BGM Issue 1

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Issue 1 of BGM magazine. Thanks for reading.

Transcript of BGM Issue 1



Issue 1June 2012£2.99

Editor: Ben GroveWriter: Ben Grove Designer: Ben Grove

JUNE 2012


Welcome to BGM!

The first ever BGM issue in the world of gaming magazines. I intend to realease the magazine monthly (or as often as I can), with some news, reviews and other shit from the gaming universe.

I’m no Charles Dickens, so the writing side of things may lack untill I gather some help and experience. But design is my thing, so I hope I gain back some respect in that area.

Just enjoy the contents, give me your thoughts and feedback as it is always taken into Just enjoy the contents, give me your thoughts and feedback as it is always taken into consideration, and we’ll get along fine.

I love to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions from the world of gaming, so if anyone wants to contribute an article (review, explanation etc) or any screens, funny photos, walkthroughs, adverts for your YouTube, or anything relevant to BGM, please shoot me an email anytime.

Also, I am looking for help from the writing perspective. So if any of you are budding Also, I am looking for help from the writing perspective. So if any of you are budding reviewers, know what your talking about and want to be a part of the BGM team, also send me an email, with a review or two of a couple of games.

I hope you enjoy the first issue, with hopefully many more to come.


Ben Grove.

Note from the Editor

9 years after we last saw him, MAX PAYNE’s life has changed a hell of a lot. Addicted to booze and painkillers, he left his NYPD job, moved to São Paulo Brazil, and is now working as private security for the wealthy Branco family.

The storyline is incredible. From the high paced action in the The storyline is incredible. From the high paced action in the São Paulo favelas, to the flash backs of graveyard gunfights in New Jersey, not one area of the story disappoints. We start at the end, with Max recalling how he got into this whole situation, and as you play through the game, you see just how Max’s life has spiralled into a world of drink, drugs and guns. The story mode has somewhat of some re-playability to it. With each chapter holding clues, golden gun parts, and to it. With each chapter holding clues, golden gun parts, and some little easter eggs, it’s a challenge to go back and see what you missed.

The gameplay is phenomenal. Everything looks polished, from Max’s sweaty forehead after an intense gunfight, to the surrounding buildings, all with unique markings and beautiful textures. The controls are easy to get used to, and with easy to hardcore modes, each provides a challenge depending on your skill level. The cover system is great and very simple to use, and bullet dodge makes those kills look that bit more impressive as dodge makes those kills look that bit more impressive as you dive through the air to pop a bullet in someone’s temple.

Another amazing feature is the physics. Every bullet’s angle and damage has an effect on how the bad guys go down.

If you shoot someone in the face, a shotgun will leave a gaping hole where their nose used to be, with the head snapping back for them to collapse onto. Or a simple handgun shot to the genitals also gives a pleasurable reaction to watch. And with the use of bullet time, you can make sure you get that shot just where you want it.

MaxMax’s physics are just as impressive. With every bullet dodge, he reacts to the surroundings. If you bullet dodge yourself into a wall, the wall will quickly stop your slow motion dive as you fall to a heap on the ground. If you’re walking through puddles, the look of the puddles rippling around your foot shows great attention to detail.

The attention to detail is also a feature which Rockstar have clearly focused on. Every bullet that hits Max will also leave an impression. If you take a hit to the back, you will play through the rest of the chapter with a bloody stain there. Every feels so new and fresh, yet still keeping the things that make Max Payne what it is, with bullet time and painkillers, it’s a perfect blend between the old and the nethe old and the new.

Multiplayer is just as good, with all the story capabilites carried over tot he online modes. Team deathmatch is a great way to spend some hours, and with the ranking up addition, it is a game to keep revisiting.


Overall, the game is incredible. The physics, the gameplay, the story, it’s all so good. There are a few glitches still to be worked out such as non-existing cut scenes, but they shouldn’t be to hard to fix with a simple patch. Max Payne 3 is definitely one of the best games to be released for a while, and with the effort that Rockstar has put into it, I cannot wait to see what GTAV is to look like. Don’t get it confused though, this is by no is to look like. Don’t get it confused though, this is by no means filler for the time we wait for some GTA information, Max Payne will be a contender for game of the year, even with some big games to be released, there is no doubt Max Payne will be right up there at the end of 2012. Well done Rockstar, well done.


Want to play some Max Payne 3?

Add me on PSN: bengrover

TRIALS have come with a new, advanced and all round better game than ever before. Trials Evolution is a whole leap ahead from Trials HD. The first game proved to be a popular arcade seller on the Xbox, and Evo will without a doubt out sell HD.

The gameplay is the same as before and for The gameplay is the same as before and for newcomers is easy to get to grips with. The physics look great and the graphics are incredible. Red Lynx have really upped it this time around, with the adition of multiplayer and the track editor, the replayability is endless.

The main carrer mode is great. With a split between The main carrer mode is great. With a split between tracks and mini-games, boredom is not possible. The tracks get progressively harder, and the mini-games provide a fresh break whilst also a challenge to outdo your previous score.

The track editor is without a doubt the best feature in The track editor is without a doubt the best feature in Evolution. It’s so in depth that the community have all ready out done the in game tracks with some incredible designs. From mini-games, such as UFO’s and giant pinball machines, to recognisable track situations, such as Mario, Terminator, Avatar and Portal just to name a few.

The game was only released a month back, and all ready the creations from the community are phenomenal. Who knows what will be created in the future, and I for one cannot wait to see. The value is the most astounding factor ofThe value is the most astounding factor of Trials Evolution. Priced at just 1200 MS Points (£10 or $15) you get an incredible amount for your money. I’m sure if released in stores people would happily pay full price for this game, as it is such a great play. For a mere £10 you get the main game, with the track editor and multi player. This means races against your buddies, or online, and also endless new tracks your buddies, or online, and also endless new tracks from the Trials world.

Red Lynx have really impressed with Trials Evolution, and the community’s creativity in the track editor is what will keep this game alive for years to come.

It’s E3 time, and I for one am looking forward to some big news. Assisns Creed 3 is set to have more revealed, Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD and FIFA 13 also just to mention a few. And maybe what we are all hoping for, although it proves unlikelproves unlikely, is some GTA V news. But I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one, being so close to Max Payne 3 release. Whats for sure though is it will be a big E3 this year.



I need your help with BGM magazine. I am looking for some writers. Wheather you want to be a permanent writer, commiting to at least one article monthly, or just want to contribute a single or few articles being reviews, walkthroughs or whatever you want that is relevant. If you want to contribute an advert for your YouTube channel, please send me some as well. Page dimensions are 210 x 297 mm some as well. Page dimensions are 210 x 297 mm with a 300 resolution.

Please send your submissions to:
