· 2009-09-15 · kTTSBORUld PRfiSS...

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Transcript of · 2009-09-15 · kTTSBORUld PRfiSS...


J N D A T . S E P T E M B E R 2S,>i9i4

ihedDally, ekdept Sunday.- by Sentinel PahUshihg Co., Piatta*

• « * t * * . . . ; - . "

4 $ th% K a t t * i a r * E - Kf. S\, -QMmm -s co'a* ci-ass M*^ •

nUHaMMN : i : '

iptions Payab i i in Advance.

IHffiS TOfe*S" -fc ; '**• .-. »3.«0

igmTpiii .ii_• ni .nul l jr.- , u . M .'' )' " A ' .: . . ' •. » •

?HBt *R R MAftNik . . . . . . .President I t J3 t t l#Sy , Secretary-Treasurer

I f . ' l t l ^ Q K ... ..." .'•! .,. ..Manager w - ' i ^ : ' . " , - ^ " - - J- '••• ' , N , • , - . . ; . • • • .

IlilMBW cf«mlattoB larger than that If utt.&t&WWSt; publishedin Ciia-

frtwt, art wrtiflM f#, tht ciron-

HMMMtti fttfluttst* l» sdvertlMrt

WEEDS * Isrof .fibc JODtSSWie^lJ

not heed a $em<>cratlo congress j r tng t he corning tie® years:** *Mr.

»n unemestionasfcly feels t h e wily about th<> matter . : fie

'd&igress ttujit he can boss* and, dlfltate to, e ^ . t h a t will he

to his wilt at-is; that ' the -kifill of & congress country nee-ds"? Will' it not be

"for t n « interests of the United ._. td have #, cotgress that will ,«« Its Swn initiative occasionally

l«w <*> the, president's sugges-v? fth hbL, Democratic congress the

snt fti* twin getting-the ebon in wrong. It 'Swv'pisrivt- a tariff that h«* decreased oui* exports Inereawsd' our imparts., Interfere

ititliijth* industrijll and business of the country; and reduced (revenue .to; mcA" Itn extent

T *jiW ""; taxes a re ; io he §e,vt*d to ?$fi§ ^anninr ejrpe*|«eB b**a® "£6V-..:'; at? r l i * paused a, tajriflMaw tttat has

l i i . hundreds' «if pmintiiMviT* trtiahbtents tacr. el«wifr dawn and htmdretlft o£ thousands «f

oat of WOjPJ r e p e a l , or'-ifr

;ljr*ikt$r Altered,' iefore the.-cous.-. ?%fft [ aifcrn • t*mm * Its • fij1*"931*

y,9cmd no I <MH<jeratl<s eo»~ K'cafc»i %f. deiJentf^: upon. > to tnak? "lB^oi!*#F chaiM^*i *&& imk .Is itor | R#pu*»Hcan h«ad». Ev*]^-

comprehends t t a t jfact n»w« i*nt1y. It loofcs to «»• that; no what Pr^fljsnjt Wtfesstt n«'$d«;

conntrm at least, seeds .aaythimt on« :^utld,sl4^|y--b# .wsaltiair ft.

na t ter worse. I* h«*d». of th«> !ii fe«Id*'at and the

off th* covutiy ar^. not Itfenti la tl^s «tte»li0B; of Ife Mruft of i.

|lt.'i»- ISesft t» h-av«v''' ia«4 that fo-;a«#!* ,tfces•»»(**«*, 'as it prob-

• ( " . « •

I>BMl TffE

h^fm'[:0o^tsm6r iBf" i # l h # '-le^easiit*-rtW^f^o" his «t*^»:.*t^htt*in'K-9«?-

«NPBi§rterih* aifei»f sa*i«f'-la t»s«s-to' catiw' county.'

rhteh JajHR- 8«tv*r*dr ; t e M to » t ia ie Itpoj*. J4^"«****-'<« weatwiH;

'! - 4 ?W»|i tii*»' Is: :4t' sooite. thaas «5«wai' ^':^^-..j(^'!itfrtf.ta3#sy#r# bwt;fe. ttot-

• ;, 3 -.-«3rt*B«!MB- > :p»blicJt^- at " :'*f;ijt* j|OS>ei?»ori ;*iw» -l^enha' it out • fo¥ Mm

wfit ^>|o|>oMti'on' mm- &$.*•

et*j4*r-af iottr; an-d a.-half -per _ *is-^taJ..of-t]^e 4ehi to pri«!

