope not! Anyway, hes away at the moment, gone to visit his family. Hell be back next week.
Tony: Here you are...four coffees...
All: Thanks Tony!
Olivia: Cheer up Tony.
Harry: can only get worse...!
Tony: It might get worse! This caf might be closing down soon, so then youll all have to find somewhere else to go.
All: Oh no....
Olivia: Whats this all about, Tony?
Tony: A big property company - theyre building new luxury flats, just behind here. They want to get rid of these old buildings.
Magda: Get rid of?
Tony: Yeah...knock them down. Demolish them.
All: Oh no, thats terrible.
Tony: It is terrible! Ive worked here for ages. I mean, theyre offering me compensation, but I want to stay here.
Olivia: Oh no...Ive just realised...perhaps that means my shops affected too...
Tony: It might be. Your shops only next door...
Olivia: They cant knock my shop down! We must do something...

Series 2 Episode 2 - Hello Carlos!Olivia: Oh no! I dont understand how this can happen!Tony: Told you so.Sarah: Hi Olivia! Whats the problem?Carlos: Excuse me...Olivia: Its not just here, not just the caf...Sarah: What do you mean?Tony: Told you so.Carlos: Excuse me...Olivia: Its true!Sarah: What is?Olivia: They want to knock down my shop, as well as the caf!Sarah: Demolish it? Get rid of it completely?Olivia: Yes.Tony: Told you so.Sarah: Oh no!Olivia: Thats what I keep saying...Carlos: Excuse me!Tony: Yes?Carlos: Could I have something to eat please, and a cup of tea?Tony: Sure, heres a menu, go and take a seat somewhere...Sarah: Oh dear...lets go and sit down theres Harry over there, lets sit with him.Harry: Hello there. Magdas on her way. I think we need to have a plan...Olivia: Yeah, but what can we do?All: Hey Magda! Hi! Were over here! Come and sit down!Magda: Hello everyone! Whats the matter? Why does everyone look so sad?Harry: The caf is going to close...Sarah: ...and Olivias shop too!Magda: Why? Oh - the property company... theyre building new flats... I remember now...Harry: Thats right and they want to demolish this place, and Olivias shop next door.Olivia: Theyre offering us compensation...Magda: Compensation?Sarah: Money...Olivia: But its not enough. I want to keep my shop...Sarah: Yes, and I want to keep this caf open... theres nowhere else where we can all meet.Carlos: Excuse me...All: Yes?Carlos: I couldnt help overhearing your conversation...Magda: Were you listening to us?Carlos: No, sorry, I wasnt listening, I just heard what you were talking about...Olivia: Is this the first time youve been here?Carlos: Well, yes it is, actually...Harry: Itll probably be the last...Carlos: Well, yes, I know... thats what I wanted to say...Sarah: What?Carlos: Im afraid I work for the company, the building company.Olivia: The company who want to knock down my shop?Harry: And our favourite caf?Carlos: Im afraid so, yes...Olivia: Can you stop them?Carlos: Well, no, Im not sure about that...Sarah: What do you do for the company?Carlos: Well, thats the problem, Im not one of their top managers, or anything like that...Harry: Thats a shame.Carlos: Im just a caterer.Magda: Caterer?Carlos: Yes, I make food for them.Harry: Hang on a minute, I dont understand... youre the caterer... you make food...Carlos: Yes, thats right. Im a chef, actually. Or at least thats what Id like to be...Harry: But youve just come in here to get food...Carlos: Oh yeah...well, you see, the problem is, I dont really like the food I have to cook for otherpeople. I prefer to try new things so I came in here!Harry: Right...Olivia: Can you help us?Carlos: Im not sure what I can do... I dont really want to lose my job...Sarah: No... I guess not but if you work for the building company, you could do some research for us...Carlos: Research? How do you mean?Sarah: You could find out some information for us...Carlos: Erm, well, ok, I mean, if I can... Id like to help you!Olivia: Great! Lets see what we can do... we can save this place!

