Big Data to Revolutionize National Intelligence

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Big Data to Revolutionize National Intelligence

Big Data to Revolutionize National Intelligence


Data Analysis to deal with critical public safety and security challenges

Flexible Intelligence Analytics

Generate actionable insights to prevent acts of terror

Relevant clues about different terrorist activities and groups

Twitter to Identify

Major Geographical Locations

Modus Operandi

Extract News Feeds

Accidental give away posts

Rich Visual Analysis capabilities to procure actionable intelligence

Intelligent Video Data

Video Content Analysis (VCA) or Video Analytics (VA) to extract information such as motion detection

audio detection

vehicle license plate reading

counting people

Help in detecting theft, burglary incidents or any criminal security breaches with Wi-Fi security systems

Big Data for Computational Analysis

Deliver insights to enable defence

Prevent crimes before occurrence

Identify areas for operational planning

Data integrity and safety

Cloud Computing in defence sector could be hugely detrimental

Need to understand the criticality of extracting relevant insights on secure platform

Data handling by secure personnel

Avoid long storage on external platforms

Security systems in place for all systems

Stay Alert Stay Safe !

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