Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ...

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Transcript of Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ...

-- IJJL-jf-


matter with rsliwgance, and wiu day committee oa enrolled Bills, The National Road. Financial Statement of the Belmont TEACHERS EXAHIlfATIOX. 5--ititaool (Sbcotticlt. by day find tl lemnelves shocked by the A resolution was adopted looking to ifr. Editor : At the instance of our County Agricultural Society, ----

prominence toleh everything Coated-Ja- n amendment to the rales excluding friend and public spirited fellow-citize- n 1875. From1876; E 1876. Dauehy & Co., Advertising Ag'Uin tbeir But fromerateis attaining party. general legislation appropriation uavia Brown, i ask a little space in Belment . New York.the leaders say it i the road to success, bills: also a resolution of inquiry as to your paper, to lay before the people of RECEIPTS. Cfetmty, Ohie. ' "Vi. vI and the Democracy the proprety oi giving notice of termi-- Belmont county a tew racu. In rerard Cash on hand at last annual statement. 1st Saturday January, 8f. Oairsrifle. PA Tali of New Books on BUILDING

V - 23. l... MUST FOLLOW IT TO WIN. nation or the treaty with the .North to legislative acta, by which an improp UTU.T"v flV,I 1fl?Ja7l--


llA),i0M 1st Saturday February, Barnesville. TUB 8t.Hvni I raw 'J7 Wart enon a Itfrmui Kmn fa VAlatlnaV tr MnnnitU Cash ree d oi Uo. 1 reus State fund 198.5 'fler nse has been made ef the funds of 3d Saturday February, St. Clairsville. .A .tAs in tne iia lime, mey must dow inn nt niinr.HT.tinn k tin r th. " from sale of tickets during Fair 1335,155 T .tTasmtxnt of thr Iit the National Road. The first act of lat Saturday Starch, Bridgeport. AGENTS ?? ELKGANT OIL CHBOMOata tne South to secure its full suDDort ui "- t... this kind of which I have knowledge Jor entry fees and stall rents 342,50 3d Saturday March. St. Clairsville. 2VJa7 L Ir..'.on?i'd- - txn. lor tL, Orl MA.. on Monday, theL,, the next general election. ra.iifr.rni. intviiIMwi lor permits iron, eating grocery 3d Saturday April, St. Clairsville. Cons e reiil l..0ly" Pte8nt- - o

BUnttingw'"' was that by which six thousand dol Filishiga C. Phlla. Pa. - -Of course the South, under the new and stands . 60,00 -Representatives adjourned rewlutions to the effect that the House lars (I think that was the amount) was " 3d Saturday Mar, Morrisiown.

House of Democratic rule, was entitled to a House has no rieht to forestall Dublic ppropriated for the construction or "from"

pnrate subscription 70,00 2d Saturday June, St. Clairsville. ARFMT.Q WA UTcn for the.TT andtil the 5th of J share oi the limited patronage; but opinion as to the choice of Presidential bridge over the crossing of the Ohio

St. Clairsville Bank on note 147,87 Alio, at eluae'of Inuitule lu Bridgeport, la lc

there are thousands who fail to see in August ISTd. FOR THE II?LP.,h.ed' Bead etreuian. ami ourcandidates. canal at the city of Zanesville, the Beglu at o'clock, im.o"1 ln Total receipts 12249,62 a. Promptneaa u 1finMMCSisM to croppiflS f8" this any excuse for bringing the 8er-- : The House adjourned until Monday. so appropriated to be refunded 010.10,111, it 7 :

considerable destitution Kjeantnit-Arm- s of the Confederate Sen- - moneyEXPENDITURES. Forolib tettimoniaU of eharaeter. if not, when, it Is the CENTENNIAL YEAR.hAra.a understood, Speaker out of the funds of the National Road;HW. " . . s, niihlu l.ta to taft IkmrliMrur In tha Xatinnal Caah pd for labor A pamonally kiiowa to the Board ; and or socceM gallant. l.lJnlic,1 for all! Mai... .nHltla worxeaup"""-- !' 1 " r." r. .." will announce its committees. this was in 1866. During the session of general expenses (1457,30 in teaclalna. If the applicant bava bad expor- -

premiums 747 lenea, ,by those still uec, zu house The Speaker an 1866 an additional appropriation of five I CHAa. R. SHBCTB,7d to bring him. It has beendisturbance profit in k, enough nounced the chairman selected for the thousand dollars was asked for the Total expenditures . .

Sz. Board. R. Auiaidu, Sample, with every order! "p oiiox l :. find their to biru discharge disabled $2205,07Am mho wor but IJ. J. Buaiia. The year 1 87G marks an important epochvarious committees as follows Mine purpose, was not granted.:

dav rather steal, burn ana Union soldiers, and give their places to in American history, completing as it does thewouia any Committee on Elections John T, During the same session a bill was in Balance in Treasury $44.55 AEenbsrnrtliebeAVhon Jisabled confederates. Heretoforemurder than earn inwr an Harris, ef Virginia. troduced which made the State the The above ia of Re IVAFJTED selling

Ke IdPrizethA

Pax-i- t.

armless or a legless man sitting in the a correct statement First Century of the Republic. waai.:ways and Means Wo, R. Morrison. purchaser of th" bridge over the Mus-kingum

ceipts and expenditures for the ending ll flonLnln. ti ftat work. 4eat of doorkeeper certainly year lMtaa was papM,fc aavttvum. gol.len Pen. Pnriver at' . I known as a loyal soldier. Now, if one of Illinois. Zanesville, at twenty Decemoer 33, isyij. THE GREAT BEPOTATION noiaer. pocll. Da loo l Vara Maatnra ..Events of more than ordinary moment are--nii Appropriations Samuel J. Randall. thousand dollars, and that amount to A. H. MITCHELL, Treas.We do not Know a uciu--"- -t wishes to Know, it is necessary to in-- ,

el be refunded to the SUte out of the funds to be looked for; and it is the duty of every lae, postpaid. 25c. Circular fraaaa... not electioneering for quire in which army the man served Pennsylvania. Which VKGETINU baa attained In all parts patriotic citizen to keep himself informed BKIUK at CO,7t Broadway.Kn u Banking and Currency 8. . Cox. of the National Road. This bill passed A Niphiw or Pbcsidext Mosros in Bel of lb country a a N T.