Series 2 Episode 3 - Harry's New GirlfriendFadi: Hello Tony! How are you?
Tony: Alright, I suppose.
Fadi: Good to hear you sounding so happy! Hey, where is everyone?
Tony: Everyone who?
Fadi: You know, the regulars Olivia, Sarah, Harry, Magda...
Tony: Dont know. Theyll probably come in sooner or later. Theyre always here.
Fadi: Hello!
Bindyu: Oh. Er, hello.
Fadi: I havent seen you in here before.
Bindyu: No. I havent been in here before.
Fadi: Thats probably why then!
Bindyu: Er, I dont understand...
Fadi: Er, OK, well, never mind then. Listen, can I get you a drink? Would you like a coffee or something?
Bindyu: Erm, well, thats very kind of you, but no thanks.
Fadi: Go on! Have something! My treat! You cant sit here not eating or drinking anything.
Bindyu: Actually, Im waiting for my boyfriend.
Fadi: Oh. Late, is he?
Bindyu: Well, only a little bit...
Fadi: You can talk to me if he doesnt show up!
Harry: Hello there!
Fadi/Bindyu: Hi!
Harry: I see you two have already met each other...
Bindyu: Oh no, not really...
Fadi: No, I was just being polite, yknow...
Harry: Sure! Fadi, let me introduce Bindyu.
Fadi: Nice to meet you.
Bindyu: Nice to meet you.
Harry: Bindyus my girlfriend.
Fadi: Oh, er. Great! How long have you been together?
Bindyu: Oh, not long, only a couple of weeks.
Fadi: You didnt tell me you had a new girlfriend, Harry!
Harry: Well, I havent seen you for a few weeks.
Fadi: No, of course. I was visiting my family... so, whats happening here?
Harry: The big news is that theyre trying to close the caf!
Fadi: No!
Harry: Yes, and Olivias shop too.
Fadi: Thats terrible! Why?
Harry: A big building company are building new flats behind here. They want to knock down the caf and Olivias shop to make more space.
Fadi: Oh no... what can we do to stop them?
Harry: Well, weve got a few ideas. Theres a guy who comes in here sometimes called Carlos he works for the builders. He might help us. And Sarah and Olivia said they had some ideas...
Fadi: We should start a campaign!
Bindyu: Good idea! Im a journalist. I could write something in the local newspaper.
Harry: Erm, I thought you wrote for interior design magazines...
Bindyu: Well, yes, I do, thats true. But I know somebody who works for the local newspaper. And I want to do more serious journalism...
Fadi: Sounds like a great idea! Good luck! I think we should put a banner in the window of the caf...
Harry: A banner?
Fadi: Yeah, you know a big sign that says Save Our Caf! or something like that...
Olivia: Hello all!
Fadi: Hey! Good to see you again!
Olivia: Yeah... you too! Hows it going?
Fadi: Great Im going to put a banner in the caf window Save Our Caf!
Olivia: Good idea... can you save my shop too?
Fadi: Lets hope so! Bindyus going to write an article in the local newspaper...
Olivia: Bindyu?
Bindyu: Hello! Im Bindyu... Im Harrys girlfriend... Im a journalist.
Olivia: OK, great, nice to meet you!Carlos: Hi!
Olivia: Heres Carlos!Hes going to help us too!
Carlos: Well, I dont know, Id like to help, but Im not sure what I can do...
Harry: You make food for the builders, dont you?
Carlos: Yes, I do.
Olivia: You could put poison in it!
Carlos: Erm, well, no, I really dont think...
Olivia: Only joking!
Carlos: I was looking for Sarah is she here?
Olivia: No, I think shes coming in with Magda later...why?
Carlos: Oh, no reason...I just wanted to see her...
Olivia: I see...oh look, here they are now!
Magda/Sarah: Hello everyone!
All: Hi!
Sarah: Hi Carlos! Good to see you again!
Carlos: Hi!
Sarah: Listen everybody, Magdas got some good news!
Magda: Yes I got my masters degree with a distinction!
All: Wow! Well done!
Harry: So you get a well-paid, full-time job with the architects!
Magda: Yes I do!
Sarah: Which means we can afford to stay in our expensive flat...
Magda: Theres only one problem, though...
Olivia: Oh? Whats that?
Magda: Im not really sure how to tell you this...
Olivia: Go on!
Magda: Well, the architects I work for...
Harry: Yeah? Go on!
Magda: They have a big new project...
Fadi: Sounds interesting...
Magda: And they want me to work on it...
Harry: Even better...
Magda: Well, not really you see, the project they want me to work on...
Olivia: Yes?
Magda: Its the new luxury flats... the building here... the people who want to close the caf and your shop!

Series 2 Episode 4 - Save the Caf!

