BENTLEIGH SECONDARY COLLEGE Nesleer€¦ · Bike riders are reminded to give way to cars and...

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Bentleigh Secondary College 2019 1

PO Box 186, East Bentleigh 3165Telephone: 9579 1044Facsimile: 9579 2720 Provider Code: 00861K

“Being the best you can be”

The right to learn.The right to be treated with respect.

The right to be safe.




6th Edition27 June 2019


This week started very early, waving goodbye to our Central Australia Campers and teachers at 4:30am, they will return next Tuesday afternoon at 5pm. My thanks to the teachers, Jenny Vlahandreas, Arun Karunaratne, Hayden McLennan and Lara Papworth who have put many hours into planning the tour and preparing the students. An experience I am sure our students will look back on fondly in years to come. Thank you also to the families and partners of our teachers, as teachers sacrifice a portion of their holidays and family time, so that our students can have this fantastic experience. I wish them safe travels.

I have read through student reports and am very impressed with the efforts and achievements of students. Please take the time to read through the report with your child and use this as basis for discussion about ‘Being the best you can be’, what areas has your child excelled in? Where could they improve?

Just as in Term 2, there are many exciting programs happening in Term 3, please encourage your child to make sure they take up opportunities to sign up and be part of college life at Bentleigh.

I wish everyone a safe and restful holidays.

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Most Year 9, 10 and 11 students have finished their Course Counselling and Subject Selection Interviews. The Parent Information Evening is on Wednesday July 17 in the Stadium (Sports Precinct). A University/TAFE Expo will be set up in the VCE Centre where students and parents can collect information about tertiary courses and ask questions about entrance requirements.

Parent Information in Sports Precinct:4.30pm Yr 9 into Yr 10, 2020 5.15pm Yr 7 into 8 and Yr 8 into 9, 20206.00pm Yr 10 into 11 and Yr 11 into Yr 12, 2020

Careers University Expo being held in VCE Centre 5.00 – 6.30pm

Early August is Open Day Season for Universities and TAFEs. Students are strongly encouraged to make these weekend visits while they are in Year 10 and Year 11. Visits to universities and TAFEs help students to see what various universities and TAFEs offer as well as to think about the environment and to find several possible places to apply to for their future study after Year 12.

On June 12, Year 10 students visited a university or TAFE. Some travelled by train to Kangan TAFE in the Docklands or RMIT University/TAFE in the city. Some bussed it to Monash University or Deakin University for an orientation program and a tour. Thank you to our Careers Teacher, Mrs Poulos for organising this.

During the final week of Term 2, Year 10 students are doing Work Experience. We wish them all an enjoyable experience and thank employers and businesses in our local and wider community who are supporting our students in their work places. We have continued to have guest speakers visit Year 10 students in their Careers and Mentoring sessions on a Wednesday afternoon. Chantelle Boulos spoke to our students about her career as a medical scientist – sharing interesting slide sections that she had prepared as part of her work of various parts of the human body and animal bodies!

We say farewell to our exchange student Jade Costa Reis from Brazil. Jade has been with us for a year through the second half of Year 11 and semester 1 in Year 12. She is returning to Brazil to complete her Year 12 studies and to seek entrance to a university course. We wish her all the best. She has been a wonderful addition to our student cohort at Year 11 (2018) and Year 12 (2019), having made many friends and sharing many experiences with students at Bentleigh. Last week Jade spoke at the Rotary breakfast meeting about her experiences as an exchange student and her involvement in Rotary, which continues when she returns to Brazil. Thank you to Bentleigh Moorabbin Central Rotary Club for their support, participation and commitment to the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. It is a wonderful experience for students to meet and make friends with young people from other countries.





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Earlier this month members of the leadership team were lucky enough to attend the Education State Schools Leadership Conference. This Conference allows leaders from Government Schools around the State to engage in Professional conversations and learning.

