Betz Insurgency and Counterinsurgency

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    Betz, David J. "Insurgency and Counterinsurgency." The International StudiesEncyclopedia. Denemar, !oert #. Blac$ell %ulishing, &'('. Blac$ell

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    IntroductionInsurgency and counterinsurgency are t$o sides o) the same coin. The salient)eature o) this )orm o) con;ict is the gross disproportion o) insurgent politicalaims to their military means relative to those o) the counterinsurgent. In its

    uent restrictiono) some operational techni>ues and capailities ?although this is o)ten the casein conventional con;icts, it is particularly prevalent in unconventional ones@Aparticipation o) a nonstate group ?sometimes aced y an eternal statepo$er@ ghting against a state authority $ith the aim o) achieving certainpolitical, social, or economic gainsA a nature that is protracted and politicallycompleA and predominant occurrence in the Third orld. Contemporaryscholars are divided on the etent to $hich these characteristics o)

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    Strategy and Insurgency

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    lands. Mor is there anything uni>uely ual insurgency. The distinctionis $ell made y Becett, $ho argues that it is only in the mid9t$entieth century

    that uest, $hereas in the t$entieth they $erestruggling to police them ?and ultimately to retreat )rom them $ith the leastloss o) dignity@. There are, ho$ever, hints o) modern insurgency, particularly inthe nineteenth century, $hich are $orthy o) consideration. Clause$itz, )orinstance, $as chie;y interested in guerrilla $ar)are as a strategy $ithin aconventional military )rame$or, ut he did $rite on

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    ?(3&3@. %erhaps Ua$renceLs most prescient oservation, ho$ever, concernedthe centrality o) political suversion in insurgency/ uestion. Kalula ?(3+6/(6@ argues that it is/The asymmetrical situation has important eOects on propaganda. Theinsurgent, having no responsiility, is )ree to use every tric QR Conse>uently,propaganda is a po$er)ul $eapon )or him QR The counterinsurgent is tied tohis responsiilities and to his past, and )or him, )acts spea louder than $ordsQR or him, propaganda can e no more than a secondary $eapon, valualeonly i) intended to in)orm and not to )ool.There is much $isdom in $hat Kalula says/ that the counterinsurgent must not

    lie too oldly, i) at all ?lest long9term pain is caused to the counterinsurgentLscrediility )or short9term gain@, ought to e regarded as something ain to ascientic la$. Fo$ever, $hat Kalula says also represents proaly the most)undamental and $idespread theoretical mistae in the entire literature. actsspea louder than $ords )or oth sidesA in crude terms, the o o) thecounterinsurgent propagandist is to mae the insurgents stand up )or theiractions ?Bolt and Betz &''5/(3@.

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    moilizing populations in a long9term struggle )or ideological ends. In theinsurgency contet, the point o) the propaganda o) the deed attac is not tocause damage per se, and even the )orce multiplying eOect o) )ear may eseen as more or less a side enetA rather, it is to motivate others to oin thecause or to delegitimize the authorities y dramatizing their inaility to prevent

    such acts )rom occurring. %aradoically, it does this through an act o)spectacular violence designed to provoe the state into overreacting $ithviolence and repression o) its o$n, therey undermining its legitimacy andsupport.%ropaganda o) the deed is a symolic act $hich is $hy insurgent propagandistschoose victims $ho are rich in symolic meaning, $hose victimization $illresonate pleasingly $ith partisans o) the cause ?Crelinston (353@ $hile causing)ear ?and desire )or revenge@ in others. There are many historical andcontemporary eamples o) this )rom the #nglo9Irish ar o) (3(+H&&, in $hichthe Irish !epulican #rmy delierately launched a reign o) terror in order tomae government impossile and provoe the British authorities intooverreaction, to alluah, Ira> in &''6 $here the pulic delement o) the odieso) #merican military contractors y insurgents precipitated a hasty #mericanattac that proved oth ineOective and a pulic relations disaster ?on the I!#,see Selth (33(A on Ira>, see est &''-A !ics &''+@. The reason )or thisconsistency is simple/ the paradoical logic o) propaganda o) the deedgenerally $ors. It taes an unusually disciplined )orce under an unusuallyun;appale commander not to rise to the aitA normally, insurgent violenceegets counterinsurgent violence in a cycle that more o)ten than not redoundsto the enet o) the )ormer.It is possile to see in the nineteenth and early t$entieth century