-aitt#'r*lit¥r^t '•WJOOT ' hafe heeA

;JHfc mpf0X^kBem %$&'&& » p.^r ciffipi.ta ' " r ' •^ ' . tey^ ftvje 'idoHa^s for •every

:^li«-'itofi4hls, sc*ieT|n9- was pr«(ra©t» l |e4; ,h|r |^e paxernot, the'hilt wsaai-acE-k.JN(r1p(i^-'ia* his bill' luid-ih -orflor to

| i^*j : j Ife.' passftfse • - "tfcroTtigh i th© ;'fel^(t|if^S'a..stateiri«itt ^mss-^iv0!t out .:«p,.r$OjpJpg from th<! gr^veracr '•. that

^''th«^ l^gi^atlTO' ,lead<?rjs vwere> _ te favor

,0m'i^l •fleas, stopped f» the a^seih-{hl$::. hF..-.%>eateer 'Swee;: and' Assembly te^#ft;.:;5(|^maa.' aird;• iktacdoastld iwho-''«t8t«4L if a..^tat-emer.t to the p|u&Wc

tipifatf£J$ajm against i ts passage. JehtaJly th is bill protfded for

|Vjaie;^«ieJHo-» «f *. r ' e w depa r t iwnt -.-siirh^fc.-'^as 'to- h a ^ <shar^re. of

f ; ; ; < ^ l ^ i h # > f t h e money. I f l ' a ^ discussion of the eeonomies

^•a^V|3dmwagap'c>s o^ | the one year

fc"it1&-'?hc!«oIag. hil l caiktiot he os*;3ook-

mm mm *

i . * - * # - * ' -, - .

You couH osr chew

LIBERTY by jth^ tibial •jj|^., a iMJ^^^. i i^rg^t ,€pough-

—it's- »o m'ell^>w aft|i" -tipfel amJ pleasing. ; •

Lay in a supply of i% tddaiy. Ke^p some at! hoipe m<i some on ihe job, a it will hold you steady as a spirit-level trues *a wcdlt

r, .Steamer . I'Fietkiieroga" lejeive^ Piaftsiburijh as foWditw: 7too A. H. On Mondas*. Tuesdjaya.

Wednesd'aya art* I Saturday*H~r«r Talcoijr, porf Kmt a«d ^ur -

:_; -Ungtaa. ;.,' ••;,, \ . ;_ S'lUft P. M» Daily; sxeept Suiidaiw—

| for Y&leour. i ; Port Kent and Burt-}-ngt,o», if|i!« trl-p; coatiifued

'•. : j to E?we* and iV export ott Wed'r . nesdaya. and 1 (u*F»d*yK onlyl

Arrival of Steam^* a t Mmufofxridi, 10i :io A . W, Dally/ *xcept Satida:??

from BuflintAtiB, Po r t K e n t and Yaleour. Oh Thursdays awfl

. Fr idays Ohly-1*< m Weatport jand Uspejc ••', • \- • J

6'M P. M. ©tt Mondaj®, Tueadays. . .Fridaya and/ SaturdayB--^&em •- ®yrllng*on, -Par!.. Kint -and. .j&%*

cour. • ': .1 ' ' On Saturdays only fweather eoMt*

tlona ahd;hl4lght of israter penttlttteg;> 3s*orth tbound will jr urk from Port Kent t o Gordon's) theactf t o Plat t t toft^h, 11:00 a. n*. iSoatJfi hound will TOR • from !S»lattshUfih to Gtord4n'*i thence to Port Kmt. Will not Hindi •at Valcour, !

» . A, ijOOliW, . A» A. HBAIirk Qen. Manager' \ _ Gm. Vtm. ^kgt




; t f ea t ifeinitea hrlel? -I nlaftt th&t was ' ; g ^ i ^ . ; i o i s a W the s ta te ^148vO'004flO.O 'V|tais^t;-hfen- started yet. If it. is not

Plffcafjferdusoon the r^ won't be any .tfi*^?6:flft,ttOO. to saxis. • .

,^.;;AnA now the .governor M going to, ' ;^v»r-fS?^6f,-00«- *n . tlj»e s ta te .ihogpi-

tM»_ f&r the fnsipine. Jutfgfng from |*:il)«fe report of Commlisioner Delaney |r^ahd'.; %hf '"federal food inspectors he

-»hoald' hbye '•saved -ai: iea^' ' that at

is tbe one perfect t oba t t ^ $& $B &*&&f man wbo Iftes bis tobacco ifcb, nllf-btakfod a&d satisfying. Madleofpuire Kentucky leal, agea for tbfee to five yearsi so as tip bring^ out all i s liagmnt jtamr and s&edmss* This is VAM makes LlffiRTY a|#ays ibe same. It dotesn^t <fetenei lipbn onei sedstcms \'cn^*lilw. nKiiir" fl&aoooo. We Wfe several seassorsc*- crops always storeii

Take 'LIBERTY -C^I - A C job fdf aWeek^s try-ipui—after t t o yoii*B always cm^y LIBERTY

, in yoi&* jesap®. ' Sold eveiyvvhereln 5c:f>ac3cages. 1 ' . ' . ' ' • ' . ' ' • f • ' , ' • ' ' '

