Bernard Boyd

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metaphysics and aura

Transcript of Bernard Boyd

By Bernard BoydWarning: This written work, the front cover design and the illustrations are the property of the author and are the subject of Copyright 1984 - 2010Although this e-book is to be given away quite free of charge, all rights are reserved and no part of this e-book, which includes the title, front cover design and illustrations may be copied, given away wholly or in part, sold on the internet or otherwise adapted for sale elsewhere in any form, reproduced, copied or transmitted by any meanswhether auditory, graphic, mechanical, electronic, or in any waywithout written permission of the author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in articles and critical reviews.Notes to potential authors.If you have created a work which has value to you then you need to be able to protect it from being copied, stolen or subject to other unauthorized use.To do this, you need to be able to prove that you are the rightful owner of the work. If someone else publishes your work or part of your work under their name then you must be able to prove that you are the rightful copyright-holder. Registering your work through the CRS provides independent third-party verification of your ownership of your work, thereby discouraging potential plagiarists from misappropriating your work.

Born at 8.28 AM 8/March/1941 51.27N 00.24E Ascendant accurate at 18 Taurus 34

Introduction.Chapter One The Hidden Truth.Chapter Two The Plasmic Solar System.Chapter Three Some Secrets of the Pyramids.

Chapter Four Imhotep.Chapter Five More Pyramid Secrets.Chapter Six Harnessing The Moons Gravitational Energy.Chapter Seven . A Message In Stone.Chapter Eight The Science of Stones.Chapter Nine Moving a 270 Ton Stone Statue.Chapter Ten Minerals and the Aura.Chapter Eleven ... Crystals and Standing Stones.Chapter Twelve The Serial Scientific Career Killer.

Chapter Thirteen Electrical Mankind.Chapter Fourteen My Astral Experiments.Chapter Fifteen The Original Ancient Scientists.Chapter Sixteen ... Our Destination.Chapter Seventeen Methuselah.Chapter Eighteen Stone Instruments.Chapter Nineteen The Space DoldrumsChapter Twenty The Music of the Spheres.Chapter Twenty One Queen Hatshepsuts ObelisksChapter Twenty Two A Day With The PressChapter Twenty Three Little Extras

Chapter Twenty Four Astrological Action.Chapter Twenty Five The Aura and Astrology.

Introduction.Some small changes have been added to the original work, as for instance the inclusion of references to the internet, which I had not heard of in 1984, which is approximately the time of the original work here.Many previous writers have written about the aura and there is a wealth of knowledge about the aura available in the public libraries and these days, on the internet too.However, there is less information about the connection between the aura and astrology and this e-book endeavours to provide some original information concerning that connection.Whilst I could easily get straight into a description of this connection, I do not think that a glib, quick explanation would do this vast subject area justice because any accurate explanation of the aura, even in laymans terms is not an easy task.I will say at this point that I champion nature throughout my e-books, I also champion an automatic astrology occasioned by astronomy in an electric solar system and an electric universe.As a result, my type of astrology, which is based on an electric solar system, is hopefully, a scientific astrology which allows me to contribute many new ideas within astrology, all of which I hope will be good and appetising food for thought.From such a scientific astrology, one can see, with no great leaps of faith, that the electric solar system and the electric universe has an ordered, precise result here on earth simply because nature repeats itself.With regard to nature repeating itself, it is quite possible that I am the first to demonstrate in a scientific, astronomical way that nature repeats itself, thus providing a much sought after beginning and end for astrologers to work to.Nature repeats itself through many, many varied ways, on land, in the air and in the waters of the earth.Luckily for us, nature also repeats itself through astronomy and astrology and only the astrologer can really read natures handwriting correctly when it does repeat itself.Because of that, the astrologer will have much to contribute to our modern mainstream science as time goes by.The reason being, it is only the astrologer that can depict a point in time, past, present or future, and be able to read natures handwriting to discern the astrological message of that moment in time.Its no good saying that the astronomer can also read natures handwriting, they cant, and wont, at least until some goodly time yet in the future.Because all my e-books deal with a scientific astrology set against an electric solar system and an electric universe, it will be very necessary to say a lot about gravity, the electric charge and magnetism.These three fundamental forces are outside of any proper and valid scientific comprehension at the moment.In other words, these three fundamental forces are not presently described correctly by modern mainstream science and my own views on their more correct explanation has been included throughout this e-book.Those views incorporate the notion that the electromagnetic spectrum, occasioned by our sun, is not a separate thing from matter, a concept that modern mainstream science opposes most vigourously.Also in other words, all physical matter and the electric force of our solar system, vibrate in accordance with the electromagnetic spectrum and as such, are inseparable.I will be having much to say about these three fundamental forces of the universe in later chapters because once understood, they will become the natural progression to two more fundamental forces of the universe, time and space.There will also be revealed, natures ultimate plan for mankind which is all part of the aura and astrology.Also treated in much detail will be the evolvement of electrical man from physical man which will occur through the aura and the time for that occurance will be given, exactly.All quite tangible and physical, viable fact, containing nothing vague or unproveable, the time will very soon be upon us all when science will include these new findings.We live in very exciting times, mankind is now on the very brink of tremendous change and this e-book describes many different aspects of this change and supplies a detailed road-map about it all.Lastly, also championed is the ancient astrologer who I believe understood a lot more about astronomy and astrology than moden day credit is given for.There is also discussed in many places within this e-book, the ability of the ancient astrologer to astral travel and accrue scientific knowledge from the astral observation of chemical, electrical and atomic dynamic interactions.That type of scientific enquiry, so very far removed from our present day scientific method, allows an ongoing, dynamic observation of all things on this planet and of course all things on the other planets in our solar system, our nearest stars and these days even galaxies.Is that not fantastic, to astrally walk on Mercury, or to see and astrally inspect all of Saturns moons.There is also mention made of a society that lived in peace with others not from this planet, that lived many thousands of years ago and obtained vast scientific knowledge using astral travel.As regards the aura and astrology, at its root, astronomy is the cause that produces astrology, the effects of which impinge upon the aura and the unifying factor that connects the aura with astrology is oscillatory.Stemming from oscillate, meaning to move or swing to and fro, the word oscillatory implies the swinging of an oscillating body from one extreme limit to the other as for instance, the periodical surging of an electric current first in one direction and then in the other.Somewhat binary, on-off-on again, everything in the universe is oscillatory and it is this fluctuating common denominator that unifies our universe and as just stated, is also the connection between the aura and astrology.The aura, deemed as composing of electrical oscillations that vibrate at a much higher rate than the material, corporal matter of our bodies can and is affected by astrology. It is my opinion that the aura can be further described as being that parcel of energy that returns to the after-life, or spirit world when the corporal, physical body dies. That opinion extends to the aura as a repository of gained experience and knowledge which retains the intelligence that the person accrued during the lifetime.For the purposes of this e-book, we may here define such a deceased person as a soul who occupies the auric realm, after-life or the so called spirit world.By means of this explanation, it is also my opinion that old souls that have occupied the auric realm, after-life, or spirit world for a long time, may well have communication with later deceased souls that reside in same and also with living souls that travel in the astral realm.Whilst some may certainly not agree with my opinions as stated here, I subscribe to the commonly held idea that travel in the astral realm is usually accomplished whilst sleeping but can, with special training and practice, be achieved by mentally changing the oscillations of the brain.I further propose and promote in these pages that auric visual inspection by human beings, enables the astral eye to see atoms, molecules and even electrons.You are asked to accept that everything in this universe is oscillatory and that even the astral realm is also oscillatory in an electric sense and that it is capable of scientific observation and explanation.Based on the concept that the physical universe and the meta-physical universe is oscillatory, then it should become scientifically possible to observe what has been termed as the micro cosmos with astral eyes.With all the above in mind, the connection between astrology and the aura will later be shown within the medium of the electric solar system and an electric universe and all its contents.It may not be palatable to some, but if it can all be shown as a scientific truth it should be accepted as so.Many new ideas concerning astrology appear in my e-books, I trust them all to be scientific and viable, including what I later describe as cold fusion astrology, I would not dare waste your time otherwise.If you can get past my tormenting tangled taunting teasing tantalizing terminological terpsichorean traduced travesty about Oliver Heavyside and James Clerk Maxwell then thrill to thinking teleological true themes thoroughly thought ten thousand total terms ago.With regard to natures ability to repeat itself, there is very little written elsewhere about the reason that nature repeats itself or its ultimate purpose or indeed its ultimate plan for mankind.Largely unsuspected, an outline of natures final intention is given here, which is something that urgently concerns mankind.In other words, its not just about astrology and the aura as the whole, complete story embraces many other concepts which I hope you will find to be very interesting to you.It seems to be a most natural thing for mankind to seek patterns and similarities.With regard to astrology, there are many who could better describe its beginnings but I do think it is fair to say that at some point in the past, a connection between events that occurred on the earth and astronomical configurations in the heavens was sought by ancient people.That connection was obviously found, which gives rise to our present astrology.If astrology is also seen as oscillatory, which I hope to further explain in these pages, then the connection between the aura and astrology will be more easily seen. Not everyone is conversant with the electromagnetic spectrum, oscillatory vibrations, frequency resonance or the propagation of electrical characteristics. The same applies to that world seen through the electron microscope, the atom, so I have decided to present this current work in an unusual manner that might assist in that understanding.With regard to the ancient people just mentioned, I will refer to these ancient people as ancient scientists in this e-book and I will concur that their origins were in Mesopotamia.But it is my contention that even before these ancient scientists trod this earth, there were other people who lived many thousands of years before who also understood the concepts of astrology and I will refer to them in this e-book as the original ancient scientists. Whilst I am aware that the last ice age ended ten thousand years ago, and also that the earth was not entirely covered in ice during that ice age, I maintain that a cultured, learned society existed many thousands of years ago on this planet that understood astrology, the aura, the electric universe and all its contents.Both these two ancient peoples were scientists, they did not walk around in white coats and use sophisticated monitoring devices, they used their brains instead.Whilst both these types of ancient science was, in the main, a dynamic, astrally observational science, I do need to say and make the distinction that the original ancient scientists were far more scientific and knowledgeable than the later ancient scientists.Unlike todays science, both these two groups of ancient scientists studied their science astrally and combined their conclusions with an astrally seen logical, observational science.That is what made those original ancient scientists more cognizant, they could actually see up close the dynamic interaction of atomic and molecular behaviour of matter through their astral eyes.The upshot being that the deductions and conclusions of the original ancient scientists far exceeded the knowledge of the later ancient scientists.The reason being, the ancient scientists were supplied with all necessary information by the original ancient scientists and were not required to know more.Whilst were on the subject, I will go as far as saying that our own present day science (which is merely three hundred years old) is far more deficient.It is deficient in many, many departments because it is purely an observational science, based on assumption and further assumption and devoid of any real understanding of underlying scientific mechanisms or behaviour.More specific details of this is given in later chapters and elsewhere in my other writings.With regard to the astral communication between the original ancient scientistss and the ancient scientists, I contend that the original ancient scientists conveyed certain scientific information to the ancient scientists but more especially to the elite and wise of the Old Kingdom of Egypt who practised astral travel in their everyday lives.The same source communicated the same scientific information to both Americas, some 500 years after this scientific information was lost in Egypt.From this communicated scientific information, many things were possible, and both these ancient cultures, the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the ancient peoples of South and North America utilised this information in the pursuit of many scientific things.Therefore, the unusual manner in which I present the connection between the aura and astrology will involve the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids of South America. It will also involve the earlier earth mound constructions of both cultures. Of course hard-headed astrologers may be astonished at this approach, good, there is always something to learn on the way and hopefully, the hard-headed astrologer may come to agree with the contents of this e-book because I hope to show and explain it all in a scientific context that will assist in their own evolement.My intended circuitous route has an astrological bonus in the final chapter whereby the connection between the aura and astrology can be seen more easily via my own pyramidological interpretations, phew!This unfoldment takes account of a very special piece of information that was communicated by the original ancient scientists to the ancient scientists of both cultures. This information was prized, guarded and protected by the elite few, and a large part of chapter one describes that protection. This special piece of scientific information could change the world, such was its power and potent and that is why those that were aware of it tried to keep it for themselves rather than let the general public get knowledge of it.In chapter sixteen, there is described a society who did share this special piece of scientific information with the general public and that society benefited immensely from it, living in peace, love, abundance, beauty and harmony with each other for a very long time indeed.That should have been our own destination too because it is mankinds natural true legacy and we should be living today in a world-wide society amidst peace, love, abundance, beauty and harmony also, even in these modern times.However, the legacy of this special piece of scientific information and its natural progression of spin-offs has been denied to the greater populace century after century after century, constantly deemed to be unfit for the public appetite and instead held tightly to the chest of the privileged elite few of many generations.

