Bible Point Supplies Bible Verse Bible ·...

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Transcript of Bible Point Supplies Bible Verse Bible ·...

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Bible Point Shine your light by standing up for what is right.

Bible Verse Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. I Corinthians 13:6

Bible Story Jesus Purging the Temple Matthew 21:12-17

Dog Breed Siberian Husky

Supplies ♦ Parka or other

winter coat ♦ Misc. winter

clothing ♦ Theme from Rocky

(optional) ♦ Bob Bark the Truth

Costume; outrageous clothes, dog nose (Kit)

♦ Ten pieces of paper ♦ Masking tape ♦ Large marker ♦ Dog training book ♦ Wax paper ♦ Role playing cards (page 10)

The Siberian Husky is a thoroughly trained dog. It must learn obedience or it could cause its master to lose his/her life. When the husky is on the trail in the extreme cold, it must take the

right trail. If it does not, the sled could lose its way resulting in the owner freezing to death.

We must also choose the right trail in life. In order to do so, we need to choose truth. We need to know what the truth is and where to find it. That truth can be found in the Bible, our

“owner’s manual”. By choosing the truth we will not delight in evil but rejoice in the truth.

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Deputy Catch U. Dog Supplies: None (Shaking)

I am FREEZING! I just got back from the northern part of Alaska. My twin brother, Gotcha Dawg, needed some help. There was a Siberian Husky lost out in the wild. Do you know what a Husky looks like? (Show pictures of the Husky.) Anyway, he had been pulling a sled and somehow the line snapped. He got loose and wandered off. The owner was really upset. Those Huskies train hard and are worth a lot of money. Also, their owners get attached to them. They have to depend on these dogs when they are out in the wild and in the snow. My brother and I got the dog! It made us so happy to reunite the owner with his beloved dog. But it sure was a cold job. I’m glad to be back here in ____________ (name of state) where it isn’t nearly as cold! (Deputy exits.)

Puppet Song “The B-I-B-L-E” from Splash by Go Fish, 2004.

Sled Dog Racer

Supplies: Parka or other winter coat, misc. winter clothing (Music from Rocky plays. The sled dog racer comes running in wearing a parka and any other winter clothes available. He talks breathlessly.) Hi. Name’s Hutch. On a mission. To win. Win big. Must be in good shape. Great shape. Nothing less. (Stops and catches breath and starts talking normal.) Sorry, about that. I just get really excited about the big race. Anybody in here a sled racer? No? I’ve got a whole team of sled dogs. We have been training for a long time for the big race. I’ve got the perfect lead dog and all the other dogs fall in right behind him. I should show you how the dog team works. (Have someone come up to be the “dog.” Go through the following commands, getting the “dog” to follow them.) Gee: turn right Haw: turn left Easy: slow down Hike: Get moving One of the important things about this race is knowing what path to go down. If I have my dogs go down the wrong path, we are lost. Not only will we lose the race, our lives could be in danger. Sometimes life is like a sled race. You come to a place in your life where there are




It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


two paths, two choices to make. Often those choices are either a right choice or a wrong choice. The right choice leads to the true path. The wrong choice will lead you down a path you will regret. Make sure you always choose the right path! I had better get back to my dogs. Look for me in the big race! (Sled dog racer exits)

Bible Story Jesus Purging the Temple Matthew 21:12-17 Supplies: Ten pieces of paper, masking tape, large marker, Bob

Bark the Truth costume Preparation: Using the tape, make a tic tac toe grid on the floor or a wall. With the marker, put an X on five pieces of paper and an O on the other five. Today we are going to learn about a time when Jesus was angry. First we need to know some information about the place where the event happened. So, here to help us with this knowledge, is Bob, Bark the Truth. Everyone give Bob a big doggie welcome. (Bob barks as he enters.) Are you ready to play Whatz The Truth? I need two contestants to play Whatz the Truth. (Choose two children. Divide the rest of the children into two teams. Assign one team X’s and the other team O’s.)

I am going to give you a question. If you get the question correct, you get to place your X or O on the board. The first one with three in the row wins. Questions:

1. During Jesus’ times, the temple was a place people went to worship God. (true)

2. The temple was located in Egypt. (false)

3. Anyone could go anywhere in the temple. (false)

4. People would buy animals to give to the priests to sacrifice for their sins. (true)

5. Only the priests could make the sacrifice. (true)

6. Pigs were one of the animals that

were sacrificed. (false)

7. People sold animals at the temple. (true)

8. People could use their own money to

buy the animals. (false)

9. People had to use temple money to buy the animals. (true)

Once someone gets “three in the row”, the game is over. Great job finding out the truth about the temple. That is the end of our game of Whatz the Truth. (Bob Bark the Truth exits barking.) During Jesus’ time, people would go to the temple to worship God. The temple was in Jerusalem. The temple had