I was lucky enough to attend some incredibly interesting sessions with local and international experts: Leading in Uncertain Times, Collaborative Leadership, Leading Reading & Rigour in the Classroom. Peter DeWitt spoke of the six influences of Collaborative leadership- Instructional Leadership, Collective Efficacy, Professional Learning, Feedback, Assessment Capable Learners and Family Engagement. Charles Ledbeater talked about the changing world we are educating students for, as well the idea we need to prepare students to be well equipped in the human elements of the workforce (not creating second class robots). Anne Bayetto spoke of the importance of Reading in the literacy growth of Secondary students. Dr Barbra Blackburn led an exploration of rigour – what it is, what it looks like in the classroom, and some of the myths that surround it – by going deeper into the criteria for identifying rigour.

On our curriculum day on Friday June 7 our staff participated in Cultural Understanding and Sensitivity Training (CUST) which helped us to consider ways that we could incorporate teachings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures into our curriculum as well as brainstorming ideas for a project that we will undertake at the college to represent our commitment to an ongoing relationship with Koorie education.

Next term, for six weeks, I will be undertaking an internship as part of my Diploma of Principal Preparation shadowing the Principal of Mt. Erin Secondary College. This internship is an opportunity for me to hone my leadership skills in a new school setting and I look forward to bringing these skills back to our setting and in my role at Bentleigh as Assistant Principal. During this time, Helene will be taking my Year 10 Theatre Studies class, facilitating their creation and performance of a play.

Access to the Administration Car Park is for staff, deliveries and parents with disabled students. Pick up and dropping off students is strictly prohibited in the Administration Car Park for all other purposes. The safest area to drop off and pick up students is Chesterville road.

Warning - Council parking attendants have been seen at the front of the school with cameras catching parents pulling up in the ‘No Stopping’ zone.

Bike riders are reminded to give way to cars and pedestrians on East Boundary Road and Centre Road. There have been a few near misses with overzealous bike riders and pedestrians. Bikes are parked at their own risk. There are a number of bikes parked in the school without a bike lock.We are making progress with the department and our new bike shed. It is currently with architects for drawings and we hope to have funding committed to the project this financial year.

We were fortunate to access additional funding from the Department to extend the office foyer and install automated doors, install a ramp to the Wellbeing centre and install a ramp and common deck joining the VCE Centre and VCE Portables. The majority of our school is now wheelchair accessible.

Building Works are continuing to progress well. The external concrete pathway was poured this week and the new stadium floor is currently being laid. The new change rooms and toilets are now in use. The weights gym and woodwork portables are expected to be removed during these holidays. Final completion with stadium handover should happen by the end of August. The Term 3 Working Bee is scheduled for August 18. Please lock it in your diaries.

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Bentleigh Buddies Program – Term 2 Meetings – Jenny Vlahandreas & George Tissera A buzzing community of learners! That is one way to describe the takeaways of student leaders in Year 8 and Year 11 as they excitedly began Bentleigh Buddies this term; an initiative seeking to help build greater student voice, personal development and engagement. Two Wednesday meetings at the Meditation Centre have seen positive first little steps and we are so proud of the commitment, kindness and welcoming approach of all learners involved. Students have been able to reflect, refine and recognise their belonging to school, by sharing one another’s experiences with the encouragement of the experienced Year 11’s and keenness of Year 8’s, one of the many highlights so far.

Chloe Apostolopoulous 8.8 ‘It has been a great opportunity...because I feel as though I am able to freely give and take advice and share my opinions’.Sofia Minutolo 8.3 ‘It has been very insightful into what it means to be a successful leader. I’ve enjoyed hearing from the Year 11s.’ Josh Robinson 8.5 ‘Everyone is very encouraging and happy to support everyone and make everyone happy and feel supported.’ Ollie Thomas 8.2 ‘My experience has been very wholesome and kind, it is a much-needed environment to contrast what feels like a harsh and unforgiving social space.’ Hannah Fitzpatrick 11B‘This program has allowed me to build connections with students in Year 8 and be more self-aware as a leader.’ Tia Lambas 11D ‘Bentleigh Buddies has been very positive. I’m so glad that the school has finally started such a wonderful program to help students better themselves and support others.’Forde Esparon 11D ‘It’s very good to get to know the other members of the group in Year 8 and 11.’ Bayden Hill 11F‘I believe that developing skills from the younger year levels will help create an environment in school that people want to be in. It’s nice to be able to teach people what I now learnt.’

