BH-Business Daily 1964

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  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    The aim of the presentation is to familiarize

    the bank customers, small and medium

    enterprises, with the German market and

    the opportunities it offers, reads the state-


    As pointed out by Alexander Maerdian,

    responsible for promotion of bilateral rela-

    tions in the office of the German Chamber of

    Commerce in BiH, BiH companies' entry to

    German market has many positive aspects,

    such as increasing sales potential, diversifi-

    cation of risk, reduction of costs by increas-

    ing production volume, and work experi-

    ence abroad, which can be applied to our


    German Chamber of Commerce supportscreation of bilateral economic relations and

    provides German and BiH companies help

    in making new business relationships and

    cooperation through holding regular techni-

    cal seminars, favorable conditions for the

    visit and participation in trade fairs in

    Germany, and maintaining a database of

    small and medium-sized German and BiH

    companies, which encourages and supports


    "ProCredit Bank established a business net-work in 2011, which at its regular gatherings

    in cities across BiH allows each networking

    entrepreneur, discusses current topics and

    responds to issues faced by entrepreneurs.

    Practical advices are offered by specialists

    in this field. Our goal is to enable customers

    to hear useful and relevant topics for theirbusiness," said Maja Mehmedovic,

    Executive Director of ProCredit Bank.

    ProCredit Bank Business Network on "BiH com-

    panies entry to German market" will be held in

    Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Zenica, Zepce, Travnik

    and Mostar, by the end of the year. A.Z.

    Daily e-newspaper N 1964 Sarajevo, October 8, 2013

    Vice President of the RS Enes Suljkanovic

    attended yesterday in Doboj the signing of

    the Memorandum of continuing cooperation

    regarding the application of the project "Use

    of renewable geothermal energy in the town

    of Doboj," worth about 2,000,000 KM.

    Memorandum in the field of alternative

    energy sources has been signed by the

    Local Action Group of Doboj region, the city

    and the company "Geotest" from Sarajevo

    which is the daughter of the Czech compa-

    ny from Brno.

    Suljkanovic pointed out that the Czech

    Development Agency so far invested more

    than 3,000,000 KM in Doboj. "If the predic-tions come true, that Doboj is rich in geot-

    hermal water, it will be used for heating

    returnee school 'Sveti Sava' in Sevarlije,

    building greenhouses in certain returnee

    settlements and other places," said


    The deputy mayor of Doboj Dragan Vasilic

    said that the town will allocate minimal

    resources for implementation of the project

    amounting to 100,000 KM, and expressed

    satisfaction that the project will contribute

    to numerous savings and environmental


    Czech Ambassador in BiH Tomas Sunjog

    said that for the first phase of the project, in

    which will be examined geothermal poten-

    tial in the Doboj area, a grant of the Czech

    Development Agency of 1,100,000 KM is


    Czech Ambassador also announced theconstruction of a Regional landfill in the

    town of Doboj, involving 15 municipalities

    of the RS and the FBiH.

    Czech Development Agency would allo-

    cate grant funds in the amount of 50 per-

    cent of the total value, while the rest

    would be provided by lobbying at interna-

    tional banks.

    The director of "Geotest" from Sarajevo

    Damir Kasum said the geophysical sur-

    vey on the field will begin in November on

    the basis of which the potential sites for

    drilling of wells would be determined, and

    added that the wells will be dug in spring

    next year.

    Project from Doboj was selected as the

    best in the competition of 300 applications,

    consisting of a first stage - exploration of

    geothermal resources, second stage - edu-

    cation of local population about the use ofalternative energy sources, while the third

    phase is the realization of pilot project of

    using modern technologies for heating,

    which will be implemented in the primary

    school "Sveti Sava" in Sevarlije. A.G.

    Memorandum on the Useof Geothermal Energy Signed



    Entry of BiH Companiesin the German MarketThe new building of ProCredit Bank Management hosted

    a presentation for members of the Business Network on

    "BiH companies' entry to German market"













  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    On the occasion of the 7th

    October - World Day for

    Decent Work, Office of the

    Friedrich-Ebert Foundation

    in Sarajevo organized yes-

    terday a roundtable titled "I

    have a right to decent


    Director of the Friedrich-

    Ebert-Stiftung in BiH Judith

    Illerhues said that the purpose

    of this roundtable is to point to

    the situation in BiH when it comes to workers'

    rights, Onasa reports.

    "In the labor market of BiH there is great

    uncertainty, which is particularly true when it

    comes to young people. They are increas-ingly working for a predetermined period of

    time, they do not have the same rights as

    older workers, and the compensation for

    their work is much lower," Illerhues said.

    She added that the resolution of this prob-

    lem must be addressed by the state, and

    that it is very important that there are active

    individuals, and strong unions.

    As stated, with the aim of improving the

    involvement of young people in the union,

    Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, in cooperation with

    the Youth Section of the Alliance of

    Independent Unions of BiH and Youth

    Movement of the Federation of TradeUnions of Republika Srpska, each year

    organizes a union school where young

    trade unionists meet with collective bargain-

    ing, labor legislation in BiH, social dialogue

    and other topics important for stronger trade

    union involvement.