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    demonstrative use o) )orce and not sho$ing $eaness on the logic that

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    distinctive history and political9military approach. #t root, Call$ell and K$ynnLsapproach, as $ell as that epressed in the Small ars anual, is

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    mechanization, political )or industrial moilization.= It is important to note thatao came to this strategy through eigency and opportunity as much asgenius. Eigency came )rom the )act that ChinaLs communists had already triedthe uran revolution that arist orthodoy told them $as the place to start,and it had )ailed. *pportunity came )rom the )act that China $as a physically,

    psychologically, and economically $reced country. It had een occupied andeconomically eploited y )oreigners and corruptly and rapaciously governedy its o$n despots. It $as the

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    # good analogy )or the $ay in $hich classical insurgency $ors in a ody politicis the $ay cancer $ors in a living organism. hat starts as ust a )e$malignant cells slo$ly metastasizes, spreads throughout the ody, eventuallyilling. !oert Taer )amously descried this as the uires time. Still more time is re>uired toreed more ;eas. hat starts as a local in)estation must ecome an epidemic,as one y one the areas o) resistance lin up, lie spreading inspots on alotter.?&''&/65H3@There remain, ho$ever, three other intert$ined elements o) classical insurgenttechni>ue that ought to e discussed/ parallel governance structuresAintelligenceA and, narrative. hat is in contest in insurgency is the consent o)the population to e governed. hat the insurgent must do, there)ore, in orderto detach the populationLs loyalty )rom the state, is demonstrate a greatercapacity )or governance y providing pulic goods in society $hich arenormally provided y the state ?such as ustice, health care, and other socialservices@ H intimidation is also used in comination. Kood intelligence isthere)ore crucial ecause the insurgent needs a detailed no$ledge o) thepopulationLs sympathies, interrelationships, and assets in order to no$ $ho tointimidate, co9opt, and tithe. all ?(3+-@illustrates this logic nicely, pointing outthat insurgent violence is not so much aimed at destroying the government)orces ?ecause that is eyond their means@ ut at estalishing uierLs

    ?(3+6@ $or, is uncompromising and strongly

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    $ill e otained only through the complete destruction o) Qthe insurgentorganization. This is the master concept QR,= $rote Trin>uier ?(3+6/ ch. &@.Tactically, this is sound, ut it proved a cul de sac strategically ecause, i)victory in counterinsurgency is the achievement o) political legitimacy, it isimpossile ?at least )or democracies@ to ill oneLs $ay to success. ost

    controversially, this uier stands another rench vie$ o) counterinsurgency Hthat o) David Kalula. Fis personal account o) %acication in #lgeria ?(3+7@ ishighly instructive. #mong the )actors o) reel strength there he lists the

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    have een relatively consistent in putting the theory into practice ?ocaitis(33'A also Magl &''-@.The case )or British ecellence in counterinsurgency rests largely upon itssuccess in the alayan Emergency against $hich an un)avorale contrast isusually dra$n $ith #merican per)ormance in Zietnam. Magl ?&''-@, )or

    instance, argues that the British #rmy prevailed in alaya ecause it $as moretactically and mentally ;eile and a etter learning organization than the#merican #rmy in Zietnam. This proaly overstates the case )or Britishcapaility as more recent studies o) alaya have illustrated the unevenimplementation o) counterinsurgency there ?Stus (353@A and, alaya aside,eamples o) British counterinsurgency in %alestine, #den, and Nenya $erehardly stellar achievements ?To$nshend (35+A Me$singer &''(A aler &''-@.It is the case, nonetheless, that alaya looms large in the counter9insurgencyliterature mainly due to the contriution o) Sir !oert Thompson $hose semi9theoretical handoo De)eating Communist Insurgency ?(3++0&''-@ ecamesomething o) a counterinsurgency

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    opponents and perhaps causing unintended harm. ith good intelligence,counterinsurgents are lie surgeons cutting out cancerous tissue $hile eepingother vital organs intact= ?nited States #rmy and arine Corps &''4/(H&7@.But perhaps even more note$orthy is his stressing o) the importance o)

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    end. # theory o) uran insurgency $as developed y another South #merican,the Brazilian Carlos arighela, $hose inimanual o) the ran Kuerrilla $aspulished in (3+3, the same year that he $as illed in a gun attle $ith police.But the eemplar o) uran insurgency is again #lgeria $here many aspects o)an evolved insurgency type $ere present/ the reels had no