Thank you for the ongoing support from across the school – students, parents/guardians, teachers and staff – to allow for this program to take place. We look forward to continuing the program in Term 3 with further learnings from workshops, peer-led activities and discussions to be shared by students.

BENTLEIGH BUDDIES PROGRAMMr George Tissera, Head of Year 8 and Ms Jenny Vlahandreas, Head of Year 11

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CHEMISTRYMs Carrie Bloomfield and Mr George Tissera, Year 11 Chemistry TeachersOn Friday June 21, Year 11 Chemistry students battled Melbourne public transport to spend the morning at Melbourne University. The students were taught various techniques related to analytical chemistry, prepared solution and measured the concentration of various harmful chemicals in a sample of Estuary Water. The school were fortunate enough for the University to let us take in our own wetlands water and the students are very happy to report that it came back at concentrations for minerals that are regarded at a safe level. All students were highly engaged and appreciated the opportunity to conduct analyses on equipment that, due to their extreme price-tag, they would not normally get an opportunity to use.

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HOUSE DEBATINGMs Dora Lakoumentas, Debating Co-ordinator

Term 2 has seen a flurry of House debates and students from all four Houses have been represented. Some houses, namely, Fawkner are well in the lead to take out the “Debating Enthusiasts” Award due to their overwhelming number of debaters and researchers who are the students assisting during the preparation stage prior to a debate. The Junior debate finals was a contest between Hawker v Wickham. Students were highly prepared and they spoke fluently on the topic of the banning of taser use by police. Participating students were Wickham: Tamzyn Dolgoy, Olivia Lee and Sophie Berry (all in Year 7) and Hawker: Holly Pirret, Ramjot Singh and Noah Pappas (Year 8’s). The victors for the Junior House Debating were team Hawker.

The Intermediate Debate Finals teams were Fawkner v Hawker and speakers from both teams presented convincing arguments on the contention, “That the government should regularly shut down the worst performing schools in the state”. Fawkner students: Matthew Yianni, Amelia Jones-Denholm and Sreyoshi Dutta and Hawker students: Pimm Zyntek and Anthony Currie (Year 9’s). Fawkner students were the victors in the Intermediate House Debate Finals. We look forward to the ‘Grand Final’ of House Debating which is scheduled for the last day of Term 2 in the Stadium. Participating students; debaters and researchers are representatives from almost all year levels and they will be gaining house points for all four Houses. There will be an external professional adjudicator from the Debaters Association of Victoria who will be adjudicating. Participating students, Kylie Read and Darminder Kaur have been very busy preparing for the grand finale and I would like to commend them on their efforts and wish them every success for the Friday’s Grand Final of House Debating!

Congratulations to all debating teams for their impressive skills and efforts, including the student researchers who assisted and to the Staff House Liaison Leaders and House Captains who helped organise the students and volunteered their time to ensure the House Debating Program runs efficiently. A special commendation goes to all the Staff who volunteered to adjudicate and chair the debates during their lunchtimes: Darminder Kaur, Kylie Read, Joshua Purcell, Taylor Veitch, Lindsay Wilson, Lara Papworth, Matthew Cumming, Hilary Baxter, Anna Boukouras and Abby O’Brien.

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LANGUAGE WEEK, 27-31 MAYMs Ayako Lyons, Head of LOTEDespite the unkind weather of showers and thunderstorms, we had a fantastic week of Japanese and French cultural infusion.