Tony:Oi! What are you lot doing? Whats that?Harry:Its a banner...Tony:A what?Harry:A banner look! See what it says...Tony:Save our... caf... Oh, I see. Very good. Do you think itll stop them from closing this place?Olivia:Well, you never know. Every little bit helps.Tony:Hmm. Im not sure having that thing stuck to the front of my caf will change anything.Bindyu: Oh yes it will, Tony be positive! My friend from the local newspaper is coming to takea photograph, and Im going to write an article!Tony:Hmm Great.Olivia:Look, Tony its the only thing we can do! We can organise a campaign here, and at the same time Sarahs doing some work as well...Magda:Wow! Look at that banner! Veryimpressive!Olivia:Hi Magda!Magda:Hello everyone!Olivia:So, go on then, have you decided to takethe job?Magda:Yeah... I have to accept the job... I mean, I really want to... its a good job, and goodjobs in architecture are difficult to get... andI need the money!Olivia:Sure, I understand...Magda: Johnnys old flat, where me and Sarah live... it'sgreat, but its so expensive...Olivia:But you can help us...Harry:Yeah, if you work for the company whowant to knock down Tonys caf and Olivias shop, you can do something!Magda:Well, Im not sure... but Ill see...Carlos:Hello everyone!All:Hi Carlos!Carlos:Is Sarah here today?Magda:Er, not yet... but she said shed be heresoon...Carlos:Oh. OK, Ill wait for her. Is it OK if I sit here?Magda:Sure...Olivia:Come and join us!Magda:So, is it true youre a chef?Carlos:Not exactly... Id like to be a chef, thatswhat I want to do, but at the moment Im a caterer... its different...Magda:Whats a caterer?Carlos:A caterer makes food for lots of people Imake all the lunches for the people whowork on the building site next door. Its justsandwiches or soup, or other simple things. Its quite boring I like more of a challenge!Olivia:Here she is!Sarah:Hello everyone!Hello Carlos!Carlos:Hi Sarah!Good to see you againOlivia:Carlos was just telling us all about his job...Sarah:Youre a chef, arent you?Carlos:No... but I want to be!Sarah:Where are you from?Carlos:Im from Brazil! Even if no one believes me...Sarah:Why dont people think youre from Brazil?Carlos:I dont like football, and I cant dance...Sarah:Listen, though weve got an important job to do... we have to save this caf, and Olivias shop!Olivia:Thats right...Carlos:But how?Harry:Ive put up the banner...Bindyu:And Im writing an article for the localpaper...Sarah:Great... and Ive found out something veryinteresting...Olivia:Oh? Whats that?Sarah:Well, you know I have a friend who works at the local museum I love going to museums and art galleries, Carlos and she told me something that could be important...Olivia:Go on...Sarah:These buildings the caf and your shop are actually a lot older than many people think...Olivia:Really?Sarah:Yes. Theyre probably two hundred yearsold...Olivia:Tony! Did you hear that?Tony: What?Olivia:Sarah has found out that the caf and myshop are really very old buildings...Tony:Thats why Ive got a problem with the roof,then...Harry:It means they cant possibly knock downthese buildings!Sarah:Right. They have historical value.Tony:It wont stop them.Olivia:Oh Tony, you must be more optimistic! Trylooking on the positive side!Tony:I cant see a positive side...Bindyu:Well make a great campaign itll show how people can stop big corporations from doing what they want!Olivia:Lets hope so...All: Yeah...

Series 2 Episode 5 - Good Journalism?Harry: Campaign to save local shops
Bindyu: Yes, they put my article on the front page of the newspaper...
Harry: Historic buildings threatened by new development
Bindyu: I feel like a real journalist now!
Olivia: It must make a change from writing about interior design...
Bindyu: Oh, yes...
Sarah: Lets have a look...
Harry: Great photo as well look, you can see my banner on the front of the caf!
Sarah: We have discovered that Tonys Caf and the shoe shop threatened with demolition are actually historic buildings... Erm, it was really me and my friend who discovered that,Bindyu, not you...
Bindyu: Yes, youre right, but whats important is that now they cant close the caf...!
Olivia: Or my shop....
Bindyu: Exactly!
Sarah: I guess youre right... We have found exclusive information which shows that the company building the new flats who want to demolish the historic buildings to make more space know they should not demolish the buildings... Hang on! The building company already know! How did you find that out?
Bindyu: Its an exclusive! A scoop!
Sarah: But how did you find that information?
Bindyu: Thats a secret!
Olivia: Go on, tell us!
Bindyu: A good journalist never reveals her sources!
Sarah: Go on, tell us!
Bindyu: Magda told me!
Magda: Hello everyone!
Olivia: Talk of the devil...
Magda: Sorry? Devil?
Olivia: Magda, Im sorry... its just an expression...
Magda: What does it mean?
Olivia: If youre talking about somebody, and then they appear, you say: Talk of the devil...
Magda: Oh. I see. And why were you talking about me?
Olivia: You gave some important information to Bindyu...
Magda: Well, yes, its true I did find out some interesting information. Its my new job I work for that company, you know...
Olivia: Yeah. I was surprised you found that confidential information!
Magda: But I didnt think youd write about it, Bindyu!
Bindyu: Dont worry I didnt mention your name anywhere! This is good journalism...
Magda: I guess so, but... if my employers find out I gave information to you, I could be in trouble! I might lose my job!
Olivia: Oh no...
Bindyu: Dont worry, Magda. No one will know, and our campaign will be successful...
Magda: OK
Harry: Yeah you watch theres no way they can close the caf now!
Olivia: I hope youre right...
Sarah: Oh!
Magda: Wow!
Harry: Hey!
Olivia: Hi!!
Bindyu: Erm, whos this?
All: Johnny!!!
Johnny: Hi!!!
Olivia: Welcome back!
Harry: Good to see you, man!
Johnny: Good to see you all again! Im back!!