There is also later described the means to achieve this directly for yourself.Oft corrupted in the past for power and control purposes, it is natures way of protecting mankind and is a truth freely obtainable to everyone, thereby enriching the life.Our present day science is poised on the brink of becoming aware of this special piece of scientific information. Capable of being reduced to pure physics, ocular, tangible and factual, the present day scientific difficulties with this special piece of scientific information is also described.This is also the story of that special piece of scientific information and hopefully, after reading this e-book you will have knowledge of something not thought deeply about for thousands and thousands of years.I hope you enjoy the reading of it, I hope it will add to your own fund of knowledge about the aura and illuminate your mind as to what our true destination will be in the very near future and cause you to wonder whether mankind will ever eventually arrive at that faraway destination at sometime during the coming Age of Aquarius.

Chapter One.The Hidden Truth.

It was smothered, it was covered, it was hidden, it was buried deep for long periods and those infidels that looked for it were brutally slain.

Proclaimed impossible, avowed non-sensible and said to have no basis in fact, being merely a figment, a fantasy and a wishful thought, its existence was categorically repeatedly denied.

Yet it does exist and was quite well known about thousands of years ago to wise men, elite sages and various priesthoods from certain cultural societies long ages and eons ago.

In those far off ancient times, when the truth of it was more clearly seen and understood, that truth was protected, prized and guarded from the infidel, unbeliever and heretic alike.

Just like the great truth of prime numbers which has a beginning in all construction, whether physical or metaphysical and which can only be the corner or fragment of yet another stupendous celestial truth.

A truth that similarly runs through all human affairs and events that occur here on this earth.

This is The Aura and Astrology, but I am not talking about the aura here, or astrology for that matter, I am talking about something entirely different.

Something that could provide however, as a separate side issue, an entirely new paradigm in which to cast astrology.

Something entirely different that will also shed a much needed, clearer light on electrical mankind and all living creatures upon this planet whatever their species or wit.

Something which will include all vegetation whether that be plant, tree, shrub or grass. Something about all minerals in whatever molecular bonding and resonant vibration they may occur.

Collectively, what I am talking about can be termed as all things on, above and within this planet earth, whether those things be animal, mineral or vegetable.

It will be necessary to write at some length before the subject of the aura and astrology is dealt with here, but this lengthy preamble has very much to do with the aura and astrology.

If you will show patience, the final explanation with regard to the aura and astrology will make good sense against the background of this preamble.

It will also enable you to evaluate and assimilate the information contained here in relation to the aura and astrology.

My reference to the original ancient scientists may appear a little strange, but they had hundreds of years in which to arrive at their scientific conclusions.

Okay you might say, dramatic words, designed to get the readers attention and interest which is quite correct because like all my e-books, this is an information e-book.

This e-book deals with an obscure celestial truth and tries to get at the truth of something that has deliberately been hidden from prying minds throughout the ages.

Unfortunately, even in these modern times, that truth still lies just as hidden and occluded, but this time, not through secrecy, but through simple ignorance, prejudice and sheer stupidity.

But read on, because you will then know about something that only the very few were ever aware of during vast tracts of time.

That something has very much to do with the aura and astrology which is our interest here.

Way back in the deepest past, now merely legend of course, those antediluvians who wore electric stone helmets and resonantly fine tuned iron and mercury and who also vitrified stone, understood and had mastery over this celestial truth.

As already implied, by some manner or means, the holders of that knowledge being the original ancient scientists transmitted this celestial truth thousands of years later to what I term here the ancient scientists of the old kingdom of Egypt.

So the old kingdom of Egypt knew of it as also the true ancients in South America. Confucius and other ancient philosophic eastern minds may have known of it.

Atilla the Hun knew nothing about it, nor did Genghis Khan, but Democritus in 400 BC explained it in great detail and at great length in his limited vocabulary at that time.