Republican candi- - In a few weeks, however, when the mont CorSTT. In the sequestered Tillage of thereof. ' To accomplish this it is oniy neces-saryGrant for the next Of ew 1 ork, he Senate but was defeated in the pSYCHOMANCY, or XOtTL - SARMTNO'

for tome changes are completed, everybody will rail-ne- Belmont county, Unio, there re Gent aud Good Medicine, to take and read a sex m,(oa.ia.i...jbeen at It Pacific Railroad L. Q. a Lamar, ef House. The next year, They have knQ. wlthout t9 Mk,K No tne sides a quaint old character, who is well love and affection, of aayT-rlm- a "beVbobS.nnths. and are In the habit of demon- - . and tne A t thftiedoor9 in Mississippi. bill was introduced, which passed worthy a biomphical review. Hiram Covili and tha large nn-nb- ot teatia.oi.lala wbleb FIRST-CLAS- S NEWSPAPER all- .. u ArthAiti - . . J uiiiciary J. P. Knott, of Kentucky both, and became a law. making the his areeoaasi.ntly being received iron prraons can possess, free, by mail, for ik.VlT'is and be has for severalptwroa w a ,ew weCK9 mere win do name, vears past woo nave oeen rurvu Dy it. uae, ant coueia-- .peculiar ZreamVffln',.stratlng by a Public Lands Milton Sayler, of SUte the purchaser of the above named made his home with Dr. J. McPherson.- - His ive proofoi lis areat value. II la recanimend- StCHASTUE

own , that- the Republicans.must noon- -


. .GRAY. , . Ohio. bridge at twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars. mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth ed by phvslciana and anoi heearlea. A. a Blood etc.

COA qneer book. Addr T. lV.'i.ri

. fteattt They aiwny l..nn --jFa7 Ii me aliiue wint oeseeaiog empiuyiucui. Foreign Affairs Thomas Swann, of and that amount to be refunded out of Monroe, was a sister of the famous James runner

v E(iETlana


is notHealorer,ureoared for

11 naaa foncv

no equal.drink Gommercial.

Publishers. Philadelnhi. 1WTL"

the funds of the National Road. I have Monroe, who twice occupied the Presidential made from poor liauora. which debilitate the Pittsburgh For" 'ounting IOT Ull. .hnlders.

I.neari mata tne iemocncyr. oavinga s muuary.iTl,. Anairsa a o.aa T,xwaniag,I w. given facts, only, withholding com chair and filled other positions of honor and system anu teuas to aeatroy neaua instead 01 C0EG1IS, COLDlSUtes anu w iw come into nower. it has Issued orders Ohio. menu and suggestions the object be trust. Miss Monroe married Jonathan Covili, miwiDKAre not

it.the many testltnoulals given for In the future, as in the past, it will be a 1I0RSOES

s for Union soldiers to sirike their tents Commerce Frank Hereford, ef West ing to call the attention of those inter an industrious farmer of Eastern Kew York, the dlnerent complaints saliafaclory to any AND ALL THROAT DISEASES 'in her cnrwiuiw ested to this subject to the and the couple removed to .Lancaster county, reasonable persons safferlug from dioease 'Mrs. Stowk writes -nd mareh out Qf the National Capitol. Virginia. preparatory thai they can be euredf Kead the different SilBBOR OF THE TIMES,.

- - use . . . ." rrri. - rw,-lt!- rtn TJniorU "Do we u has done more. Confederals have Post Office and Post Roads John B. calling or a meeting to devise ways ana fennsvlvania, where the husband died. testimonials given, and no one can doubt,

Story I" T ,, the of the Na- - which to the Koad Irotu At the time of his father's death Hiram was in many ol tbeae caaea tne say thatK... n.liVMt thnm i if aMtii Black, of Missouri. means by save peraona A CONDENSED HISTORT OF THE AGE, Wells.. Carbolic Tablets,,- -we waiu about thirteen old, and after . .think, when years shortly mear patu auu suueriug Galium oa upreawa,;ever gome out-- Claims John M. Bright, or Tennes- - going to destruction. as in cases of Scrofula, where, apparently, the IP1.? fiH and aOCurate accotint Of aU erecU,. .. . wards made bis nrst from '"a a- - 1 aaiaUA Villi I .111 11 I trip as a wagoner lOT UP ONLVward emblem oi this change is neeaea. JOHN PATTON, JR. Philadelphia to fasci wnoie nouy was ou- - mass 01 eorraption. lr st home and abroad, including graphic reports in SLUE BOXKSmu War Claims John R. Fden. of II Pittsburgh. Becoming VEQETINK, will relieve pain, cleanse, puri'y of our t TRIED AMI) 8CHE REM.hnnmn. ana mingia over the Hoes ker'a chair are two Deau- - nated with the freedom and iraietv of a team and core such diseases, rentorlne the patient ED Y .

throng and jostle through tiful silk flags. Tiet the one of these Hnois. MAGAZINES FOR ster's life, be continued to make regular trips to parlect health after try In it diOerent pliysl-- Great Centennial Exposition Sold by Drnpglsts, generallv andVrr?ll ...n.n soirits may be next the Democratic side be replaced Naval Affairs W. C Whitthorne.of from Baltimore and rbiladelpbia to V heeling, clans, many remedies, aufferlng for years, is it tUIXERt FUlUaKB. Vhlcago. 111.

not conclusive proof. II you are a sufferer, yontnesww- -, m.-- .-- " . by the stam and bars. This wouia De Tennessee. Zanesuille and other western points, until the ean be cured? Why is this medicine perform. A to and fro along tnoae au . hnnnl anlinnwl- - Revision of Laws M. J. Durham SCRIBNER. iron horse took from him his occupation. lng such greatcnreaT It works in the blood, At Philadelphia. of a Thousand.'New York in the Revolution' is the in the circulating fluid. II ean be truly called Special attention will be given ,to the ProKaaavrintr Christ's unrisimiu K" Miimmentof the real situation In ana oi Kentucxy Hiram is now about seventr-on- e years of age. When death was boorly expected from tw.

1L m. whose value no earthly Uboot the House. Education and Labor Q. C. Walker, leading illustrated paper in 8cribnerfor and he often boasts of hauling from Wheeling diseasethe Ureal

originatesBlood I'Mritier.

In the blood;The great

and nosource


of gress and interests otH James was experimenting, he scolded SJanuary, and will probably surprise all with black Lb at does not act"IX J". to zanesville, "rour spanking directly upon It, purity iiisutr m urenHiMiinn nf vn. am u

gold ..mpn reoresent?"Congressmen Say .

I iJ131 TIC- I OI tdlUIUUU. t!. .

