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Transcript of BEWARE, BIG BROTHER YAHOO is WATCHING (2006) by Vanderkok

  • 8/14/2019 BEWARE, BIG BROTHER YAHOO is WATCHING (2006) by Vanderkok





    First, let me say congratulations to the Detroit Tigers

    for winning the American League Pennant ! They

    deserve it after many years of suffering indignity and

    shame. I hope they can keep up the momentum and

    take the World Series championship rings home with

    them as well !

    Lets begin the service with some songs and a prayer:

    Song: Almighty Spirit, Now Behold !

    Song: Oh God of Light !

    Song: All the World for Jesus !

    Prayer: Dear God, I come to You with my heart open. I

    come to You seeking the Word for today. Give me the
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    thoughts to think, the feelings to feel, the words to write.

    Let me be an inspiration to othersto instruct, edify, and

    inspire. Give me the TRUTH to saylet it be

    ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL, not mine. You are theLIGHT! Let this World become ONE IN YOUR NAME !


    And bless my E-Congregationlet them believe in my

    message being according to YOUR WILL. Let them have

    the confidence to support me not only through prayers

    and encouragement but financially as well. Let this

    ministry grow if it is according to YOUR WILL, God ! In

    the name of Jesus, Your Son, Amen !

    Dear Friends, I am going to start talking and will incorporate the

    Scripture into the message:

    First, let me tell you, I dont try, in any way, to be secretive about how I

    transmit the Sunday Message. Anybody can figure it out. I compose the

    message at one site, and then I send that message to four or five otheralternate e-mail addresses I have and use. And then I forward the

    message to you from these alternate e-mail addresses. Why do I do it

    this way? Because if you transmit the Sunday Message directly from the

    composing e-mail address it takes more time to transmit. As it is, going

    the faster way, it already takes a few hours to transmit to all my E-


    Last week, I used Yahoos new Photo Mail (new to me anyways)

    which allows you to incorporate the photos right into the text message.

    There were a few glitches and for some reason two of the alternate e-mail addresses to which I transmitted received it in error. I could not

    forward the message from my primary alternate e-mail addresses. So I

    used a secondary alternate e-mail address, This is an e-mail address that

    I used to store addresses and also had a news folder, as well as some

    messages from Jim which I forwarded for storage to this address.

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    That was Sunday, October 8, 2006. Today is Sunday, October 15, 2006.

    On Monday, October 9, 2006 I noticed that I could not log in to the

    email I had set up. . I tried several times and thought maybe it was just

    something temporary. But I came back to it later and still couldnt get

    on so I contacted the customer service they provide by e-

    mail. They did not respond.

    Ive had other e-mail accounts temporarily and inadvertently go down

    but after contacting Yahoo Customer Service they are usually restored

    with an apology from Yahoo. This time I got no response from Yahoo. I

    tried getting a new password and I was told by a pop-up that the

    account had been deactivated. Hmm?! I thought to myselfthere must be a mistake. I didnt think I had violated the TOS (Terms

    of Service). None of my other accounts had been deactivatedand Itransmitted the same messages from these accounts.

    This was one day after I transmitted the Mark Foley Message (my

    condemnation of his actions, and a condemnation of the homosexual

    agenda as well). In that message I talked about the dangers of sexual

    predators and segued to mention various other ways people prey on

    others. I mentioned a few specific names in so doing, but dont believe

    the message crossed any boundaries into a violation of the TOS. But if

    Yahoo thinks so, you would think they would let me know, specifically,

    how they believed I violated the TOS. But they didnt. Yahoo wontcommunicate about it. The olba1234 account is

    simply gonemany questions asked, but no questions


    Its very disconcerting. It seems un-American. Sure, if Iwas transmitting inappropriate contentthe kind which seems to be all

    over the internetI would understand, but I am speaking for America

    the true Americansthose who agree that the actions of Mark Foleyare preposterous and harmful. I am speaking for those who agree that

    homosexuality undermines the fabric of our society. I am speaking for

    those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and know that there are

    certain standards our society must abide by if we are going to remain a

    meaningful, purposeful, progressive, and Christian country.