    Also, a joint alumni-network of trade union

    activists was launched in 2010, who thisyear created a music video titled "I have a

    right to decent work", which was presented


    "The video promotes five basic rights of

    workers, the right to work and signed con-

    tract of employment, the right to regular and

    dignified wage, the right to protection and

    safety in the workplace, the right to health

    and pension insurance and the right to a

    vacation," said Suzana Kvrgic, promoter of

    the video.

    She added that there is much talk about

    youth unemployment, and very little about

    the rights of young people who are working,which is the goal of the video.

    President of Youth Movement of Federation

    of Trade Unions of RS Goran Stankovic

    stressed several workers' rights that are

    commonly violated, namely: lack of pay,

    bonuses, severance pay, hot meals, not

    paying contributions for pension and health

    insurance, lack of rights to protection and

    safety in the workplace. R.K.

    2B&H Business, October 8, 2013

    Editor - in - Chief



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    BBI representative Haris Kovacevic

    explained the four bank lines of credit and

    the conditions under which the clients are

    allocated funds.

    He pointed out that the Turkish credit line is

    particularly in expansion.

    He explained that Turkey ensured 100 mil-

    lion Euros for the sustainable return of

    which BBI and Zirat bank received 50 mil-

    lion Euros each.

    Funds under extremely favorable conditions

    are intended for all returnees in Bosnia andHerzegovina and the companies that

    employ returnees, and Kovacevic said that

    so far 50 million KM are placed at 1,160

    customers, in 60 BiH municipalities and


    According to him, 44 percent of funds are

    placed in RS, 43 percent in the Federation

    of BiH and 13 percent in Brcko District.

    Bosnia Bank International plans to open two

    branches in the RS by the end of the year.

    Representatives of the Business Club and

    Business Forum of this Bank presented

    their activities in finding strategic partners to

    potential clients, while representatives of

    BIG MEV and the Foundation "Bridges of

    Hope" / MNF / presented their way of organ-

    ization and introduced those present to the

    possibilities of establishing business ties

    with businessmen from Turkey and the

    Middle East.

    The meeting presented the natural and eco-

    nomic resources of the Prijedor region,which has minerals, agricultural land,

    forests and water potential, which are under

    favorable conditions offered to interested

    investors for their placing in the function of

    economic development. D.S.

    Prijedor: BBI PresentsFour Credit Lines

    Representatives of Bosnia Bank International / BBI / presented yesterday in Kozarac

    their work to potential users, with a special focus on the credit lines, and the activitiesof its Business Club and Business Forum, Onasa reported



    Rights of Young Workers Most Often Violated

  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    Oaza was among 62 other products that were

    shortlisted in quality assessment, which was

    performed at the Faculty of Agriculture and

    Food, University of Sarajevo.

    After recently being awarded the Gold

    Medal for Quality at the Plum Fair in

    Gradacac, this is the second award this

    year for the Oaza brand. It is known that

    Oaza water is the first from BiH that was

    awarded gold medals for quality and design

    in one of the most prestigious fairs in

    America, the Berkeley Springs, even sever-

    al years in succession.

    "One medal after another. The fact is satisfying

    that after international awards for quality we

    were awarded in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    ZEPS is one of the largest fairs in the country

    and we are very proud of the fact that with

    quality and overall branding we could over-

    shadow other exhibitors, as Oaza is a Bosnian

    wonder and one of the best mineral waters in

    the world, and its potential is huge," says Haris

    Hrvic, brand manager of Oaza.

    All food products that were nominated for

    the medal of quality at the ZEPS 2013 were

    evaluated at the Institute for Agriculture and

    Food Technology - Food Engineering in

    Sarajevo. The chemical composition of min-

    eral water Oazis was analyzed. The evalua-

    tion was carried out at a tasting by con-sumer groups at Dubrovnik hotel in Zenica.

    Also, the assessment was made by the jury

    of ZEPS for the integrity of the product.

    Adding up the three assessments it was

    decided that the mineral water Oaza should

    win the award "Golden Rose ZEPS". A.Z.

    3B&H Business, October 8, 2013

    The company Hypnex-Hydraulics and

    Pneumatics Ltd Tuzla received at the ZEPS

    fair a Plaque for their carbon brushes for

    electrical engineering.

    There are different types of these brushes,

    for generators of thermal power plants and

    hydro power plants, brushes for industrial

    motors, for tool machinery, electric tools,

    household appliances, and brushes for

    motor vehicles.

    "This is a tribute of ZEPS for companies

    engaged in production. This way the fair sup-

    ports the companies. For me it is a great

    compliment by ZEPS," said Dervis Cicko,

    director of the company to

    Hypnex has participated in the ZEPS fair formany years and, as Cicko says, they are

    happy because it is the only real industrial fair

    in BiH. "A lot of our partners come to the fair

    to meet again, talk among ourselves about

    what our companies do, to make contact with

    people. The fair is important for us because

    we are engaged in production of brushes for

    electrical rotating machines and for electrical

    motors, and we are the only manufacturer in

    BiH. We are also engaged in engineering

    hydraulic and pneumatic equipment and

    services. So we have an opportunity to pres-

    ent our work only at ZEPS," he said.