II.,r OU... but genuine old Knickerbockers, on ac-

counthorses, " the biggest load ever brought into the and


wnenhas any



uponlileleaspublic Manufactures, Mining and Agrn ,Lel!1.i!L0i.lj. chl.ld-an- d nuw tv rthis'recipe

the ner. of Missouri of its bringing to light a number latter town. It weighed 11,839 pounds. A and stagnant, eltbei from change of weather HEMPalsocures nightcuiture.The Union soldiers of the country I n-.-,. r..:u: t 1 IT of Revolutionary scenes and localities, span of well-fe- d horses, an uncushioned seat or climare. want of exercise, irregular diet, or . o stomach, and will break

sweats,a frest

nausea V.2in their about which little or nothing is behind them, and a whip for them to "look from any olberlcause. the VEGE TIN E will re notrrs. Address CRaDDOCK 4 CO iwZ. H Indiana. 1 Utwill not fail to stow away .--r n a: Ffniman. of popu new the blood, carry on the oulr'd humors. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. aireet.Al(ertne nouso oi neprtneuuiuvai r v. at," are as well enjoyed by Hiram in his old Philadelphia, naming this,r ..i. known. Air. bcudder.s of pa.fact that the larly story cleanse the stomach, regulte the bowels andminds a recollection of the adjourned, immediately alter, the an- - "nu-nB- wri

'Cupid and Mars,' on the other hand; age as in the stage-coac- h days, "when there impart a tone ot vigor 10 the whole body. TheHouse of Representatives, was some travelin' to speak of, sir. " Wheel- - conviction Is, in the publie mind as well as In THE COMMERCIALDemocratic good idea of life in Boston dur



n..itA . aronr- -i inAn.h.nM f Invalid Pensions Geo. A. Jenks, of gives a inuutgeaeer. tne medical profession, that the remedies Xby a strict party vote, 169 to 106, .raw ; Ponnavlvania ing the seige, and or Christmas a hund-

redtng supplied by the Vegetable Kingdom are more .??0dPEL.,ABLE MEM ANDWOMEN to

favor of the inions among the The first installment of sale, more succesaiui, in tne cureor disease. Ordera In a FIRST CLASS paying bnUin Sa. "ThsTVho Pensions-M- .C. Hun years ago.resolution AS Ato pass a to the selections Revolutionary tban miuerai meaicines. KUe.ri.nta, is com MAKES SPECIAL CLAIMS Vld r'"bl"iDel n'1

imf nf TTnion soldiers in sub-- ter, oi iouiidi. series of uevolutlonary letters ap MARRIED. posed of rools, barks and herb. It is pleasant territory Liberal Inducement off'lhad been well provided for commend Indian Affairs Alfred M. Scales, ct pears in this number; and there is a o take, and Is perfectly safe to give an infant. edand constant employment given. BererT --

eaceaordinate positions in the gift of the ed the Speaker's judgment and said of General Do yon need ltf Wo not hastate to try It. You Family Jfewspapcr, ; as to character ran nip i-- .Klimpse Washington byNorth Carolina BCRTOPT-SMIT- H- inlars, encloseOn Tuesday, Dec- will never regret it. 3 cent stamp and art.Iressbut theHouse. The only soldiers who can get nothing, prevalent impression Weights and Measures Alexander hearsay la the opening installment of 21st, by the Itev. 1). E. Howell, Mr. James luiavium, iui.vusoOUnionoffice from this House are those who was one oi aissatuiaction. ine speak H. Stevens, of Geoivla. Edward Everett Hale's serial story ot D. Burtoft and Miss Annie K. Smith, both Every effort beinz made to render k a pleas City, Erie co. Pa. ier's friends account for this by the 'Philip Nolan's Friends, Show of Ohio. ant and profitable companion for the Homerebel side. Territories M. 1. Southard, oi unio, or. your Bridgeport, Ci.XOTBE EXCELLED.fought on the paucity of prizas and the prepondera-

tingwhile its columns will be' carefullyCircle,Agriculture John H. Caldwell, of rassporjr This story is to run through

number of competitors for them. Alabama. the year, and is an historical romance McKELVEY McMECHAN On Thursday, CHAB1.KSTOWS, March 19, 1X69. guarded azainst objectionable niatter of all WIP and TUCK"Mr. Cox's resolution declaring that On the other hand there are manyMines and Mining Richard ef the lississippi Valley. There is vec lotu, is, o, at the residence of the H. R. STEVENS - kind.' its . ... j. - - j

- .;. ,

of the Union has abolish-

edamoDaT the Democratic members- who Dnaes brother John a. MCMechan, near DbabSik This is tocerlify tnat I have usedrestoration something about Christmas in the Newthe Bland, of Missouri. Blood Preparation in family for (Chromo.)yonr my sev

all distinctions between citizens who severelyjcriticise the selectlns for aeon- -Private land Claims Thomas an, York article, as well as in Mr. Seudder's St. Clairsville, by Rev. Thos. Balph. Mr. eral years and I talnk that, lor Hcrofulaor Market and Financial nnmhaiSAf (Ha mvtminanl' HAQ. John McKelvey, of St. Paul, Minn., and Cankerous Huiuors.or Rheumatic Affections.who story. The poets are Mrs. s. M. B. Wi T " II if TfiB.Greatand those Amsricaji MM.secession be bloodIt cannot excelled; and, aa a poriflerfought for iiinnai aa iindiiifiih a rr Unfair tt fhIV",,i -- iuu lizzie mciiecnan.

demands in effect Public Expenditures --Charles W, liatt, E. V. Htedman, Unnstantina E. and spring medicine It Is the beat thing I ever Will be full and accurate," embracing fartsfought for the Union, Congressmen of extended service who

Milliken, of Kentucky. . Brooks. CeltaThaxter, and K. U. Stod used: aud I have used aluioat everything. I from all toe leading J rade centers of the SI aad 33 Tesey Street. X." V.of the law which forbids the have been passea over in tne cnoice oi can cheerlully recommend it to any one In Wnrlrl. and of irmal value to Merrhanta. Teat Distributedtitles other contributions to Clubsthe repeal Railways and Canals Thomas dard. The oi Special Notices. need of such a medicine. lours respectruily, Wraad--- i at Importer' Prirei

payment of claims of rebels for proper-

tybairmansbips ana important commit Jones, of Kentucky. are, 'Books and Eyes ' 'Pictures of Mrs. A. A. DINS MORE, MaDuiacturers, Farmers and all Beantiftal Oil itmmn, r.t A,rrJ,

make for IV Has, tell business of kind-- sented to purchasers of I. 2.tee places to room new men Street. any H. 4 or 5 peands orused or damaged by our armies, and Levees K. J. Kills, or Louisiana. French Renaissance,' 'Elementary Ed Its arrangements for Tea, in elobs 01 m and npwards. TheOompa-n- ywithout legisiaive experience, ut tne TO CONSUMPTIVES. securing ,ucation in England and Wales,' 'Nor has now ready torliable for all Reform in Civil Service J. delivery a splenditl-Cheomo- ,

makes the United States 47 chairmanships, exclusive of the entitled 'NIP ANDsuffered marches, Committee Rules, of which the Whitebouse. of New York. wegian Traits,' and Childhood's Fan The advertiser, hnvina been bermnnentlv EARLY AND RELIABLE NEWS (three poond) picture, showine a lively


