BibTeX Style Examples

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Comparison of various bibtex styles.

Transcript of BibTeX Style Examples

BibTeX Style Examples

It can be difficult to decide which of the large range of BibTeX style files is

closest to the format needed. The following provides examples using a variety

of public-domain .bst files that can be downloadeded from CTAN

(Comprehensive TeX Archive Network). For example, consult the CTAN UK


Some of the BibTeX styles below require auxiliary LaTeX styles, so their

representation here is only approximate. In each case, citations are given as

they would appear in the body of a document. These are followed by their

appearance in the reference list.

Style abbrv

Style Nabbrv

Style abstract

Style acm

Style agsm

Style alpha

Style nalpha

Style Nalpha

Style authordate1

Style authordate2

Style authordate3

Style authordate4

Style amsalpha

Style amsplain

Style annotate

Style annotation

Style apa

Style apalike

Style apalike2

Style apasoft

Style automatica

Style bbs

Style cbe

Style cea

Style cell

Style chicago

Style chicagoa

Style cparalleless

Style dcu

Style humanbio

Style humannat

Style is-abbrv

Style is-alpha

Style is-plain

Style is-unsrt

Style jas99

Style jmb

Style kluwer

Style named

Style aaai-named

Style nar

Style nature

Style plain

Style Nplain

Style unsrt

Style Nunsrt

Style phcpc

Style phiaea

Style plainyr

Style sej

Style these

Style wmaainf