Benefits of Camel Milk

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Benefits of Camel Milk

Benefits of Camel Milk

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Camel milk is unique in its potential ability to help with allergies and autism, to mitigate autoimmune disease and

diabetes and for heart and immune health.

It has even been used around the world as a supplement to breastmilk!

Sound crazy?

I thought so too, but it turns out that the milk from a

camel is entirely different than milk from a cow or a goat.

Here’s why…

Cows, goats and other similar animals are hoofed animals.

Camels have toes (only two, made of a single bone) and both their foot structure and the proteins in their milk are dramatically different than milk from hoofed animals.

What Makes camel Milk Different?

Protein Structure • Camel milk does not contain the same proteins that people are often allergic to in cow’s

milk (A1 casein and lactoglobulin) and is usually well tolerated by those with dairy allergies.

• It has about the same amount of protein and carbohydrates as regular cows milk, but impacts blood sugar differently.

Fat Content • Camels produce milk that is naturally

low in fat (only 2-3%).

• Also unlike cow milk, the fats produced by camels in their milk are completely homogenized naturally occurring Omega-3 fatty acids. This means that camel milk can be frozen and thawed without changing consistency.

Unique Properties • Camel milk is high in potent immunoglobulins, powerful immune-boosting substances. The immunoglobulins

in camel milk are smaller than human immunoglobulins and can more easily pass into tissues in the body.

• These tiny immunoglobulins may be the reason for camel milk’s popularity in helping lessen problems like autoimmune disease, allergies and even autism.

• This milk is also high in insulin, which improves its absorption and makes it suitable for diabetics.

• Research has also found protective proteins in camel’s milk that may be antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial.

• It also contains much more iron and vitamin c than cow’s milk.

Similar to Breastmilk • Camel milk is nutritionally more

similar to human breastmilk than to regular dairy milk.

• For this reason, it has been used around the world as a supplement or replacement for breast milk in cases when mom was unable to nurse or baby needed extra milk.

Better for the Environment • Consider the natural habitat of camels. They survive with relatively

little water and plant life for long periods of time.

• For this reason, camels need much less grazing area and can produce milk with a lower environmental impact.

Benefits of camel Milk

Help for Diabetes • Unlike other milks, it shouldn’t cause a rise in blood sugar, but the benefits

extend beyond that.

• In fact, some researchers are even using this milk to reduce the amount of insulin needed.

Immune Boost • Camel’s milk contains many of the

same immune-protecting substances as human milk.

• It contains high levels of immunoglobulin A and beneficial enzymes like lysozyme and lactoperoxidase, which are helpful to the body in fighting infection.

Alleviate Allergies • Not only is it considered a good

dairy alternative for allergic individuals, but there is some research indicating that it may actually help reverse allergies.

Heart and Blood Health • The monounsaturated fats (especially oleic acid) present in camel milk give it some of the same benefits

as olive oil. It also contains A2 beta casein, which is different than the A1 casein found in most dairy milk. 

• Other research indicates that the unique fatty acid profile in milk from camels is more beneficial to the heart and to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Autism Connection • There is a great deal of anecdotal

evidence and stories from people who have used camel dairy in cases of autism.

• Click here to read about the research done in this area.

Risks and Dangers of Camel Milk?

• Often, something that seems too good to be true really is. In this case, I’m yet to find the downside. More research is needed, but I couldn’t find any downsides of drinking this unusual milk.

• In fact, I didn’t find any cases of allergic reactions or harmful side effects. In my limited personal testing I haven’t noticed any negative effects, even though I often react to regular dairy.

What does it Taste like?

• I found the taste closest to cows milk of any alternative milk I’ve tried. It is a little sweeter but not overly earthy or grassy like stronger flavored goat milk.

• My kids all liked it, even the ones who don’t prefer coconut or almond milk.

Where to Find Camel Milk?

You won’t find camel milk on the dairy aisle of a regular grocery store. Some health food stores are starting to carry

it, but it can be difficult to find a good source.

The best (and least expensive) source I’ve found for camel milk is the Desert Farms brand that is available for shipping

anywhere in the continental US and Canada.

Click here for a discount code!

TO Learn more about the research behind the benefits of

camel milk, Click Here.

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