Bell Ringer 10-6-10 Can you determine why the peninsulas in the NE corner of NC are "called" necks?...

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Transcript of Bell Ringer 10-6-10 Can you determine why the peninsulas in the NE corner of NC are "called" necks?...

Bell Ringer 10-6-10Can you determine why the peninsulas in the NE corner of NC are "called" necks? Give details.

Section 1: Settling the Albemarle Sound

ESSENTIAL QUESTION• How did the geography of North Carolina

affect its early development?

• What words do I need to know for Chapter 3 Section 1?

Neck – a peninsula located on the northern shore of the Albemarle Sound

• Speculate – to buy something in the hopes that prices will later rise

• customs duty – a fee paid when a good was shipped out of a port

Settling the Albemarle SoundSettling the Albemarle Sound

Introduction• “Necks” (peninsulas) along the

Albemarle Sound were early neighborhoods for European settlement

• 1650s-1700s: North Carolina was governed by English Lords Proprietors

• English leaders and colonists often did not get along

Settlers from the North• 1629: King Charles I gave large section of lands

south of the Great Dismal Swamp to Sir Robert Heath; this grant was not used, however

• George Durant, Richard and Nathaniel Batts were early settlers

• Virginians moved south to Carolina for the chance to grow more tobacco with less effort (good soil) and expense (free land)

• Early settlers “speculated” that Carolina lands would one day be as profitable and expensive as Virginia’s

Carolina “Rogues”

• Durant and others were known as rogues (cheaters) because they exported their tobacco and other crops without paying the export tax (customs duties)

• By mid-1660s, settlers were doing well• Location allowed growing of corn and wheat

to sell to English merchants• It was undetermined whether these settlers

were part of Virginia or another colony

Pair Share with your partner/neighborthe answer to this question:

• How did the geography of North Carolina affect its early development?


• Now that you know about the history of the Albemarle Sound, you will watch “Go Wild! a Video Scrapbook of Washington County, North Carolina” which shows you what the area looks like today. Pay close attention because you will have an assignment to complete following the video.

Your Assignment

Based on what you saw in the video:• Create an acrostic poem using the words

ALBEMARLE SOUND (each letter will stand for something associated with the video and our notes).

OR• Create a stamp (like the one you put on an

envelope) representing the Albemarle Sound using what you saw in the video and our notes.