    He believes that the business related to engi-

    neering and manufacturing of equipment,

    what they do, is the least-favored thing you

    can do. "As soon as we finish a year positive-

    ly and when we appear on ZEPS, we have

    already achieved success," he points out.

    Cicko says that their biggest problem is thestate, and that each year they fight so that

    the state does not destroy them. "The gov-

    ernment is the biggest enemy of production,"

    he emphasized. A.Z.

    Hypnex Tuzla AwardedRecognition for Graphite Brushes

    The company IGM Visoko received

    recognition for their heat insulating

    facade Ekopor 100 mm at the ZEPS fair.

    "With our products you can save up to 51

    percent of energy per year. This is not a

    marketing gimmick; we had a joint project

    with the Caritas from Switzerland and the

    Centre for Ecology and Energy from Tuzla

    where 10 samples were taken from build-

    ings that had no technical facade. They

    were measured energy consumption

    before and after the facade. On average,

    the results showed that there was 51 per-cent less consumption after facade," said

    Adnan Imamovic, officer for marketing and

    IT of the company IGM for

    The project was done in the period 2008

    - 2010 and energy consumption was

    measured in all buildings in the heating

    season before rehabilitation of the facili-

    ties, then the heating season after reha-

    bilitation of facilities.

    IGM is a leading manufacturer of clay

    and styrofoam products in BiH, and they

    also produce aluminum and PVC doors

    and windows. They also have a trade

    segment, and a segment of construction

    operations that builds flats and business

    premises. R.K.

    IGM VisokoReceived Award

    for Their

    Product Ekopor

    Mineral Water OazaAwarded the Golden RoseMineral Water Oaza - Tesanjski Kiseljak won the "Golden Rose" award for quality

    at the 20 Jubilee International Economy Fair ZEPS in Zenica


    Deutsch Bosnische Cooperation has been

    present during the last five years at the

    ZEPS fair in Zenica which serve them to

    keep in touch with regular and potential cus-

    tomers and suppliers.

    "This year we presented novelties in the

    field of transportation system components

    (rollers, conveyor belts, drums and other

    parts). Labyrinths and housing for conveyor

    rollers that operate in difficult conditions

    under heavy loads were presented, mining,

    steel mills, coke ovens and TPP, rollers for

    food industry and self-extinguishing plastic

    labyrinths that are installed in environments

    of up to 1200 degrees Celsius," says direc-

    tor of the company Almir Kujundzic.

    He stated that in addition to customers and

    suppliers they also arranged meetings withthe world's leading manufacturers of com-

    plete transportation systems and discussed

    possible joint projects in the Balkans.

    DBC is the largest manufacturer of convey-

    or rollers in BiH and one of the leading in the

    Balkans and they are aware of the fact that

    huge investment projects will follow (con-

    struction of the Thermal Power Plant and

    Cement Plant Banovici, building the block 7

    of TPP Tuzla, building TPP Stanari, big

    investments in mines, SSL, Natron Hayat,

    TPP Ugljevik, TPP Gacko, investments in

    Serbia and Kosovo).

    ''All these projects conduct transports in

    their systems exclusively by conveyor

    belts and most of the above mentioned

    companies are our long-term customers.

    DBC wants to be ready for the projects

    and we are aware that we need a partner

    for who, with their financial strength and

    experience, will help that hundreds of mil-lions of Euros do not go to import of these

    components again," announced the peo-

    ple of the company. A.G.

    DBC Gracanica at the ZEPS Fair:Enormous Investments

  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    4B&H Business, October 8, 2013

    The two-day conference of the Forum of

    Adriat ic and Ionian Cities, which was

    hosted by the Mayor of Mostar, LjuboBeslic, and colleagues from Croatia, Italy,

    Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina

    ended on Saturday in Mostar with the

    expectation that these cities are strongly

    linked through joint projects that can be

    funded from the European funds, Vecernji

    List writes.

    "Each of these countries in the forum seek

    to apply for EU projects, and most of the

    projects are in the field of environment,

    infrastructure or other development proj-

    ects, which altogether can help the integra-

    tion of new towns in this forum," said Mayor

    of Pescara, Luigi Mascia Albor.

    According to him, there are many

    opportunities to connect cities of theAdr iat ic-Ionian region which would con-

    tribute to their economic development.

    Mayor of Split, Ivo Baldasar, who partic-

    ipated in the work of the Forum of

    Adr iat ic and Ionian Cit ies , sa id that Italy

    and Croatia lead in projects of mutual

    cooperation and the possibility of using


    "What is most interesting to us in Split is to

    see better boat links between Italy and

    Croatia, herewith we would connect BiH

    and other parts of the Adriatic-Ionian

    region," said Baldasar.