It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


different areas in it. The first area you entered was called the outer court. Anyone could go into the outer court of the temple. But as you would go further into the temple, fewer people were allowed to enter those areas. For instance, only Jewish people could go into the next area. The area after that allowed only men to enter, then, only priests could enter the next area. Finally, the last place was the holy of holies where only one special priest could enter once a year. People could not just pray and ask for their sins to be forgiven. Jesus had not died on the cross for people yet. So, they had to sacrifice an animal for their sins. They would go to the temple and buy an animal. They could not just bring one from home. And they could not just use the money they had. They had to go to the money changer’s tables and trade their money for temple money. Then, they used this money to buy the animal and give it to the priest. He would then sacrifice the animal for the person’s sins. When Jesus came into the temple, He became angry. He saw that the money changers were cheating the people. This was not the holy place it was suppose to be. Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers. He told them, “My house should be called a place of worship. But you have turned it into a place where robbers hide.” (Matthew 21:13) After Jesus cleared the temple, people started coming into the temple to see Jesus and to be healed. The Bible tells us that blind and lame people were healed that day. Children were singing Jesus’ praises. This made the chief priests and

teachers very angry when they heard the children. Jesus knew the difference between evil and truth. Do you think the chief priests did? Jesus knew that the temple was not to be used for making money but it was to be used for healing people. He not only knew the truth, but he did something about it. Sometimes we are faced with situations where we know the truth. We see something going on that we know is wrong. But, we are scared to speak up. We need to have the courage to tell our friends or brothers or sisters when they are doing something wrong. If we do not we are delighting in evil just like them, especially if we go along with it. Have you ever heard “accessory to a crime?” That means that you did not actually do the crime but you went along with it. For instance, if you are with your friend and your friend steals something and you know it, you are an accessory to a crime. The Bible tells us that love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. That means that if you go along with someone doing something bad, you are delighting in evil. However, if you stand up and refuse to go along with someone you are rejoicing in the truth. When you stand up for the truth in a friendship, you are showing love to your friend. When we pray today, talk to Jesus about how you are doing in this area. Are you rejoicing in the truth? Or do you delight in evil? Jesus will help you to do the right thing. You only have to ask Him.

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Prayer Ask the Lord to help the children to have courage to stand up for the truth and to make the right choices.

Dog House Supplies: Dog training book

What do you think is in the dog house today? (Pick a child to look in the dog house and pull out the book.) What is a book doing in the dog house? Do you think the dog has learned how to read and has been reading a book on how to train himself? The book’s title is ____________. This book is a manual on how to train a dog. People will get manuals on how to do different things. Can anyone think of anything else there is a manual for? What do manuals do? They help you find the right way to do things. What manual is there for the right way to live? (The Bible) Today’s Bible verse is “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.” I Cor. 13:6. How do you know what the truth is? The Bible is full of truth. It tells you the things you should rejoice in and the things you should not rejoice in. Just like there is a book on how to train a dog, the Bible is a book for humans on how to live our lives. Remember that we need to shine our light by standing up for what is right.

Dog Training Supplies: Wax paper

Preparation: Tear off two pieces of wax paper big enough for a child to put a foot on. Have two pieces for every two children. Have one person stand on the two pieces of wax paper. The other person pulls them across the room. Change places and pull them back. (This works best on non-carpeted areas.) It takes practice for sled dogs to learn how to pull the sled. The dog must be willing to listen and to obey his master. If we are going to “rejoice in the truth” we must be willing to listen and to obey our master, Jesus. He will tell us the truth, we just must be willing to listen and obey.

Obedience School Supplies: Role playing cards (page 10) Divide the children into

groups and let them role play the following situations:

1. You are with your friend at the store. You see your friend take a candy bar off the shelf and put it in his pocket.

2. Your friend is having a hard time with

her math. She wants to copy your math 3. You are at a friend’s house. She gets

into her big sister’s jewelry and breaks a necklace by accident. You watch as she places the necklace back in the drawer and leaves the house without telling what happened.







It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Doggie Bag Snow Dog

Supplies: Ice cream, two small round chocolate cookies, chocolate chips, small paper plates Put one scoop of ice cream on the paper plate. Have the children place the chocolate cookies on the side of the scoop for ears. Use the chocolate chips to make the eyes, nose and mouth.

Memory verse Verse Relay Love is patient, love is kind. It

does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. I Corinthians 13:4-6 Supplies: Copies of verse (page 11) Preparation: Copy and cut out the verse. Make sure you have a copy for each team. Divide the children into teams. Mix up the verse cards for each team and place them on the other side of the room face down. The children race down to the end of the room, pick up one card and come back. Once all the cards are picked up, the team works to put the cards in order.