Series 2 Episode 6 - Welcome Back Johnny!All: Johnny! Welcome back! Great to see you again!Johnny: Its great to be back!Olivia: Are you just back for a visit?Johnny: No! Im staying!All: Hooray!Fadi: Great news!Johnny: Yeah a position came up with my company back in London I applied for it, and, well, here I am!Olivia: How did it go in China?Johnny: Great! It was really good to be back. I did really well in my job...Magda: You always talk about your job!Johnny: Hey! My career is important to me!Sarah: Oh, Im a bit jealous of you... Id love to go back home to visit my family and friends. I havent been back for ages now...Johnny: Yeah... you should go...Olivia: So youre back for good?Johnny: For a year, at least... then well see!Harry: Oh, by the way this is Bindyu shes my girlfriend...Johnny: Nice to meet you! Well done, Harry...Bindyu: Nice to meet you, too.Fadi: Well have to start the football team again!All: Hi Carlos!Carlos: Oh, hi!Hi, Sarah!Sarah: Hello!Harry: Johnny this is our new Brazilian friend, Carlos...Johnny: Hi Carlos! Youre Brazilian? You must be good at football... join our team!Carlos: Erm, well, actually, Im afraid Im no good at football...Johnny: Well, youll fit in with our team, then!Carlos: Eh?Harry: Never mind, Carlos, its not important...Johnny: So whats been going on here while Ive been away?All: Er, well... hmmm...Harry: Lots of stuff.Johnny: Go on! I saw that banner in the window whats up? Why do you need to save the caf?Olivia: And my shop...Harry: Well, did you see that building site just behind the caf?Johnny: Yes, I did actually it looks like theyre building something big, looks interesting...Olivia: Hmmm...Harry: Yeah, luxury flats...Olivia: The problem being...Tony: ...they want to knock down the caf!Olivia: And my shop.Johnny: Oh no...Sarah: But dont worry!Johnny: Why not?Harry: We got a campaign going the banner in the window...Bindyu: And I wrote an article in the local paper!Sarah: We found theyre historic buildings so its not legal to knock them down.Johnny: Dont worry anyhow - Im rich enough now! I could buy the caf, and your shop, Olivia, then do what I want...!Harry: Seriously?Johnny: Er, well, no, actually, probably not. Just joking, you know. But I will be rich enough in a couple of years...!Harry: Yeah, right.Carlos: Listen guys, that was what I came to talk to you about. At lunch today Im a caterer, Johnny, I make lunch for all the people who work on the building site next door...Johnny: I see...Carlos: ...well, there were two of the top managers there.Olivia: Oh yeah?Sarah: And?Carlos: Well, I didnt listen to them, exactly...Sarah: Of course not!Carlos: No, but... I heard what they were saying...Olivia: And what were they saying?Carlos: They were saying...Tony: Oi! Johnny! Are you going to buy something? If you want to have a party go back to your house! I run a business here, you know...Johnny: Oh sorry, Tony yeah, could I have a coffee please?Tony: That all?Olivia: Tony! Please...Carlos is going to tell us something really important...Tony: What?Olivia: Thats what were going to find out...!Carlos... go on!Carlos: The managers, they were saying, that they know these buildings the caf, and your shop they know theyre historic buildings, and they know they cant knock them down...Magda: Yes... thats what I found out... I told Bindyu... she put it in the paper...Carlos: Yes theyve read the newspaper, they said. They know theres nothing they can do...Olivia: So?Magda: So?Harry: So?Tony: So?Carlos: So... theyre not going to knock them down! The campaign was a success!Youve won!

Series 2 Episode 7 - Alone For Christmas?