    Mostar Mayor Ljubo Beslic, who hosted the

    fellow mayors from several countries in the

    region, said that the aim was to ensure thatBiH does not lag behind its neighbors and

    that this type of cooperation contributes to


    The Adriatic and Ionian Cities Forum is an

    international organization founded in

    Ancona in 1999 with the purpose of

    stronger economic, social and cultural con-

    nections between towns on the shores of

    two seas. It brings together some 50

    coastal cities from seven countries along

    the Adriatic and Ionian Sea - Italy, Albania,

    Greece, Slovenia, BiH, Montenegro and

    Croatia. R.K.

    Better Use of EU FundsAdriatic-Ionian region offers great possibility for cooperation in the economy,

    as well as environmental projects


    Currency exchange - Central Bank of BiHThe International Banking Code (ISO CODE) for the Convertible Marka is BAM.

    Currency exchange - October 8, 2013

    Country Num code Alpha code Units Buy Middle Sell

    978 EUR 1 1.955830 1.955830 1.955830

    036 AUD 1 1.352846 1.356237 1.359628

    124 CAD 1 1.392534 1.396024 1.399514

    191 HRK 100 25.584427 25.648548 25.712669

    203 CZK 1 0.076468 0.076660 0.076852208 DKK 1 0.261531 0.262186 0.262841

    348 HUF 100 0.659480 0.661133 0.662786

    392 JPY 100 1.484057 1.487776 1.491495

    440 LTL 1 0.565032 0.566448 0.567864

    578 NOK 1 0.240056 0.240658 0.241260

    752 SEK 1 0.223156 0.223715 0.224274

    756 CHF 1 1.591045 1.595033 1.599021

    949 TRY 1 0.720250 0.722055 0.723860

    826 GBP 1 2.312363 2.318158 2.323953

    840 USD 1 1.437474 1.441077 1.444680

    643 RUB 1 0.044531 0.044643 0.044755

    156 CNY 1 0.234897 0.235486 0.236075

    941 RSD 100 1.702898 1.707166 1.711434

    SDR (Special Drawing Rights) October 4, 2013 = BAM 2.212513





    Czech RDennmark













    Yesterday in Munich, at the Europe's largest

    real estate fair "Expo Real", which takes

    place from October 7 to 9, was held a pres-

    entation of investment opportunities in the air-

    ports of Banja Luka and Trebinje, RS Ministry

    of Economic Affairs and Regional

    Cooperation informed.

    "Upon opening of everyday flights Banja

    Luka - Belgrade, which should be operationalfrom December 1 2013, we are trying to find

    potential investors for airport passenger and

    cargo infrastructure," the statement said.

    Investment opportunities were presented by

    the acting director of RS Airport Davorin Mihic

    and acting director of Trebinje Airport Pero

    Munisic. RS government, organized by the

    Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional

    Cooperation, this year participates in

    Europe's largest real estate fair. It is recalledthat the Munich "Expo Real" is a leading inter-

    national fair in this sector, which brings

    together more than 1,700 exhibitors at

    64,000 square meters of exhibition space.

    Countries, regions, intermediary agencies in

    the field of the real estate, financial and insur-

    ance companies, airports, and other types of

    potential investors, are presented at the fair.

    Hence it is used for presentations and for

    making specific contacts and businessarrangements. D.S.

    RS Airports Presented In MunichRS GOVERNMENT

    In brief

    FBiH Highways and a consortium made

    of IPSA Institute d.o.o. Sarajevo and

    Divel d.o.o. Sarajevo will sign today in

    Capljina a contract for providing consul-

    tancy services for creating a main design

    of Corridor 5c's Pocitelj - Bijaca section,

    subsection Pocitelj - Zvirovici. The con-

    tract value is 1,757,780 Euros, and the

    funding have been provided by a grant ofthe EIB

    Chairman of the HoR Denis Becirovic met

    yesterday in Sarajevo with the

    Ambassador of Norway Vibeke Lilloe.

    The main topics were the improvement of

    economic and political cooperation

    between BiH and Norway

    Shareholders of RS Telecommunications

    a.d. Banja Luka will be paid interim divi-

    dend in the amount of 46,083,876 KM in

    cach, according to the draft decision onwhich the shareholders of this company

    will declare at the Assembly scheduled

    for November 7

  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    5B&H Business, October 8, 2013

    NPRFRK2 ZIF Naprijed dd Sarajevo MFTS 2,05 2,70 1,99 2,06 56.559 116.169,58 5

    BNSFRK2 ZIF Bonus dd Sarajevo MFTS 2,96 0,00 2,96 2,96 130 384,80 2

    BIGFRK3 ZIF BIG Investiciona grupa dd Sarajevo MFTS 3,80 0,00 3,80 3,80 2.007 7.626,60 1

    PRPFRK2 ZIF Prof Plus dd Sarajevo MFTS 3,51 -2,50 3,60 3,50 2.471 8.673,50 3

    PVNFRK3 ZIF Prevent invest dd Sarajevo MFTS 4,25 -2,97 4,25 4,25 83 352,75 1

    The Official quotation - PIFs

    BSNLR Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo MFTS 13,10 -2,96 13,10 13,10 152 1.991,20 2

