Benefits of Eating Fruits Before A Meal

Post on 22-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Benefits of Eating Fruits Before A Meal

Benefits of Fruits Before Meal

Fruits are juicy, delicious, and refreshing.

They are high in fiber, minerals, and contain natural sugars.

They are also loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and are low in calories.

Helps in Weight Management

• The fiber present in fruits makes you feel fuller

• Shut off the hunger signal to the stomach

• Boosts the metabolism & helps in weight loss

Stimulate the Digestive Tract

Enzymes, fiber and prebiotics in fruits• Stimulates the digestive juices in the stomach• Cleanse the colon• Aids in digestion

Banish Belly Bloating

• Belly bloating is a condition in which stomach feels uncomfortably full

• Fibre in fruits push out the waste matter from digestive tract

• Helps in lowering the bloated belly

Regulates Blood Sugar Level

• Fruits are rich in fiber

• Fiber helps to slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood

• Peaches, apricots, apple, pear, berries are considered as diabetes friendly fruits

• Fruits like blueberries help in reducing insulin resistance

Maintains Healthy Skin

• Taking fruits before a meal helps in the detoxification process leads to healthy skin

• Vitamin C present in fruits act as anti-oxidant provides radiant to the skin

• Fruits like strawberries, papaya are rich in Vitamin-A which helps to achieve glowing skin

Boost Immune System

• Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C & antioxidants

• Fight off any invading bacteria and microbes that may cause diseases

• Taking fruits before meal detoxify your system and release toxins leads to healthy immune system

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