Beneficial Role of Quercetin on Echis coloratus Snake...

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OPEN ACCESS Journal of Biological Sciences

ISSN 1727-3048DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2016.112.119

Research ArticleBeneficial Role of Quercetin on Echis coloratus Snake VenomInduced Hepato-renal Toxicity in Rats

1A.K. Al Asmari, 1R.M. Abbas Manthiri, 1N.M.A. Osman, 2A.F. Al Otaibi and 3S.A. Al Asmari

1Research Center, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia2Department of Medicine, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia3Department of Dentistry, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

AbstractBackground: Scientists are exploring the application of new drugs derived from plant sources as an alternative to snakebite anti-venomtherapy, which is endowed with several limitations. Naturally produced antioxidants like the flavonoids, which are widely found in theplants are largely consumed in daily diet, at present. Methodology: This study investigates and evaluates the potential effects of someflavonoids (quercetin) on envenoming of albino rats by sub-lethal venom (3.84 mg kgG1, i.p.) doses of Echis coloratus (Ec) viper snake.Beneficial effects of quercetin (30 µM kgG1, i.p.) doses on the induced hepato-renal toxicity are assessed by the measurement of selectedbiomarkers. Results: Sacrificed animals sera and tissues, which were collected for biochemical studies, showed significant increase in thelevels of AST, ALT, ALP and creatinine. There was significant histopathological damage of the tissue's architecture and rise in the liver andkidney MDA levels. Conclusion: It is concluded that the reversal effects of modulation of the biochemical parameters and histologicaldamage are attributed to the potential protective effects that ensued after administration of quercetin.

Key words: Echis coloratus, quercetin, MDA, rats, creatinine, AST

Received: February 14, 2016 Accepted: March 06, 2016 Published: April 15, 2016

Citation: A.K. Al Asmari, R.M. Abbas Manthiri, N.M.A. Osman, A.F. Al Otaibi and S.A. Al Asmari, 2016. Beneficial role of quercetin on Echis coloratus snakevenom induced hepato-renal toxicity in rats. J. Biol. Sci., 16: 112-119.

Corresponding Author: A.K. Al Asmari, Research Center, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Copyright: © 2016 A.K. Al Asmari et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Competing Interest: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files.

J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 112-119, 2016








Hot weather places of the world are endowed with manysnakes that belong to the carnivorous, poikilothermicreptiles. Vipers, like E. coloratus have vasculotoxic venomcomponent that deteriorate the human vascular system.Those ones found in the central region of Saudi Arabia havenot been studied thoroughly, especially their venoms thathave received little attention1. Several factors have differentphysiological and biological effects on the bitten victims. Components of viper venoms have mainly enzymaticactivities that break intracellular organelles, leading tonecrosis, edema and hemorrhage2 that culminate into loss ofseveral body organs due to dysfunction tissue loss3-5.

It was shown that several viper venoms constituents thatare characterized by high molecular weights will show a slowabsorption pattern through the lymphatic system6,7. Victimsthat have been envenomed usually show symptoms that varyaccording to type, size and sex of the snake and bitten victim,in addition to environmental, venom and treatment factors8,9.

Several investigators have reflected the after snakeenvenoming signs and symptoms as several clinicalabnormalities. The development of acute hepato-renaltoxicity10, organ dystrophy11, cytotoxic cellular manifestations12

and hypoglycemia13 metabolic complications14 all are inducedacutely by envenoming bites.

Some studies have suggested that treatment by specificantivenins decrease the extent of the hemostatic failure,but still the management of E. coloratus victims remainsuncertain. Victims subjected to such venoms and treatednon-specifically reflected extremely urgent problemsassociated with antitoxic substances. This situation onlystressed the queries and barriers associated with antivenintherapy that put researchers and scientists on the alert offinding alternative new drugs of plant and herbal origin totreat snakebiteand replace or limit the untoward effectsbrought about by antivenin use15.