Japanese university students came to Bentleigh, and demonstrated the Tea Ceremony and helped dress students in Kimono’s. On Monday the students learning Japanese from Year 7 to 12 were immersed in authentic Japanese culture.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday there were a range of activities. Students challenged the Guinness World Record on the ‘Most Marshmallows Caught with Chopsticks in One Minute’, and with our best score of nine, no-one was able to beat the current record of forty three, still an amazing result to those who tried so hard. Mrs Lyons, who uses chopsticks every day, maintained her record of never catching one!

Bentleigh students had their first French trivia Kahoot at school this year. Many students participated in this lunchtime activity and it was a great success in our first year of the French program.

Thursday was the Kendama Challenge, we found out that our assistant Haruka was an expert of Kendama. Students were very enthusiastic, even during the practice sessions in class before the big day. Kendama is a popular activity/sport around the world now, we hope a championship will take place one day soon in Melbourne, and we see our students competing!

Japanese game shows are always popular and we finally had a chance to watch one in Language Week this year. With all the activities and the students having the opportunity to taste a warm curry lunch or an irresistible French crepe, our Language Week was a great deal of fun and a huge success. Thank you very much to our Language team, Ms Nakajima, Mr Godinagh and Ms Maurin for their tireless effort and success for an amazing week.

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Last week, both students of French and Japanese competed in the Education Perfect Victorian Language Championships. Results were outstanding as Bentleigh Secondary College stunned the competition, walking away with:

1st overall in Japanese 1st in Victoria for Japanese1st in Australia for Japanese1st in Japanese for the 501-1000 students category55th in Australia for French We are exceptionally proud of these whole school achievements. Please join us in congratulating the following students on their dedication, effort and commitment to learning.

Gold Awards:Pimm Zyntek, Grace Docherty, Sonia BrochSilver Awards:Harsha Mugilvannan, Catriona Sharpe, Noah PappasBronze Awards:Ava Bordes, Hayden Finney, Josephine Khoury, Keerthana Chillapuram, Sophie Zhou, Leanne Zyntek, Patrick Hoy, Blake Travers, Sreyoshi Dutta, Max Lawson, Laura BoehmCredit Awards:Anh-Ton Truong, Akshaya Sriananthan, Gregory Handoyo, Ollie Mullan, Charli Curtis, Holly Pirret, Luke Outtram, Ryan Edwards, Caitlin Buckley, Helena Fishman, Harmony Love, Teresa Giorgianni, Teia Herft, Matthew Yianni, Meitar Harel

We are looking forward to seeing Bentleigh Secondary College excel in the Education Perfect World Language Championships in August!

2019 Education Perfect Victorian Languages ChampionshipsThe Languages Faculty

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MODEL UNITED NATIONS ASSEMBLY (MUNA)By Joseph Folwell, Year 10 Student

Attending MUNA in May this year, not only prepared me for future debates, but also gave me the opportunity to meet so many great people. Over the course of the weekend only five or six of the resolutions were debated as they all turned into massive arguments between countries. A few weeks prior to the weekend each team of two were assigned a country and had to debate from that country’s perspective. Matthew Crosby and I were allocated Iraq; Joshua Richards and Hannah Fitzpatrick were the Philippines; and Alex Czermak and Leila McMillan were Kenya.

It was hard to think of points for our countries because we knew so little about it. After continuous reading and studying we managed to put together our main points related to each resolution. On the first day everyone was a bit nervous as no one had done anything like this before. By the end of the weekend, not only did our debating skills improve greatly but we met so many new people that we still currently talk to. I recommend MUNA to anyone who is interested in developing their public speaking skills and want to have a fun time dressing up and debating. A big thank you to Dr Chetty and Mrs Lakoumentas for assisting us with preparations and supporting us over the weekend. To Moorabbin Rotary Club and Bentleigh Central Club thank you for sponsoring us and giving us this wonderful experience.