Guarded, prized and protected, various Popes knew of it, Sir Isaac Newton and other alchemists hopelessly strived for it, as did the Knights Templar.

The Rosicrucian's and other secret societies before and since got wind of it, which includes even The Illuminati who were also aware of it.

Maxwell cognized and esoterically coded it, but Heavysides heretical hacking hatchet, hampered heuristic hope, hurtling hee-haw humdrum humbug, against hallowed halls of halidom.

Heavysides hashed harvest heeded hostile harum-scarum, his hopple harnessed ham-fisted hurried hand, humbled humming harmonic harmony.

Heavyside hindered halcyon horizons, heralding, hinting, homogeneous hyperphenominal high hurdles, hazy heavenly helixes, holy hosanna.

Hopefully hearing horrible hobgoblins haunting Heavysides heavy heart, hark, his havocal hymnal hortation has hallmarked human hunger.

Whether that be written in a, b, c or d, it would be the same because Oliver Heavyside brutalized, butchered and quartered the deceased Maxwells work, the higher metaphysical coding being completely lost due to Oliver Heavysides hatchet.

And so another onset of the dark ages began yet again, in other words, this great celestial truth that Maxwell almost put in our grasp, was lost yet again.

Faraday may have known of it, that's hard to tell, Planck, Coulomb, Gauss, Ampere, Laplace and Lorentz did not mention it.

Einstein missed the point entirely, for gravity is a mono-poled force and for these purposes, five will always align much easier than six.

The basis for witchcraft, wicca, druid, sorcerers and magicians, even Merlin knew of it as did the wizard, witch, shaman and voodoo doctors worldwide.

Helen Blavatsky and others here in England and also on the Continent appeared to have come to terms with some parts of it.

Some of whom were astrologers too, one of the most notable and infamous being Alastair Crowley.

Certain private individuals on the Continent, in England and in America made it tangible at last, as for instance Nikola Tesla and about four of his contempories to my knowledge.

Ever resurfacing as it always has done, Wallace D. Wattles wrote about it at length. Wilhelm Reich, Lester Hendershot, Fred Walden, E.G.Lewis, Leonard Bergstrand and Chancey J. Britain called it by different names.

These last six people utilized its principles briefly until smothered again, denied and re-hidden, waiting to be re-discovered yet again.

And what was this great celestial truth, a very simple truth in fact, but a truth that mankind has not only tried to keep secret, but has also found very hard to accept.

That great truth is simply that electromagnetic force and matter are not separate component energies of the universe, they are in fact one and the same.

Yes, that is what all the fuss has been about, electromagnetic force is not a separate thing from matter, electromagnetic force can affect matter and matter can affect electromagnetic force.

What was deliberately hidden and occluded in the deep past for secrecy reasons, and also in relatively very recent times, is equally hidden and occluded in these present, current times.

The cause being ignorance, prejudice and bias and that will continue all the while that modern learned beings cannot see the real truth of the matter.

About fifty or so miles away from where I live, there is a particle accelerator machine designed to hurtle atoms round at tremendous speeds only to smash headlong into others.

This is a great effort to learn some of nature's secrets by studying such collisions and no doubt some atomic behaviour will be learnt from it.

However, ancient man has already constructed machines that deal with atoms, but certainly not for banging atoms into each other.

Those ancient instruments were designed to be receivers of resonant celestial propagations that occurred in the heavens at specific times and which could be fine tuned to any specific atom or molecular bonding of atoms here on earth.

The reason for these constructions, to modify matter, to change the ionic bonding of matter.

Impossible, not at all, the constructors of these precision instruments knew, understood and had mastery over the ionic bonding of matter and their science was a pure science. A science where reason and nothing else held sway.

It was just that, a clear, unbiased scientific approach that enabled them to see the actual truth with their astral eyes.

These ancient's minds were unswayed by emotion, prejudice, bias, a closed mind, dogma, tradition and the many other hindrances that are quite apparent in the science of today.

Without the use of microscopes, electron or otherwise, these ancient minds applied logic to their reasoning and realized, knew and thoroughly understood that matter vibrated in the same way that the electric solar system vibrated.

THAT was the connection, matter vibrated, and that is what connects matter with the electromagnetic spectrum.

Matter vibrates, it oscillates, it resonates and therefore can resonate with the vibrating, oscillating electromagnetic forces of the electric universe.

Isnt that simple, yet the troubles and problems surrounding that simple truth, all man-made and self-inflicted problems of course, have been enormous and have spanned countless generations.

Further logic revealed to the original ancient scientists that in every substance, each electron vibrated around a vibrating nucleus.

Furthermore, that the distance between the electron and the nucleus was part of the vibratory signature of that substance.

Change the vibrational resonant oscillation of a substance and you have transmuted that substance.

In reality, matter is just another electrical fog, although of course it is a much denser fog than the electrical fog of the aura.

This gives rise to the common understanding and logical realization that two atoms cannot occupy the same space at any one particular moment in time.

But this only applies within the same vibratory rate of oscillation, as all ghosts can pass through solid walls, as can auras because of the different rate of oscillatory vibrating densities involved.

Whilst the laws of physics that we do know and understand at this particular stage in our evolution are the same throughout this particular universe, it is lesser known that there are other universes with extended electromagnetic spectrums.

Complete with their accompanying magnetic fields and electric fields, those universes include electro-gravitic and magneto-gravitic resonant vibrations where material substances respond differently to applied resonances.

As a matter of interest, did you know that there are 144 different dimensions and that there are one hundred and twenty-three that make a similar electromagnetic contribution to our own earth.

Whilst all dimensions share the same basic laws of physics, the remainder have an extended spectrum and include variant waves, at the low, middle and high ends of the normal electromagnetic spectrum.

Those particular dimensions have a whole range of add-on laws of physics, including a separate, add-on gravitic and magnetic spectrum all available for free inspection and perusal at your nearest auric library.

It is my belief that nature is limitless and somewhat like the Chaldean comprises of 138 Kollerstroms, the 144 dimensions just mentioned probably form the primary spoke of a similar vast cyclic wheel .

That is to say that there are countless dimensions in the universe but all stem from the basic 144 cycle of dimensions.

Yes, there does exist many other inhabited universes and our own universe is quite heavily populated by intelligent life.

Privately I will say this to you.Don't think for a moment that we have the monopoly on theoretical and applied physics, because whilst the laws of this universe are constant, there are many other ways to interpret those laws.

As a species,we mostly always fail to follow through properly or sufficiently, or wrongly interpret the laws in the first place.

There are vast areas missed, neglected, overlooked, or wrongly conceived or perceived.

Whilst this is certainly not a platform to deride our own scientific advancement with, it will however serve to illustrate that mankinds scientific advancement to date is nothing but a huge collection of hypothetical assumptions heaped one upon the other.

Collectively known as Standard Theory, it is enough for mankind to get along and by with.

But there does also exist and make no mistake about it, many other scientific areas that mankind is struggling to glean further scientific understanding about.

So it is the fact that mankind, as a race, have only touched sparsely on the full potential of many of the laws of physics.

Some of those areas being concerned with spinning metal oxide discs, matter transmission and transmutation, gyroscopic force, gravitational, centrifugal and centripetal force, the distance between the electron and the nucleus, prime numbers, gravity machines, the earth as an electrical configuration and just one element in an oscillatory symphony that precisely unites the electric solar system.

Levitation being another area,as also magnetism, the electric charge, gravity and the electrical signature of all objects, to name just a few.

All the while mankind has a pre-occupation of moving substance A to position B in conventional, parochial spacial ways,it will be natural that only the very few will ever understand that matter has other options.

Paled by triple tridimensional alien thought with their eighty four possible permutations of 9D thought on a single thought, mankind will continue to mentally struggle in vain, until the inclusion of astral sight makes things much clearer and more accurate.

Laughing is a peculiarity of homo sapien,as is humour,there being no equivalent with others.

In fact, perplexity, incredibility and astonishment being emotionally engendered anyway,the mental hop from line one, to two, then line three and back to line one results in mental meltdown, confusion impossible with many.

In other words, most alien species do not have the capacity to be perplexed, or astonished and certainly have no idea of what incredibility is anyhow.

Sadly,or some species may think thankfully I think, our type of thinking limits us at the moment. We think along a single line from A to B, but all methods of interpretation lead eventually to the same destination.It just takes some species far longer than other some other species to arrive there.