Fadi: What a fantastic Christmas present!Olivia: Did someone say present? I love presents...Fadi: I just mean the caf staying open and your shop, of course - its like an early Christmas present!Olivia: Its still a bit early for Christmas presents...Fadi: Come on, its only a few days now!Olivia: Yeah... I guess youre right. I can stop worrying now. Hey Tony!Tony: What?Olivia: Come on Tony! Even you must be happy about this! The caf is staying open!Fadi: Our campaign was successful!Tony: Yeah... erm, thanks everybody!Olivia: So, Fadi what are you doing for Christmas?Fadi: Nothing much guess Ill just be with my family...Olivia: Yeah, me too - itd be great to spend Christmas just with my friends, not the whole family...Fadi: Yeah, itd be great to spend Christmas with you... er, I mean, everyone here...Olivia: Oh, yeah, erm... hmmm.Fadi: Tell you what lets invent an excuse!Olivia: An excuse? How do you mean?Fadi: Lets leave our families for a few hours... come and have dinner here!Olivia: Here? I dont think the caf will be open on Christmas day...Fadi: We can persuade Tony to open just for us to celebrate our campaign to keep the caf open, and Christmas too...Olivia: Great idea! But Ill probably have to bring Joe...Fadi: Oh no! Joe, your terrible little nephew, Id forgotten about him...All: Hi Johnny!Johnny: Hello everyone!Olivia: We were just talking about Christmas...Johnny: Of course, Ive come back just in time for Christmas how could I forget! I love Christmas here in London... We dont really celebrate Christmas in China, but I love it here lots of food, presents...Magda: I love Christmas too, but Christmas in Poland is so special, Ill really miss it this year...Sarah: Arent you going back to visit your family? You usually go back to Poland.Magda: I wanted to go, but I couldnt afford it. Plane tickets are so expensive at this time of year.Sarah: (sighs) So, me and Magda will be on our own for Christmas.Carlos: Me too theres no way I can go back to Brazil!Sarah: Thats a long way.Carlos: Ive got an idea if Fadi and Olivia can ask Tony to open the caf, Ill cook a proper Christmas dinner for everyone! I love cooking.Magda: Good idea - in Poland we have a twelve-course meal at Christmas!Carlos: Twelve courses! Wow, thats a lot...Magda: It is...Carlos: Ill try and make some traditional Polish food for you Magda... and perhaps something special for you too, Sarah... Id like that...Sarah: Thats very kind, but dont try to make Chinese food for me! Its difficult... make one of your own specialities I love trying new things!Carlos: OK, youre on!Olivia: This sounds like a party! Harry what about you? What are you doing for Christmas?Harry: Well, Ive only got my mum, so I guess Ill be with her.Bindyu: Itd be nice to have Christmas dinner with you...Harry: Yeah, it would... dont you have to be with your family...Bindyu: We dont really celebrate Christmas...Olivia: Dont forget its a religious festival!Harry: Of course, yeah, I know that, but everyone can enjoy Christmas!Olivia: Well, why dont you two try and join us....Harry: Ill see what we can do....Carlos: There is a problem though...Fadi: Whats that?Carlos: Nobody has asked Tony...Fadi: Oh, erm, yeah... Go on Olivia you ask him...Olivia: Why me?Fadi: Youre the best at that kind of thing...Olivia: OK, OK... erm, Tony!Tony: Yeah?Olivia: What are you doing for Christmas?Tony: Why?Olivia: We wanted to invite you to have Christmas with us!Tony: Well... well, thats very kind of you thank you, yes...Olivia: Just one thing...Tony: Whats that?Olivia: Erm, wed like to have our Christmas dinner here!Tony: Here?Olivia: Yes. Here!Tony: Hmm... OK, but Im not washing the dishes afterwards!Fadi: Deal!Johnny: This is going to be the best Christmas party ever!(sounds of eating and drinking, laughter)Carlos: So here it is! Some Brazilian specialties this is papaya...Magda: Mmmm...Carlos: This is cassava...Harry: Delicious...Carlos: And capirinha to drink!All: Cheers! Happy Christmas!Harry: And Ive brought my mums Christmas pudding!Sarah: Euurrgghh!Olivia: No, you must try it! It's delicious!(crashing noise)All: Whats going on! Whats happened?Johnny: Its all dark!Fadi: I cant see anything!Olivia: Joe! What have you done?Harry: Whats happened?Tony: Hes broken the lights! That little...All: Oh no!Bindyu: Never mind lets light candles!!!Olivia: Good idea!Fadi: Wow, yeah, this is really romantic!Olivia: Isnt it! Joe! Dont touch the candles!Fadi: Its great to be with you Olivia...Olivia: Erm, yeah, you too...Bindyu: Yes, very romantic...Harry: Great...Carlos: Everybody thinks its romantic... I hope you do too, Sarah...Sarah: Erm, yes, I suppose it is...Johnny: Its like I said this is the best Christmas ever! Im always right!(laughter)All: Happy Christmas!

Series 2 Episode 8 - Happy New Year

Johnny: So, after our successful Christmas, what are we going to do for New Years Eve?Sarah: When is New Years Eve?Harry: Tomorrow!Sarah: New Year already! Christmas has only just finished!Magda: Strictly speaking, Sarah, it still is Christmas Christmas goes on until January 6th. New Years Eve is part of Christmas.Sarah: Wow, it never ends...Carlos: I can cook again! Is there a special dinner for New Year in Britain?Harry: Not reallyJohnny: In China there are lots of processions in the streets. Are there processions here?Olivia: Not reallySarah: In China New Year is a very important holiday. Is it very important in Britain?Fadi: Not really.Johnny: So what do people do for New Year?Harry: Depends... some people have parties, some people go to a pub or a club and drink a lot.Olivia: Some people go and stand outside quite a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square in the centre of London...Johnny: Lets do that!Harry: No way! Its too cold!Fadi: And usually raining!Olivia: And too chaotic!Sarah: Do people drink a lot?Harry: Some do.Sarah: I hate drinking beer.Harry: A lot of people stay at home and watch TV.Olivia: Then sing a song at midnightSarah: Whats the song?Olivia: Its a Scottish song really... (sings a bit of Auld Lang Syne)Sarah: Thats nice. What do the words mean?Olivia: Erm, well, no one really knows...Harry: Some people know.Fadi: In Scotland, probably!Johnny: So what shall we do, then?Sarah: I dont want to go to a pub and get drunk.Fadi: We could go to a club I know some great places we can go out dancing till dawn! Great music, lots of girls...Olivia: You and your girlfriends...Fadi: OK, OK... Lets forget that idea then.Harry: No, its not for me... I dont think Bindyu would like it...Fadi: Come on Harry, you cant let Bindyu organise your life!Harry: She doesnt organise my life! I like being with her, and I like doing the things she wants to do...Fadi: Ive lost you, mate!Harry: I think you need a girlfriend too!Fadi: Hey! No way! Ive got lots of girls...!Johnny: Oh yeah? How come Ive never met them?Fadi: Well, erm, hey, erm... you know how it is...Johnny: I think we should have a procession...Olivia: Where?Magda: Just around the caf.Tony: Whats that? A procession in my caf?! Forget it! Anyway, I close early on New Years Eve, so you lot will need to find something else to do.Johnny: We have to decide now then what are we going to do on New Years Eve?Harry: Im going to see Bindyu. I think well stay at home.Olivia: Im going to stay at home too. My sisters going to a party with her husband, so I have to look after my nephew Joe.Fadi: Now you tell me!Olivia: Sorry... listen why dont you come round?Fadi: Erm... OK then...Carlos: Sarah... erm... I... er... would you like to come out with me?Sarah: I cant leave my friend Magda on her own!Johnny: And hang on what about me, too!?Olivia: Ok, everyone... I guess you can all come to my house, but only until midnight! Then you all have to go home!All: Hooray! Great idea!Happy New Year!!!