Recently, envenoming herbal treatment received moreconcentrated attention by subjecting traditionally usedmedical plants to pharmacological screening and isolatingtheir active components16. Herbal extracts like quercetinhas anti-inflammatory, polyphenolic antioxidant17, angioprotective activity18,19 and appreciated beneficial effects onthe immune system20. Further, extra benefits are associatedwith cell membrane stabilization21, calcium ions transport22

and membrane alteration23.In this present study, aim to investigate the biochemical

activity mechanisms of quercetin and its beneficialneutralizing and ameliorating hepato-renal toxicity effectsinduced by E. coloratus viper venom in rats.


Materials: Adult male albino Wistar rats (200-220 g),E. coloratus lyophilized snake venom, quercetin-3,3’,4’,5,6pentahydroxyflavone’ 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (Sigma, USA) and otherlaboratory chematerials.

Preparation of venom solution: Echis coloratus lyophilizedsnake venom were obtained from Research Departmentof the Prince Sultan Riyadh Military Medical City, Riyadh,Saudi Arabia. The venom was dissolved in physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) (final concentration 10 mg mLG1) under mildmixing for 10 min at 4EC and then, centrifuged at 10,000 rpmfor 10 min at 4EC. The pellet was discarded and thesupernatant was aliquoted and stored at -20EC at a maximumtime of one week and administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a dose of 3.84 mg kgG1 b.wt. (LD50) in a maximum volume of 0.2 mL (Fig. 1).

Preparation of quercetin: Quercetin -3,3’,4’,5,6Pentahydroxyflavone’ 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one (Sigma, USA) wasdissolved in 1 M NaOH and administration by intraperitoneally(i.p.) at a dose of 30 µM kgG1 b.wt., in a maximum volume of0.2 mL (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1: Echis coloratus snake venom

Fig. 2: Structure of quercetin


J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 112-119, 2016













Control Venom Quercetin














Control Venom Quercetin




Animals: Adult male albino Wistar rats with weight between200-220 g were used for this study. Animals were kept understandardized conditions of temperature (22±1EC), humidity(55±5%) and 12-12 h light-dark cycles with free access tofood and water.

Methods: The animals were divided into four groups of sixrats. Control group I were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with200 :L normal saline (0.9% NaCl) only. Group II were injected(i.p.) with 200 :L crude venom (3.84 mg kgG1) alone. Group IIIwere injected (i.p.) with 200 :L venom (3.84 mg kgG1) andquercetin (30 µM kgG1). Group IV were injected (i.p.) with200 :L quercetin alone.

One hour later, injected animals were decapitated andblood sample were collected for biochemical analysis andtissue organs were collected for histopathological analysis.

Ethics statement: Experiments were done according to theSaudi Arabian law of protection of animals. The studyprocedures involving animal experiments were approved bythe institutional ethics committee.

Biochemical analysis: Blood sample were collected fromeach rat into plain centrifuge tubes, left for 1 h at roomtemperature (25EC±2) and serum were separatedby centrifugation at 600×g for 15 min and analyzed,without delay for the concentration of creatinine, alanineaminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) andalkaline phosphatase (ALP) were determined by using kitspurchased from United Diagnostic Industry (UDI) Dammam,Saudi Arabia. A few pieces of liver and kidney were fixedwith 10% neutral buffered formalin for histopathologicalinvestigations, whereas the majority of pieces werehomogenized in ice-cold medium containing 50 mM tris-HCland 300 mM sucrose, pH 7.4 and finally stored at -80EC untiluse in the various biochemical determinations.

Determination of TBARS (oxidative stress): The levels ofTBARS, a marker of lipid peroxidation24-26 were estimated inliver and kidney tissues using the method of Niehaus andSamuelsson27. Tissues were homogenized in tris-HCl buffer(pH 7.5) followed by centrifugation to remove the cellulardebris. An aliquot (100 µL) of supernatant from the tissuehomogenate was mixed with 2 mL of TBA-TCA-HCl (1:1:1)reagent (0.37% TBA, 15% TCA and 0.25 N HCl) and the tubeswere placed in a water bath at 90EC for 10 min. The tubeswere allowed to cool at room temperature and then theabsorbance of the colored solution was measured against areagent blank at 535 nm.