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    I couldnt believe I actually got a e-mail response shortly after the

    Mark Foley Sunday Message in which somebody called me self-

    righteous. I was addressing an obvious problemone which Foley has

    confessed to and he obviously understands why it was wrong. He

    resigned immediately. Are there actually some of you out there who

    believe that what Foley did was okay? If so, go away. I dont want you

    in my E-Congregation.

    There can be no allowance for Foleys actions or for persons like him

    who prey on others in less obvious ways. I mentioned names last week

    about people who violate others in more subtle ways than Foley. I stand

    by what I said. and if you go back to last weeks message, youll find it.

    And I am concerned about Yahoos ability to be judge, jury, and

    executioner in terms of their right to judge what is a violation of theTOS and what is not. Sure, if I was spamming people with obvious

    inappropriate contentthat would be one thing, but I am speaking

    against that which should be automatically abhorrent for any godly

    nation, and for any thinking and conscientious person.

    Yahoo was founded by two Stanford graduates, Jerry Yang and David

    Filo, in 1994-95. According to Wikipedia it has over 412 million unique

    users. Their headquarters is in Sunnyvalle, California

    Also according to Wikipedia,

    In February 2006, Yahoo! also announced their decision (along with

    AOL) to give some organizations the option to "certify" mail, by paying up

    to one cent for each outgoing message, allowing the mail in question to

    bypass Yahoo's and AOL's inbound spam filters.[7]This decision is

    opposed by many who see it as a "tax on speech", which would eventually

    restrict freedom of speech as companies implementing similar decision

    would be tempted to increase the amount of mail classified as spam in

    order to encourage users to pay, thus among other things preventing non-

    profit organizations from freely communicating with their members.

    Yahoo claims that a number of non-profit organisations, such as the Red

    Cross had signed up for this program.[citation needed]
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    Is the long-term danger of these giant e-mail service

    providers the loss of free speech and communication?I

    am concerned. And I know there are some of you in my E-Congregation who are not so much supporting me as much as you are

    watching me. Respond with vigor. Feel free to take a position and

    defend it. But remember, I am a Christian and speak freely IN CHRIST

    and via the power of the HOLY SPIRIT ! I am not making a political

    argument for or against something. I am PRONOUNCING THE WILL

    OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND. And that is GOOD! It is

    UNARGUABLE. I do not apologize for being right.

    "The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,

    Because He has anointed Me

    To preach the gospel to the poor;

    He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

    To proclaim liberty to the captives

    And recovery of sight to the blind,

    To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

    To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD."

    Luke 4:18-19

    Some of you have been so indoctrinated by secular

    humanism and a form of democracy that you believe

    that everything is arguable and debatable and always

    room for compromise. Thats the devil talking. There

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    are some truths that are not negotiable and can be

    stated without equivocation.

    But not everybody wants what is right or good. Not everybody, even

    some pastors, agrees with GOODNESS. In fact the church and

    seminary can be a very attractive destination for those who are intent

    on teaching UNTRUTH. To get in a position at a seminary or large

    church where you can propagate your own personal agenda is very

    tempting. And seminary positions are often LIFETIME positions.

    Once a person/professor gets in and get tenure, it is virtually impossible

    to get them out, minus commission of a felony or something very


    But as I was saying last week, there are a lot of predators who prey on

    people in less obvious ways than the Mark Foley way. I mentioned

    several. And I stand by that. We are in a time where positive

    change must happen ! Theres no alternative. If it does nothappen, America becomes another wasteland (no allusion to T.S.

    Elliots Wasteland intended).

    A wasteland is a land of the living dead where there

    is no true lifeno true spirit, no true happiness, joy,

    peace, love. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to see a film, with

    a classroom of high school kids, entitled Harrison


    I recommend that you watch it. It is the hypothetical world of the

    future in which our brains are controlled by the superior intelligences

    (other human beings who deem themselves superior) via bands that

    they fit on every persons head from birth to death. These bands control

    the brains so that nobody becomes too intelligent. Nobody thinks too

    much and excellence is frowned upon.