South by onthe nVtat isthat Manufactures William xi. Stone, cies,' the latter by Col. Higfcinson. One cured of that dreaJ disease. Consumption, by deeded. un-.n- oaoy ana nis pet dr for the1Intrenchments, and battles. Speaker is ex officio chairman, 24 are of the greatest features of interest, how a simple remedy, is anxious to make known possession of a doll. It la u. rSii ntcamps, given to Western meraoers, iu to Missouri. to nia fellow ai nerer tne means of cure. To Boston, Feb IS, 1871. Are eoirroletei - Havine able corresDoadejitaH that no description can tell the story

And why does it not entitle Confeder- - Militia J. P. Cowan, of Ohio. ever, is Bert Harte's 'Uaoriel Conroy,' all who Jesire It, he will send a copy ot the HENRY R. STEVENS, Eso- j- as thVSlSSOle title at Urn artk. .. aJTr.iT.Southern and 13 to the Middle Public Buildings of which these are five chapters, crowd priscrip' used, (free of charge), with the di-

rectionsDear Sir About one year since I fonnd my at the Mate and Aatiotial Capitals, its re-

portsJoss Slpand Tack, and must be seenata snlriiera and soldiers' widows to Eastern SUtes. Of the latter 12, six Expenditures on lor preparlug and using the same, self in a f ble condition from general debili of the doings of the lawmakers of the r

to be aa--ed with interest. Dr. Holland, in Lu"" .H. B. Metcaif. of York. which they will find ty. VEGET1NK was strongly recommended Hrices,ierms,atcforpensions the same as those of the Union are or underrate imperunce, oeing Indian Expenditures

--Newin Various De-- 'Topics of the Time,' discusses "The Asthma, Bronchitis.


Consump-tion, to me by a friend who had been mncb benefit-

tedland can be implicitly relied upon. .... . ' The Great American Tea Company;

? Mr. Cox has succeeded in dis committees on expenditures on the va-- Centennial,' 'The Coming Man,' 'The Pariles wishing the prescription will please b us use. I procured the article, and. af .u ana 33 vesey Htreei, - . - .Of the ""ftflM'Y address Rev. K. A. W ILSON, ter using several bottles. was restored to health Arious executive Political P O Bestinguishing himself. Cincinnati Ga .dfepartienU. Prices of Books,' A Cure for Gossip. li Penn St.. WlUiamsbargb, Few York. and discontinued its nse. I leel quite confident a Journal; Sm NEW YORK MTV

chairmanships given to the Western that there is no medicine superior to it forW m. M. Sprinter, of Illinois. The Old Cabinet has 'Something in 1844.zeUe. members lour are or the same descrip-tion.

those complaints for which it la especially THE COMMERCIAL wiil continue 1875.Expenditures in Treasury Depart Favor of the Sentimentalist,' -- Critl ERRORS OF YOUTH. prepared, and would cheerfully recommend It to be. asFour or five of the Southern mentSmith Eli. Jr.. of JNew York. eism,' etc. The Bric-a-Bra- c depart lo thoae who leel that they need Something to it has been, a Kepubltcaa psdct. fearlessly de

Of the eighteen members of the chairmanship are also unimportant A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from restore tnem w peneci neaun. voted to a bold advocacy of tire cardinal prininent is to thethe anti-thir- d The West therefore holds the first place Committee on Accounts James Wil principally given up Nervous lability. Premature Decay, and Respectfully yon rs, U. I PETTENGILL, or the . it will as well and J EPS OHouse who voted against liams. of Delaware makers el humorous verse. . all the eUrela.of youthful indiscretion will, Firm of 8 M Petlenglll Co., ciples party. resist, M'S,resolution, Wednesday, Brad in the number of chairmanships or the tor iba.sske ol sulferlng hnraanllv.sei d free to No. 10 State 8t, Boston. a prudently as it may, any attempt to forceterm on the first and second class committees. Expenditures in war Department all who need ll, I lie recipe and direction for upon the party the support of THE THIRD-TER-

ley and Hubbell are from Michigan; OutofatoUlof 47. Ohio and Missouri Hiesier Clymer.of Pennsylvania. HARPER'S. making the simple remedy by which he a as MONSTROSITy,- - ,and while it will J&S 1 AB LIS HEDin Postoffice cureiv Sufferers wishing to prohl by t te ad-vertiser's Gives Healtlu Strength and A 1844.lor p.

Denison, from Vermont ; Lynch (color have each five chairmanships, Ken Expenditures Depart Harper's Magazine January con experienre can d-- i so by addressing strive to maintain a place in the front rank inmentWilliam H. Stone, of Missouri tains sixty-si- x illustrations and a rich in petite. Honest It willSmalls Indiana two and Tennessee JOHN B. OUPKN. Supporting; an Party Policy. reed) and Wells, from Mississippi;

tAtucky four,

Virtrlnla Pknnavl vania have:. ..iuu,i:a, i. a.....T.i-t.- .. f ..

k--" variety of reading matter. The JNum Dec . IS73 ttiu. 2 Cedar St N. Y. My daughter has received great benefit from serve to itself the right toOppose any Measurean,. the use of the Vkgitin. Her declining health(colored), Wallace and Hoge, rrom " r - " ' l .1- lirill.m UninhU Uannii-- I and ends with Florida. The in witnthroi. .nh Knrth (irnlina has twn. M"'-"'"" ""'"J' ber begins was a source of great anxiety to all of her not Harmony .Republican rancipies,South Carolina; Haralson (colored), ai o.... i... , . i I vania. opening article, 'The Oklawaba,' by irfends. A few bottles of the Vegetlne restored even though it may emanate from men known aFANCY AND STAPLEanu nu uiuer oiatc uaa mure lunu uuo. i ef Detriment of Jus- - ner neaitn, stiengtn ana appetite. as Republicans. Jt will Stand Firm, on aUConstance F. illusExpenditures Woolsou, profuselyfromfrom Alabama; Hyman (colored), Th oomnosition of the Pacific Railroad . . N. H. TILDE ff.Cross Miid Occasions, by the Platform of the RepublicanChildren bedescribes the Kicky cantrated, tropical Insnrance and Real ExtateNorth Carolina; Walls (colored), from Committee, tested by the recent vote l?--B- "'"'n?SJZfTa scenery, Agent,

Party adopted at Lancaster, which- - denawds groceries, Oueensware,th. H,.im.nanMJi.,h.MWreani,.finn Eg fruits and flowers, and- the historical made healthy and strong by regulating their No. 49 Sears Building. Boston, Masso "Honest Men in Office Men with, brainsNash (colored), from Louisiana-


a J ? Kaar l.f PlUlligitFloriday; VIII associations of the most wonderful riv stomachs and bowels with Castoria.'- - It is Gained Fifteen Pounds of as follows: Chairman liamar, and r,.v.." Tiu i nu enough to know Dishonesty when thgy see it,Kentucky; Whit in Florida. The illustratediron r mi .1 a ,1 4 i V ... 1 I rrmuuK uuu au . v.:, Jt Vtllva. . more effective than Castor Oil and is as pleas-ant

