Benefits of reading books

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Benefits of reading books

Reading is to the Mind what Exercise is to the

Body10 Benefits of Reading Books…

Presented By:-Vinit ShahdeoVIT University Vellore

The Book to

Read is not the one that

Thinks for You But

The one which makes You Think

A Book is a GIFTYou Can Open ItAgain & Again…..

Why You Should Read Every Day???

10 Benefits of

Reading Books

1. Mental Stimulation

2. Stress Reduction

3. Knowledge

4. Vocabulary Expansion



6. Stronger Analytical

Thinking Skills

7. ImprovesFocus and


8. Better

Writing Skills

9. Tranquility

10. Free


A Reader lives thousand lives before he dies…The man who never reads lives only one

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