Biddable World: Why Social and Why Now?

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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This presentation covers the benefits of social media advertising over traditional PPC and the latest developments in social media advertising that make now the right time to be taking it seriously.

Transcript of Biddable World: Why Social and Why Now?

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Why Social and why now?

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Source: Adobe Digital Distress 2013

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

On average, 33% of people say that the number of social shares on a product is likely to influence

their purchase decision

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Facebook is the third most popular internet property


@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


…and comes second for amount of time spent

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


Twitter Ads have been one-third the cost of other paid channels we use.- Cameron Uganec, Hootsuite

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

StumbleUpon: Get rewarded for good paid content with free

organic stumbles

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Twitter: Only pay for the action you want

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Objective-based campaigns:

• Followers

• Website clicks or conversions

• Tweet engagement

• App installs or engagement

• Leads on Twitter (data capture)

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Facebook benefits Unpublished posts

Custom & Lookalike Audiences

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Twitter benefits Custom Audiences

Steal competitors’ followers

Only pay for actions that meet objectives

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

LinkedIn benefits Target by job title, industry etc

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Instagram introduces better analytics

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Facebook launches cross-device reporting

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Snapchat working on Snapchat discovery

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Pinterest testing self-serve ads

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Use social insights and demographic data

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Display can learn from PR/SEO activity

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld

Retargeting can leverage content marketing

@lauracrimmons #biddableworld


Laura Crimmons

Social & PR Manager