' t l t e W t e W C A K TOBACCO- COMPANY

|X> i '

^>^*fe>.;.:.^r^: y v *

t i r

' « ( ' « « M./B>.»,


UfSPOHTATJION i g g ' l f <i]Oi"[B I i n p m i M l - II


• 3 0 ^ *kW© M K t t i c t XToifttet, Sept,



1V(. I'KNT—PWhfc Cornelia street.


shed rooms,.: t>% ?hon>, <5-M. !


rBEn 2$, mi




. f . ' i " :

-J*^»jw - ^ ;"•

f J - v

\;^|.^eiei^$!«altfea:Nt(, »•:/;,•{. ; | ;: The eijj.ecinliw^ "!w^i W". wlbfe "to -ens-

jiiiasize is ttti pei^iist prity &f pp Moais,

'• |«m^ht tli€i»i;l ^d tof wsarfe#(e bejej fo.

#fiiMiig of M v ifiosey o» j* • /.lltag tfeat-s# «aft-'«o«r tot"***-1

'. a i ^ of sbo^g yoiif |

WiE.CRtt^;'/;,:!j(%§ 36 CHfltdn Street

-•i '4^-^h

. - . -iMK'^.a

**ir wiikA»wyfcw i^tot AK if4rf4vhJW5Ki»,¥hM W h i ^ ^ * ^ >tejA^

• I.S

|^irehteiB» BraJcenien, siiudettt^ | l<fl to; ]ft2p1'|mGnthly. Send '4*e . fojoMaige, rail-way'care Pre i s .

FOR RJSNT-JJ'hree o r four far - ,***]


jEiOS^-dSatwrday afternoon, mo jd and pearl crencent pin

ri to Sfris. Thotnaa "E. 3>oke. . y

Idkt i o n a e k e e p f e ^ l ^ M W ^ ^ ^ 2 ! * ! l f ^ S nlKhed rooms for alao one Oa» and electric ltfhu. Inquire premlseB. «0 Brinkeijhoff street, sj.- <J. Bvereirt.

fttrotehed rWm. Ste»m Mew. ' c ' ft Wf^so i f / so Macomb electric UihtM. Inooif. on a n , i " ^ ^ " « » « « • ,

4-TO RENT—Hou»e at 10 Lynden

Aveflue. Apply to 4 W. JEMwrirrn, JNeJ 47 Cttntoo Ktroet.

TO HK»rT-~TTp atiim tenewseat !l** Brinketitotf atreet, opposite Normal 1+ark. Hotwater and cam, May be eeen and occupied after Sept. lat. Addrew S. R. Phallr, No. * Plattaburwh. N, T . •'•J'J.11.!.1:^1!1 J> , l l l l l ^lMl l l l l l l l M l i r f f i r l l | l r

l .l ! . i .B | l . ! l . l


MAS CflAlfGE'JtfAVlfJS It Is not knowift whether more

thfin. OJIML. Cletwan: aubhpirtne- u«i»«-eft la (fM -dej«hac%»n .of %he- three' British I eraJser*. .tout we. dd know, that the |oh wa»', thoroughly done. Whi t the. effect Will be upon' nitvaf warfare in the* fotkre Is probjematfJ caL , ' "' '. 'Wheh'th.e Metrl«Me.s,n&-t3«?' Mon--ftor .arrived oh *hft' scenjB <doring oar ciyW' war ihey "sealed tlte 'doom of the old ^wooden'fating1 veseete- antij ttade' nec^saary. the reconstrnctlotti of ;*he nasies of the w^rld. •, # h e ; seryi^eahiaty. -of 'the.r «»Tm»ar4 Jae-.- ha*, been- wade apparent by the '<mm with which -the A r e e BriOshi '-Bruisers were *ent "to the -bottom,! Heirftofore it ha^i been more or less-doabted. bat doubt no longer exists. We- now. fenow that the sabraarlne, -«an ;be '«Ti«ees»faHij?. -em.ployed at a. considerable dJataaice from its biwte

;% ^eftr'oj'iflg- a,- howftie fleet.-- - t t woai'd «?fm that thie jfenowiedgis, riesailtlns;'. frotes -a- j^ractjicii^ !»«*. bf

: t he ' itebhjarine,«-_.emcjency,»mnst re-Wo3t fe'stthsta-ntial.'chants in naval

"%affa«Bi; ft ee-nlaafj? aheans, at Any ?a£e, tha t ' the sttbfearlnei are- goln^. to n»te''*a.--Wohderfu"t increase fa pops hJarity a«- a wie^tt* <tj''coast, .defense,


fOn SALE!—Qaa range . Appfr 55d-wa td JF, Vlncsnt, No . ,*0 Oak Wtt**L

• • •: * ;

