Beobachtung des Planeten 1900 FH

Post on 06-Jun-2016

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Transcript of Beobachtung des Planeten 1900 FH

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determined from the plates at Arequipa with the results given below. Paper print of two of these plates were sent to Cambridge and of theIn are also given. The negatives are now on their way to Cambridge and as soon as received, accurate positions will be derived from them.


These appear to be the first observations of Eros since its conjunction with the sun. Efforts have been made here to observe Eros, both visually and photographically, but have failed, owing to twilight.

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A letter has been received at the Harvard College Observatory from Professor -H. A. Howe at Denver stating

Observations of the planet (433) Eros.

J. C. Westhaver in A. J. No. 479 gave the following cor- rections to that ephemeris :

(Erganzung zu den telegraphischen Mittheilungen in A. N. 3637, 3639 und 3642).

At t h e Arequipa S t a t i o n of t h e H a r v a r d Col lege O b s e r v a t o r y .

A letter from the Arequipa Station of this Observatory gives details concerning for photographs of Eros taken there in April with the Bruce Telescope, by Dr. DeZzik Stewart.

An adjacent star was followed in an eyepiece and by means of a micrometer screw the photographic plate was moved with regard to it by an amount and in a direction equal to the motion of Eros. The stars thus appeared as trails and Eros as a point. Approximate positions were

Plate 1900 Gr. M. T. a 1900 8 1900 A4333 April 26 2 1 ~ 2 0 ~ 22h49m2~S -5'4610 A4333 D 26 2 1 20 49 23 5 46.4 A4334 x 26 2 2 6 49 27 5 45.8 A4338 9 2 7 21 47 5 ' 23 5 29.6 A 4 3 4 1 n 30 21 16 57 7 4 42.1 ~ 4 3 4 1 n 30 2 1 16 2 2 57 ") -4 42.3

*) Secunde unleserlich. KY.

Harvard College Observatory, 1900 June I . E. C. Pickering.

- Gr. M. T. RA. app. Decl. app. Comp. Stars

May 27.90729 ~ 3 ~ 4 7 ~ 3 1 4 3 +z046' 271'3 AG. Alb. 8197 May 27.91859 23 47 4.37 +a 46 38.6 AG. Alb. 8198

May 27.90729 +1?7 +28" May 27.91859 + 1 . 5 +28

Estimated Magn. 13.

After -taking - parallax and aberration into account, a So far as known this is the first visual observation comparison of these observations with the ephemeris of of Eros since its conjunction with the Sun.

Harvard College Observatory, 1900 June I . E. C. Pickering.

Beobachtung dea Planeten 1900FH. 1900 Juni 18 1 1 ~ 7 m o M. Z. Heidelberg RA. = ~ 5 3 ~ 3 3 ' PD. = 99O44' tgl. Bew. - 1 2 ' - 7 ' G r . 1 1 . 5 . HGV.

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Einzelne Nummern werden zur Completirung, wenn sie vorrathig sind, zum Preise von 60 Pfennig abgelassen.

I n h a l t zu Nr. 3647. K. Laves. Maupertuis' Princip der kleinsten Wirkung fk Krafte, die ein effectives Potential zulassen. 361. - I;. Ristenpatt Ueber ein altes Minimum yon 2 Herculis und die Beziehung der Periode der Algolveranderlichen zu ihrer Umlaufszeit. 365. - r. Scheiner. Zur Erklarung des continuirlichen Spectrums der Sonnencorona. 369. - W. Luthcr. Beobachtung des Planeten 1900 FG. 371. - Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss 1900 Mai 28. 373. - E. C. Pickerhg. Observations of the planet (433) Eros. 375. - Wov. Beobachtung des Planeten 1900 F H . 375. - Abonnements-Anzeige. 375.

Geschlossen 1940 Jnni ao. Herausgeber: H. K r e o t z . Dmck yon 0. Scba idt . Expedition: Riel. Niemannswcg 103.