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    But we have this treasure in earthen

    vessels, that the excellence of the power

    may be of Godand not of us. 2 Cor 4:7

    In this world a young man by the name of Harrison Bergeron

    almost happily average, suddenly wakes up and becomes awareof what is happening. He is invited to become part of the superior

    intelligence community and does so but subsequently rebels against the

    machine. He locks himself up in a video transmission booth (TV is

    called the fabric of society by one of the superiors and every averageperson watches it incessantly) and begins transmitting classic

    music and classic film that the average people never

    get to see or hear, because the superiors fear that if they were to beexposed to excellence and comedy and the notion of freedom of

    expression that they might become uncontrollable or we would return to

    a time of war and violence.

    You see, the superiors believe that by keeping people

    average (i.e. dumbing them down) they also prevent

    violence, wars, hatred, killing, etc. And there may be sometruth to that. If we were all mentally retarded we would just sit around

    and twiddle our thumbs with a false sense of peace and happiness.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately as it may be, we do have brains and we do

    have thinking abilities and we can strive for excellence and we are free !

    We have the freedom to do good!

    Free Will is the FABRIC OF OUR SOCIETY, not television,when the Holy Spirit is governing the hearts and minds and souls of

    our people. The answer is not dumbing people downit is inspiring

    them to live IN CHRIST, FOR CHRIST! Thats where the CHURCH

    COMES IN TO THE EQUATION ! In the moviereligion and church

    was never mentioned, although God was mentioned. The Bible was


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    There was the belief that coveting was one of the problems with

    society and one of the roots of violence and war (which may be true).

    But the superiors believed that by dumbing people down they would

    make the people content and artificially satisfied and they would not,

    subsequently, covet, thereby eliminating a lot of conflict. They would

    not wanti.e. new cars, better houses, thy neighbors wife, etc.

    And this may be trueby eliminating FREE WILL you can eliminate

    potential or actual sins, but for SOME REASON GOD GAVE US

    FREE WILL. The answer is not to eliminate that which

    God gave us but to evoke the GOOD WILL in all of us!

    And that will come only from Jesus Christ and the

    Power of the Holy Spirit !

    Therefore if the Son makesyou free, you

    shall be free indeed.

    John 8:36

    The film, Harrison Bergeron, tends to move in the direction of

    humanism more than eternal life and purpose in Christ but it still does

    a good job of exposing the need for freedom and FREE WILL. Harrison

    plays great music, lets the average people hear amazing composers of

    old (i.e. Beethoven et al) and plays funny films such as the Three

    Stooges for the peoplethat which they never saw before. And he

    invites them to take of their bandsto think freely and not be afraid.

    Some of them begin to do so.

    Meanwhile, he is locked in this TV broadcasting booth and the

    Superiors have ordered security to cut through the steel doorswhich

    requires laser power. It takes them several hours to get through the

    doors but finally they do. Bergeron is taken into custody and the band is

    put back on his head. But he resists. The one who recruited him,

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    however, convinces him to go on TV and tell everybody that the whole

    thing was a hoax. He agrees.

    But when he gets on the show he surprises everybody once

    again. Watch the movie and find out what happens. Once you haveexperienced FREE WILL and TRUE FREEDOM, you will never goback to mundane, average, living. The Power of TRUTH and JOY is

    intoxicating.The power of Jesus Christ and the Holy

    Spirit within the heart, mind, and soul, is the

    strongest, most powerful, and most purposeful

    drug in the world.

    It cannot be quenched. Even death will not take away the high of theChrist-Filled life. In fact, death is the beginning of an even greater,

    higher purposeful lifelife in eternity with the Masterthe Father,

    Son, and Holy Spirit !

