Best Herbs For Controlling Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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There are numerous herbs which are reckoned as the best herbs for controlling high blood pressure.

Transcript of Best Herbs For Controlling Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure

Best Herbs For Controlling Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• High blood pressure is fast growing as a

pandemic, it is called silent killer because it does

not show any identifiable symptoms but slight

increase in blood pressure is enough to weaken

heart considerably in a short period.

• There is not one reason of hypertension,

smoking, drinking, age, family history, eating

habits, sleeping pattern, medication, emotional

health and psychological reasons any one of these

can initiate this problem.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• There are many prescription drugs available in the

market but these have shown little hope so far in

curing the problem, at best these can check rise in

blood pressure for a certain period but do not offer

any cure.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• In many cases people regularly consuming

prescription medicines have not gained any

considerable benefit, on the contrary they are

facing serious side effects of medicines.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• The best herbs for controlling hypertension are

natural medicines which enhance body's own

mechanism to keep blood pressure under control

and cast no side effects at all.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• There are many herbs which when combined with

healthy lifestyle and diet work as the best herbs for

controlling high blood pressure.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• Herbs like Arjuna, Ashwagandha, Raufolia,

Nutmeg, Cayenne pepper, Mistletoe, Gotu Kala,

Ginseng, Coleus, Valerian, Black cohosh, Bayberry,

Hissop, Stinging Nettle and Kelp are renowned

herbs very effective in treating high blood pressure.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• There are some other herbs and spices which

when used in diet increase diet's medicinal value

and help in treating hypertension without

prescription drugs.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• Oregano contains carvacrol compound which has

been found very effective in controlling systolic as

well as diastolic pressure, Hawthorn is another

herb which is easily available and is very effective

in lowering BP.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• Both these herbs can be used regularly along with

diet to reduce BP and keep heart healthy. Garlic

contains Allicin, this compound is potent anti-

bacterial and anti-oxidant and also possesses lipid

lowering and anti-hypertension properties,

including it in the diet in form helps in lowering BP.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• Along with garlic, cinnamon, cardamom, onions

and olives are other foods items which also work as

the best herbs for controlling hypertension.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• If you want to gain benefits of all the best

herbs for controlling BP there is a convenient

way out, use Stresx capsules regularly.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• Stresx Capsules contain all the herbs in perfect

combination and right doses and also

compounds and minerals which are available in

useful food items to deliver magical results in

controlling hypertension.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• Stresx capsules dilate blood carrying vessels,

prevent clot formation, prevent platelet

aggregation and also avoid hardening of


Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• These capsules work on thinning of blood and

improve health and energy of heart muscles to

maintain healthy and regular heart beats.

• Stresx capsules flush-out toxins from blood by

keeping kidneys healthy and also harmful

hormones which cause hypertension.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

• These capsules contain herbs which promote

natural relaxation and suppress psychological

causes of hypertension like anxiety and

depression. Stresx capsules are perfectly herbal

hence cast no side effects even after regular and

prolonged use.

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure

Best Herbs For Controlling High Blood Pressure