Series 2 Episode 9 - New Year's Resolutions

Johnny: Happy New Year!Fadi: Stop, please! Enough New Year!Johnny: Its the first time Ive seen you this year! Youre supposed to say Happy New Year!Fadi: OK,OK... Happy New Year to you too, then!Johnny: It will be Chinese New Year soon then we can do it all again!Fadi: Fine, OK, lets wait until then, though, eh?Magda: Hello everyone!Fadi/Johnny: Hi!Magda: Happy New Year!Fadi: Oh, please!Magda: Im only trying to be friendly...Fadi: Yeah, sure, sorry... Can we think about something else now please?Magda: Have you made any New Years resolutions?Johnny: New Years what?Magda: New Years resolutions. Olivia told me about it - at the beginning of the year, you should decide to do something, and do it all year.Johnny: What kind of thing?Fadi: Something like stop smoking, or go to the gym every day, or study more...All: Hi Olivia! Hey! Hello!Olivia: Hmmph. Tony could I have a large coffee please? Make it extra strong!Fadi: Looks like someones having a bad day!Olivia: Oh shut up Fadi!Fadi: Sorry!Magda: Whats up, Olivia?Olivia: My website isnt working properly. I need to fix it.Fadi: Heres the right man to help you!Harry: Hello there! Are you talking about me?Olivia: Ive got problems with my website again...Harry: I told you I should have set it up the first time! You should have asked me!Olivia: OK, OK... you were right...Harry: So whats the problem?Olivia: The online sales page doesnt work. People cant buy my shoes!Harry: Im sure I can help fix it.Olivia: Go on then. Come over to my flat tonight, and well have a look.Bindyu: Oh, sorry Olivia. Im not sure he can come to your flat tonight.Harry: Yeah, I can. Im not busy tonight.Bindyu: I thought we were going to the cinema?Harry: Were we? Sorry, I didnt know. Id like to help Olivia, if I can...Bindyu: Hmmphh.Olivia: Oh, listen Harry... dont worry if you cant come and help.Harry: No. Ill come. I love websites you know!Johnny: Heres another one of our friends... Thank goodness for that...All: Hello Carlos!Carlos: Hello there!Magda: We were talking about New Years resolutions. Whats yours?Carlos: New Years what?Magda: New Years resolution - at the beginning of the year, you should decide to do something, and do it all year.Carlos: Oh, I see... well, I want to be a chef...Fadi: We know that, its not new.Johnny: It has to be something new!Magda: Yes something you want to do this year!Carlos: Oh. OK... I see, well... let me think... something I want to do this year... I know, I want to ask Sarah out on a date!All: Wow!Magda: Oh... well... it looks like you have a chance right now, Carlos!Sarah: Hello everyone! Were you talking about me?Carlos: Well, no, erm yes, I mean...Magda: Go on, Carlos!Fadi: Carlos has got a question to ask you...Sarah: Oh, yes?Carlos: Oh, yes, erm... well... I was wondering if... erm...Sarah: If?Carlos: Yes, if youd like to...erm... I dont know... perhaps... erm... go out some time?Sarah: Go out with you?Carlos: Well, yeah, I mean, if you want to...Sarah: Oh, well... erm... what I think is...