    Official quotation

    Sarajevo Stock ExchangePRICE LIST - October 7, 2013

    BHTSR BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo MFTS 19,50 0,97 19,30 19,50 2.898 56.501,00 9

    ENPSR Energopetrol dd Sarajevo MFTS 6,21 -2,97 6,21 6,21 227 1.409,67 2

    FDSSR Fabrika duhana Sarajevo dd Sarajevo MFTS 57,72 -2,99 57,72 57,72 534 30.822,48 2

    CTBURK4 Centrotrans-Eurolines d.d. Sarajevo MFTS 25,00 0,00 25,00 25,00 274 6.850,00 1

    The free Market - Stock Market - Prime Free Market

    PRAKRK3 Prevoz radnika Kreka d.d. Tuzla Fixing 1 9,00 5,88 9,00 9,00 89 801,00 1

    The free Market - Stock Market - Secondary Free Market

    Total 270.486,23 BAM

    Symbol I s s u e r Trading Official % Open Close Volume Value No. of

    System Price (BAM) Change Price Price (BAM) Transaction

    PLINRK1 Plin Sarajevo d.d. Sarajevo Fixing 1 9,99 0,00 9,99 9,99 850 8.491,50 1

    The free Market - Stock Market - Tertiary Free Market

    Expressed in numbers, Bosnalijek in August of

    this year achieved revenue from sales in theamount of 10.5 million KM, while in September

    they generated revenue of 11.8 million KM.

    The largest sales revenue was recorded in

    the CIS region and Russia, then in BiH and

    the region of Southeast Europe.Particularly encouraging is increased sales

    realization in the markets of Russia, Ukraine

    and Kosovo where there is an increased

    secondary sale and increased level of mar-

    keting activity.This success is the result of efforts to nor-

    malize Bosnalijek business, improvement

    strategies and customer relationships. D.S.

    Record Sales Revenue in Last Two MonthsSecond consecutive month, Bosnalijek has met monthly sales plan and achieved more than

    57 percent of the annual plan, which is a great success in the difficult business environment

    in which the company is located, according to the company


    FBIHK1A FBiH obveznice ratna potrazivanja ser. A MFTS 69,02 1,50 69,02 69,02 719 496,25 1

    FBIHK1B FBiH obveznice ratna potrazivanja ser. B MFTS 67,00 -1,47 67,00 67,00 627 420,09 1

    FBIHK1C FBiH obveznice ratna potrazivanja ser. C MFTS 65,00 0,00 65,00 65,00 551 358,15 1

    FBIHK1D FBiH obveznice ratna potrazivanja ser. D MFTS 62,00 0,00 62,00 62,00 551 341,62 2

    FBIHK1E FBiH obveznice ratna potrazivanja ser. E MFTS 60,00 0,00 60,00 60,00 553 331,80 1

    FBIHKP FBiH stara devizna stednja serija P MFTS 98,00 -0,01 98,00 98,00 7.940 7.781,20 2

    FBIHKR FBiH stara devizna stednja serija R MFTS 96,03 0,03 96,03 96,03 10.500 10.083,15 1

    FBIHKB1 FBiH stara devizna stednja serija BV MFTS 99,50 0,00 99,50 99,50 16.178 16.097,11 1

    BOND quotation

    Nobel Corporation, BiH leader in sales of

    water filters, is taking over the representation of

    the largest European manufacturer of water fil-

    ters - the Italian Atlas. "We have finished the

    job and now we are going to distribute their

    products in BiH," said Boris Bosnjak, Sales

    Director of Nobel Corporation, to this year the company presented itself

    at the ZEPS fair with two products that they

    market in BiH; heating systems without

    pipes, Altantic boiler and water filtration

    systems with which Nobel has already

    become a kind of synonymous.

    "Atlantic is the world's largest manufacturer

    of this type of heating and the only in thisarea that exports its products to the

    Chinese market. Nobel has been their part-

    ner in BiH for 17 years. There are also

    water filtration systems, and any problems

    related to water quality can be resolved

    with the help of our filters. This is support-

    ed by our references, which are hospitals,

    restaurants, individuals, specialized labora-tories, etc.," said Bosnjak. R.K.

    Nobel Corporation Becomes Representative of Italian AtlasDISTRIBUTION STARTS

  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    6B&H Business, October 8, 2013

    Banja Luka and the German city

    Kaiserslautern have a very meaningful and

    fruitful cooperation based on the exchange ofknowledge and experience, particularly in the

    field of culture and the economy, said the

    mayor of Banja Luka Slobodan Gavranovic.

    "Previous cooperation was comprehensive and we

    want to expand it even more," said Gavranovic.He noted that, at the invitation of leaders of

    Kaiserslautern, on the occasion of the tenth

    anniversary of the signing of the agreement

    on cooperation between the two cities, the

    delegation of Banja Luka visited thisGerman city on October 3-6.

    Gavranovic said that the special topic of dis-

    cussion in Kaiserslautern was the construc-

    tion of Technology business-park.