I lIKIHI'l l l l l l l l, • , IIW jl|| ~.r j

FOR 8AXJ5---C»n"e *tr»y m a r e we|«ht l goo, js 5"*ari «ld» one . brood j n t r e , with fsuckllng cokt'ojne ye*rHn|fj tmre colt, SO sheep, SO thoruuKhbred Sb>p« iihlre iheep« Entjulre of €h«». H e * Maater*, B . F , D. No. 4, PlaltJflbarjtb,

;•• ' 'Plattsburgh- has- foist one of" Its' best known and' m o A sabetah'13'al- citlssena in t h e dea th df Woh. iMixt M, WeVef, Indeed, it i s doubtful it "the remoySatt of any other mm -|S -!thfe''' city would:

I be 3wore!. -seriously- t&i' ii*. local bt» l»

,,and v h E t e * h W ^ M » f l S ' ^ ^ * ^ ^ ' ^ 1 * V ^ , VZm? *JL~ *»«„ r^-Z^Troent of the Merchants' N#Qonal Banh he was instrumental in helping- to build up a great financial institution a?na made his influence widely felt in the city and .surrounding, cohntry. 'Hot only was Mr* Wever sauccessfnl: from a business njan^ point of View? hut he also achieved political honors of no small dimensions, having twice reprpsented this district in congress. His was a strong, aggressive charaot^ er of the type usually possessed by SeTMnade mm, and .he battled agaatist obstacles'with alt the stfength of an ardent and hopefejl nature.

m PBJMAB1? BAT ^Toilay the new i *l0ir<eet primary;

law will he given, its first teat in the state and lef his hope it. works well. Only enrolled voters can par*? ticlpate In the balloting.- but if they; turn out an<l g^ve us the • best men for candidates, then dlrecjt pr im­aries ca^ be voted a-success to that-extejit, at least.

But there me some features con* neeted sfeith the haw plan of maicing nominations that are certainly oh* 3ection«^Tt, One ij* -the; *expenfe -it * cond.uctlng the prinmrie|t.

Another feature V moslj deplorable is the espeftse tepo^Bu* isbon the ean-didates ,for nominations. To. make a cajava«s- of the s,iate costs a, vast « i of phoney. Th|assi candidate for

A.« eonfidiiKnt that .He *ffl be renontina^dl ass one of the r#*tits .of t-oda^''b»i:||t|hjr,"-]- ifar certalhiy

,. . h a* *»ee« * «pIp'dJtf: pirombteF of the -• ..gpyernoi*- or other -jsftfcte oa3ee'"muat: good ^ o a ^ ^ l f o * ' ^ * - -that, entities <t • ' . l & • • \ " - 1 1 ; !• -•-

fn One i • ; , . . . i - • ; ' •;.- i «

A S^Mta? wWcli can \mm<m fmt diit^mt W o j B

HEATER . ! • • ' " " " - ' : - - • ' ' ! ' • v

An $mluMf 0mml sweater | worn. t ^^itfemi a collar, wltlitiie .cbilxr' toined lip or partfy tip. Tim prfo fomr mi [Hve-, |oj l^. ffteefjto^/'GmyriNa^, Wfa

' "•• " 1 '•: - f .

Head i d Foot On iff t iers

«nniM»i»unimitifffiiUfimi»»nmiumimiiinmtt inmwnrtiHiu

do if .hejiatehd*-to wto a hbWipa-:

Mm* .He eaniibi'.expect ip..<9rit(i '#nd, sit down | n b#'.hems'.and -watt,the result of the R i o t i n g ' a t ' t h e <%rlm«~

Thus e.fery poor jnan Is el&atnated rroni aspiring 0 state offlfie unless his fHend»,ral^.a b|g fund* t&t him, anrd that.lss top'osing an vn$m% biir-d«ri on theih.. !. ' , ; . , • ' •

' the system •fe--%eWfo#e"we^,lc in,! imtiQtmf: ?#mkkl$'- m$ will • never give populeje-.j^ti«fa.ciloH in « B pres-ent form; p j t e / ' t e "imii!, • however, • and w© ntttst. [histfce the moat of it/ '" tnfi'- "^fty enrolled f,

;*tt»-the polling: place 9 choice for candf-f. that the new methr p $P the wtfflost, t#t % m lpo^ble+-- what

|h^ s popular- wjii^ is concerning the vafloot ^ntlejh'en'-who, hs^e/ .ftuhtrtft-ted theTOtelve4!as Candidates fo r nomination.

for the time voter* should and regliite^>' dates, to the "ei 'od'm'ay he tesi «s Knew, so

A^HSOOl». ^ M f H ^ ( l $ - ^ . 4 | | 8 ^ j ^ i w i i i ^ ' ' j ^ < « [ ^ ^ ™ttti it probabi^ t!foul(|t ha)?<i