Even though the earth has an adequate electromagnetic spectrum, sufficient for space and time travel,it will be necessary to completely re-think the present mental strategy, the way we think, to utilize it all to best advantage.

Also, although the electric solar system and in fact the electric universe governs everything, the hard physics and final destination of space and time travel can be found more easily in the oscillatory inorganic sciences.

The oscillatory organic sciences will also provide the key that opens the door to the true life sciences and what is presently called the supernatural.

Right under our collective noses, there are many other ways to view and interpret this universe and our way, which we happen to call the scientific method, falls far, far short of the majority of alternative viewpoints.

Had we for instance, adopted more natural units of natural measure, instead of artificial man-made and convenient portions, we might have stumbled, like others before us, on a more productive line of enquiry with regard to this universe.

Getting it right, leads directly to other dimensions, it has to, because it is a natural progression. The door has been firmly shut on magnetism, simply because science thinks that all that is knowable about magnetism is already known. Magnetism is only now being slightly explored but we are still a long way from the gas compass as a monitor of psi.

Whilst science is content to observe the north seeking pole of a magnet as a curiosity, the unstoppable pole pointer can deliver free water anywhere on the earth (if available) and electricity too by magnetic induction and the addition of a certain substance.

Okay,you may say,its easy for you,a non scientist,to make such comments and you may even say,put up or shut up which is fair comment.

As I have written elsewhere, the human brain, with regard to size and volume at least, has a very near comparison to the average left foot, which would include all the toes of course.

The ingenuity of the human brain has already transformed this planet, but this is nothing, compared to what it will eventually achieve on this planet and elsewhere in the universe, despite its very small size.

As I also have written elsewhere, Newton and Einstein were the first two to ever make a worthwhile contribution to the enigma of gravity, something that defied countless highly intelligent people before them.

We have the legacy of their mathematical descriptions of gravity but nowhere in their findings is a physical description if you will, of exactly how gravity works as a physical mechanism.

Gravity remains just as much a mystery as it ever did, seemingly defying all physical description and there is a very good reason for that.

The reason being that nature wants it that way, and nature will reveal the full mechanism of gravity, when it is good and ready to do so.

With regard to gravity, scientists worldwide have had it drilled into their heads that the moon causes high tides (and low tides too) on this planet.

That is completely wrong and erroneous because the moon is too far away from the earth to cause high or low tides.

As Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin found out, when they passed out of the earths gravitational field, they travelled for one and a quarter days until they came into the moons gravitational field.

They had travelled through thousands of miles of space where neither the earths gravity or the moons gravity existed.

Having said that, the only way that the moon can affect the tides on this planet is if our solar system is an electric solar system.

Then it does not matter how far the moon or any other heavenly body is away from the earth, the electric solar system will carry any gravitational component piggy-back fashion to our earthly shores.

In any case, for a more correct understanding of gravity we must start thinking about gravitational action from the center of the earth.

Once again, mankind must completely change its mental strategy and way of thinking when it comes to understanding gravity.

In an electric solar system many things become clearer and in a changed mental strategy, the truth of gravity may also be a little clearer.

With regard to the earth, apart from viewing the earth from its central core, rather than constantly looking inward, the earth should be regarded as an electrical entity that oscillates to a resonant frequency.

From a central viewpoint, the earth should be deemed as having a positively orientated center and a negatively charged surface.

The earth should also be recognized as having electric nodal points upon its surface.

In fact our earth is an electrical machine, always turned on and capable of delivering electrical power from and to any specific chosen spot upon its surface.

A firmer understanding of that will reveal that the three fundamental forces that presently lay outside of our comprehension will become more easily understood when viewed in combination with our terrestrial electrical planetary machine.

The colossal horizontal electrical and magnetic oscillations that are naturally attendant with our planet (our magnetic and electric fields) are caused to interact with an electromagnetic vertical action from the gravitational action of the moon, which occurs twice a day in most areas.

Did you hear that, the moons vertical gravitational pull acts upon the earth horizontal magnetic and electric fields twice a day.

Call it a dynamo, call it a power generator, call it an electrical power source but whatever you call this unstoppable electrically atomic and molecular interaction, it remains the fact that this huge power source can be tapped into quite easily to the advantage of mankind.

This is possible simply because our planet is immersed in an electric solar system which in turn is immersed in an electric universe.

Hardly realized in these modern times, ancient scientists of long, long ago, built huge stone structures to utilize such electrical interaction.

Also hardly realized, if at all in these modern times, those stone structures actually moved in a vertical motion twice a day in synchrony with the passing of the moon overhead.

With regard to our earth and our moon which we call the earth-moon system, it is well known that the Barycenter describes the center of gravity between the two and that it is located very near to the earths actual center.

In a further and deeper understanding of gravity and gravitational effects, much study of electrical charges upon the earths surface is needed.

Any forthcoming knowledge will provide a base-line from which to start describing the actual mechanism of gravity.

Just as a by-note about gravity, in this electric solar system, any changes to the electrical charges attendant with the electrical surface of the earth, will change the intensity of gravity at the site of those changes and for the duration of those changes, and some residue after-change will be apparent for a limited time.

Lightning for instance will do this as the discharge of lightning will alter the gravitational intensity in the area that the lighning strikes.Lightning will also alter the terrestrial magnetism of the vicinity the lightning strikes.

With a demonstration of this effect, the following well documented story shows that the onset of earthquakes occasion electrical changes of gravity on the outer surface of our planet.

Not a few years ago, a Chinese watch repairer had a habit of suspending his watch repairing tools from magnets fixed above his work-bench.

Suddenly, all his watch repair tools fell to the ground, and shortly afterwards, the town that he lived in experienced an earthquake.

The watch repairer communicated this experience to the Chinese government, who started a research program into gravity, geo-magnetics and geo-electrostatics and Western science is now much interested in this area too.

Only one person to my knowledge had any inkling of how gravity actually worked and who also knew that gravitational intensity was variable and that it could be rendered variable at will by the discharge of huge electric and magnetic charges.

To demonstrate this, which he did many times, it was necessary for him to conduct his experiments in locations that coincided with the electrical nodal points of the earth.

Whilst it is feasible to obtain the same effects anywhere upon the surface of this planet, this specific location was chosen with great care because it conformed with latitude and longitude ideal parameters which involved the natural electrical nodal points of this planet.

Unfortunately, this individual, who was aware of other electrical nodal points upon the surface of this planet, was somewhat hampered in his ability to attend those areas to continue his experiments.

Even more unfortunately, the local residents of the chosen place, being ordinary folk with ordinary fears, caused his experiments to cease altogether.

This individual KNEW that intense discharges of lightning could cause a change in the intensity of gravity.

Building a huge wooden tower, the frequent high voltage discharges of lightning caused the local residents to be scared half out of their wits.

Not being easily able to re-locate, the huge wooden tower was abandoned, and this individual, who insighted and constructed many electrical devices including the AC motor and all its variations, became a hermit.

Yes, Nicola Tesla knew and fully understood that electrical charge could affect the intensity of gravitational force.

He would have gone on to build huge gravitational machines that equalized and offset gravity, something only sea creatures are able to do at this moment in time.

Tesla understood that the center of the earth was positively charged and that the earth's surface was negatively charged.

I will say in passing that what science regards as a gravitational constant,is not a constant that is widespread through our solar system or indeed our universe.

All the time science clings to this constant, no real progress will be made with regard to fully knowing the gravitational where-with-all of our solar system planets or even the stars.

ALL scientific conclusions about the mass of our solar system planets and even the stars are wrong and incorrect simply because science is clinging to its own preferred mathematical definition of gravitational force.

Comparatively hilarious, those artists impressions of intelligent life in outer space,(their height mostly squashed into a few inches to conform to gravity)are also wrong and based erroneously upon the same.

That will become realized in time and then more progress will be made in more accurately assessing the mass of our solar system planetary family and better calculate the physical dimensions of other life-forms elsewhere.

Hopefully, by then it will be better realized that each planet is an electrical entity as it speeds through the electrical soup of the electric solar system.

I am only able to put up or shut up through astral indicators which started in late 1970 and I trust those sources without doubt.

With regard to the supernatural and the so called paranormal, both are areas of the astral world which will, given time, become scientifically accessible.