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy, peace, longsuffering,kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

    gentleness, self-control. Againstsuch there is no law. Gal 5:22-23

    Yahoo gave me a taste of Big Brother watching (and for

    those of you who don't understand what I mean when I say

    "big brother" I am referring to the George Orwell book, 1984,which predicted there would come a time when government or

    other large institutions would become so prevalent that it

    would monitor our every move.

    Maybe they think they are doing what they do for good purposes.

    Censors often think they are. And sometimes they are, in fact, doing

    something good by quashing certain types of speech which is harmful to

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    society or to others. But too often it becomes oppressive and knows no

    end. Those who think they are doing good end up quashing people,

    never allowing them to experience GROWTH, and to live up to their

    potential of being in the Imago Deo (Image of God).

    Wikipedia mentions that for a while Yahoo would not allow usernames

    that had contained Allah or Osamabecause they had potential

    terrorist potential. This meant that even a name such as Linda

    Callahan was forbiddenbecause allah was contained within the

    name Callahan. The ban only lasted three days because of the uproar

    and media exposure. And Yahoo may have had good intentionsthe

    only problem is that we cannot legislate the spirit. No matter

    how many laws and regulations and rules and walls we make and buildthe Spirit cannot normally be quashed. Our aim should be to direct

    the spirit of man to be IN THE SPIRIT that is the Holy Spirit and to

    do that which is good and positive !

    There is spirit or soul in each human that is born. If there were

    not, we would have a society of robots. That spirit has free will. That

    spirit can become good or evil. It can go in a positive direction or

    negative. What we should be striving to do is to instill a

    Higher Purpose in to young hearts, minds, and souls

    when they are most impressionableand that is the presenceof the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christthe Father, Son, and Holy

    Ghost. That can be impressed on persons directly or indirectly.

    That is why I can teach in the public schools and transfer my

    knowledge of Jesus Christ to kids without directly proselytizing.

    Proselytizing is formal indoctrination of young hearts and minds tobelieve in a specific doctrine and usually a denominational or

    institutional mission statement. It is what I got when I went to

    Catechism as a youngster at 1st CRC. We read the Heidelberg

    Catechism and memorized certain parts of it, and recited it in frontof our pastor (who later was excommunicated because of an extra-

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    marital affair). That is an obvious form or proselytizing. And it had its


    But what had a much greater effect on me was places where I felt theSPIRIT---a certain sense of freedom and liberty-where I could express

    myself, positively. That is much more inviting to me than any sort of

    formal proselytizing experience. I did not feel that freedom at Fuller

    Seminary (where I attended from August 1997 to 2001 or thereabouts).

    I did not feel that freedom at a church I observed for several years when

    I first returned to Southern California. I did not feel that freedom all

    the time around Calvin College (from which I graduated in 1989 and

    got a second BA in 1994). I did not always feel that freedom around

    Calvin Seminary (where I attended for a year 1996-97).

    I felt that freedom when I was youngin a few different places.

    Sometimes I felt it around our home on Griswold Streetas I was

    learning to play music, and was taking piano lessons, and playing the

    cornet and going to Millbrook Christian Junior High. I felt the Spirit

    sometimes during that period of life. And I felt it when I was a little bit

    younger. I remember walking through Alger Park one day and feeling a

    direct communication from GodHe told me I was one of His children.

    I felt that Spirit sometimes when I was doing my paper route on

    Merrifield and Hazen Street.

    And I am starting to feel some of that Spirit and Freedom again

    around Southern California. I am finding small pockets of it, here and

    there. And that is good ! Our formal church and Seminary too often

    becomes institutionalizedwith salaries and benefits and rules and

    regulations too often the governing force.