* * * ! • > •

I, .%&$$•••

him | '-«i?eSi;tl^on»ider«f:Ioh, Aty mitt whft jworka, jfor hxpjr|3LVfd. •. hhrhw*iy$ aa hiird'.andl.'a*. aucce^oi ly aet"'.^e4i'' attor*|J3mer»h-h«8 .i» entitle^, t'p- mnk sd: «j I pttblle, • benefactor*! -,-even ha'd'-^jeyer done apythfng' 'else-ttt:th^LVay'a,' goo^- »dhy people; JooJ% at,-It, land is ;ane. of a # j re^q i* why Senatflr tem^rson'it ttk. ad* estpe et hltn t&[ reyeive- a| aufnjcietf;'-.; hphih* .. H-. yotes-j to- mafce "him ih4 'Jte»nbUcs^

•&it&;-kood;"ft&4&:'n*ett 'should b^-lte'pt ift , the- , ie^atoreJ 'g#fa \ thWe #eft3^pj<'; -thijtt" the" -' arg«th'e# wejc^-..

' -• K

Aft^j t he state prhoJi. v.t.m«i?'«sich hisd ' ittthenied: -'jjwf iv ror^Jy - . in it ie coh.#idh w tm ;,U3Mei! ' ' # « n ^ jail. "and ib&d directed :that |tj.he' cleaned '•WiMi •'PJBte4-'-*tottnty'bffteijai.'.,had ofc-m$6i: to vmt' the ec nlpy^ioh's-: of-: % e -|»-' ' the. ' capi toh '" 'VyTxin he" gibt hptne|.-h« sa id if ;She TJl«*ir ^obbp-|Bm;'had_,beeit a$ -fiirty "fn :4he |'pri^o«', comi^lpsion's oatce- «v^r^-"i|n^<Ji^l «p]»-

. F*OH «ALE~*At * b»*«»in-«-BIotJ;Air. Fp rnace , pipes, regitttera* cold i a i r

'boxe*, e t c All in good condition, Ap­ply t o € h a s , M. MiUef, §4- Margare t Bt,

-'; WAI^J^B^^fwo .Wtthjfea.fttssfe rooms for-iighi-hp;;: -©^•'dishesi'' Stttit "be! -«fv'- Stste-;. fe*^'-'jU|.d' eoiwenle^ts* •&%$i -ci e!-Prei9B:'<W

is 4°

. FOR gAJE-K—ltltchen ranie lit Mood condition, also gas 'ijwsiiter for hot water t«hk, hoth ver^ rea»ohaMe. Ap-p i y n i s Brinkerhoff ilreet^.

vim SAJIE—'awa?**1? Bttii«hout I'dtet 3U, D„ la goo4 'running "order. ,«a(p4 as.p.k5rry la leaving- towa*'tean

b^-:«ee« at' Hannan & He«ry( Motor Citi. ,€«:»• Margaret «^reef.y ; /*f

1W» S A L I J — B o ^ a « 4 ,tot. Id .a' d u r a b l e location iri '3HU 3E« -!Je*Iey '»t tor^ J? Clibtoa Plattiburth, #,, Y#

' JPOR 8SA|jKMtlt« DevJ'n Hotel, ply «t law- offteei oi! jff, W,; »a'ferp*;

'rP«»R gbiitiC—for^'1"*"'""' atiwitt, new -iaet .-Miiy],. .Applr-''S. Etttjore, |f--£2.Hntottsrt>»«et; ., .. ..

r i , - - . ; - ' I.I ' I ' m


^9Kp l i «A f l|.'illi. H"l'l t!|il.J| 1,11 IL.'H

.*}-»'«f»j-«-A-. woihaft -ttt-'-l«kbi J sari* up. •ohBft' tthd - ^ i s t - W t h . - W)hSei|«ff>ri8«

t3jf- p r e s s ,t>. fice*'.

«iffli -1 ^ B K & -mm cie?k»4* 'J*1**1

| j^ .«p-b. ;$tf i ,uOmo4j g^rjr. '.'$»niipl>s - exaw i #«#; - -f^ah"!?!!© i n e t p i * .B/oeheater* jf. "T.i yptir-cfty.-'v

. •: WAf^BEfes-M'.- i ^ A ^ ^ D ' '^;'3fejw-Tor 's S'late^ Tlospto -1)1 a i •. Bay; ' Bw to^j; p'osfttow a^ waitregsej9! i t s .to'$21) ..J»er n?o'hth.- T h e work; .J ai-'eaay • ana: .a ri iee:

a t e ' h h t grbod .deptiPJ^nenT-ahd'-'stMet! obsei^^anfie'«f rules ^^ststed-'hpoh,|s;i>-pjy t<4 3|4trbh'Sbit8ir3Hios:pita|.