    "We visited their technological park, which is

    already developed. It's a completely differ-

    ent model, but the experiences are very

    important. Under this system, there are

    technical and scientific institutions, which

    deal with the project of creating self-sustain-

    ing parks," explained Gavranovic.

    He said that during his visit to Kaiserslautern

    it was agreed that the delegation of this

    German city visits Banja Luka and help, inorder to avoid mistakes during the construc-

    tion of the Technology business-park in the

    Banja Luka's settlement Ramici. A.G.

    Good Cooperation with KaiserslauternGavranovic said that the special topic of discussion in Kaiserslautern

    was the construction of Technology business-park


    Banja Luka Stock ExchangePRICE LIST - October 7, 2013

    Symbol I s s u e r Avg. % Best Best Opening Max Min Closing No. of Volume Value

    Course Change Ask Bid Price Price Trans. (BAM)

    BLBP-R-A ZIF BLB - profit a.d. Banja Luka 3,11 -0,64% 3,04 3,50 3,10 3,10 3,13 3,11 2 132 410,40

    EKVP-R-A ZIF Aktiva invest fond a.d. Banja Luka 3,01 0,00% 3,01 3,48 3,01 3,01 3,01 3,01 1 72 216,72

    ELDO-R-A Elektro Doboj a.d. Doboj 0,60 0,00% 0,60 0,70 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 2 973 583,80

    HELV-R-A Hidroelektrane na Vrbasu a.d. Mrkonjic Grad 0,43 0,00% 0,43 0,50 0,43 0,43 0,43 0,43 1 9712 4.176,16

    HGPT-R-A Hercegovinaputevi a.d. Trebinje 1,00 0,00% 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 3 999 999,00

    INVP-R-A ZIF Invest nova fond a.d. Bijeljina 0,045 4,65% 0,041 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,045 11 2600000 117.000,00

    KRIP-R-A ZIF Kristal invest fond a.d. Banja Luka 5,10 0,00% 5,00 5,30 5,10 5,10 5,11 5,10 6 1644 8.384,90

    MJMT-R-A 1. maj metalska a.d. Banja Luka 0,22 65,41% 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 2 119525 26.295,50

    PLRP-R-A ZIF Polara invest fond a.d. Banja Luka 4,54 -7,35% 4,54 4,90 4,54 4,54 4,54 4,54 3 280 1.271,20

    RFUM-R-A Rafinerija ulja a.d. Modrica 0,16 1,27% 0,16 0,189 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 1 7718 1.234,88

    RNAF-R-A Rafinerija nafte Brod a.d. Brod 0,031 0,00% 0,031 0,04 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,031 2 5162 160,03

    RSDS-O-C Republika Srpska - stara devizna stednja 3 94,11 0,00% 94,11 94,11 94,11 94,11 94,11 1 2498 940,35

    RSDS-O-D Republika Srpska - stara devizna stednja 4 90,00 1,12% 90,01 92,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 1 17582 12.659,04

    RSDS-O-E Republika Srpska - stara devizna stednja 5 87,64 0,29% 87,83 87,99 87,39 87,39 87,83 87,83 15 112277 98.402,88

    RSOD-O-A Republika Srpska - obaveze dobavljacima 1 70,04 3,00% 68,00 72,00 70,04 70,04 70,04 70,04 1 24543 17.189,92

    RSRS-O-A Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne stete 1 67,00 0,59% 67,00 67,99 67,00 67,00 67,00 67,00 3 23908 16.018,36

    RSRS-O-B Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne stete 2 64,61 0,16% 64,61 65,50 64,50 64,50 65,00 65,00 5 39766 25.692,49

    RSRS-O-C Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne stete 3 65,06 0,31% 64,96 65,74 65,06 65,06 65,06 65,06 2 20987 13.654,14

    RSRS-O-E Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne stete 5 56,40 2,53% 56,30 57,00 56,40 56,30 57,00 56,40 4 8566 4.831,22

    RSRS-O-F Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne stete 6 56,15 -1,49% 56,22 57,49 57,00 56,00 57,00 56,15 8 60300 33.859,15

    RSRS-O-G Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne stete 7 57,21 -0,14% 56,00 57,00 57,00 56,00 58,00 57,21 6 21840 12.495,20

    TLKM-R-A Telekom Srpske a.d. Banja Luka 1,68 0,00% 1,69 1,70 1,68 1,68 1,69 1,69 6 10801 18.165,68

    ZPTP-R-A ZIF Zepter fond a.d. Banja Luka 7,64 -2,05% 7,62 7,80 7,65 7,60 7,70 7,70 9 443 3.385,73

    ZTRG-R-A Zadruzna trgovina PPP a.d. Mrkonjic Grad 0,12 -2,44% 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 1 2559 307,08

    The Official Market

    Total: 418.334 BAM

    Prime Minister of the RS Govt Zeljka

    Cvijanovic met yesterday in Banja Luka with

    non-resident Ambassador of Israel to BiH

    David Cohen on the current political and

    economic situation in the RS and BiH, with a

    focus on improving economic cooperation

    between Israel and the Republika Srpska.