    The seminary president fears any sort of scandal and becomes very

    inhibited.Seminary administrators fear scandal and retreat. Large

    mega-churches become afraid of a Jimmy Swaggert (see ) or Jim Bakker (see ) type scandal. Their size and

    scale gives them awesome potential FOR GOOD but with it sometimes

    comes TENTATIVITY for fear of scandal.
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    I am inclined to believe that many small pockets of Christians all over

    the world can be just as strong or stronger than some of the mega-

    churches and worldwide televangelism efforts. Small churches and

    ministries have more community. The media and judicial system is less

    interested in them as well. In fact, sometimes the media and judicial

    system becomes jealous of success in the world and large churches and

    ministries attract their microscopic attention, unless they submit to

    them (the media and judicial system).

    And thats exactly what we do not want to happenacquiescence to being averageeven in the form of a

    mega church. Mega churches can acquiesce too. And then theybecome nothing more than a large, civil institution, repeating a

    humanistic chorus that encourages good but it lacks that extra sparkthat comes from independence in the Holy Spiritthe Spirit of Christ

    in the HEART, MIND, and SOUL !

    Ive resisted coming on board at a church because ofmy fear of

    routinizationor whereby the Spirit is transformed into spirit(lower case). Theres a qualitative difference in the two. The Holy Spirit

    has a spark that is different than good spirit. Good spirit can be found

    in a lot of institutionscheerleaders at a football game have good spirit.

    They are inspirational and usually happy. And thats good spirit. But it

    is not the TRUE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT !You will know the presence of the Holy Spirit when you see itif you

    are not in denial and if you are not a counter-reformer.

    And that is a problemwhere the counter-reformers dress,

    act, talk, and look like reformers but are wolves in

    sheeps clothing (and they might not even know they

    are) .

    They are owned by their real estate and their fear of failure. They are

    not truly progressive but are tied to defending the status quo. Thats

    counter-reformation. Thats a church or seminary that is saying all the

    right things, appearing to do the right things, and appearing to have the

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    Spirit but what they have is good spirit not the HOLY SPIRIT !

    Maybe thats the appearance of wisdom.

    Such regulations indeed have an appearance of

    wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their falsehumility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they

    lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.Col 2:23

    I was hoping to enlist my brothers and sisters from the Christian

    Reformed Church into helping build up Mustard Seed Ministriesandhave gotten responses from CRC pastors by e-mail and even a U.S.

    Mail letter recently from a Paul Bakker in Sioux City, Iowa.

    But so far they have resisted truly engaging with me and my ministry

    by offering gifts and financial support. And that may be because there

    are a lot of churches, including churches in the CRC, that have good

    spirit but lack the Holy Spirit. Some of you pastors can afford to give

    but you will not do so. I get more from a homeless person than I get

    from some of you.

    "Truly I say to you that this poor widow has

    put in more than all; for all these out of their

    abundance have put in offerings for God, but

    she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood

    that she had." Luke 21:3-4

    There are shrewd pastors who are part of the CRC hierarchy which is

    sometimes more about climbing a ladder to personal success than

    spreading the Word of God and discovering the power of the Holy

    Spirit ! The lack of financial offerings tells me more than anything else

    its an intention to control. There are those in ministry and seminary

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    positions who are more into controlling for personal, self-serving

    reasons than they are into liberating people for CHRIST ! Thats an

    entire different task.

    Likewise, people in different institutions: Educational, Military,

    Medical, Judicial, etc. there are people working for good in these

    institutions and then there are people working for

    GOOD !

    At Fuller Seminarywhen I recently announced my candidacy for

    LAUSD superintendent I got an e-mail from Glenn Stassen

    saying Please Unsubscribe. It was an obvious chosen momentto try to belittle me. He could have asked to unsubscribe long before this

    announcement, or later on, but he chose that specific moment in the

    middle of the week.

    Stassen showed his true colorsa controlling color. Iwould have liked and hoped for encouragement from my Alma Mater,

    and from professors whom I obediently sat under their tutorial for a

    quarter or more at the seminary. But they are a institution asmuch intent on controlling the spirit as they are an

    institution intent on helping people discover the Holy

    Spirit. And Ive mentioned other names at Fuller Seminary as well inprevious messages. Not all is well at the seminaries.