;ji'-i'ir.iii.!iii['i-.<ii|i: iut»«^»«i«»«)iiiii'i,ii--ii|ii|i,i.|-jiiji'ii»iii,.-tfiii,iiii>iii»t>

tor' fall *h<|;' ifihter o n W Biv^side inn t*l .-. ..i-.'/- ^-.';'

1 .%A^^l^By :-Wui?ettiber ls^a.tlat ' ' or^sniafi- house- ehir|'aiiy located*'", \dV ;dresl'-3%''#»• thiSi 0'ffltee, _".. ,. _'_

'j* 'I'l I'mi i l l ic i tn^<^«P

,-'WAN*|lS3P—^IrlH:p!Ja»Sfet with' h'olusa. ? #o tk i»';p!fivftte ta^fljiiy^ljt.TettWn ..for ihoat"*' apd room, rtoujre; i-aa-Btib-' 'iserhoff -Street-dewii 's tairs .

( . • • ; - ; , -• i.' .' , • - - ' - ' i „ » • ' • " • • • ) ; - • ' « / -

• ) ] • . i . f i • I_:M t >n K.IlUilt^i tlj J«IUI>Jli.IIHI.I1.H U W ^ H 1 g j i j ; ^ | i J l L l - | J I W ^ I J I I i u t • - • V » | i l i

Iflrfie make«-^.ahy;-oh4n*iea( m t$$4 Ht wa«';B»l2ef':ahd;a'!rhn. |.fo tkn j it '•S^a*-<^y»:» -after,^l3!e#4-aQb« '-:h-«fl§4

* $ •

tbeeity- tefliiir*.

* I M M *


it . ,• f *

$285 Uaxoh. ' tth*

com^ietely relieved- me i^!a1jl/«ir^mJ tarts of tuberculosis and tajf coUjS*

„ , , „ „ , nn™.,™,,. . .- , . . . „ ™ „ ^ - . ™ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M l M i r ^ l - d i s f i p p e ^ e ' ^ * ^ I k e e P i h ? Bave ' ' : » 4 » ^ " l^a iohdW, fee' gf tC^W" &W-^1i«aw.t& f o > * ^ ^ | » | i # .

ri- . - r . * .. ^ i .^Al ic fc^ l ITORlpp:,, - •.-*Ad».



olnn*,v' "fat!;*** jrlefr*' .€h*in*pce: |h*; l»tt« tti

lytatioa -Q.»e4fi'

tw»«f*. h#hfi>

iy i"«i i" .W"iy

;-at seasonr


•I ' » T » « at. »ur t w r . iNiSbRANCK DgPARtMBlTO

, : • > • Albmy..Jaly IS

ia (d'» b^!oi$gv finder


W14, AMerie«n B*«4ii»t ConpMn j

l«tc«e4 «t B«ltimore,^i» ib« S u u d I i r f -Una, it»t filrd in thi» ofike « **arni titement by itb» l>FVP«r officw* thereoJ ihoWjng it* condition' «jiil busincp* *ml JiM complitd in all (rrtptct* with rthe l«w» of thi« St»te *f!

Utinx M» j C*»u»Jty - Irttnnuicc Coippanici roc<rfporaiM by oUiirt Suits of tfe* Dtuted SUtfats. jj£- •' "

Now, tiwurotte, ia pur»u»nc« 4* l4*» I' FmiUt* BipSroack, Sop«intend«nt <f lasur. M C T « I -tilt-'Stale of ««*-Yo*k, d» bere1>y <i«tily UMrt? Mill Company if hereb) mtlior-uc4l ttt .tnpMct itn' »j>propriate Luuies* of c»ntthy iniuisnee itt this itate ia tdcifcrdtiKe VMihl l»w, Aurint Uie current tlitiwt kn4;]buiun«« ot »aid Coupati r. *t tbt 4atd of • « * *t«tew«nt tOeceaiW 31,' 191 J>, Is ipown afc iollowi: : A«tjr«t»tfV#»w«a «* «d»«ttd A*<. I i

w-.....jiZi4 «t Liabiltticfc . . . and : Surplui) r | " •

- acnu^ •M -«q> Capital; sajcwajo r all l i ibil iUe*.. . . . . . . W,11ZS7

, Income f<jr *fte ycktu i 6},85S.7i • £>i»bttr«eBi«at« lor the 1

?" ^>#i*., ,»**te.«****« s«.»*.« 1,1 r«piwukTr Wrnttas W »«*»». I bare hereutim sab*

t&t, nvt* *&& MHMcd the. x U of ipy i |S t »fiu<a aie day and yijaij atov*

Sttjaftt B*SB»ofel^' '•• -1 • -Sag** «f lmartat*. -

Clinton ;||ouMy tJierk*s. qffict^Jl' Wilt draiw 'tbil names -of thirty'-slxi persons.

a' tfr-M fe aertJei'ilas Trial .Jfurors,--at _ ,„-r™ ^jtnaiofj'tihe Shtpreme.Cotart tc"t>e held arjihte llburt ilbuser in the Uty,-of PWtt^iffeh,4» the;C0ttiJttyof-C5EntOn,. on !th*'^&-'SWndaik lh«" t$m kxy, of

