Between formal and informal education a pioneering experience in FVG

Post on 19-Dec-2014

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eTwinning international conference for Ambassadors Catania 17-19 Oct. 2013

Transcript of Between formal and informal education a pioneering experience in FVG

The idea is to tell to the colleagues about the mini-site that I created as a workshop path for newly hired teachers in my region. The focus will be on objectives, contents, methods, strengths and weaknesses. The local mini-experience in our region, with its potential and limits actually will be considered as a pretext to imagine and reflect on the possible integration of eTwinning in the compulsory initial training in Europe, so that the program becomes definitively part of it. To integrate eTwinning in the formal training path of all teachers would have a huge impact on the spread of the program.

My name is Carla

I come from Italy

And I teach German

In a Secondary school

As an eTwinning ambassador

In my region Friuli Venezia Giulia

As an eTwinning ambassador

There are 3 Ambassadors

And one Institutional


An executive

In service at the Regional School Office

Since 2010

Working in team

We have been doing our best

To spread eTwinning

Among the teachers

In the whole region

We organize workshops and


As Ambassadors we deal with

The pedagogical content of teachers’ training

So we set the program

And run the workshops

While our Institutional


Manages logistics

She contacts school principals

She books computer rooms

She deals with registrations

And attendance certificates

Until this year we gave

eTwinning training

To in-service teachers in


What was the novelty last May?

Our eTwinning workshops

Were officially integrated

Into the mandatory

initial training

For newly hired teachers

What did we do?

We ran 3 workshops in presence

In different areas of our


For a total of 86 participants

The registration

Was scheduled

On the web page

Of the Regional School Office

Teachers have been given

Certificates of attendance

Stating 3 hours

For the face-to-face activities+

One hour for the revision at


What did I do?

With Jimdo

A free web site builder

I created a web page

That I used as a path

During the workshops in


the main intention

It was meant as a support to the


Also after the conclusion of the workshop

the main intention

I tried to motivate and encourage the


Emphazising pedagogical


the main intention

And professional development

Presenting some good practices

the main intention

And adding some


Where I explained how

to use the twinspace tools

The web page is available here

Some weak points in our experience

The lack of teaching staff

There was only one

Ambassador for each workshop

The lack of time

We had just 3 hours to cover

so much content

For new eTwinners

Some strenghts

The excellent collaboration

Between Ambassadors and School


The good interest and motivation of

the participants

The first step in the right direction

Between informal and

formal education

To get to the program official


What next?

For the future

We are planning

Some more activities

For newly hired teachers

The main idea is

To alternate between

Sessions in presence and


To provide teachers with

A more user friendly

And better structured

Step by step training path

Now it’s your turn

What strategies should be adopted

At regional, national and

European level

To finally get to eTwinning the

right recognition

As the most challenging

Teaching network in Europe

And officially integrate it

In the professional

development of teachers?

Your ideas are welcome here

Thank you!