Bi design

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Bi design


.(by Royi Benyossef (+royiby

devs & designers getting along


Shameless plug by Royi Benyossef (+royiby).

Royi benyossef.

● Android developer since 2008.

● GDG Herzeliya co-founder.

● Android speaker and lecturer.

● Android Mentor at CampusTLV.

● Android GDE 2013, 2014.

● Android group leader at Vidmind.

My Motivation

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

What do i want?

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● “My designer doesn’t know


What do i want?

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● “We’re trying to copy the iOS app on


What do i want?

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● “Rebranding caused us to refactor a lot of

the code”.

What do i want?

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● “My designer doesn’t know


● “We’re trying to copy the iOS app on


● “Rebranding caused us to refactor a lot of

the code”.

Never again!


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Less misunderstandings.


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Less clashes and stress.


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Less information gaps.


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Less duplicate work.


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

More time for fun!


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

A successful app.


Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Do your homework

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

quality checklists.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Design & interaction.

● Func.

● Performance.

● Stability.

● Google Play.

* app quality checklist.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Design Guidelines.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● vision.

● Style lang.

● Patterns.

● Navigation.

● Material design.


Design vision.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Enchant.

● Simplify.

● Amaze.

Design language.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Iconography.

● Typography.

● Color.

● branding.

● themes.

Asset studio.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● generators:

○ Icons.

○ 9-patch.

○ Device art.

○ Action bar style.

○ Holo colors.


Motivation - do your HW.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

What’s in it

for me?

Motivation - do your HW.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Learn about tools, patterns and user

expectations together.

Motivation - do your HW.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Eligibility to feature in Google Play!

Mock it up!

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

MOCK UI & Flow

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Android studio.

● Balsamiq.

● Fluid UI.

Mock nav. and animation

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Framer js.

● Pixate.

Motivation to Mock it up!

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

What’s in it

for me?

Motivation to Mock it up!

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Adjust expectations.

● Plan before impl.

● try out multiple solutions.

Design collaboration.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Step 1

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Connect designers to code.

Connect designers to code.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

1. Repo access and training.

Connect designers to code.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

2. layout and resources training.

Step 2

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Design code for designers.

Design code for designers.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

1. Feature toggles.

Design code for designers.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

2. .XML resources:

a. Meaningful names.

b. Logical places.

Design code for designers.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Old:

○ Layouts.

○ Strings.

○ Styles.

○ Themes.

○ Animations.

Design code for designers.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● New:

○ Vector drawables.

○ Transition animations.

○ Curved motion.

○ View state changes

Step 3

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Use designers only when you need

them (Designers JIT).

Designers JIT.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

3. Use Tinted drawable resources.


Designers JIT.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

4. Find dominant color dynamically

with Palette.

Palette.generateAsync(bitmap, new

Palette.PaletteAsyncListener() {

public void onGenerated(Palette palette) {

// Do something with colors...



Designers JIT.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

Designers JIT.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

4. Customize Shadows:

To define a custom outline for a view in your code:

1. Extend the ViewOutlineProvider class.

2. Override the getOutline() method.

3. Assign the new outline provider to your view with the View.setOutlineProvider() method.

<shape xmlns:android=""


<solid android:color="#42000000" />

<corners android:radius="5dp" />


Step 4 - Alter workflow

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Initial layout.

● Final touchups.

● Image replacements.

● Rebranding experiments.

Step 3 - Alter workflow

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Initial layout.

● Final touchups.

● Image replacements.

● Rebranding experiments.

Design collaboration.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

What’s in

it for me?

Motiv. - Design collab.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Allows for everyone to do what

they do best.

Motiv. - Design collab.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Shortens feedback loops.

Motiv. - Design collab.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Easy changes and


Motiv. - Design collab.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Induces Comradery and


Motiv. - Design collab.

Bi-design by Royi Benyossef

● Saves time.

● Saves Money.

● Happier work env.

● Better product.

● Do your homework.

● Mock UP whatever you

can before coding.

● Inject designers into the

dev. process.

Key points

Hybrid apps - what, when and why?

“We Should Be Building Great Things.

Things That Don’t yet Exist”

I hope you liked it.

by Royi Benyossef

Thank you for listening