Mankinds continual blindness and sheer ignorance through prejudice, dogma and rote will curtail any proper advancement and it may well fall to eastern science to make the necessary scientific break-through's concerning the supernatural and the paranormal.

The facts of the matter are these:There does exist what is currently deemed to be a supernatural realm where what is currently deemed as paranormal activity does occur.

Whilst much is stolen technology throughout this universe and others, our very own sun provides quite free of charge and for a very long time in the future, an electric solar system that enables our laws of physics to obtain on this planet.

I will also add finally because it is very relevant to the foregoing, the human brain is a very inadequate organ.

Processing a myriad of signals continually, we only concentrate on what our attention is upon.We miss entirely the meaning and relevance of the remainder of the signals.

This is the famous ten per cent that our brains use, the other ninety per cent being ignored entirely.

Other species cannot understand why we do this, they seeing and processing everything and anything using their visual and auditory facilities.

In a scientific context, mankinds observational powers are very limited and we do miss much, entirely.


To continue.

Four ancient molecular frequency resonant tuning instruments are still to be found in The Bent Pyramid, The Great Pyramid, Woodhenge and Stonehenge.

There are others placed throughout the world, which include huge monolithic stone structures as well as the many hundreds of stone circles scattered throughout many lands that have a similar purpose.

Apart from possessing a horizontal mechanism of oscillation, all such structures have a vertical motion in accordance with the influence of the moons gravitational action upon this planet.

These stone constructions also focus the ambient electromagnetic forces in the heavens at any one time with the molecular bonding of atoms in substance or matter here on earth. Substance being matter and matter being substance.

These wondrous structures, their apparent purpose lost in the mists of time, have given rise to countless ideas as to their possible use and purpose.

Thats to be encouraged and not scoffed and laughed at, firstly because our modern mindset can never now mesh with that ancient mindset.

Secondly because the more new ideas, angles, theories and guesses that are proposed as to their original purpose, the more chance we have of finding out about their real and true purpose.

This is healthy, my own proposals included here not only take account of the celestial truth that I explain, but also illustrate auric action and how astrology interacts with that auric action.

I will also say at this point, that in time to come, mankinds physical body will have an artificial, man-made add-on auric device fitted.

That device, will as a function, be able to assimilate and better distribute throughout the aura, certain preferred and improved stimuli for the benefit of that human being.

A more controllable direction for auric stimuli, this device will oversee the more correct dispersement of auric nutrition.

Hogwash, some may say, okay, let them scowl, scoff and scorn, but who can say just how mankind will evolve in fifty years, one hundred years or five hundred years from now.

Coming back to auras and mankinds future, it's not impossible to have a man-made device implanted in our left elbow or anywhere else.

A device that could modify the incoming celestial bounty and redistribute that energy to the chakras that needed it.

We might then be getting a little bit closer to this great celestial truth that certain individuals and secret societies have tried to keep hidden from the general public for thousands of years.

The actual secret that the electromagnetic spectrum has a direct affect upon matter has an extension if you will in the expression mind over matter.

Remember Open Sesame, supposedly a spoken magical command or password to open something. A voice print or triggering sonic signature, steeped in mysterious magical mystery.

Perhaps in mankinds future, the organism that is the human being will have evolved enough to mentally change matter.

Using mind control alone, mankind may be actually able to manipulate, modify and generate matter mentally, thereby controlling the electric force of the universe.

Oh! that sounds strange, not at all, the deceased do it all the time and have been doing so for millennia.

A natural evolution, the emphasis will surely change from the body to the mental faculty.

When mankind eventually masters aimed and projected thought-forms, which is the basis of oral prayer, spells and incantations, the astral blackboard will then illuminate mankinds mind again.

When mankind reaches those golden shores, just what will happen to the many prisons worldwide will be anybodys guess.

Some, like that Alcatraz prison in San Francisco will probably become museums, due entirely to the more infamous residents that formerly occupied them no doubt.

There will be no crime to speak of then, the days of the bank heist or the daring jewel robbery will be long, long gone.

Massive frauds and swindles will be something only written about in the history books.

Not only will you be able to see electric blue and silver zodiacal rain falling during electrical storms, you will be able to see quite clearly, your neighbour's aura, and every wicked thought around your neighbours head.

Yes, thought-form launching is a specific art, it requires great concentration and skill once learned.

Spurious thought, uncontrolled, un-guided and uni-directionally propagated, also imbues the auric field and is just as apparent to all those that can see it.

Why do dogs bark at the approach of the insane.Even from a distance of fifty yards, dogs start barking when the insane come near them.Is it because the insane generate a telepathic chaotic field of wide circumference.

Does this tell you that besides the aura, the sane human being also generates a telepathic field that spans an equally large radius.

Hogwash, swill and swine-food again, okay, some swaggering swanky surly stubborn strutting stuffy stumbling swearing sulking superficial sub-academics snigger, snort, sneer and snarl, scream, scald, scathe and seethe, shrug, shriek, shudder and shout, stupid straw-splitting sirrah sullen shrewd sceptic sleuths slashing, speculating and spitting on sixth sensed shining sincerely solved sensible solutions signalling semblance sedulous secret sected sources.

Seemingly somewhat still schooled silly spiteful speaker, spouting some spurious sonorous somnambulistic soppy sophist sophomorical sonant spoken spiel, supposedly skilled sciolistic scholarly student spoliator, skewing skimming shredding and shattering sound secure stable splendid spontaneous sprawling sparkling star-spangled spatial subtle sine signals, signifying spherically superior supernatural superb swirling striated symbiotic symmetrical spheres of space.

Standing, sitting, slim, stout, solemn sober sombre stern, slanderous sneaky stealthy snooper, since stung, sneering, snapping, snipping, sniping, seizing, searing, snagging and sinking special specific sphinx-like spinning spiralling spell-bound subconscious souls, spirits and spectacular spectorial spectacles.

Speaking spluttering spewing squawking squealing spilling, spawning sparse sniffish speculative sporadic speech, slurring, slapping, slitting, splitting, splicing, spoiling, slicing, slaying, smearing and smashing.

Smug smiling soul-searching smirking stipulator, squabbling stamping staining stifling smothering spurning sliding, who start spreading sticky stinking smelly stilted stale scandalous sly slander on simple solid starkly stated sterling spectral serene supreme soup.

In other words, there will always be sceptics, doubters and those who do not believe, stultifying stupefying stringently stipulating strongly strident sweetly sugared suppressed submerged submersed subverted supplanted subdued strictured subtracted substituted syntonic specialized subjects but thankfully others subsequently aware of sublimed spectrally sustained sympathetic stupendous sturdily supported suitably structured systems, surmounting surpassing sinister suspicious syncretismic stolen starry spoils will see through it all, I think you get my drift.

Surprisingly, those golden shores are not too far away, but in the meantime, mankind will continue with its pre-occupation with pandering to and trying to appease the brain.

Okay, we do require warmth, we do require something to eat and we do require sleep.

But modern mankind strives incessantly to insulate themselves with new found technology from the realities and harshness of life. Constantly appeasing our brains in the process, we do go further and further from the actual truth of reality by doing so.

Because blinded by convention and co, the truth of the matter, pun intended, becomes ever more difficult to see.

The idea that electromagnetic force has a unity with matter and that electromagnetic force can affect matter and matter can effect electromagnetic force has become harder and harder to understand and accept because of this rather stubborn attitude.

Returning now to the precision instruments that these ancient scientists constructed and utilized, I will first mention Woodhenge, where a central ariel received the celestial signal from the heavens, to be amplified by electrical windings and later refined and duplicated in stone at Stonehenge.

With regard to Stonehenge, a complete and thorough understanding of celestial principles and the fully known, expected and desired result guided this early colossal construction. These ancient scientists, for they were scientists, knew exactly what they were about and these legacies of stone are a testament to their knowledge.

Stonehenge, also with its tourmaline quartz central receiving ariel, encased in thick, split reed windings, had each large stone immersed and latticed, up to ten or possibly twelve feet in width, with thick, split reed windings.These windings were able to convey water and also an electrical charge.

A crude transformer with electrical windings, the celestial resonant configurations of the heavens at certain times could be fined tuned and received at greater amplitude. Providing of course that sonic, sub-sonic and ultra-sonic harmonic sounds were in assistance.

These sounds were needed to harmonically augment and amplify the ambient celestial propagations at these specific times, to generate, dematerialize and modify the atoms of physical matter. see illustration below.

