Bias and-balance-in-journalism-powepoint-group-9

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Bias and-balance-in-journalism-powepoint-group-9


Credits:Jimega MancaoHanna Llevado

Samantha FernandezJannah Boiser


Either we can prevent bias or cant.Doing bias is what other Journalists are

doing just to earn money.Other Journalists don’t give importance

for the right thing. To treat the each of the separate group

equally, should use balanceAlso to know each other sides.


Many experienced bias in the whole world.

Money is the important way to defend your client.

Change the filthy image to pure and clean image.

Avoid bias and be fair always.


Journalistic bias There are 3 basic qualities

which should guide the work of a good journalist.

Fairness Vhong Navarro and Denise

Cornejo issue Never accept a gift

LOCALBIAS AND BALANCE IN JOURNALISM?Bias is the intentional favoritism to one party or side and this is

rampant in today s paper. While balance is the opposite of bias because you are not favoring any sides.

BIAS IN DCNHSBias occur in school but not in a journalistic sense in other situations

like competitions, school activities.

BALANCE First of all, we must know that our purpose is to inform the general

public. We don’t have the right to Manipulate them. Therefor we must be a neutral part that serves one purpose to inform.


Solution For us not to be bias, we must be fair. Fair enough that we are not favoring one side or what we call ‘favoritism’.

Reaction It is sad to know that bias happens in journalism. As a journalist, our job is to inform the citizens the troth so we must be honest. But because of bias, it makes us being unfair.

Evaluation Based on international, national, and local statistics situation view on the issue about Bias and Balance in Journalism, bias are really there. Other journalists are bias and they are not a good example and role models for young journalists like us. Journalist, when making a cover must be balance. One of the purpose of balance in journalism is to be fair, fair for every each sides.