Jan .mouth Bcbwiok, Me. 17. 1873. and cwirage enough to fright , it . wherevering, from Illinois ; Pratt, from Iowa; oaita. oct. in at. It T.nttrall I vnrifl . ." vJK- -' descriptive articles on New England, to take as honey. For Wind Colic, Sour H . R. STEV ENS. Esa- they, find it. ; .: ) i .1. U4 :

o. late bo a feature in Har-per,

Dear Mir I have had Dyspepsia In Its worstMcDougal, from New York ; Plaisted, Thomal, Phillips;G.rfleld,kaouand L?. are continued,

prominentthis Number con-tsinin-

Stomach, Worms and Costiveness, there is form for the last ten years, and have Our Fine teas, Coffee.hundreds of dollars' worm of medicine withBlaine for it: and Atkins, of Tennessee, y"from Maine, and Page, from California. i ini.! WAai I vteoru la. ' an interesting description of s nothing in existence equal to Castoria. out tibtalnlogany relief. In September laat I TEKMSOF rim :S.f" Uiester of Penn the commenced taking the VEGET1NE. slnee 'Library Ciymer, University town 'Cambridge on ''""'f ; ;which time my health has stes'.ily Improved. ANDThe Confederate Mamelukes in Con Charles.' The Number has a Christ My foo-- l digtwu welL and I nav gained fllteenV

begin to show.their hands openly. Select Committee on Centennial mas flavor, especially in the capital il-

lustratedpounds ol flesh. There are st ersl others in Daily Commercial;gross this place taking Vegetlne, s id all have ob

Senator Merrimon, of North Carolina, CONGRESS. James H. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania paper on Belfry Music, entitl TVIiy will you suffer from Rheuma tained relief, lours truly,Immediately after the announce ed "The Poetry of steeples.' .'A uuaa THOM A E. MOORE,has introduced a bill to repeal that sec-

tiontism, 8prains, Stiff .Joints, Swellings, Bums, PMtajre Free lo SalMcrlben: Shah V kept at tlieir usnat atandard ef accaLDec. lotSeiiate .Numerous memo-

rialsment of the committees the House ad er's Christmas-eve- ' it a beautiful poem, Overseer or Card Room, Portsmouth Cos Milts.

of the pension law which provides were presented for investigation journed until January 5th contributed by Fannie R. - Robinson. Scalds or Weak Back, when the Centaur Lin-


lence. Everything we sell shall be as GOOD

that ".no money on account of pensions as to the whisky traffic. The Editor's Easy Chair opens with a affords eertain relief. Many articles Vegetlne Issohl by all Druggists By mail, per annum .. .. $10,00 and as reasonable in price as possible. '1shall be paid to any persons or to the Mr. Morton introduced resolutions The Extension of the Tuscarawas delightful chat about the influence of soothe pain to a certain extent, but the Cen-

taurDec 2 w. . By mail, for six months ; ;.., .... 5,00 " ...

heirs of deceas-


looking to investigation of the Valley Railroad to Wheeling. Dickens, Thackeray, and Irving on our Liniment ct'KSs. The White Liniment By mail, for three mon'hs ; Buying at CASH prices, and selling forwidow, children or any election in Cleveland Herald of 15th. Christmas festival. the 2,50Mississippi. From the Among lighter is for the human family, the Yellow Lini St Clairsville & Warnock Pikeperson who. in any manner, volun Mr. Stevenson introduced a resolu The active preparations that are be-- and mora attractive articles of the By mail, for one month ..M.v...i. tZ.. 85 Cash, oritsqniTn!eiit,is horses and animals.tarily engaged in or aided or abetted tion calling upon the Secretary of the ing made to complete the Tuscarawas Number must be reelceued the Hon. S. mentDelivered by carriers, per week ... W

the late rebellion against the authority Treasury for all papers relating to whis-- Valley Railway to. Wheeling are caus-- S. Cox's concluding paper on 'Legisla-tive

.Election Xotice. .- a, Weky fraud prosecutions. After discus-lin- e considerable excitement among Humors.' President Barnard, in ' : i i are sure we can unit you.

United SUtes' Compensation OTICE is hereby to allof the sion the mover of the resolution with- - the people living in that portion of th the 'First Century' series, concludes his N lands have beengivenassessed for

personstha construc-

tionSatisfaction Absolutely Guaranted.' tor rebel property destroyed during the drew it. State through which the extended line able and suggestive review of the con Obstacles of Marriage. of said road, that the First Election of Di

will natually follow next. nr. Morton introduced a series oil will and are unantmcus in tributions made to the exact sciencts rectors ana umcers for "The L Clarsville andwar pass, tney We have been here aHappy Sellef far Tsaag IHca from the effects Warnock Macadamised Road Companp," frr good while, an- -anti-secessi- and State sovereignty giving the company every encourage- - by Americans, and is folfowed by Pro- - of Errors and Abuae In early life. Manhood which a charter has been obtained, will be Weekly Commercial.

There is no Journal ia America that resolutions. ment to at once carry out the project, lessor iheo. Uili, who reviews Ameri Impediments to marriage removal. held at St. Clairsville, Ohio, In the SheriffHouse The committee not being yet About midway bet Uhrlcbsville, in Natural Science. There Niv method or treatment. New and remarka-

bleOtnce,on MAI UKMAY. JANUARY 8th. 1K76,

has abused Grant worse than the Chi-


areen can propress remedies. Bks aud Circulars sent free, oetween tne nouis of i aeu o'clock p.m. on " W.lIEJAn.appointed the call of States for bills I the present southern terminus of the are three unusually strong short stories In sealed enveloues. Address. HOW A R0 AS said day. Each person whose lands bava been FOB 1876. SEE IA.- -

Times, except the New York Sun. and reolutions was resumed, and the road, and Wheeling, there is a section in this Number, contributed by SOCIATION. 4t N Ninth HL, Philadelphia. so assessed shall be entitled to one vote andno more, oruer oi tnera. an iQauiuiion Having a mgn reputation ny corporators.It Is therefore a little refreshing to find following were introduced: By Mr. of country, about 24 miles in length Rev. William M. Baker, Mrs. Frank fsrhon'rabl conduct and professional skill. 1. M. H1LKY. Att'y. geo. jEPsoar.a paragraph like this in the Times : Hale of Maine, declaring that the Sec-- through which nave teen surveyed M'Carthy, and G. W. Cablf. Julian aiTaTS-l- y Dec. . lfli-i- t- vir. , 1875- -t,