    And that is because of FEAR. FEAR is the biggest obstacleto FAITH ! It will always get in the way. And too often fear is due to the

    fact that people put God second. First they secure their way of life

    they think about a house, clothing, cars, having childrengettingestablished. Then they think about God. Oh yeah, they say, after

    realizing their fears of failure were overblownnow we must think

    about serving God.

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    But seek first his kingdom andhis righteousness, and all thesethings will be given to you aswell.Matt 6:33-34

    Unfortunately, their first allegiance was FEARand FEAR IS of

    the DEVIL ! And whatever your first allegiance isthat willbecome your ruler. And Im not talking about FEAR OF GODthats

    a good fearbut even that is detrimental if you do not

    progress to FAITH IN GOD, and LOVE OF GOD. God

    wants you to be more guided by LOVE OF HIMthan FEAR OF HIM ! There are plenty of exhortations to fearGod in the Bible

    But I will show you whom you shouldfear: Fear him who, after the killingof the body, has power to throw you

    into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.Luke 12:5-6

    But that is more often directed to unbelievers than believers!

    For believersthe exhortation is to LOVE GOD,

    more and more !

    But take careful heed to do the commandment and the

    law which Moses the servant of the LORD commandedyou, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways,

    to keep His commandments, to hold fast to Him, and to

    serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

    Josh 22:5

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    Yet some of these people whose fear is their first allegiance are trying to

    play catch up and get some good marks with Godsuddenly realizing

    how short this life isbut their only TRUE HOPE at this

    point is to ABANDON their WAY OF LIFEto GIVE

    IT ALL AWAY!THEY cannot keep one foot in the door of FEARand the other foot in the door of FAITH ! Its all or nothing ! You

    cannot have DUAL ALLEGIANCES !

    God does not want lukewarm believers !

    'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and

    True Witness, the Beginning of the creation

    of God: "I know your works, that you are

    neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were

    cold or hot. So then, because you are

    lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will

    vomit you out of My mouth. Rev 3:14-17

    Seminary professors or presidents who have never truly been pastors

    or tried to be pastors are going to be more critical of the church and

    Christian pastors because that is the only way they know how to

    control. They are controlled more by fear than faith. They are

    impressed more with the form of things than the actuality of life,

    liberty, and the Power of the Holy Spirit (not the pursuit of material


    Seminary is alluring just as the judicial system is alluringtheres anallusion of control, of law and order. The seminary which is too much

    aligned with the judicial system in terms of thinking they have a

    responsibility to maintain law and order may be living an

    allusion like that of the superiors in Harrison

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    Bergeron; thinking they have to dumb people down tomaintain order.

    We do not need to be dumbed down by the Superior

    Court or the Police Department or the Seminary ! We

    need to be given freedom that freedom which is given to allthose who are in the Imago Deo and have the ability to actualize via the

    power of the Holy Spirit in Christ.

    Yet the seminary, police department, and judicial system will say that

    they are governing those who have no special revelationthose who do

    not know the Spirit whatsoever. And there are those certified crazypeople out therewe hear stories about them in the news too often. But

    again, Im not sure law and order or the allusion of law-and-order is

    the answer as much as positive reinforcement for GOOD !

    And theres too much potential for corruption and abuse within these

    systems that purport to be there just in case things get really crazy and

    just for those persons who are obviously dangerous. There are times

    when we do need them for such purposes. But anytime you legislate

    power and control you run the risk of abuse and corruption. The HolySpirit works in surprising waysnot subject to the law. It is the




    Ive been outspoken in recent weeksnaming actual names and thats

    been purposefulit was the only way I knew how to go back and

    address injustices from the past that happened before I knew how to be

    assertive. Those who abused and oppressed people by virtue of being

    blonde and self-proclaimed beauties. I mentioned L.K. last week.

    I also mentioned those who led others astray and may still be in position

    to do sowolves in sheeps clothing. Beware! They are

    dangerous. They will allure you with their baby face and

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    appearance of innocence.The devil is not dumb.. Hes notgoing to attract you by wearing little devil horns on his head.