Craft Candle Decoration

Supplies: Candle (votive size or larger), assorted beads, memory wire, needle nose pliers Bend the end of the memory wire into a small loop to keep the beads from falling off. String different beads onto the wire. A random pattern usually looks best. Wrap the candle with the beaded wire. Use the needle nose pliers to cut excess wire and to bend a loop to keep the beads in place.

Game Blindfold Race

Supplies: Blindfold Have a race where one person is blindfolded and must crawl along a path. The other person gives directions but must only use the words the children learned from the dog sled racer. (Gee: turn right, Haw: turn left,

Easy: slow down, Hike: get moving.) Movies

Balto Snow Dogs (not all material is appropriate for children).

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Deputy Catch U. Dog (Shaking) I am FREEZING! I just got back from the northern part of Alaska. My twin brother, Gotcha Dawg, needed some help. There was a Siberian Husky lost out in the wild. Do you know what a Husky looks like? (Show pictures of the Husky.) Anyway, he had been pulling a sled and somehow the line snapped. He got loose and wandered off. The owner was really upset. Those Huskies train hard and are worth a lot of money. Also, their owners get attached to them. They have to depend on these dogs when they are out in the wild and in the snow. My brother and I got the dog! It made us so happy to reunite the owner with his beloved dog. But it sure was a cold job. I’m glad to be back here in ____________ (name of state) where it isn’t nearly as cold! (Deputy exits.)

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Sled Dog Racer (Music from Rocky plays. The sled dog racer comes running in wearing a parka and any other winter clothes available. He talks breathlessly.) Hi. Name’s Hutch. On a mission. To win. Win big. Must be in good shape. Great shape. Nothing less. (Stops and catches breath and starts talking normal.) Sorry, about that. I just get really excited about the big race. Anybody in here a sled racer? No? I’ve got a whole team of sled dogs. We have been training for a long time for the big race. I’ve got the perfect lead dog and all the other dogs fall in right behind him. I should show you how the dog team works. (Have someone come up to be the “dog.” Go through the following commands, getting the “dog” to follow them.) Gee: turn right Haw: turn left Easy: slow down Hike: Get moving One of the important things about this race is knowing what path to go down. If I have my dogs go down the wrong path, we are lost. Not only will we lose the race, our lives could be in danger. Sometimes life is like a sled race. You come to a place in your life where there are two paths, two choices to make. Often those choices are either a right choice or a wrong choice. The right choice leads to the true path. The wrong choice will lead you down a path you will regret. Make sure you always choose the right path! I had better get back to my dogs. Look for me in the big race! (Sled dog racer exits)

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Bob Bark The Truth (Bob barks as he enters.) Are you ready to play Whatz The Truth? I need two contestants to play Whatz the Truth. (Choose two children. Divide the rest of the children into two teams. Assign one team X’s and the other team O’s.) I am going to give you a question. If you get the question correct, you get to place your X or O on the tic tac toe board. The first one with three in the row wins.

1. During Jesus’ times, the temple was a place people went to worship God. (true)

2. The temple was located in Egypt. (false)

3. Anyone could go anywhere in the temple. (false)

4. People would buy animals to give to the priests to sacrifice for their sins. (true)

5. Only the priests could make the sacrifice. (true)

6. Pigs were one of the animals that were sacrificed. (false)

7. People sold animals at the temple. (true)

8. People could use their own money to buy the animals. (false)

9. People had to use temple money to buy the animals. (true) Once someone gets “three in the row”, the game is over. Great job finding out the truth about the temple. That is the end of our game of Whatz the Truth. (Bob Bark the Truth exits barking.)

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Role Playing Cards

You are with your friends at the store. You see your friend take a candy bar off the shelf and put it in his pocket. Your friend is having a hard time with her math. She wants to copy your math homework. She is your friend and you feel you must help her.

You are at a friend’s house. She gets into her big sister’s jewelry and breaks a necklace by accident. You watch as she places the necklace back in the drawer and leaves the house without telling what happened.

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Memory Verse Activity

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy,

it does not boast,

it is not proud.

It is not rude,

It is not self-seeking,

it is not easily angered,

it keeps no record

of wrongs. Love does

not delight in evil

but rejoices with the truth.

I Cor. 13:1-6

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 9


Bible Point Shine your light by standing up for what is right. Bible Verse Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. I Corinthians 13:6 Bible Story The Temple Purged. Matthew 21:12-17

Dog Breed Siberian Husky

Family Fun Play “Truth or Consequences”. What kind of consequences do you face in life when you do not tell the truth?


Ask your parents if they ever had to stand up for the truth with a friend. How did it make them feel? Do they have any advice for you when you are faced with that situation?

Huskies were once used in Siberia to herd reindeer.