The sum of the whole matter is, that retary of the Treasury should have two distinct lines, which although sev Hawthorne's serial story, 'Garth,' still A Word ofCaution. Xow is (he Time im Subtwribe.the President chose the Secretary who whatever powers are necessary to make I era I miles apart, present sucn equal ad continued, has no equal in recent We advised that UTOTICE. THE WEEKLY SUN.theltesumption act effective: by Mr. vantages for the construction of the Americas fiction. The-"-' Messrs. Har-

perare unscrupulous parties

THOMPSON aud Jaeoo B. Hager,the attack the otbegan on ring ; support-ed

the and HENRYare traveling aver country adjustinghim in that attack did not lit Starkweather, reducing postage on road that the company have not, as announce the commencement, in Wilson' W. Vawlll lake notice, that Jo. 1776. SEW YORK.: a improving WteelerJt t Sewing Machinesthird class, matter: Mr. decided which to It is the February Number, of novel seph Spelilel at Co.. of Wheeling, W, Va., didby Randall, re- yet. one adopt. a newfinger in behalf ot Joyce, McDonald, or and claiming to he sent out from this or some on December S. 1875, file a petition In the Court Eighteen hundred and

Avery, when the were tried aud con-victed

moving political disabilities from all with the people living on these two ri by George Eliot, of the same scope as other Wheeler & Wilson office. All such per. 01 Common Fleas of Belmont county, year. It is alsoseventy-si- x


persons yet subject to them; by Mr. val lines that the greatest excitement 'Middlemarch,' portraying Kngliah have agaihnt them, asking for a Judgment against; appointed the ablest lawyers to sons are importers, as we our adjusting them for SUIB.-W- and Interest from October I, an Opposition House of Representative the--

conduct the prosecutions, ana reiterat Kobbins, declaring tne purpose of the exists. A rumber of meetings have social life of the present day. and improving of machines done at our office. 1S7S, on open account; and also- filed an affida ..... w aaaai uv in IWWCratT IV Heft

ed, a.lter Babcock'a indictment and ar House as to modification ot the tobac-- been held by the advocates of each We will not lie responsible for the well work vit 10 procure service by publication upon intrton: and the year of the twentv-thi- rt, bis rineJiiir utterance. Liet no co tax; by Mr. Rainey. abolishinz the route, and every argument that would

ST. NICHOLAS. ing of any of our nwemnes that have been orderthem,


attachmentalso made

againstau affidavit


real es-tate

an Choice Eea(iing 'Matter tion of a President of the United "Stati A itman escape." He hrui done his committee on treedinen's Affairs; by I be likely to influence the company has tampered with by these traveling charlatans. 01 the said Jacob B. linger, iu the town of these events are sure to be ot great interest

fearlessly and well. His reward air. Uooit, to refund the cotton tax; by I been energetically urged. .Uast week St. Nicholas for January is, as might We are also that spurious needles ol Bridgeport. Belmont county, Ohio; and ask EVERY WEEK. .'and importance, especially the two latter, andduty

of unmeasured vili-

ficationMr. Banning, to establish a branch meetings were held at New Athens, have been expected, an exceptionally ate being solj both by traveling agents and ing

saidhi nave

plaintiffine same soia 10 pay the claim du-t- all of them and everything connected withcomes in the shape beautiful issue of this invariably beau-

tifullocal dealers. Our needles have our trade-mark,

them will be full v and fresh) v reuururl .n.l 'mint at Cincinnati; by Mr. Lawrence. Harrison couthy. and at Flushing. Bel The said Henry Thompson and Jacob B. Hafrom the "independ-ent" looking to restoration of the Japanese mont county, and that committees of magisine. For a single number It'f g Co." stamped on the shank ger are noli He-- that they are, and said Hager expounded in The Si x. . k u

itself the Ilou.--epress, which has shown other genuine. Our is ia uoiiueu mat- uv ia requirea to appear ami Opposition of"i- -of children's none areindependent, in this case, of the indemnity iuna, (passed ); by the same, the loading citizens of both places were a periodica, its list of con-

tributorswarranty answer said petition 011 or beiore the third IT IS THIS PAPER FOR taking up the line of inquiry opened years agoas our machinesso are usedfavoring a resumption financial policy; appointed to meet and confer with the is an astonishing, an extava-ran-i binding only long saiuruay alter the 1110 day or January, 1S76. by lHt Su, will sternly and diiiirent y in-

vestigatecommonest rules of courtesy, decency with needles ana other that we lurnieh.and common sense. by Mr. Hoiman, opposing all grants, officers of the company, and to go over one, for among its stories are: Wheeler A:

partsWil mo )Pff C'a--t Die. 8. 18756W.

JOS. SPKIDEL, CO. THE MERCHANT, 'i ; i J the corruptions tutd niideeds- - ofsubsidies and pledges of public credit the entire line of the road, with a view Bayard Taylor's vivid and charming July No. 37. 121b St. Wheeling, W. Va. THE Grant's administration; and will, it is to beto associations or corporations engaged to a thorough inspection of its condi-

tionnarrative of 'Jon of Iceland,' El ward FARMER, lav the loundution for a new and bet-

terThe New Confederate House. in public or private enterprises (pass and advantages. The committee Eatglestoa's characteristic 'Uoosier important lo those Using old atyle SHERIFFS SALE. THE MECHANIC, ".A I period in our national history. Ot all thisSpecial Cor. of the Cincinnati Gazette. ed); by same, proposing a new rule of chosen to represent the interests) of the Fairy Story,' Louisa M. Alcott's jolly wuecier av itiiaon mewing BELMONT COMMON PLEAS. THE MANUFCTURER, acoounla,

TaiSfN willfurnkliitig

obtain couiDlcteits readers

amiwith earlyWashington, Dec. 15 The the House to amendment of southern consisted account of 'Majorie's Birthday Gifts,' Machine.oni-an-i as re or Flushing route of IN AFTACI15IEST. THE and trustworthy information tinon iIim l

station of the House, and the dislribu- - trenchment bills; by Mr. Springer, of Messrs. Isaac Hollo way, Joseph Mor and Abby Morion Diaz's little story of We are now prepared to put all the latestRobert sorbtng topics. ' v . ,

tion of its minor offices, will test the III., declaring against a 3d Presidential ris, Asa Holloway, Daniel .Branson, 'Getting up in the World;' while its improvements on old style Wheeler ct Wilton Claudy, Containing a Greater Variety of Choice Read-ing

The tweatythird Presidential election, withquestion whether the country is quite term (passed, 281 to 18); by Mr. Gtul- - Joseph Branson and Dr. Hobson, of list of poems contains H. H.'s 'St. sewing machines, at out inning cost, with vs, and Miscellaneous Neva than can be the preparations for it, will be e ti -

reaay to see union soldiers driven out field, providing that heads of depart Flushing, and Isaac Curtis, J. W.Court Christopher,' Celia Thaxter's 'Piccola these improvements an old machine would iMvid P. Shlvely. found in any weekly paper published in the deciding upon Urant s aspirations f - tl.iidwork as well as a new one of the latest style virtue of an order of sale In term of power and plunder, and stilltha above moreand C. P. Cranch'a 'Hew Willie dust-

edB state oi asof the service of Congress and their ments shall occupy seats on the floor of wright and Philip Roland. of Freeport. and we would guarantee it just as long as case Issued, and to me directed, from the

rennsyivania. deciding who shall ie the candidate o: theplaces supplied by It ths House; by same, proposing a one The gentlemen of the other committee by Moonlight.' All but two of these new machine, ine principle ot tpe new BMuonrt or uoimnou Pleas of Belmont connly.