The central receiving ariel A is located in position A.

A more specific central receiving ariel may be more better described as follows.

An electrical arrangement at Stonehenge where the water carrying split reed windings used to encase the stones, follow the electrical principles of a step up transformer.The first layer of windings being a Primary circuit, the second layer over the Primary circuit, being a Secondary circuit.The Primary circuit being wound around a tourmaline quartz granite former, as shown in the illustration below.Such an arrangement would act as the focal point of astronomical configurations that came to the Midheaven and be enhanced and amplified accordingly.

With regard to celestial propagations, simple parabolic principles would be employed to gather same.

Chapter Two.

The Plasmic Solar System.

I will also take this opportunity to define the electric solar system as follows.You are asked to think of our sun as a huge electro-magnet hanging in the sky.

As regards our own planet, the earth itself should be thought of as a huge, colossal electric flywheel spinning at very high speed.

All the planets spin and travel through the solar system at colossal speeds, even Pluto travels at something like three earth miles per second.

And also that our solar system is an electrical soup able to receive and reflect electrical characteristics quite easily to and from the planets.

This idea of an electric solar system provides for electrical two-way travel, something not fully realized even today.

This two-way travel of electrical characteristics accounts for sunspots on the suns surface, something I write about in great detail in my e-book, Solved, The Sunspot Mystery.

That e-book describes in great detail why all the planetary electric flywheels have their effects on the surface of the sun at different times.

Because all is vibratory and oscillating, substance, physical matter, the stuff made from different atoms, can be altered, changed, modified, generated and dematerialized just because matter vibrates.

In other words, matter can oscillate in sympathy with the vibrating and oscillating electromagnetic spectrum and be changed atomically whilst doing so.

But more particularly by vibrating and oscillating in sympathy with electric and magnetic forces in the electric solar system.

As already stated, the reason that this can occur is because electromagnetic force, including visible light and physical matter are part and parcel of the same thing.

I will introduce the gravitational component, which also vibrates and oscillates, at a later stage in its own chapter but for now and for the sake of clarity, were talking about the electromagnetic spectrum and electric fields and magnetic fields.

In an electric and magnetic solar system, the organism that is mankind and all other living creatures on this planet and all minerals on this planet can more easily and readily interact with the electric and magnetic flux of the solar system with the help of the moons vertical, gravitational pull upon the earth.

The proposal of an electric solar system is not new by any means but what makes this present effort different is that I include the celestial truth that electromagnetic forces can and do under certain conditions modify, generate, dematerialize and re-generate atoms in matter.

Whilst the truth of that is thousands of years old, I do not think the concept has been advanced before as a mechanism for astrological action either.

Possibly, here is the basis for a new astrological paradigm, a much sought after and needed paradigm and you should be the judge of that.

By way of further explanation I include the following which may appear, at first glance, to be taking the thread of this chapter way of course.

I do have a lot to say and I will ask for your patience in the hope that all these inclusions will be found to be relevant.

The mythical Cyclops could see the full beauty and colours of the shimmering electromagnetic spectrum.

What gutted him the most was not our binocular, but our monocular third eye, neglected, disused, obsolete and non-functioning.

Even so, had Cyclops been issued with an eye limited by light, he would have only seen what we see, the collisions of light waves upon the surface of matter.

Had we instead been issued with a normal eye and a cyclopean eye, when we looked up we would have seen the electrical fields of space and when we looked down we would have seen the electrical fields deep inside the interior of the earth.

We may then have realized more easily and quicker too, that these electromagnetic fields interact with matter.

Physical matter is regarded by science as being quite separate from anything else, the modern opinion being that solids, liquids and gases are completely closed systems.

Aware of interactions within that closed system, science treats that quite separately from the electromagnetic spectrum and all it contains.

This is completely wrong and until science does start to see a unity between force and matter, there will be no real progress made. End.

Here is the proof of that statement, it is commonly believed that nuclear fusion, hot fusion, whereby light elements combine into heavier ones, can take place only at temperatures of millions of degrees and under very high pressures.

Yet in plants, animals, humans, and even minerals, common elements can be transmuted into heavier or lighter elements without the need for extremely high temperatures or pressures, to the utter consternation of science.

These cold fusion transmutations are often reversible.

In other words, matter is changed and it is changed by the electric universe and more particularly by our electric solar system.

The electromagnetic spectrum changes matter, but science dismisses the possibility of such transmutations simply because they appear to be quite contrary to all known scientific laws.

Natures true secrets operate in every plant on this planet because every day plants are transmuting elements, sometimes with the help of bacteria and photosynthesis.

Said to be impossible by science, this cold fusion processes sodium into potassium, calcium to potassium and vica versa, and in certain cases, silicon plus carbon gives calcium and of course carbon dioxide is transformed to oxygen.

All of which, according to men of science, is against all known scientific laws, yet it takes place everywhere and every day on this planet.

In fact, plants can not only transmute physical substances but they can also generate physical matter and dematerialize it again.

That process can occur naturally but also in conjunction with the phases of the moon.

This can also occur when other heavenly bodies are in specific configurations in relation to this planet and this, the basis of holy water, was quite well known about, thousands and thousands of years ago.

Water under an Aries moon is vastly different in a molecular way to water placed under a Virgo moon or any other zodiac moon sign.

The witches knew that, as did many herbalists and healers worldwide.

Another example, but not so obvious, is the study of ambient celestial configurations in the heavens and colloids.The intensive study of colloidal solutions in litmus paper with regard to ambient heavenly configurations will also more readily reveal nature's truer secrets.

Science must realize that no model of the earth can be correct or complete if it ignores the evidence that nature accomplishes such similar things by more gentler means and with much better, non-polluting results too.

Right from the amoeba with its single cell, across the wide board of life, cold fusion takes place in ALL life-forms, and even in the minerals of the earth.

Mankind has trod this planet for century upon century, yet knows very, very little about what is above them, or, for that matter, what is below them because the majority of mankind is totally blind, stupid, and ignorant to this great celestial truth and those that did know about it, prized and guarded it in secrecy.

Chapter Three.

Some Secrets of the Pyramids.

We do not digress in this chapter in discussing the pyramids, the information contained in it has everything to do with the aura and astrology.

The pyramids, like Stonehenge, exemplify this great celestial truth and more particularly The Great Pyramid of Giza, (referred to hereinafter as TGP) otherwise known as pharaoh Khufus pyramid.

Using TGP as an example of this great truth (which as already stated is simply that electromagnetic force and matter are not separate component energies of the universe), it will be demonstrated that the connection between electromagnetic force and matter is that matter vibrates.

I came across a reference many years ago that the foundations of TGP commenced well before Pharaoh Khufu got the blame for building it in about 2,500 BC.

The term pharaoh was introduced much later than this time period, and I will stick to the official chronological version of 2,500 BC for its erection.

According to archaeologists, suddenly, within a very short space of time, the local populace came from simple farming, to a technological capacity for building pyramids in stone.

Said to be a minimum of one hundred years, these ancient people were able to construct this huge precise structure, TGP, which has remained a continual source of wonder to subsequent generations through the ages since.

Although the knowledge that this chapter contains was known about much, much earlier in time as already stated, it is also my contention that the mastaba mud-brick tombs and the later pyramids were early chemical laboratories that transmuted matter.

The early pyramid builders constructed their gravity anomalies with mud slabs at first, then waited patiently for many years until stone structures could better utilize those same principles, just like the Stonehenge builders improved on Woodhenge.

Once again, we are dealing with real science here, for it is only in relatively recent years that the precision of the electromagnetic signatures within the construction of this huge assembly can be recognised as being very advanced science for the purpose of molecular modification.

With regard to the electromagnetic spectrum, and more particularly electric and magnetic fields, the following interesting story will hopefully serve to bring some measure of tangibility to those rather taken for granted earthly assets, the electrostatic and magnetic fields of this planet.

It might also assist in this realisation, that each and every living creature walks this planet immersed completely in an invisible electrical fog of electric and magnetic fields.

These fields are an essential ingredient in the chain of astrological cause and effect upon the aura and of course upon everything else too, on, above and within this planet.