. CJlin^ota'Catthty^llerteg, 1 ^ -

ti$l» 'tiB&to N<WfI€E!i

:c«fis herjfby" glyen,, p$s,t jm W4dhee&y,.th*:''-?th. day.of pptober.^ J^i.^-'at'llen. o* ;tn-the" forenoon.. •at tf^ J ^ | ^ o » ; . O ^ a ^

;.t i?»ai, fj|'w..tbe;.'ni mes-.<>f tweblyrfour r.pemo^;!|p.servf jbs.^rand Mr^rs, at:

& " te^l ilferrtk. •of the . .^upremo Court to be i b ^ ' . a f the- Cou fr. Uonm, in tbe. '•cit; ,qf ij|Mtshi*P|:h, itt ' t ^ -e te j t t^ ,^ . ;

• B j ,



''/.^jhjao& 0ouftty^c|erk. -

iLost, i&igeSs,''|5a'i.». "^ept, feTMKre .^feattoi [ATJn^y^fehtih, »ee«tti>' wag-; ^orlD|dlp[ solicit' 'alms' in titty ciiyi loajt todM''It» legil"fight-agai-nit the;! irnltogj / i | f the"" jj~"- :-!-—* "-••"***-~T

-,.;^!h'ef4«hF is.a^id'.to sen# dui of

: #n^e§ r/dlMved;" iSrotft'' -the.- -.e^iritibiy in4lWaaSn defiance ot- a. l.oo^l iegur' Ia:f6n.1^fieh; prescribes that' i Jfk &W|r Bh!all 'b.e-;r used for 'the re-lief- of 4ib ' needy -Withm the m

a ^ a *

•jtft StaJMMay has,sent a feadest to-


'JM.,. ,i^||oua- hoards of-1.elect-ion ^ r b u M p t ? * h e s«ate that in -:;hej com'-' *f i^f tbbi ifphl ; return*? of! t i e |--prim", ; -^es ' ' ' !« ; ' 'vote- . for' governor,. | Jni te4 l ^ ^ i P P B * 0 * ' ^ d . C Q n g r e s ^ i k n be

^%|Mli ;-dbhe-for' the suipise '• of ^F*# | |L tho ( .publ ic at- the «j»rlles%i,

;»qjisJMei|feoBEient' of the cj^if ta tes se^eet4d]|por;...the b$«e*.in- wjtoh! -the


: - ! •

'less A^ p»iiw >mm! > 'ftj-ii - P. M.

T i i j e (TJlble:!»- Effect Sept. 20, 1914,

•Daily •• I '•• -"".-Sb4«(i

Arrive from MJjntreal

*i!l|:2-3' A . - I t . P.: M.. P J M .

* lttj^ft P . M.



Arrive from Albany

» 4 ^ 0 A. 'M, .11-

4305 P. M

> S|20 F . M» loilft P . M,

X « K ) » fof. • Albtay

8:15 A. M.

nm A. M»

4:4«iiP, M*

lo:2t ip. M^ ^-orthBonbd

i # + « * *

l»eaa!e foe atontreai

SJOO |L M. 7:00 A. M»


ArjrljW! frQrp, '; • t*fee Placid;

€h*ttes^g«y: Division

'+• • A * * # * *

10J6S A. M. •*y»o -p. M.

i | 4 ' 1 ' . Aujsahle Blvlsion

.I*ea» f o« l A k e Placid • 8 : 4 0 A* M*

M. S. - P .

. . P. Ausfthje . , «.40

ArM'fe f rom , Au»sihl«-3Pork|s, -j -s l tS A...MJ '; "ivm P . ML.

Arrive from, M-oioirs Jut.:

IJt|55'A*-:#i.,. ' lb 3Nto," I*

%xm £. Mi.

* » " Mjoo:ersi„.Jet, ,^t|§;AV-:M.

hjeh. leaves ! heA-, a*

:'the 4rrtval-oi[ t h * : ^ ^ :ir. Wj^. >No. ^ . m # soathjltoaad;" steeper'l|a|fee^ P P "stdii4. i&etweei this fBy -ahdt^hltehaiS for, ffie ^urp;osff.Mf.?tet*^g'--^.passen- -

: - - PJa^burii|i'-b ,ei»g. -tft-ft! 'Only' reg--.gers, : '.'tilaip .fct&p n*ef*«pt flSft^ses |pa»«t J*»*3MS WhitehftUv ;i/f


' i ' .» f .