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TOP ARTS EXCURSIONMs Rohanna Anderson, Visual Arts Teacher

Year 11 and 12 Studio Arts students recently visited the annual Top Arts exhibition. Students were able to view high quality folios and artworks to inspire them with their own creative work. Students then explored a range of other galleries around the city centre, assisting them with their understanding of exhibition spaces.

Jorja Bell of Year 7 will be participating in the World’s Greatest Shave this year and will be shaving her head on July 14 to show her support for those living with Leukaemia. Jorja has exceeded her target of $2,000 and has set a new goal of $4,000. If you would like to support Jorga please add your donation to the collection tin. It will be located in the Middle School Office until Friday June 28. Well done to Jorja for having the courage to take on such an amazing challenge and thank you to everyone for their support.


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VCE EPWORTH SLEEP CLINIC SESSIONMs Taylor Veitch and Ms Lindsay Wilson

On Tuesday June 4, the Unit 4 Psychology students attended a sleep education session to develop their understanding of the purpose of sleep, normal sleep patterns, identification of sleep stages, the effects of sleep deprivation and adolescent sleep patterns.

Matisse Salvati-Pontelandolfo and Aaron Ninnis both volunteered to be attached to a series of physiological measures including an electroencephalograph (EEG) which detects, amplifies and records electrical activity of the brain. The class were then able to observe changes in brain waves while completing a series of tasks before the boys went for a nap in the adjoining room.

Fun fact: Adolescents have a delayed release of melatonin (a chemical naturally produced by the body to promote sleep) meaning they do not become sleepy for 1-2 hours later than the average adult. Exposure to light (especially mobile phones)! tricks your brain into thinking it is daytime and further delays the onset of sleep. Want to get a better night’s sleep? PUT THAT PHONE AWAY!

Good sleep hygiene practices also include the following:

1. Establish a regular relaxing sleep schedule and bedtime routine

2. Associate your bed and bedroom with sleep

3. Avoid activities that are stimulating in the hour before bed

4. When you cannot sleep get up

5. Avoid napping during the normal waking period

6. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine too close to bedtime

7. Exercise can promote good sleep

8. Food can be disruptive just before sleep

9. Ensure adequate exposure to natural light

Students will be able to use their knowledge of sleep and how consciousness can be measured in their upcoming SAC.

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YEAR 8 IBL SMOOTHIE BARDr Michael Lyristis, Learning Specialist Teacher

On Monday June 3, Year 8 Students presented the culmination of their IBL Smoothie Bar program studies. During this program, students learned how to investigate, design, manufacture, test, market and sell a smoothie. Using this knowledge, students formed business groups and began developing and refining their own unique and delicious smoothie.

The budding Bentleigh Secondary College entrepreneurs then utilized the information and data generated during their incursion and it formed the basis of their studies in a multi-faculty project involving Mathematics, Humanities and English. All of the hard work and collaborative learning helped the students create some wonderful, tasty smoothies and they generated financial details that formed the foundation of their business. The IBL Smoothie Bar Presentation night was extremely well attended at the da Vinci STEAM Centre with many parents, guardians and grandparents in attendance. Family and friends all enjoyed seeing the students’ hard work displayed for all to see.

Congratulations to all Year 8 students.

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MUSIC NEWSMr Andrew Albanis, Head of Music


Congratulations to all students who participated in the Instrumental Nights over the last two weeks. Thank you to staff for their ongoing preparation of our talented students.

On Tuesday June 18, Bentleigh Secondary hosted a concert of the Symphonic Wind Bands from McKinnon Secondary, Frankston High School and our own Symphonic Wind, performed a program each consisting of pieces that were contrasting and engaging. A fantastic night showcasing the musicianship of each school. It was well attended and we hope to continue this annual event for the years to come. Well done to all staff and students involved.

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SPORT NEWSMs Sally Hudson, Head of Sports Academy

As part of the Sports Academy program students get a one on one physio assessment with physiotherapist Warrick Pearson from MyPhysio. This identifies student’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of athletic performance. The idea behind this is to strengthen up those weaknesses so students do not experience imbalances in their bodies, as this is what causes injuries. Our students work with our strength and conditioning team from Lifestyle Fitness to strengthen those imbalances highlighted by MyPhsio.