If the reader will show patience, this text goes on to point out lesser known facts surrounding the earths magnetic field. Plus the inclusion of ideas concerning The Great Pyramid (hereinafter called TGP) which are central to my theme, plus some ideas on how this invisible electrical fog interacts with living creatures. These observations are not out of place here, because it is my opinion that there are certain connections here, to the aura and to astrology.To begin.Many rocks upon formation, acquire a magnetization which they usually retain. The study of rock magnetization has developed so rapidly of late, that it now has its own branch of scientific enquiry called Paleomagnetism. This new science is now so exact, that the age of any particular rock can be assessed by a close study of its paleomagnetic details, using very delicate measuring instruments.It will be Paleomagnetism that will enable mankind to take the next evolutionary step, that is, mankind will leave physical man in the evolutionary past and go on to be electrical man and start seeing the universe with astral eyes.There was a rock known to the Greeks, and even before that, which had very special qualities indeed, and that rock was known to the Greeks as Lodestone. A naturally occurring rock of almost pure magnetite, Lodestone, has a magnetization whose strength is noticeable even without the use of delicate instruments.The Greeks were familiar with lodestone by at least 6OO BC. Although they realised that one piece of lodestone exerted an influence upon another piece at a distance, they did not make the connection that the earth itself also had a magnetic field. It was not the Greeks either that discovered the polarity of lodestone, its north and south poles. It was the Chinese that discovered these directional properties of Lodestone, when it is cut into elongated form. The Chinese soon used this directional property of magnetism, and which incidentally, they still do to this very day, for divinatory purposes. It is my contention that knowledge of lodestone, it's magnetic and directional qualities were known about long before the Greeks first recorded it. The ancient scientists who built TGP may well have had a more than rudimentary knowledge not only of lodestone magnetism, and its directional properties. Plus also that the earth possessed its own magnetic field, and there are three main reasons why I think this.Firstly, there is the insurmountable fact that this huge construction, TGP, is aligned so exactly to the earths north/south polar axis, that over the years visiting engineers used to check their compasses against this alignment, knowing it to be so exact.The practical significance of the possession of this knowledge, enabled them to align their construction to within an accuracy of 5 SECONDS of Arc.Such perfect alignment very plainly shows that the builders were in possession of facts concerning terrestrial phenomena and also the directional properties and polar orientation of chunks of elongated lodestone. Secondly, with a study of lodestone, and the intelligent observation and deduction of how this rock possibly acquired these peculiar properties, it would soon become apparent that lodestone deposits were where volcanoes were, or once were. Knowing that volcanoes have their origin from deep within the earth, it would be quite natural for them to assume that the molten source of the lava, within the earth, was also endowed with similar peculiar properties, and that the earth itself was a huge magnet. I therefore think that this assumption is a fair one.Thirdly, an examination of other material found at these volcanic sites, may have revealed to them, even though to a lesser degree, that certain other rocks also contained these properties. We now know that almost all igneous rocks contain very small quantities of iron compounds capable of acquiring a degree of magnetisation, so bearing out that ancient assumption. Crystalline rocks especially, may have been of especial interest to them, just because of their intrinsic structural formation that show an obvious alignment, symmetry, uniformity and order.The quartz crystal in particular emphasises these points, visually indicating that some sort of alignment occurred as a common theme. The natural orderliness of quartz could have been of advantage to these ancient pyramid builders. With regard to tourmaline granite and its very high quartz content, these ancient scientists realised that quartz could be made to demonstrate a piezo-electric component, especially if they could get enough of it together in one lump. The same could be said of a magnetic component, which, when combined with the earths electric charge, could interact atomically with the moons vertical gravitational action.Granite rock contains a high significance of quartz crystals, and you will see presently why they chose very hard granite to work with, quite ignoring nearer, more easily worked deposits of this stone. The carcass of all the pyramids comprised of limestone and the total weight constituted the sought after gravity anomaly they required, the working bits being made of quartz granite and more especially tourmaline quartz granite.In their study and perusal of the various crystals and rocks of a crystalline nature, some definite conclusions would have been reached.It may have come from pure logic, or some divine inspiration, or communicated, but at sometime or other the erectors of TGP saw quite plainly this fact.All granites have this naturally occurring crystalline content which is in effect, a medium that holds IN-SITU countless millions of tiny quartz crystals, all possessing a natural alignment and orientation in one axis. This would be brought about by the cooling process of lavanic action...... paleomagnetism. Soon after formation, this alignment occurs because magnetic dipole moments form and orientate themselves to the magnetic north pole, as cooling of the rock takes place. This is a classic example of the electromagnetic spectrum having its effects on matter.JUST WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR, and in effect a GLUE that held these myriad quartz crystals together, with their magnetic north dipoles all pointing the same way, potentially like a massive magnet. Nature had provided them with a ready-made material that already contained their experiment on a microscopic scale, but which was capable of a vast transduction when massed together as a gigantic monolithic edifice. It cannot be denied that TGP builders went for mass, ensuring the fact that it should never wear out, if treated properly, as it came with several lifetimes guarantee. It has been estimated that when complete, the core of stone and the outer facing of Tura limestone, were composed of about 2,3OO,OOO separate blocks. Apart from the facing blocks, each block averages some two and a half tons, but there are several that weigh many tons more.............. that is mass on a grand scale. When complete, it rose to a height of 481.4 feet, the top 31 feet no longer occupying that elevated position. The sides are orientated nearly exactly with the north, south, east and west, therefore the four corners were almost perfect right angles. The only difference between the longest and the shortest of the sides is seven inches. It has five corners too, the four at the base and one at the top.Yes, these ancient scientists were after mass, because the builders placed these blocks so tightly together, that it would be impossible to insert a knife blade between them at any point, forming almost a solid block of stone. They were also after the hardest stone, because vibrations travel swifter in solids. The harder the solid, the swifter the electrical vibrations travelled through it, (and therefore resonances), and that's just another reason why you cannot insert a knife-blade between the joints at any one place. That these ancient scientists were capable of such deduction is not an over estimation. If their logic allowed that the earths molten centre was somehow connected with the unusual properties of lodestone, then that logic may well have extended to allowing this same molten source to strengthen and increase any such properties latent in other ejected material, E.G. crystalline rocks. Especially when that material was organised into large masses and correctly orientated and aligned to the earths natural magnetic alignment, which today is recognised as magnetic induction.For these three main reasons mentioned, I believe that TGP builders had a very good working knowledge and appreciation of the physics of magnetism. For other reasons, I believe that these ancient people also had an appreciation of several major terrestrial physical phenomena. I also think that these ancient scientists knew the size of the earth, and even a knowledge of the land masses, including their own geographic position on the planet. It is not just coincidence that the site of this wonder of the world, goes over more miles of land, and less of ocean, in BOTH the north/south AND east/west direction, than any other spot on earth.So exact was the construction of TGP, that 2Oth Century engineers acknowledge and admit that even today with modern technology, it is doubtful whether they could equal the necessary degree of structural perfection. That is quite apart from the logistics of such an operation, such was the expertise involved. It is easy to under estimate the available knowledge that prevailed at the time of TGP builders. It is harder in the face of such perfection, to define the limits of any over-estimation of their knowledge too. The further back in the past, the harder it is to place the modern mind into the mind of that past age. It was here, in the Nile delta a long, long time ago, that mankind came to terms with and triumphed over the harshness of life's realities. That environment, with its bleak and desolate sandy plains and deserts, its mountains and more sand, had one saving grace, the river Nile, a river that brought the waters of life through many, many miles of the most harshness of terrain.In that desolate place there flourished a society and culture known as the Old Kingdom of Egypt, for a very long time indeed. One can only wonder at the creative thought processes of the people of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. In that time-slot, and at that place, were people who not only overcame the harsh realities of the locale, but actually thrived on it.The fact of the matter is this, the elite and wise amongst them, carefully set about analysing their environment and the materials that were to hand, and made the most practical, and creative use of their deductions for a single purpose. That purpose, to build TGP, because they knew what they were about, and they knew the effects that they were after before the first stone was laid.Although it happens that this structure is aligned in the exact north/south axis of the earths north pole, this is evident only by its terrestrial location. The earths north pole being one factor, the earths magnetic north/south axis is another.At other points on the earths surface, different magnetic orientations exist. This is because a magnetic field is a Vector quantity, which means that it has both magnitude and direction. The most obvious conclusion to be drawn from this is that the earths field exhibits a pattern identical with that of a bar magnet, and this is known as a Dipole field. I have to say that it is almost certain that TGP builders were aware of another component of the earths magnetic field and that component is the electrostatic field phenomena that is always associated with magnetic fields. A little known fact, and a rarely understood one too, is that the earths molten magma core, being liquid, has within it, a swilling motion that gives rise to colossal electrical currents that develop in the east/west axis of the earth. From this vast electric current generation comes the earths electrostatic field. Supported at right angles to it, is the earths magnetic field.In any modern technical description of geophysics, the earths magnetic field appears to 'steal the show' so to speak, and we hear very little indeed about the electrostatic field.Although these fields co-exist to the extent that one cannot be present without the other, it is the electrostatic field that generates and supports the magnetic field, and not the other way round. Once that is known, then one can begin to be mindful of the east/west orientation of TGP, which is also exact. Both these fields, the electrostatic and the magnetic fields, extend outwards, well into space, at right angles and perpendicular to each other, completely surrounding the earth, like a giant invisible sticky cobweb. The punchline being ..... that as the earth turns, so these fields SWEEP space and catch and transport all the electrical celestial bounty from our electric solar system and yet other electric solar systems to our northern and southern poles.TGP was built deliberately at that site to take advantage of these fields. These constructors had such a keen insight into physics and metaphysics, that they were able to combine this insight into a definite, tangible, unifying structure that amplified certain other raw energies that prevailed. I firmly believe that there is a connection between TGP, the electrical fields of the earth, and the aura and astrology. It might be useful here to pass on a little story that I came across some years ago. It has always been fashionable for keen minds to take in the wonderful sight of TGP, and so it was with the young electrical engineer Siemans, who later went on to establish his great Siemans Electrical Company. When he arrived, feeling very fit, he proceeded to climb to the top of this great structure accompanied by an Arab guide. Once at the top, he was surprised to realise that whenever he pointed in certain directions, he experienced a definite tingling sensation along the length of his arm.Siemans recorded this unusual experience in his diary, along with an experiment he conducted at that time. With the bottle of wine, and a newspaper he happened to be carrying, the quick thinking Siemans was able to construct a very crude Leyden Jar battery cell, simply by moistening the newspaper and wrapping it around the half empty wine bottle. When Siemans lifted this apparatus above his head, a shower of very fat sparks poured out from the neck of the bottle, frightening the Arab guide so much that he probably still holds the record for the fastest pyramid descent ever. Siemans came to the conclusion that these effects were produced by some sort of electrostatic action, his diary states this, but he did not know why this should occur.Well, that is the story, and I too am inclined to agree that electrostatics were involved in this electric display of power.When you consider that he was standing on top of a vast, precisely orientated structure, it is no wonder that these effects were apparent.The reason is simple, TGP constituted a very powerful dynamic electrical configuration, always switched on, ready to work and available, free of charge.Electrical readings taken from the base of each opposing spine of this structure, might still indicate its exact voltage output. A series of readings, taken from these opposite spines of the pyramid, and at progressively differing heights, may show that the voltage output will diminish or increase the higher the readings are taken.If that is truly the case, then what would happen if someone started to dig a trench from the west side, and someone else dug a trench from the opposing east side, and those trenches were excavated so that they advanced towards each other.