Histopathological studies: Tissue samples were fixed in 10%neutral formalin for 24 h and paraffin blocks were preparedand routinely processed for light microscopy. Slices of 4-5 :mwere obtained from the prepared blocks and stained withhematoxylin-eosin. The preparations obtained were visualizedusing a Nikon microscopy at a magnification of 400×.

Statistical analysis: Results are presented as Mean±SEM.Comparisons were done by two-tail unpaired Student’st-test or one-way ANOVA as appropriate. The p#0.05 wereconsidered significant.


Hepato-renal function biomarkers: The administration ofEchis coloratus venom to the rats caused significant increasein AST, ALT and ALP and blood serum creatinine levels, whenit was compared with control group. Co-administration ofquercetin decreased the rise in AST, ALT and ALP and bloodserum creatinine levels in Fig. 3-6, respectively.

Fig. 3: Effect of the treatments of the groups in serumAST activity, values is expressed as Mean±SEM(n = 6). Results are represented in the form ofMean±SE, *Significant at p<0.05

Fig. 4: Effect of the treatments of the groups in serum ALTactivity, values is expressed as Mean±SEM (n = 6).Results are represented in the form of Mean±SE,*Significant at p<0.05


J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 112-119, 2016





P (U



Control Venom Quercetin











Control Venom Quercetin




Fig. 5: Effect of the treatments of the groups in serum ALPactivity, values is expressed as Mean±SEM (n = 6).Results are represented in the form of Mean±SE,*Significant at p<0.05

Fig. 6: Effect of the treatments of the groups in serumcreatinine activity, values is expressed as Mean±SEM(n = 6). Results are represented in the form ofMean±S.E, *Significant at p<0.05

Oxidative stress: In the liver and kidney tissues, MDAwas significantly increased in Echis coloratus venom treatedgroup as compared to control group and this rise in MDA wasdecreased by quercetin (Table 1).

Histology: The histology of the liver tissue of the control andquercetin-treated animals showed normal histologicalstructure of hepatocytes, central vein blood sinusoid andnuclei (Fig. 7), whereas in venom group showed cellularinfiltrations, degenerative changes of hepatic cells with cellnecrosis and disarrangement of normal hepatic cells wereobserved. The histology of liver tissues of venom+quercetingroup showed less degeneration, necrosis anddisarrangement of normal hepatic cells (Fig. 7).

The histology of the kidney tissue of control andquercetin-treated animals showed normal morphologicalappearances (Fig. 8), whereas the venom group showedcongestion, necrosis and degeneration in the epithelial cellsof renal tubules and swelling in the lining endotheliumof the glomerulus. The histology of kidney tissues ofvenom+quercetin group showed less congestion, necrosis,

Table 1: Effect of quercetin on Echis coloratus venom induced MDA levels inrat tissue

Tissues Control Venom Quercetin Venom+quercetinKidney 64.96±16.12 87.08±17.38* 63.25±29.61 35.55±3.83*Liver 58.45±7.64 76.86±9.42* 62.93±6.19 49.12±2.49*Results are represented in the form of Mean±SE, *Significant at p<0.05, Valuesexpressed as Nm of MDA gG1 weight of tissue

degeneration in the epithelial cells of renal tubules andswelling in the lining endothelium of the glomerulus (Fig. 8).


Human hemostasis is severely deteriorated by E. coloratusenvenoming and it was reported that anemia ensued due toexcessive bleeding in about a third of the victims28. In thisstudy, it was noticed that envenomed rats showedhemorrhagic signs and spots in different organs after sacrifice,similar to the reported observations by other investigators9.Such observations could be attributed to factors arecoagulopathic and defibrinating in content9. Organs withhemorrhagic areas are formed due to their cells basalmembrane alterations of the endothelial lining vascularpermeability that allowed blood to ooze into tissues in thevicinity. Envenoming by E. coloratus usually allows for theformation of thrombotic hepatic portal vein leading to bloodvessels congestion and damage of the cell membraneendothelial lining. On the other hand, phospholipase A2enzyme releases plasma lysolecithin and also directly destroyscell membranes9. Venoms of such vipers like E. coloratus andlimited numbers of other snakes have the ability to formthrombin by precursors of prothrombin29.