Warrick works with all our sports - Netball, AFL & Soccer and has a vast range of experience with elite athletes from a wide variety of sports. He is currently also working with St Kilda Next Generation Academy and Southern Metro Football League. Our students are very lucky to have such an experienced physio as part of the Bentleigh SC Sports Academy family!

There are still spots available for Semester 2 in all sports for students in Yr7-10. If interested in this opportunity contact Miss Sally Hudson at the school.

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Miss Rachael Rosenbrock, Head of Sport

Year 12 VCE PE - Biomechanics and Energy System Program

On Thursday June 6, 2019 students who study VCE PE participated in a Biomechanics and Energy System program held at Monash University. The program started in the Biomechanics lab, where students were reminded why we study biomechanics, and different ways to analyse movements.Seb Erharter and Rachel Heenan volunteered to participate in a movement analysis of a baseball pitch. Both students were filmed and as a class we were able to change specific areas of their baseball pitch for an improved technique. Students were able to see how quantitative analysis has huge benefit in improving an athlete’s technique, and the advanced software available to athletes to improve performance.

The second part of the program was practical, and specifically looked at energy systems. All students had an opportunity to participate in the following practicals:

-Reactive agility and fatigue test, where students had to continuously run and break different timing barriers for 3 minutes. It was a great test to see students moving through different energy systems and first-hand experience the fatigue occurring.-Sprint recovery test, this test utilised timing gates and students ran 50 metres but with different recovery times (30 sec, 60 sec, 90 sec). Students were able to notice a difference in performance depending on their recovery.-Vertical jump test looks at how high a student can jump, but incorporated biomechanics and the force required to increase momentum and therefore impulse.

The program was a great way for students to apply their learning and actively participate in tests we have only read about in our text books.


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Southern Metropolitan Region Cross CountryMr Mitchell Wedderburn, Acting Head of Sport

On Monday June 17, sixteen students attended the Southern Metropolitan Cross Country Carnival at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin. It was a chilly day and hilly track, but all students gave it everything they had and should be congratulated on their efforts and for the way they represented Bentleigh Secondary College on the day.

A huge congratulation to Ethan Churchill-King (4th), Rubin Howard (1st) and Chelsea Whittle (3rd) who all qualified for the State Cross Country which will be held in Bundoora next term!

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Mr Toby Mahoney, Acting Head of Engagement, Wellbeing & Connectedness (Years 8 & 9)

Year 8 Student Achievement

Chiara Nathan our Year 8.4 student competed in the Victorian State Team for Acrobatic Gymnastics at the Australian Gymnastics Championship at Melbourne Arena on Saturday June 1. She competed in the Women’s Level 6 trio competition against fifteen other teams from around Australia. Her trio placed 2nd for their Dynamic routine, 5th for their Balance routine and finished 3rd in Australia for their overall score.

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WELLBEING NEWSMs Katie Parker-Vukusic, Wellbeing Counsellor

RAISE MENTORING PROGRAMThe RAISE Mentoring program is back again this term following a hugely successful year last year. Students have been working one-on-one with their volunteer mentors, who come from a variety of backgrounds and the buzz in the room is evident of the wonderful working relationships that have developed. This program provides our students with a space to chat about issues that are important to them, and it is this process of being ‘heard’ that seems to be a defining factor in increasing student engagement and wellbeing. The program will continue throughout Term 3 and will culminate with a graduation ceremony to celebrate the achievements of mentees and mentors alike, in participating in the wonderfully rewarding journey that is RAISE Mentoring.