C0KFL2TS party of Ketorni, and as electing that doubtless true that much of the best Presidential term amendment; by Mr. were Messrs. James MoLane, w. H articles are beautifully illustrated. chine is the same rs the old. but chamtea havt umvi a waia wuva ...a 10 Wn.7sfJLZ? EIPOSTS Concerning all these subjects, those

element amonir the Southern represen Anderson, declaring that expenses atson, Albert Johnson. . O. Holii Ana as lor uanatiuas. - we have been made which increase its efficiency, while 3Ionday, January 1 0, 1 8 76, SpeeiaUjf Prepare fir It . who read Th Svk will have the constant-mean- s

tatives is to be found in the ranks of snouid oe reduced to revenue and not day, John E. Cannon, James Cook and 'Christmas in the Artie Regions,' cele-brating st the same time loss care and skill are requir at the front door or the Conrt Honse, In said of being thoroughly well-i- n lornied.

the large body of Confederates elect. revenue increased to expenses (passed); Rottert Love, of New Athens. it in the cabin of a vessel that ed in its management, seams are crossed day.county,'


the hourdescribed

of 1 o'clockDremlara.

p. u. onto


Tho "Weeklyof



has attained a cir-culationlneiacitnai no oilier class of men by Mr. Buckner, reducing the Presi-

dent'sThe Chief Engineer and 8uperinten lies, icebound, under perpetual moon with ease. The work guided with scarcely The sooth halt 01 Lot No. 11), and 3.4 feet of the has its


copies, al-readycould truly represent the (teople of the salary; autnorizing appointment dent of the Tuscarawas Valley Rail light ; 'Christmas in the Far Etut,' effort. .Nearly double its tormer power. iN ' north

Btflrnontside of Lot

county,No. 11,

Ohio,in the

withtown or Corner-to- n, TERMS FOR 1870: and we trust that

in everythe "year 1S76


Ter-ritory, see

South has gradually reconciled the of a Canadian treaty commission. road, accompanied by Messrs. K. P. the august presence of a jeweled Sia-mese

under tension to manage. Every join can be iiwrcw WIKHCU,sppurtenan- -

their numbers doubled. It wi'l mminne to their presence in the Capi The House adopted a concurrent res-olution

R lodes and A.J. Baggs, of Bridgeport, prince; 'A Southern ChristmnS tightened as fast as it wears. Appraised at tSU). Weekly Commercial. beatborough All the genera)tol. This is one thin jr. Hut when the to adjourn from Monday next unio, met these gentlemen at Uhrichs- t,ve,' with H iwers instead of snow : in Whesler Jt Wilson KTg Co. , Terms of Sale Cash

W. O.on ol sale.

Pherlir. news of the day will be found in it. condensedDemocratic party, t lie moment it comes until January 4. It then adojurned ville on Monday morning, and went short, Christmas everywhere until this Juiy 15-t- f No. 37 12th St., Wheeling,. Va. D. D. T. Cowck. Att'y. DecS, 187i-- ts. (POSTAOI PrKPAID.) when unimportant, al lull length when ofinto power, puts itself into the hands until Friday. with them in a special car ever the one holiday with bt. Nicholas has One Copy, One Year

moment: and alwavs.and instructive

we tmst in$1 75 clear, interesting

-- of Confederates, fills offices with them. Dec. 16. Senate There was another road to this city, when a meeting ol somehow isugthened out into a meny manner.NhorJlT's It is our sun to make the n SunSale. eeklj theoestand stands by approvingly while these avalancho of memorials for investiga-

tionthe committees and railroad officers voyage round the world. The good Attention. Capitalists! CLUB RATES: family newspaper in the world, snd we shall

officers replace Union soldiers with of the liquor traffic, and Mr.Howe was held on Tuesday morning, when saint has certainly given to the child BELMONT COMMON PLEAS, Ten Copies per annum, each ... Al SO continue to give iu its columns a Urge amountrebels, it is quite another thing. introduced a bill providing for such there was a general discussiou of the ren ef the country, in the, holiday num- -

T WILL SELL PUBLIC IN PARTITION. Twenty Copies, " and over 1 25 ef miscellane.Mis reading, snob as stories talesThat a thorough sweep Mould be investigation. merits of the t wo routes, and an exam oer oi tils namesake, the nnest Christ AT AUCTION,

Foreman al. j looms, scientific intelligence asd agrk-ultur-

made in the patronage of the House Mr. Spencer offered resolutions, which ination of the maps and profiles of mas gift that Young America has ever (ffi Ksncyva.

ft. And Oxi Kits Corf to the getter-a- p of infonnationj for whivh we are not able to.was to be expected, and, to amended and yet received. Matnnlay, January lat, 1970, uie v ino. . make room in our daily edition. The sirri-.- -according were adopted in the eaon, i ne euect oi tne examination Lucy Burtoft et. al.ine Deautuui American system, amended form, lor investi-

gationor at 1 o'clock p. a., to the highest bidder, the Additions may be made to Club at colfursl department esteciallv is one ufitA- -

- as a providing the road on IHh members of both well-kno- bulnes hone. No, 1 100 Houih Bel-mo- virtue of an order of sale In the above a any prominent features, ine are si,. matter of cotiree. Union soldiers who by a committee of Senators as cemmittfes has only been to Increase Tng name of H. Frank, the Clothier, lo BtaBellalre.Ob'.o. The building contains case Issued and to ma dlrrateai from the time during- - the year, at the Club Dries, the reiHtrted in itscolunins: and so arwwere Republicans mast go with the to whether any fraud was used in his their desire to have it brought to their cated st 4oth twelfth street. Wheeling, is an a nne cellar, large nusiness room, two ware-room- s, C'OUrl

IOf Common Pleaa of Ralmnnl mn.1. suoscrtpuans continuing a fTu. Viae from the markets or every kind.wil1 offerrest. Can --Northern Democrats, how-

ever,election to the senate, mmtrinate neighborhood, and the acknowledged familiar household word. His story,



ball, nneseveral




Ohio,oun nouse, in st.