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    $hose maor states $ere $eary o) the $hole mess H the name ue o) the uran insurgent $as not the causing o) )ear and damagelocally ?these $ere secondary oectives@/ the primary oective $as theattraction o) the media spotlight $hich $as elieved to have a )orce multiplyingeOect.The British campaign in Morthern Ireland against the %rovisional Irish!epulican #rmy ?%I!#@ )rom (3+4 until the signing o) the Kood riday#greement in (335 represents a )ascinating case study o) the use o) the mediay insurgents, in part ecause argualy the most eOective %I!#

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    enemyLs military )orces. Instead, comining guerrilla tactics or civildisoedience $ith the so)t net$ors o) social, cultural and economic ties,disin)ormation campaigns and innovative political activity, it directly attacsthe enemyLs political $ill= ?&''6a/(3'@.#t the same time, it has een the suect o) a great deal o) criticism y military

    historians and strategists $ho criticize it )or maing poor use o) history as $ellas >uestion the actual novelty o) the techni>ue that it descries. That Fammesis a arine oGcer should not e surprisingA )or it $as in the arine Corps in the(33's that most o) the )or$ard9looing preparation )or the ne$ style o)irregular $ars $as taing place ?TerriO &''4@. The maor gure in this $asarine Commandant Charles Nrula, $ho introduced the concept o) the

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    undistinguished and occasionally inaccurate. But the nal third, in $hich Smithlogically and sel)9critically attempts to understand the continuing purpose o) hispro)ession at a time o) historical change, is etremely $orth$hile.# nal concept that re>uires mention is

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    Chandrasearan &''+A !ics &''+, &''3@ is that the conduct o) oth campaignsviolated most, i) not all, o) the principles o) counterinsurgency discussed aove.Indeed, a standard H and reected outright y the %entagon ?!ics &''3@.

    %roaly the most important oo to emerge )rom the con;ict is the nitedStates #rmy and arine Corps counterinsurgency eld manual 7H&6 ?&''-@.Fo$ever, even its admirers admit that the manual is an elegant codication o)principles that have een $ell understood )or decades ?Betz &''4A . FoOman&''4@ $hich tends to suggest that the lessons o) todayLs insurgencies are notaltogether diOerent )rom previous ones and ought not to have had to erelearned so pain)ully.hile not entirely ne$, there are three themes in insurgency research thathave gained more theoretical prominence and empirical grounding as a resulto) recent campaigns. The rst o) these is the notion that soundcounterinsurgency depends upon good cultural understanding o) the society incon;ict/ counterinsurgency uestion$hether the relatively static and ahistorical approach to ua non o)counterinsurgency. There has een a good deal o) research on

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    !e)erences#rahms, . ?&''+@ hy Terrorism Does Mot or. International Security ?7(@?&@, 6&H45.#nersen, C. ?&''4@ Civil9ilitary Cooperation in postcon;ict *perations.#ingdon/ !outledge.

    #rreguPn9To)t, I. ?&''-@ Fo$ the ea in ars/ # Theory o) #symmetricCon;ict. Camridge/ Camridge niversity %ress.#sprey, !. ?&''&@ ar in the Shado$s/ The Kuerrilla in Fistory, ?& vols.@ Uincoln/iniverse.#yl$in9oster, M. ?&''+@ Changing the #rmy )or Counterinsurgency *perations.ilitary !evie$, &H(-.Bacevich, #. ?&''+@ The Islamic ay o) ar. The #merican Conservative,Septemer ((. #t $$$.amconmag.com0article0&''+0sep0((0''''40, accessed#ug. &''3.Becett, I. ?&''(@ odern Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies. #ingdon/

    !outledge.Betz, D.J. ?&''4@ !edesigning Uand orces )or ars amongst the %eople. Journalo) Contemporary Security %olicy ?&5@ ?&@, &&(H67.Betz, D.J. ?&''5@ The Zirtual Dimension o) Contemporary Insurgency andCounterinsurgency. Small ars and Insurgencies ?(3@ ?6@, -(7H67.Betz, D.J., and Cormac, #. ?&''3@ Ira>, #)ghanistan and British Strategy. *ris?-7@ ?&@, 7(3H7+.Bolt, M., and Betz, D.J. ?&''5@ %ropaganda o) the Deed &''5/ nderstanding the%henomenon. Uondon/ !SI.Byman, D. ?&''4@ nderstanding %roto9insurgencies. Santa onica/ !#MD.Call$ell, C.E. ?(3'+@ Small ars/ Their %rinciples and %ractice. Uondon/ FS*.