Series 2 Episode 10 - A DateCarlos: I cant believe Sarah said Yes!Fadi: Well done, mate!Johnny: So where are you going to take her?Carlos: Oh, I dont know... We didnt decide where to go.Fadi: Take her out for dinner, somewhere nice.Carlos: Yeah, thats a good idea...Johnny: I know a great Chinese place.Carlos: Yes, but she always eats Chinese food perhaps shed like a change, try something different?Fadi: All the restaurants Johnny goes too are really expensive! Take your credit card if you go there!Johnny: I like to spend my money well!Carlos: I thought I could cook something for her. I want to be a chef, you know.Johnny/Fadi: Yes, we know.Fadi: Dont invite her to your house on a first date, though.Carlos: No? Why not?Fadi: It looks too pushy, too forward.Carlos: Oh, I see.Johnny: Yeah... take it slowly!Carlos: Oh, OK. Shes coming to the caf soon, so well talk about it then.Olivia: Hello guys!Harry: Alright!?Fadi: Yeah, Im fine mate. You?Harry: Hmm... Not so great...Fadi: Whats up?Harry: Bindyus really angry with me.Johnny: Whys that?Harry: She thinks Im spending too much time with Olivia.Olivia: But its work! I told Bindyu that Harrys helping me to fix my webpages.Fadi: Is she jealous?Harry: Shhhh! Be quiet! Here she is now!Harry: Hi!Bindyu: Hello Harry! Hi all!All: Hello!Bindyu: Hello, Olivia.Olivia: Hello.Bindyu: Did Harry help you to fix your website?Olivia: Well, not quite. He still needs to do some more work.Bindyu: Oh.Olivia: Listen, Ive got an idea why dont you both come to my flat this evening? Harry can do some work for me, and Ill make dinner for everyone.Harry: OK! What do you think Bindyu?Bindyu: Well, OK, I suppose so.Olivia: Erm, there is just one problem I have to look after my nephew Joe this evening. Hes very, erm, energetic....Bindyu: Oh, thats OK... I love children!Olivia: Great! Well, Ill see you all this evening!Bindyu: Well come about seven oclock! Come on, Harry, we have to go now.Harry: Er, OK, yeah... Bye everyone!All: Bye!Fadi: So Olivia, youre spending a lot of time with Harry!Olivia: Oh shut up you! Are you jealous as well?Fadi: Me? No! No way!Olivia: Good. Youve got lots of girlfriends, havent you?Fadi: Me? Oh yeah. Hundreds!Carlos: Its Sarah!Sarah: Hello all!Carlos: Hiya!Sarah: Hi Carlos!Carlos: Hey!Sarah: Listen, Ive only got a minute, I cant stay.Carlos: Er... OK...Sarah: I just wanted to say, Ive got an invitation to a new art gallery opening this evening.Carlos: Great.Sarah: Would you like to come with me?Carlos: Erm, er, yeah! Sure!Sarah: Great! Ill meet you here at six!Carlos: OK. see you later then. Bye!Sarah: See you later! Bye!Fadi: Hey! Thats your date!Johnny: Now you dont have to worry about where to take her!Carlos: But... but... I am worried! I dont know anything about art! What will I say?Fadi/Johnny: Youre going to find out!

Series 2 Episode 11 - EmbarrassmentFadi: So, I wonder how Carlos got on with his date.Johnny: His date?Fadi: Yeah... come on... you remember he went out with Sarah last night...Johnny: Oh yeah, sure they went to a new art gallery, didnt they?Fadi: Yeah thats right... He was really worried about it.Johnny: Im not surprised. Sarah likes all that strange contemporary art.Fadi: And here he is to tell us all about it!Carlos: Hi guys!Johnny: Hello there! So? How did it go?Carlos: How did what go?Fadi: Come on! Your date with Sarah! How was it?Carlos: Oh, er, well..erm...Johnny: Oh no...Fadi: Was it a disaster?Carlos: Oh, no... erm, not a disaster...Johnny: Go on... Give us details.Carlos: Well, it was at this new art gallery.Fadi: Yeah...Carlos: Black Box it was called.Johnny: Hmmm... Sounds more like a nightclub.Carlos: There were quite a lot of people there, and everyone was really fashionable...Carlos: Yeah... everyone was wearing black! I felt really scruffy...Johnny: Scruffy?Fadi: Yeah, scruffy badly dressed.Johnny: So what was the art like?Carlos: Art? I didnt think it was art! There were some TVs showing some pictures of a man walking around an empty room...Fadi: Great...Carlos: Then there were some big photographs on the walls...Johnny: OK I like photography.Carlos: Yeah, me too but there were all blurred, out of focus you couldnt see what they were photographs of! So, I was trying to be interested, you know, to impress Sarah really.Fadi: Of course.Johnny: What was Sarah doing?Carlos: Well, Sarah was talking to another man, so I went up to them. Sarah introduces me, and then he says What do you think? and I said, Well, I think the photographs are all out of focus.Fadi: Fair enough...Carlos: But then the man, he gets really angry, and walks off!Johnny: Oh...Carlos: And Sarah looks really embarrassed.Fadi: Why?Carlos: It turns out, well, this man, he was the artist.Fadi/Johnny: Oh no!Carlos: And they werent even photographs... they were paintings, supposed to look like photographs. Sarah explained it all to me, but I didnt understand anything... I felt so stupid... and Sarah was so embarrassed...Fadi: Are you going to see her again?Carlos: Well, I dont know... Id like to... I hope so...Johnny: Ask her out again but this time, take her somewhere you want to go.Fadi: Good idea.Carlos: Where?Johnny: Take her to a football match Ive got tickets for this weekend. You can have them.Carlos: But I dont like football.Fadi: Go on! Its a great British experience.Johnny: Yeah...Look, I know Sarah shell love it!Carlos: Er... Well, OK then. Ill ask her.Fadi: Oh no... Look who it is!Johnny: Hey Joe! Wheres Olivia?Bindyu: Joe! Hes so funny... Such a sweet little boy!Olivia: Joe! Stop that! Sorry everyone.Bindyu: Dont worry Olivia Ill look after him. Hes so much fun!Johnny: Did Harry fix your website?Olivia: He did.Harry: Of course I did! Im an expert!Olivia: Thanks Harry. I owe you a coffee, at least.Harry: No problem Im just glad youve made up with Bindyu.Fadi: Oh yeah? So youre all friends now?Harry: Oh yes.Olivia: She came last night, and looked after my little nephew Joe. They get on together really well!Johnny: Whod have thought it?Olivia: Not me, but there you go.Johnny: Harry perhaps you and Bindyu should have children!Harry: Erm, no, not yet, I dont think...