forclairsville,sale, at the

Belmontdoor ot

eoun- -the the time the additions shall have been made. The Weekly Sun, eight puijeswith flrty-s- it

ever anxwer either to the country Mr. Morton called up his resulutionslstruggle to obtain it is likely to bet-o- n system of doing business is quite well known, ana nne porcn; also stairway leading from ty.uo 10,0a These prices are invariable. Terms Cash broad columns is only 1,1!" a pnatsgeor to their own constituents for not fill providing for investigation of the late tinued with renewed enthusiasm. The out mat strangers may oecorae better ac porch to rear of lols. Tuls building Is a Friday. December 31. 187A, in advance. Remit in Drafts or PostoflBce prepaid. As this price harely repay the ru-- t

ing these places withUnlon soldiers who Mississippi election. contention, however, Is entirely of a quainted with and participate in its advant A LARGE TWO-- S IOBY BRICK. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. v. on said day. the Money Orders, if Dossible. and where neither of the paper, nodix.-otfl- t ran be msde frfniwere Democrats? There are hundreds - The House was not in session friendly nature, ana tney all ex jess ages, we would snv that the same scrupulous of modern style and finish, bait lens room Rillowlug described premises, to wit: of these can be procured, send the money in a this rate tocbibs, aKents, l'ostuis-ter- s, pr any-

one.p rerard to the principles of fair and honor- - completely shelved, and tne entire building la Thewrat balf of the nortbsreat ouanar of aus. bksd Kiier.of thousands of these in the land. Dec. 17. Senate A resolution was themselves as highly plea-e- d with the Lable dealing that has characterized the busi complete in all lu parts, with both water and avociiou am. uf.u.uip , rauge i. Beginning at W " Tha Daily-- ltia. a larav four-nvi- re newsnsneathe Northern Democratic members submitted by Mr. Edmunds, nrovidin? excursion, which the officers and the ness of the past will control that of the future.

gas. Ota I houses and Outbuildings complete. ..aa uar..awwal wi u.i mi n iimii , Quarter kW. Specimen Copiet Sent Free. uTSSeoSumns, gives alfthe news firtwo eeslion, a post and Pile of ie: tiiei.o amiihatand by and see places, which, in de-

cencyi ia in snou repair, ana 1 auuaiea on an sl-

ierAddress all orders and letters Subsorption, iVV,fine a jirepaid,condition of the road has made in to cepv. potsge ator tne election oi a rresideut pro tern, The cash principle is the foundation. The on Nonh aud West, so that It has the ad-

vantageto a post lot Dolss: thence vest to a naiai siiif not in right, belong to war of the S?nate on the 7th of January. every way agreeable. they strictest equality is observed in every transac over many business rooms and dwell-

ings r""i . - in poiea; inenos ifTiiE connercial." month or t,50 s year. aiiiidave( 81U poles, to the place.. f l,10jeryear. Ve have no trsreliuir lit..beginning-- , aDemocrats, given to Confederates. Not lu a city for light and ventilation. The soaaUeferred to the committee on Privi will rauew tbeir inspection with a spe tion, no as vou wouiu oe aone ov is not to Inociude the full and entire hair or . Dec. 33, "75. Tnli Mbusiness room Is now occuuled bv the well. PrmsfMB, P. Adilress ew Vork Uty.only this, but Mr. Cox, who aspires to cial reference to the coal fields the only his but is illustrated, quariar section, with theleges and Elections. along motto, practically known business man. Wm. Douslass. lorrro- - reservation, of. 17, '', - Dee. , 1XT3 w. ; ,be, and whom it is now thought will the resolutions of Senator Marton une. Mo misrepresentations sre allowed, J'rlcet curles, provlou. feed and ft ur. aud is doing auirea nf ..111 half nnart..

be, the leader of the House, deliberate-ly

providing for investigation of the Mis-sissippi

e are fixed on the lowest scale of profits and the a large busiuesa. This property divided irom it by a due east and weat'liue. tO. W. UOt. (o. at. WIS. 'introduces a resolution Gbiat RlDtTcrios is Prici. Half Can utmost value given for the Iteuta fur SQOO Year, .reciting that, election were postponed until ready money. per .,uu..,. ,a, ,v pwiii BKieel tne HOGE & firassas the war has closed, Confedertes have Monday, to which dav the Senate

Oysters, 25 cents. Tub Oysters per quart 60 Patrons sre free from the rarment of the and will pay a very large nor oent on the in Hliiie wuiouKacrea waa deeded by Jacob WISE, Band vestment. The street track la miauer, sr., anu wire, to F'red tr en Vnl.l, REAL ESTATE 'at STREWS. air soon lo hethe same rights to the public patronage cents, (3t) large extra profits necessary to sustain the about the lllh day or AGENTS,... . . journed. exteud id along this street o that they will December. IS57. Thea i i.a: i credit to make the inevitable losses described BKLXAUtE, OHIO.system up above tract of im union wjiuieia. auu laud, containing Mevery uemo-- lianlea. I as every ten minutes. 1mi Dunning is situ- - ST CLMTlNVn.a.K OOHNaT BANP.

crat la the House, except Mr. Hol-taa- n,Monte Senate amendment postpo-

ningMaaonlc inseparable from it. In short, it is Frank's ated on one of the moat nooular bnslni acres of land, more or less. Oatr.iBaakla( Imm ef Baaw, Haeeta V Cm. iTw Meiuben.iwiili a vartetval .Music

nf Indiana, voted to refer a the day of meeting after holiday Belmont Lodire No. 18. of St. Clairsville. greatest pleasure to give all customers, cheer streets In be city. TermsAPDralxe--

ot Saleat tiluio

Ooe-tlilr- dla now sretmred iml .Mu-- J atprop-

ositioncash on day or sale; Persons desirina to nurrhaa. ull Tti) otiable rales and on short none lr At rleulwill nvOhio, receive tbeir Brethren and tbeir fully and unasked, every concession possible. PAYMENTS EASY. oae-lhlr- d In one year, andkind adjournment toof that to a committee for January 6, was agreed one third In two ceiebra- -

There were Northern Demo- - to. Lady friends at tbeir Temple, in St. Clairs and the utmost value for their ready money, W. K. MINU, Prsprlaiar, J"". with lulerest on deferred pay men ta, lo .tti rapidly increasing in vaiZTJLXtZZmake'''T8"Vl,y,


I 'olllicai.tnduttieroilier

a report! ville, on "Thursday evening, January 18tb, not aa a favor, but as a right tney are justly THOS. GARRETT, Auutloneer. secured by morions on Dreinlaw ld. ', crotant Davina-- lev... ,,,? moratf. Publlelisetlnas.The Speaker appointed Mr. Harris w.O. '" 'have the businessa 17. ri-3- tl entitled to. Bellalre, O., Dec IS, COCHRAN. MherllT. carefully dona through CHAS K. HUGHES. Pres.J. F, VotTivo, Atfy. hi, I74., rm. feb2&a;4.U JOHN HAGUE. Cor. aeev.