Liver function markers (ALT, AST and ALP) reflectedhepatic dysfunction by showing significant increase of theiractivity levels in rat sera, in comparison with controlgroups. This situation is speculated and envisaged throughfree radicals production induced by E. coloratus viperenvenoming that led to hepatotoxic oxidative stress and theensuing extra hepatic obstruction and damage in liverfunction30,31. Rise in liver enzymes that followed vipervenom administration is indicative of hepatocellular injury32. Hepatocytes mitochondria get congested with liverenzymes and the biochemical indices increased due to thealtered transportation input/output of the mitochondrialmembrane33-36.

On the other hand the induced renal stress was viewedthrough elevation of the serum creatinine, which is a markerof nephritis37-42. As a protein metabolism waste product thatis normally excreted by kidneys, creatinine excess levels inserum affirms some degree of deficient kidney function43 as aspecific kidney marker44.


J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 112-119, 2016

Fig. 7(a-d): Effect of quercetin on snake venom induced histological changes of liver tissue. Quercetin enhanced the protectivemechanism of the liver and helped in the restoration of the damaged histology. Representative sections of the liverof (a) Normal rats, (b) Venom treated rats, (C) Quercetin treated rats and (d) Pretreated with quercetin+venom

Fig. 8(a-d): Effect of quercetin on snake venom induced histological changes of liver tissue. Quercetin enhanced the protectivemechanism of the kidney and helped in the restoration of the damaged histology. Representative sections of thekidney of (a) Normal rats, (b) Venom treated rats, (c) Quercetin treated rats and (d) Pretreated with quercetin+venom


(a) (b)

(d) (c)

(a) (b)

(d) (c)

J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 112-119, 2016

The out coming results of the excess hepatic andnephrotic tissue MDA levels also confirm the oxidative stressand lipid peroxidation indication45 and free radicals action46.Extensive explanation of the free radicals production andvarious mechanisms of actions and the countering antioxidantdefense mechanisms were previously reported47,48. This hasbeen modulated in several recent studies49-55.

The scavenging ability of quercetin56 and polyphenolcompounds57 convey protective effects against the actions ofvenoms and free radicals. Confirming similar studies onrats using Vipera russelli venom were previously done byAli et al.58.

The findings of the present study confirm the outcomeof previous studies on mice MDA levels53 mechanismsinvolved in lipid peroxidation, fatty acids, adipose tissue59,60

and inhibition of PLA261 and membrane stabilizationimprovement62,63. Quercetin could have restored the balancebetween the venom-induced free radicals and the defensiveantioxidant system mechanisms with the tissue redox state64.The massive cellular activity and mechanisms involved in theassociated venom detoxification and nuclear interruption leadto appreciable karyorrhexis and pyknosis in the nuclei, in theoutcome of this present study that reflected the cellularchanges and necrosis, following administration of E. coloratusvenom. Such findings were also concluded following theemployment of other venoms (cobra snakes) done byRahmy et al.65.

Kidneys histological tests confirmed the renal stressevaluated by sera analysis, viewed in the tissue alterations.Further, cortical renal necrosis and related to intravascularcoagulation added to vasospasm toxic effect actionmechanisms were previously discussed9,66.


The present experimental results indicate that quercetinwas beneficial in countering the toxic effects of E. coloratusvenom and or has an alternative or complementary treatmentstrategy of envenoming. Further experimental approachescould address quercetin, which could possibly lead to thedevelopment of pharmaceutical formulations for treatingsnake bite victims.


The authors express their appreciation and thanks to theadministration of Prince Sultan Military Medical City for theirencouragement and support. The support and help of our

colleagues Dr. Abdulquaiyoom Khan, Mr. Dhaya Sankar,Mr. Tariq Al Zamil and Ms. Ruba Fahad Al Mohini is thankfullyacknowledged.


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