Series 2 Episode 12 - Something In Common

Olivia: Hi Sarah!
Sarah: Hi!
Magda: How are you?
Sarah: Oh, not bad, I suppose
Bindyu: Whats up?
Sarah: Nothing really ...just that... well, I hope Carlos isnt coming in today...
Olivia: Why not?
Sarah: Well, he took me out on a date last night.
Magda: Great!
Bindyu: Thats the second time youve been out together, isnt it?
Sarah: Yes and itll be the last!
Olivia: Oh no! What happened?
Sarah: Well, he asked me to go out with him, but didnt tell me where we were going...
Magda: Ooh... a surprise how great!
Sarah: No it wasnt great!
Olivia: Where did he take you?
Sarah: To a football match!!!
Magda: Oh. I didnt know you liked football...
Sarah: I dont! I hate it!
Olivia: Who was playing?
Sarah: I dont know... one team in red, the other team in blue... It was so boring!
Olivia: Why did he take you there?
Sarah: I dont know the stupid thing is, he doesnt like football either!
Olivia: I think I know why he took you... Hello Fadi! Hello Johnny!
Fadi/Johnny: Hi all!
Olivia: Can I ask you two a question?
Fadi: Sure.
Olivia: Was it your idea for Carlos to take Sarah to a football match?
Fadi: Erm, er...
Johnny: It was Fadis idea.
Fadi: No it wasnt! It was your idea!
Olivia: OK, OK, enough.
Fadi: So, Sarah did you have a good time?
Sarah: Hmmmphhh.
Johnny: I think that means no.
Sarah: It was awful.
Fadi: Poor Carlos.
Johnny: Yeah hes crazy about you!
Magda: I think hes so sweet.
Bindyu: Yeah, he is. You should try going out with him again.
Sarah: No way.
Magda: Go on! Give him another chance!
Sarah: I dont know... Im not sure...
Bindyu: Oh... Here he is now!
Carlos: Hello everyone!
All: Hi Carlos!
Carlos: How are you all today?
All: Great! Fine! Not bad...
Olivia: So I hear you and Sarah went out again last night?
Carlos: Oh, erm, yeah...I dont want to talk about it...
Johnny: Sorry perhaps our great idea wasnt so great after all.
Carlos: No. It wasnt.
Olivia: Never mind ask her out again.
Carlos: No way.
Olivia: OK. Ill do it for you then!
Carlos: No!
Olivia: Yes!
Carlos: Oh no...
Olivia: Hey, Sarah Ive just seen theres a great new film coming out this weekend.
Sarah: Oh yeah? Sounds good I love cinema. Why dont we go together?
Olivia: OK...oh! No.Ive just realised I cant go to the cinema this weekend. I have to look after Joe.
Bindyu: Id love to come, but Im helping Olivia with Joe...
Johnny: Im working all usual!
Fadi: Yeah Id go, but Im playing football with Harry.
Carlos: Im not doing anything. I love cinema.
Sarah: I didnt know you liked cinema! You never told me...
Olivia: Excellent! Carlos can go with you! You have something in common.
Sarah: Oh well... erm... OK then...
Carlos: Great Im looking forward to it!
Olivia: Fadi are you really playing football with Harry this weekend?
Fadi: Yeah. Only on Saturday afternoon, though.
Olivia: So youre free on Saturday night?
Fadi: Erm, yeah.
Olivia: Youre not going out with one of your girlfriends?
Fadi: Erm, no...
Olivia: Well, Bindyu will look after Joe on Saturday night.
Fadi: So?
Olivia: So Im not doing anything on Saturday night.
Fadi: Oh.
Olivia: Look I mean why dont we go out together?
Fadi: Us? Me and you?
Olivia: Yes.
Fadi: Erm... er... OK... yeah! Great! Lets go out for something to eat!!!
Olivia: Finally! I thought youd never ask!!!
All: (laughter)