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    http/00small$arsournal.com0l...g0ournal0docs9temp0(559glenn.pd), accessed#ug. &''3.Kray, C. ?&''-@ #nother Bloody Century. Uondon/ eiden)eld and Micolson.Kurr, T.!. ?(34(@ hy en !eel. %rinceton/ %rinceton niversity %ress.K$ynn, C. ?(376@ Imperial %olicing. Uondon/ acmillan.

    Fammes, T._. ?&''6a@ ar Evolves into the ourth Keneration. Journal o)Contemporary Security %olicy ?&+@ ?&@, 56H('&.Fammes, T._. ?&''6@ The Sling and the Stone. *sceola, I/ Yenith %ress.FoOman, B. ?&''+@ Inside Terrorism. Me$ Wor/ Columia niversity Boos.FoOman, . ?&''4@ Con;ict in the T$enty9rst Century. #rlington/ %otomacInstitute )or %olicy Studies.Folsti, N.J. ?(33+@ The State, ar and the State o) ar. Camridge/ Camridgeniversity %ress.Forne, #. ?(344@ # Savage ar o) %eace. Me$ Wor/ Ziing.IgnatieO, . ?&''7@ Empire Uite/ Mation9uilding in Bosnia, Nosovo and#)ghanistan. Uondon/ Zintage.Natzenach, E., and Fanrahan, K. ?(3--@ The !evolutionary Strategy o) aoTse9Tung. %olitical Science `uarterly ?4'@ , 7&(H6'.Nepel, K. ?&''6@ The ar )or uslim inds. Camridge/ Farvard niversity%ress.Nepel, K. ?&''+@ Jihad/ The Trail o) %olitical Islam. Uondon/ I.B. Tauris.Nilcullen, D. ?&''-@ Countering Kloal Insurgency. Journal o) Strategic Studies?&5@ ?6@, -34H+(4.Nilcullen, D. ?&''+a@ Counter9insurgency !edu. Survival ?65@ ?6@, (((H7'.Nilcullen, D. ?&''+@

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    acinlay, J. ?&''&@ Kloalisation and Insurgency. #delphi %aper 7-&. Uondon/International Institute )or Strategic Studies.acinlay, J. ?&''3@ #n Insurgent #rchipelago. Uondon/ Furst.acinlay, J., and #l9Badda$y, #. ?&''5@ !ethining Counterinsurgency. Santaonica/ !#MD.

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    Magl, J. ?&''-@ Uearning to Eat Soup $ith a Nni)e/ Counterinsurgency Uessons)rom alaya and Zietnam. estport/ %raeger.Magl, J. ?&''5@ UetLs in the ars eLre In. Joint orce `uarterly ?-&@ , &'H+.Meumann, %.!. ?&''3@ Joining al9`aeda/ Jihadist !ecruitment in Europe. #delphi%aper 733. Uondon/ International Institute )or Strategic Studies.Me$singer, !. ?&''(@ British Counterinsurgency/ rom %alestine to MorthernIreland. Uondon/ %algrave acmillan.*Lalley, %. ?(33'@ Biting at the Krave/ The Irish Funger Stries and the %oliticso) Despair. Boston/ Beacon %ress.*LMeill, B. ?&''-@ Insurgency and Terrorism )rom !evolution to #pocalypse.ashington/ %otomac.

    %acer, K. ?&''-@ The #ssassinLs Kate/ #merica in Ira>. Me$ Wor/ arrar,Straus, and Kirou.%ape, !. ?&''7@ Dying to in/ The Strategic Uogic o) Suicide Terrorism. Me$Wor/ !andom Fouse.%aret, %. ?(3+6@ rench !evolutionary ar)are )rom Indochina to #lgeria/ The#nalysis o) a %olitical and ilitary Doctrine. Me$ Wor/ %raeger.%orch, D. ?(35+@ Bugeaud, Kallieni, Uyautey/ The Development o) renchColonial ar)are. In %. %aret and . Fo$ard ?eds.@ aers o) odern Strategy.Uondon/ *)ord niversity %ress, pp. 74+H6'-.%orch, D. ?&''5@ rench Imperial ar)are. In C. alasian and D. arston ?eds.@

    Counterinsurgency in odern ar)are. *)ord/ *sprey, pp. 3(H((&.!ecord, J. ?&''4@ Beating Koliath/ hy Insurgencies in. ashington/ %otomac.
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    !ics, T. ?&''+@ iasco/ The #merican ilitary isadventure in Ira>. Uondon/%enguin.!ics, T. ?&''3@ The Kamle. Uondon/ #llen Uane.!oy, *. ?(336@ The ailure o) %olitical Islam. Me$ Wor/ Columia niversity%ress.