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IMPORTANT DATES28 Jun House Debating

Last Day

29 Jun- 14 Jul


15 Jul Term 3 begins

17 Jul Careers Uni Expo in VCE CentreParents Information Sessions4:30pm Yr 9 into Yr 10, 20205:15pm Yr 7 into Yr 8, andYr 8 into Yr 9, 20206:00pm Yr 10 into Yr 11, and Yr 11 into 12, 2020

19 Jul Curriculum Day

23 Jul Cluster Tour - Yr 8 Band & Junior Stage

24 Jul Yamada visit till 31 JulParent Teach Interviews 3:30 - 5:30pm Unit 4 Students ONLY School Council

26 Jul Athletics Carnival

30 Jul Winter Concert Rehearsal DayWinter Concert 7:00pm in PAC

1 Aug Australian Maths Competition

5 Aug Senior Sport

7 Aug Intermediate Sport

8 Aug Junior SportYr 10 OES Lake Mountain

9 Aug Yr 10 OES Lake MountainWhole School Musical Rehearsal9am -3:15pm

12 Aug Science Week Senior Sport Finals

13 Aug School Assembly

14 Aug Intermediate Sport FinalsWhole School Musical Primary Performance @ 9am

15 Aug Junior Sport FinalsWhole School Musical Opening Night (+ Friday & Saturday nights)

19 Aug Book WeekInstrumental Exams

21 Aug Parent Teacher InterviewsYr 7-11, 12:00 - 8:00pm(Yr 12 Study Day)School Council

27-28 Aug Yr 8-10 Ballarat Intermediate Band Tour

29 Aug Spellathon

4 Sep Kingston Athletics Carnival

6 Sep Presentation Ball 6pm - 11pm

9-10 Sep Year 8 Advance Camp 1- Lerderderg State Forest

16-17 Sep Year 8 Advance Camp 1- Lerderderg State Forest

18 Sep

18-29 Sep

School CouncilYear 12 Exams till ThursdayEuropean STEAM Trip Years 9-11

20 Sep House Bentleigh’s Got TalentLast Day for Term 3

7 Oct Term 4 beginsSemester 2 (Year 12) Reports published 4pm

10 Oct SMR Athletics

15-16 Oct Year 7 Band Tour Healesville

17 Oct School AssemblyLast day Year 12sValedictory Dinner 6pm

18 Oct Year 7 Indigenous IncursionBig Band Boogie

21-25 Oct Year 9 Advance Camp - Bogong

22 Oct Year 7 and Year 10 Immunisations

23 Oct Vocal Night 5pm - 6pmSchool Council

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Come and join us for a Community lunch to celebrate


When: Wednesday 10 July

Time: 12:00 - 2:00pm

Where: Derrimut Weelam Gathering Place199 Beach Road, Mordialloc

RSVP for catering purposes: Friday 5 July

Community Lunch forAboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders

Chris | 0402 311 989 | Gulay | 0400 959 559 |





*CONDITIONS APPLY JAC ORMOND 9578 9668 | LEVEL 1, 331 Jasper Rd Ormond VIC 3204


Moongala—your local community house, is a finalist in the Leader Local Grant! We are

calling on all our neighbouring schools to support us by voting to help us win $1000 for us to create a ‘Sharing Post’ - includes a Street Library, sharing of produce from the garden, preserves, a cuppa and where you can visit and make friends in the local community

helping to reduce loneliness and isolation.

Voting closes Friday 28 June at 5pm, it takes a few minutes to vote— go to the website register and cast your 10 votes! We are located ‘just around the corner’ drop in and meet us! Thank you from the Moongala Community!

Moongala Community House, 824 Centre Road, Bentleigh East - Ph 9570 3468

Vote for Us!!

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We are seeking talented sports people in our region to participate in the Saints’ Next Generation Academy Combine.

Next Generation Academies are designed to increase the attraction, retention and development of players from Multicultural and Indigenous communities. Talented players who fit the cultural

criteria have potential to be drafted by St Kilda Football Club under the NGA Draft Concession system.

The FREE combine includes athletic testing and skill development from academy coaches, all under the eye of AFL Saints scouts.