    The meeting also discussed the promotion

    of cooperation in the field of health and

    agriculture, as well as the activities carried

    out in the RS to improve the business cli-

    mate, RS Government said.

    On this occasion, the importance of the

    event of marking the Day of Israel in the

    RS was highlighted, which is being held for

    the third time in Banja Luka. A.G.

    Enhance EconomicCooperation with Israel


  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    7B&H Business, October 8, 2013


    Radoje Zugic, the Finance Minister, said the

    government will take on another 100-mil-

    lion-euro loan from commercial banks with a

    sliding interest rate of 5.75 percent and


    The repayment term would be three years,

    the minister said.

    He added that the money would be used to

    cover the budget deficit, fiscal reserves and

    refinance existing obligations.

    This year's budget law plans a debt of 250

    million euro.

    International financial institutions have

    highlighted the rise in public debt in

    Montenegro, which has almost doubled to

    50 percent of GDP over the last few

    years. Montenegro has to date taken on

    debt of about 119 million euro for return-

    ing guarantees given to Aluminum Plant

    Podgorica, KAP.

    The plant was officially declared bankrupt

    on July 8 when its 1,200 workers were all

    fired. Zugic said the government would

    soon again propose a budget rebalance to

    parliament, which was forced to put on ice in

    July when it did not have the support of the

    majority in parliament. R.K.

    Another 100 MillionLoan To Be Taken

    Montenegro is due to take on another 100 million euro in credits from commercial

    banks to cover the budget deficit, reserves and refinance its existing obligations, Beta reports



    The National Bank of Greece (NBG) plans to

    sell its stakes in banks in southeastern Europe

    - Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and

    Serbia, Katimerini reports. However, NBG has

    reached an agreement with the European

    Commission's competition watchdog to keep a

    majority stake in Turkey's Finansbank, the web

    portal has reported.

    It is said that the base in Skopje should beconsolidated and improved, but this is going

    to be a long process that will take between

    five and seven years to complete. The web

    portal says that NBG's withdrawal from

    Skopje-based Stopanska Banka is nothing

    but speculation as this bank had EUR 2 bil-

    lion worth of deposits two months ago and is

    in excellent financial condition.

    There is no official announcement of any

    change in the structure of shareholders of

    Stopanska Banka that continuously

    achieves success and is financially inde-pendent from the NBG Group. This bank is

    under the supervision of the National Bank

    of Macedonia. R.K.

    National Bank of GreeceExits SEE Markets

    A recent survey by the State Employment

    Agency brings the sky-high unemployment

    figure back down to earth by the use of

    new methodology, Birn reported.

    The survey published on the agency's

    website suggests that the real unemploy-

    ment rate in Macedonia is around 10 per-

    cent, far less than the official figure of 29

    percent of the State Statistical Office.

    The agency came up with this number by

    distinguishing between those unemployed

    and actively searching for jobs, and others

    listed as unemployed who are presumed

    to be working in the "grey" market.

    According to the survey, of some 220,000

    registered unemployed persons in

    Macedonia, 130,000 told the agency's

    questionnaire that they do not wish the

    agency to offer them jobs if they become

    available. The agency now counts just the

    other 90,000 who asked for the agency's

    assistance as the "real unemployed".

    Unnamed sources from this state office

    were cited in the economic magazine

    Kapital as saying they would soon repeat

    the survey, just to be sure, before trumpet-

    ing the new figures.

    At a recent talk before the business com-

    munity in late September, Prime Minister

    Nikola Gruevski said the government itself

    had queried the unemployment figures.

    "We will soon be able to answer many of

    you who have complained of having a hard

    time finding workers. We have often won-

    dered why that is so, despite the high

    unemployment rate," Gruevski told the

    businessmen. He added that the employ-

    ment agency had "devised a methodology

    to distinguish between active and passive

    unemployed persons".

    Kapital commented that although an unem-

    ployment figure of 10 percent might sound

    to many Macedonians like something from

    a "believe-it-or-not" section, economists

    have for years questioned the veracity of

    the figure of some 30 percent. D.S.

    High Jobless Figure DisputedMACEDONIA'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY

    Public transport in the Croatian capital

    Zagreb is almost three times more

    expensive than in Rome. Daily news-

    paper Vecernji List revealed the list of

    public transport tickets' cost inEuropean capitals, placing Zagreb at

    the top of the list. The same source

    reveals that an average citizen of the

    Croatian capital needs to work 17 min-

    utes for a public transport ticket. At the

    same time people in Vienna work nine

    minutes to pay a public transport tick-

    et. In Italian capital Rome they work

    six minutes for the ticket. In the

    Slovenian capital Ljubljana, or in

    Czech capital Prague they work

    eleven minutes to buy a ticket when

    comparing average wages and the

    price of a public transport ticket,

    reports Croatian Times. A.Z.