If the trenches were full of water when they were being excavated, then at some point in the operations, there would be a big bang, a giant flash, the burnt out remains of two shovels, and two very sorry trench diggers. That would be consistent with a large voltage discharge taking place across the space between the trenches. In fact, this would be like joining the terminals of a power transmitter together. However fanciful the whole idea may sound, I often wonder how many would volunteer for this particular task, especially after reading that scenario, would you?Perhaps more fanciful is the idea that the streets and houses of Cairo could have been illuminated by TGP. It would only require two separate water channels and two lengths of copper bar to provide a continuous electrical discharging spark, suitable for such illumination in house or street. It occurs to me that the deepest chambers in the pyramid itself might have had similar illumination. Not only to illuminate the so called burial chambers but also for the painting of the beautiful fresco's with their delicate hue`s. These frescos were later discoloured and blackened by Napoleons mob with their burning tar torches. Even today, being a complete mystery, it defies all logical explanation by worldwide eminent archaeologists just how these deeply recessed enclosures were illuminated for illustration purposes. One explanation advanced being highly polished copper panels to catch and reflect sunlight into these deeply recessed enclosures.The TGP utilized the vast power that comes from the earths magnetic and electrostatic fields, and was in fact a precision instrument that generated electricity as a by-product of its real purpose. If it was understood by the pyramid builders that the earth had powerful magnetic and electrostatic fields, then TGP construction could be a testimony in stone, to such an understanding. Whilst I am aware that TGP is aligned to the earths north pole, it is also the case that this positionally exact siting is in fact, in electrical harmony with the magnetic and electrostatic fields of the earth, and if the structure were not so aligned, it simply would not work.It is generally thought that limestone, being a sedimentary rock, has no magnetic properties at all. This is completely wrong, as most limestones contain an abundance of pyrite iron sulphides. Also present in most limestones is Siderite with its iron carbonates and Chert, which also contains a high significance of iron particles. Therefore, limestone possesses weak magnetic properties and if magnetic polarity was observed during the quarrying, then the sheer mass that is TGP, has its two and a half million stones directly aligned atomically, to the magnetic north pole. Limestone was used extensively in the construction of TGP, for a special reason and that reason is because electrically it can act as a DIELECTRIC.Sandwiched between granite blocks, limestone blocks act as a dielectric, just as each granule of quartz and each granule of granite in all granites have a dielectric distance between them. Granule may not be the correct word here, but I am meaning quartz/granite/quartz/granite/quartz etc. That was the LIMESTONE DIELECTRIC SANDWICH the TGP builders were looking for.When a dielectric is present in an electrical configuration, your talking capacitors. The TGP as an electrical configuration would be termed as an Electret.As a huge giant capacitor, it may seem strange to concede, but once, a long, long time ago, it actually emitted an electret hum.A little about dielectrics will not go amiss here. The space between the plates of a capacitor can be ordinary air, but should a material insulator be used ---gas, liquid or solid--- as a dielectric, an electric field can still exist therein. The electric field will act on the molecules of the dielectric material in accordance with electrostatic principles to `stretch` or `rotate` them, and so to orientate the positive and negative molecular charges in opposite directions, the material involved can have an absolute permittivity or other measure of permittivity. This is another example of the electromagnetic spectrum having its effects on matter.Crystalline quartz has a relative Permittivity of 4.4. Limestone has a permittivity of 2.5. The difference in polarisation produces an interface charge.Whilst it is agreed that limestone is sedimentary, and being non-igneous, it does possess magnetic dipole moments. It also possesses a measure of permittivity, and follows the insulator--conductor--insulator--conductor, capacitor principle.Hence quartz/granite/quartz/granite/quartz etc) and the capacitance thus generated is measured in Farads, from the total voltage between the interface. The usual basis for determining the conditions in a circuit containing a capacitor to which a voltage is applied is that the potential difference V across the capacitor is related definitely by its capacitance C to the charge q displaced on its plates q=Cv.Electrical phenomena works both ways, here a voltage is produced by the capacitance generated by the dielectric that is energized by the earths electrostatic and magnetic fields. The dissimilar stones used throughout the construction of TGP were ideally suited electrically. With any solid dielectric, the biggest problem is Thermal Dielectric Breakdown, or `breakdown on stress` as it is known, but with large blocks of stone, (thin in ratio to the bulk of the pyramid) the thermal factor is neutralized, and thus constitutes an ideal material for handling such a large voltage generation.Were not TGP builders wise? their choice of a granite dielectric already had the needed residual molecules aligned and orientated positively and negatively in a material that could handle electrical stress and losses whether thermal, or conductive.Sandwiched between insulative dielectric limestone layers, all of which was hitched-up to a free, abundant flow of fields, yes, I think they were. What daring! what a giant leap of thought! What genius! and then to be able to construct such a huge machine so perfectly, the mind boggles. Yes, these ancient scientists knew what they were about, they knew every single detail about TGP................ before they even built it.The walls of the Kings Chamber, located centrally within TGP, are constructed of pink tourmaline granite, very high in quartz content.This particular granite is especially useful in generating piezoelectric effects by the mechanical distortion of stretching, twisting and more especially pressing or squeezing the tourmaline crystal. Piezoelectric