    !oy, *. ?&''+@ Kloalized Islam/ The Search )or a Me$ mmah. Me$ Wor/Columia niversity %ress.Sageman, . ?&''6@ nderstanding Terror Met$ors. %hiladelphia/ niversity o)%hiladelphia %ress.Sageman, . ?&''5@ Ueaderless Jihad/ Terror Met$ors in the T$enty9irstCentury. %hiladelphia/ niversity o) %hiladelphia %ress.Selth, #. ?(33(@ Ireland and Insurgency/ The Uessons o) Fistory. Small ars andInsurgencies ?&@ , &33H7&&.Sepp, N. ?&''-@ Best %ractices in Counterinsurgency. ilitary !evie$?ay0June@, 5H(&.Smith, .U.!. ?&''7@ Kuerrillas in the ist/ !eassessing Strategy and Uo$9intensity ar)are. !evie$ o) International Studies ?&3@ , (3H74.Smith, !. ?&''+@ The tility o) orce/ The #rt o) ar in the odern orld.Uondon/ %enguin.Stus, !. ?(353@ Fearts and inds in Kuerrilla ar)are/ The alayanEmergency, (365H+'. Singapore/ *)ord niversity %ress.Taer, !. ?&''&@ ar o) the lea/ The Classic Study o) Kuerrilla ar)are. Me$Wor/ BrasseyLs.Taylor, %.. ?&''+@ unitions o) the ind/ # Fistory o) %ropaganda )rom the#ncient orld to the %resent Era. anchester/ anchester niversity %ress.TerriO, T. ?&''4@ *) !omans and Dragons/ %reparing the arine Corps )or uture

    ar)are. Journal o) Contemporary Security %olicy ?&5@ ?(@, (67H+&.Thompson, !. ?&''-@ De)eating Communist Insurgency. St. %etersurg, U/Failer. *riginally pulished (3++.To$nshend, C. ?(35+@ BritainLs Civil ars/ Counterinsurgency in the T$entiethCentury. Uondon/ aer and aer.Trin>uier, !. ?(3+6@ odern ar)are/ # rench Zie$ o) Counterinsurgency. Me$Wor/ %raeger. #t $$$>uier0trin>uier.asp ,accessed #ug. &'', D., ?&''5@ Innovation or Inertia/ The S ilitary and the Uearning o)Counterinsurgency. *ris ?-&@ ?&@, &3'H7('.nited States #rmy, and arine Corps, ?&''4@ 7H&6 Counterinsurgency.

    Chicago/ niversity o) Chicago %ress.nited States arine Corps, ?&''6@ Small ars anual. %hiladelphia/ %avilion.*riginally pulished (36'.Zan Creveld, ., ?(33(@ The Trans)ormation o) ar. Me$ Wor/ ree %ress.aler, J. ?&''-@ #den Insurgency/ The Savage ar in South #raia (3+&H(3+4.Staplehurst/ Spellmount.est, B. ?(34&@ The Zillage. Me$ Wor/ %ocet Boos.est, B. ?&''-@ Mo True Klory/ # rontline #ccount o) the Battle )or alluah.Me$ Wor/ Bantam.itoro$icz, `. ?&''6@ Islamic #ctivism/ # Social ovement Theory #pproach.

    Bloomington/ Indiana niversity %ress.ilson, J. ?(33&@ Ua$rence o) #raia/ The #uthorized Biography. Me$ Wor/
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    Collier.indro$, . ?&''6@ The Uast Zalley/ Dien Bien %hu and the rench De)eat inZietnam. Uondon/ eiden)eld and Micolson.Yarro$, %. ?&''-@ China in ar and !evolution, (53-H(363. #ingdon/!outledge.

    *nline !esources#u u>a$ama. #t http/00aumu>a$ama.logspot.com0, accessed July &''3.ore irreverent and ad hoc than Small ars Journal ?see elo$@, ut it has verygood analyses, is $idely read, and has an active group o) regular commenters.Jihadica. #t $$$.ihadica.com0, accessed July &''3. The est log on