    Almost Three TimesMore Expensive

    Than Rome


  • 7/22/2019 BH-Business Daily 1964


    8B&H Business, October 8, 2013


    The carrier's CEO, Daliborka Pejovic, explains

    the measure is necessary in order for the airline

    to save money. "We have to cut costs. We

    spend up to 400.000 Euros per year just on

    accommodation", Ms. Pejovic says. The major-

    ity of Serbian employees at Montenegro Airlines

    are technicians and engineers. In addition, a

    handful of Serbian cabin crew has also lost their

    jobs. Ms. Pejovic adds that another reason for

    the termination of contracts for its staff from

    Serbia is that they cannot secure permits to stay

    and work in Montenegro.The CEO of Montenegro Airlines ensures that

    Montenegrin nationals working at the carrier

    are safe. "There are no plans to lay off any of

    our workers. Only if we really have to, we will

    consider it as a final measure. Currently there

    are 433 employees at Montenegro Airlines",

    Ms. Pejovic explains. However, four interns

    working at the airline recently lost their jobs

    with the CEO stating it was a one off as they

    were not hired according to procedure.

    Realizing its newest measure could be interpret-

    ed as racial discrimination, the carrier has issued

    the following statement, "In accordance with the

    goals of our company, which includes the outmost

    rationalization of business, we have recently done

    a lot of work to cut all costs, of which the public has

    been informed of. The dismissal of employees

    was carried out under no particular basis rather

    we are just 'dismissing costs'".

    The airline's latest unique cost cutting meas-ures were approved by CEO Daliborka

    Pejovic who is a high ranking member of the

    governing DPS party and her four member

    Board of Directors which features Dusko

    Lalicevic, former ambassador and head of the

    Montenegrin Tennis Association, Tufik

    Bojadzic, a politicologist who is also the

    Deputy Mayor of the town of Bijelo Polje, Zivko

    Andrijasevic, a historian who is also the advisor

    on national policy to the Montenegrin President

    and Branislav "Brano" Golubovic, the head of

    the DPS Municipal Board in Berane, Ex- Yu

    Aviation News writes. D.S.

    Foreign Workers No LongerWelcome At Montenegro AirlinesIn an extraordinary measure, Montenegro Airlines has announced it is terminating contracts with all Serbian

    citizens working for the airline in Montenegro adding that Montenegrin nationals will not lose their jobs


    Foreign investments totaling almost 2 bil-

    lion Euros were realized in Macedonia from

    July 2006 until July 2013 suggesting an

    increase of one billion compared to the pre-

    vious ten-year period when the country's

    economic policies had been created by the

    current opposition, stated Zoran Stavreski

    on Tuesday.

    The Deputy PM and Minister of Finance

    was commenting on the latest data show-ing that foreign investments in Macedonia

    in July 2013 stood at 30 million Euros and

    130 million Euros since the beginning of

    the year.

    The data on the level of foreign invest-

    ments in the country served as a confirma-

    tion that the government's policy on attract-

    ing foreign investments was yielding

    results, according to him.

    "We are content with the fact that over 130

    million Euros of foreign investments entered

    since the start of 2013, which is more than

    the total sum invested last year. Attractingforeign investments is a process and should

    be perceived in a period of four to five years.

    For instance, from July 2006 until July 2013

    a total of one billion and 800 million Euros of

    foreign investments entered in Macedonia

    which is up by one billion compared to the

    previous ten-year period when the current

    opposition had created the economic poli-

    cies," Stavreski said.

    The figures, he added, verify that the gov-

    ernment is successful in meeting its objec-

    tive to attract as many foreign companies

    and global brands as possible to contributeto boosting export, economic growth and

    the employment rate, reports the

    Government. A.G.

    EUR 130 Million in FDI since JanuaryMACEDONIA

    In its last full month of operations as Jat

    Airways, the Serbian national carrier handled

    165.013 passengers, a decrease of 7% com-

    pared to the same month last year. The results

    come despite the airline boosting its number of

    flights by 14%. The average cabin load factor

    for the month stood at 65%, which is elevenpoints down on September 2012. Numbers

    were down across the board. On Jat's flights to

    and from Montenegro, the airline saw an 8%

    passenger decline. Euro Mediterranean flights

    recorded a 10% plunge in numbers while

    scheduled traffic saw a 9% passenger

    decrease. Charter flights were the only to see

    numbers improve, up 11% on last year.

    In September, flights to and from Ohrid, Pula,

    Split and Paris saw the greatest rate of pas-

    senger growth compared to last year.

    Overall, the airline's numbers on flights to

    Croatia grew by 60%. The best average

    cabin load factor was recorded on flights from

    Thessaloniki and Monastir to Belgrade, both

    at 96%, followed by Split - Belgrade at 90%.

    During the month, Jat had fourteen aircraft in


    So far this year, Jat Airways has welcomed1.098.216 passengers on board its aircraft, a

    decrease of 2% compared to the same peri-

    od last year. The average cabin load factor

    for the first nine months stands at 69%, down

    five points. While passenger numbers to

    Montenegro are the same as last year, Euro

    Mediterranean flights have seen a 4%

    decline while charter flights have recorded a

    passenger boost of 14%.

    Jat Airways will operate under its name for

    most of October before it officially begins

    operations as Air Serbia on October 27.

    Poor September Performancefor Serbia's Jat Airways