    Be careful, but do not fear. Fear is the enemy of FAITH.WE need to keep progressing in the right direction. I sometimes have to

    keep urging my own parents to come on up here to my side of town.

    They live in Bellflower. I live by the foothills. I keep telling them this is

    my mission up here. This is my home so to speak up here. They

    keep telling me to come there.

    I finally got them to make the trip up here yesterday (Saturday) but wefailed to connect. I couldnt keep track of where they were or when they

    were coming or if they were actually coming but at least they apparently

    made an attempt. Its only a 30 minute drive but they think of the short

    drive as much more tedious than flying across the country to visit their

    two oldest children in Michigan, or driving an hour or so to Redlands to

    visit their youngest son.

    And part of that is due to me not having lived up to the FAITH

    FORMULAthat is a formula that is part of the Christian ReformedChurch tradition. You go to Calvin College. You marry a Dutch-

    American (white) girl. You go into a professionteaching, law,

    medicine, seminary. You establish yourself. Ive taken a

    circuitous routewary of the routinization of the Holy

    Spirit, whereby good spirit is present but not so much the HolySpirit. In fact, Im not even included in the family picture that is in my

    dads office at the Crystal Cathedralan office the size of a football


    I keep telling my dad that he has to come up here, that he has to get

    involved, that he must observe and experience in actuality what I am

    doingand takes a little time and effort. He will spend weekends and

    weeks and holidays with his other children and the grandchildren but

    not with me. Thats a fear that must be overcome by the Holy Spirit and

    I am working on it and ask for your prayers about it. Pastors have fears

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    and phobias too and the congregation can help them become greater

    persons of faith through prayer and encouragement.

    And part of the problem is due to a long-standing notion of

    turf that many communities learned while growingup. IN the case of my dad, Jim Kok, his notion of turf is Bellflowerand Orange County . He grew up , in part, in Bellflower, and has

    worked in Orange County since 1984. He consciously or unconsciously

    thinks of the Orange County side (or southern Los Angeles county side)

    of southern California as more of his turf than the Los Angeles

    County (or northern Los Angeles County). I keep saying

    FORGET TURFthats not of the HOLY SPIRIT .

    I remember one time when I was going to CalvinCollege for the second time (1992-94) and one of my

    roommates worked as a medical intern at Blodgett

    Hospital (now Spectrum Health) in Grand Rapids. He

    gave us a few meal ticketsso we could get free meals

    (ones he had left over after he left the internship). So

    one day I went over therea poor studenteager for a

    free meal and there was my Aunt Ani Peters(actually my half-auntmy moms sister from her

    dads second marriage).

    Her husband, Adam Blickley, was a medical intern, on

    his way to becoming an OB/GYN. And their house at

    750 Plymouth was only a block away from Blodgett . So

    they felt it was their hospital growing up. She was

    nice enough but kept asking me What are you doing

    here? And I kept telling her that I was eating lunch,as if only patients, doctors, and hospital staff can enjoy

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    a meal at the hospital. I was on what she perceived to be

    her turf. Theres no turf, IN CHRIST !

    Anyways, my mission is to keep expanding outward fromthe seminary --where I spent so many years studying and workingon my Masters-in-Divinity. There are some good things about the

    seminary, minus some of the bad experiences Ive had. The seminary is

    a little bit of a safe haven (although it didnt feel very safe for me the

    first few years I was there). And thats because of the mistaken

    impressions or false impressions that aboundedand the

    recommendation system that is flawed because human nature is flawed.

    It will take me years to get known by others according to who I truly am

    rather than according to the self-serving gossip and recommendation

    system of academia.

    Academia, even the Christian academy, is not a full-

    fledged system of faith. It is partial, and that means you will findlukewarm believers in the system. And thats an oxymoron. You

    cannot be a lukewarm believer .