AFL playing experience is not required.

Dreaming of becoming an AFL star?


Males aged 13-17 (born b/w 2002-2006)

Must be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or born in or have at least one parent born in Asia or Africa

Participants must also reside in the Saints NGA zone: Click here to see if you’re eligible

W H E R E & W H E N

9am – 12pm, Wednesday 10 July

RSEA Park, St Kilda Football Club, 32-60 Linton Street, Moorabbin 3189


Email your expression of interest and a team member will contact you.

Bentleigh Secondary College 2019 25


The St Kilda U16 Girls Next Generation Academy is designed to identify and develop talented girls in the bayside region and

prepare them for the next stage of their talent pathway.

We are providing an opportunity for talented athletes in our region to attend the combine and participate in athletic

testing and skill development from academy coaches, all under the eye of AFLW Saints scouts.

Dreaming of becoming an AFLW star?


Females born in 2003 AFLW playing experience is not required

Participants must also reside in the Saints NGA zone: Click here to see if you’re eligible

W H E R E & W H E N

9am – 12pm, Wednesday 10 July

RSEA Park, St Kilda Football Club, 32-60 Linton Street, Moorabbin 3189


Email your expression of interest and a team member will contact you.

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Growing Up Girl

Over the last 10 months, members of Glen Eira City Council’s Girl Up committee have been creating their own short storybook.

Written for young women aged eight to 12, this book follows the experiences of three girls struggling with their own positive identity, healthy mind and hope for the future. It offers insight and inspiration to overcome these common girlhood challenges.

Members from the Girl Up committee will launch their book during Glen Eira City Council Storytelling Festival on Friday 5 July at Carnegie Library where they will speak about how and why they created their own short storybook.

Growing Up Girl Friday 5 July, 3pm–4pm Carnegie Library 7 Shepparson Avenue, Carnegie

Free entry but places are limited

Book Here

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#YouthVoice explores climate change

This term in #YouthVoice, we are exploring a new topic — climate change. Recently, there have been many protests regarding the #stopadani movement and climate change. #YouthVoice has decided to dissect the topic and explore why this is such an important issue for young people. We will be interviewing experts, the public and gaining first-hand accounts and footage of the protests. Throughout this process, we hope to educate and inspire people of Glen Eira.

Stay tuned to Glen Eira Youth Service on Youtube to keep up to date.

- The #Youth Voice Crew

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Young Citizen of the Year - Emily Qiao

Emily Qiao is an enthusiastic member of her local community. She actively participates in local events and is always passionate about giving back to the City of Glen Eira.

Emily is a Monash Student Association (MSA) Mental Health and Resilience Committee Member. She works with the MSA Welfare Department to organise Stress Less Week.

They are currently working on developing a resource students can use to find out what’s available to them at Monash University.

Emily is also the Outreach Co-ordinator for Precious Plastic Monash and Logistics Manager at Nova Rover.

As well as clearly having ample time management skills to juggle the above commitments, Emily is a supportive and inclusive participant who endeavours to ensure all young people around her have the opportunity to be seen and heard.

We can’t wait to see what Emily does next.

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How to contact RAVTo find out more, please call 1300 364 277 for the cost of a local call, or get in touch with your nearest centre to have a yarn about your situation.

CentresBallarat (03) 5337 9222

Berwick Family Relationship Centre (03) 8768 4111

Boronia (03) 9725 9964

Cranbourne (03) 5990 1900

Greensborough (03) 9431 7777

Greensborough Family Relationship Centre (03) 9404 7800

Kew (03) 9261 8700

Melbourne Family Relationship Centre (03) 8625 3666

Shepparton (03) 5820 7444

Sunshine (03) 8311 9222

Sunshine Family Relationship Centre (03) 9313 0444

Traralgon (03) 5175 9500

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Images for illustrative purposes only. Funded by the Australian Government.

Talking to someone can help

Artwork by Helen Morris

Relationship support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families.

Call us on 1300 364 277