C*«S».,1i?fp> '»b#MQiiig[(|r. #1P% 1||»'' 2f4 bMSejr tt^yn^.^uta'..1^:.i^#a4>

„„-rj,4f>u^is. .'foiqa^ ;cfou.p,, "b^rgnxteaSj) Uck||i5«' . thWife ," |br^p!^i^>pe |c ; ^ a * i :

Fpie*%'",^Eon*y. jaihid *%sk ^oppound, ' ' >':th# ,'a' why*' **e tey can ' t imiji

quajitty and ijpar or rto war,%»©: ,p| reittajins t he same. E. J. ga^gfent P o l * las, jresasi, says - "T believe j ^ o l ^ y i ^a&^y aaid ^ a r has no e^tual for i^


k iJinhiriririin

M O T O R n r s !.«U I

We^k- Dayia i: _rv. •-"

-?t30 A. M.-*). S:5$ A . M; *?!•«.-prM,.,).. •#<ls5-:P, M . . 4 . ,, j Je ives fKe,e)ses.vjllftanid,

AM sable Cfeasnn

!UirM A.-ja-.-K-.. ;. -S-'tt(; P.. M.*,

:sB' Plaiftiburgh


M^-lWiH *» tw«^WK<y^9w.,'».

9 $ 0 ; A. M.f ,

4 i § ^ 'P. M.f . Leaves j ^desfeville arid

-•^A^faabie- clhastiji 4-Q-M<| A. M „ . . ,

ttS'ft P. M.- * * 1 # P . M.'

Keeseville land Ausable <5h|asm

*'*,/%.|9 A| M, ..*i3tJBfib.- A|-'M.

•; Alrrives - ..> - , Piattsbdrgb

, ' " • ' ' " . !

.>>>-jMd Af-^i.. .iv,:;.ii{2,oa- j/ M» « . , . ^;?o' p j ; M .

v . | 6 : i i P» M.

Arrlyjeji JCeeseviUe jand

* * » « » « Ausable Chaara

W-bSO A|. Mt. . . . J,«O0 p . M. . . . « j &0 p , M.

:' Arrives JPlattsbprgh

. , . 1 1 : 4 0 A. M.

. . » & : 3 0 P . M.


mm a«t

S ATTSBDR - » ^ : ^ : ,itl-|)lllllillillHiintHi-

jmber 28-21 ' ' - ^ ' • a j ^ / - 1 ' '.;> im •''»•••<

jjMj|e-^V«ttte^ Dot 'mlin Vautleviife

i!ul am Changec fotirSpeeiil

l ^ i sheeted from i

m^ »i„-r:


• '.iKaleth' Weete'rh.

f?' Vt^fi t fdi -Western-' th*a«

eaay* Comedy*

E;:-j! -1».;!!! jEdHiroh &&mm?.

•"3Eisa.-nay IDrawa'. ^ t e -J-. a-

SdQtf* A weh &sufta wlih Aleiss*a<

Eiorbthy Phillips, Tv

5fe.. 'a,w ,A 01 r f c f«a*urmg' Bess Meredj Bhleids, -.

twd 'o the r feels of refit iners.



th i ld i

;iajlv!er Finings . . . . . ^. i$|le*Dlagf . . ....,...-...'. Gold C r o w n s . . . . _.,-.-Kridtee Work — . . . »

i JRubber Plates . . . ; . . - . |OXYtiEN AND GAS S«

«i^&% "ih the "C.ranl¥e' o

'&$L. *' ItSifirtf-sis* years £>;:;$^-^fefc when Von. hu

£JA#"' BROS., BwfeMftc

^ n

, J i w | & Mattering Heart, :]".f:--:,|' tog' specks" ' jM^Jtes..S^gas-.of ki-aney ar ^ ' ^ ^ B . * " ' "You'll have 'he | K ^ p ^ i b e l and be.' tired i K * p | i i ; ^ n g f e J , but begin ^ | W r a » | : Pii'ls a t

>«p;Me£ore. your .misera:! I f i l ^ - b e gone. You w

^^^r rp re l l - and- grow sti\ P | ^ p a v . They *r© a ti. f«i^i^pi.%stern as well -»s

ilblS^ftejr'-WUl be hen^ntte-i # | ^ i H . M » n i Cady .Drug O

!A A t WITB-1

y^i-'.. " > ^^^ure <>f ' | : ^ b u s e Cr.A is -f-ti-!.!.

| i*eahd^.ee of -it: ^rc-h'--: ^ I m l i s i c on Tnr-ssSiay

| ^ t ^ . | ^ i n r . d a y ""i.iijhts.

>||^-;;-"j - ; —— -



' f e ' ; '.'


fn purfiuanfe oi i P s N . VICTOR F. »•; p * Ciinton i"t«un

[0« is hereby g'ven ttt; all persons h a v

£.. Gale, late feln*aM County <»f

to. present the BU: thereof . t>> The

resfdence m Ke«i<i ,i3?4-before the

ft 1''"- ' ' '•DOM-KNY. Ei<:

^**# -' fas' tUeExecu t r i s