    So then, because you are lukewarm, and

    neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you outof My mouth. Rev 3:16-17

    The movie, Harrison Bergeron, highlights the problem

    of being lukewarm. It means the loss of excellence and perfectionand goodness. It means the loss of soul. Sure there might be good

    spirit present but thats not the same as the Holy Spirit. The movie

    makes me think of a society that is overly medicated.Imagine a society that just tries to numb itself---whether it be legalmedication, alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs. That is not Gods society.

    And some seminaries, unfortunately, cater to the pharmaceutical

    industry. Some pharmaceutical companies such as Eli Lilly have made

    inroads with churches and seminaries by offering scholarships and

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    grants to them, in exchange for the pastor or seminary presidents

    endorsement of them (informally of course). Money controls. Some

    schools or school districts also cater to the pharmaceutical industry---

    overly eager to label somebody ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive


    Theyve chosen a new LAUSD Superintendent (and its

    not me). Will he be a good one? He does not have any personaleducator experience although apparently everybody in his family has

    had some educator experience. Thats not the same. Hes had military

    experience (which is a controlled setting). Will he be good for the

    district? I guess we will find out.

    I still believe that the schools will experience the greatest performance

    gains when they invite the Holy Spirit to be in control.Thats an informal activityit cannot be legislated, and we dont want

    a public school district allowing religious proselytizing (if so, the

    Muslims will have a potential stronghold). It has to be a matter of

    involvement and engagement by the Christian community on an

    informal basisprayer, interaction and participation in the secular

    society. Thats the church in action.

    The church is not so much a building as it is a

    community of believersthe believers are the building.

    We are the BODY. When too much emphasis is placed on thebuilding itselfproblems arise. The focus on the need for a templea

    building of bricks and stonein the Old Testament attests to that

    danger. The need for a brick and stone building was so alluring to the

    Jews they lost sight of the purpose of the temple, itself. They forgot

    about God.

    Later in the New Testament we are told very clearly that we, theBody of Believers, (plural) are the temple of Christ.

    Don't you know that youyourselves are God's temple and

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    that God's Spirit lives in you? Ifanyone destroys God's temple,God will destroy him; for God'stemple is sacred, and you are thattemple.1 Cor 3:16-17

    The actual temple the Jewish temple of the Old Testament days was

    destroyed not once but twice : On the 10th of August, in A.D.

    70 -- the 9th of Av -- in Jewish reckoning, the very day

    when the King of Babylon burned the Temple in 586

    B.C., the Temple was burned again. (see ).

    I believe the destruction of the temple was a lesson for

    Gods peopleto not place such an emphasis on a

    particular place or location or buildingbecause that is

    perishable and will not last, whereas the Body of

    Christ is eternal, and will endure even after death.We are not wood and bricks, we are hearts, minds, and

    souls. And together we shall not fearwe shall

    move forward in FAITH, knowing that we have

    the POWER OF CHRIST with us, here and now,

    and FOREVER !

    We must strive to become better. We must allow

    for excellence and reward it. We must pray to

    Godthe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for His

    abiding presence. We must worship Him and
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    please Him, because we love Him, more so than

    because we fear Him.

    Song: Father, Make us Loving !

    Song: How Shall we Answer Terrors Cry?

    Prayer: Dear Lord, Hear my prayerthank you for

    the Words this morning. Thank you for YOUR WORDto usrevealed in Your Living Son who died for usto

    show us the way to liveto trust in You and to follow

    His Footsteps. You are our leader, God. In You We

    Trust. Let us never acquiesce to Fear, but let us become

    more and more courageous because of our LOVE OF

    YOU ! And let nobody censor that which is good and


    FEAR ! Hear our prayer, God. Amen.

    Thank you for your continued support, my friends.

    Your encouragement and prayers and gifts are

    tremendously helpful. I hope to keep hearing from you.


    Tags:yahoo,big brother, un-american, detroit tigers, stanford,yang, dual,allegiances,

    lukewarm, harrison,bergeron, secular, humanism. ani peters,ani blickley