Best SEO Company in Pune

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Best SEO Company in Pune

3. There should be unique title and description for each page

Always add different title and description for each page. It helps to rank your website on first page.

4. Always include updated sitemap page

A Sitemap is usually used to crawl all WebPages of your website so that it won’t miss out on anything. Whenever you update content on your website you should update sitemap also because spiders can’t index pages that can’t be crawled.

SEO DONT’S1. Don’t spread your content over multiple domain URLs.

Avoid adding same content on main domain and sub domain of your website. It causes duplication of content which is against Google algorithms.

2. Buying links should be strictly avoided

Don’t buy links as they rank your website on first page but it could prove harmful to you in the long-run.

3. Avoid duplicate content on your website.

Website with duplicate content is not good for ranking. It is against Google algorithms. It shows error when you add duplicate content on your website.

4. Don't use links from unassociated, poor quality, or unauthenticated sites

Don’t use low quality sites because it affects the ranking of your website.

5. Don't add more keywords for an individual page

Adding more keywords o each page leads to Keyword stuffing which is considered to be an unethical search engine optimization technique, which leads a website's being banned from major search engines either temporarily or permanently.