Belknap Enlargement of the St. Olaf Church...

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Transcript of Belknap Enlargement of the St. Olaf Church...

Project Paper

Enlargement of the St. Olaf Church Foundation

Endowment Fund by J. Hobart Be,lknap

Candler School of Theology Emory University Atlanta, Georgia

March 1983 Seminar

National Institute of Church Finance and Administration

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This paper is as a guide for enlarging the St. Olaf Lutheran

Church Foundation Endowment Fund and to maintain its growth.


The purpose of the Foundation is to provide expansion of the mission of

St. Olaf Lutheran Church (SOLC) by providing necessary monies for

projects or endeavors that will arise over the years and which other-

wise could not be achieved through the weekly offerings. These can

include needs of people in the church or community and indirectly in

the nation and world. Needs of local members can include seminary

scholarships, Vo-Tech and college student loans, replacement of

operating equipment in the church, enrichment courses or trips for all

ages, honorariums and expenses for church staff and leaders through

courses or retreats, special projects.


The St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation was established in 1971 as a

corporate legal entity apart from St. Olaf Church, with its own

constitution and by-laws. Members of the Foundation Board of Directors

must be members of SOLC. When a vacancy occurs, board members are

chosen by the existing Board from the membership of SOLC. The church

council each year appoints one of its members to be the representative

to the Foundation without voting right. That member sits in on

Foundation meetings at the pleasure of the Foundation Board.

The funds handled (i.e. accumulated, invested, given or loaned) by the

board began with a monetary gift from Effie Hall, long-time assistant

to the late Senior Pastor Swenson. She specified that those funds were

to be used for those members with greatest need who planned to pursue

post-high school education and training.



The Foundation has restricted and Wl%'estricted funds. The restr.icted

funds include the Arthur L. Swenson Seminary Scholarship Fund, College

Loan Fund, Altar Paraments Fund, Chapel Pipe Organ Fund, Pew Cushion

Fund, Van Fund. The first two are restricted as to use only, the latter

four are restricted as to use, and further, disbursement is through the

church general fund at the descretion of the church council. Additional

funds can be added as need or interest dictate.

The unrestricted fund includes the interest earned from all funds in-

eluding the Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund by legal definition of

endorsement requires that the interest must be used each year and that

the principal be kept in perpetuity. This SOLC Foundation Endowment Fund

is really a collection of individual endowment monies given in memory of,

or in honor of, named people -- or may be given anonymously.

The funds have accumulated slowly over the years as needs and

arose, to a current balance of approximately $48,000, which includes

college student loans of approximately $20,000 to be repaid as students

graduate or leave college or trade schools. The more recent fund added

is the Endowment Fund, the subject of this paper. This fund increased

from $6,000 to $25,000 from November, 1981 to November, 1982.


A. Short term (established November 1980)

1. Raise $50,000 in 1981 in order to have sufficient earned

interest income to pay the seminary tuition of those seminarians

who are members of St. Olaf Church.

"100 people give $50011

B. Long Term

1. To continually build the Endowment Fund to make monies available

for those projects or endeavors mentioned Ul'ld9r "Purpose of the

Foundation" as well as for unforeseen "mission" projects of the /

-?- / /

c:llurch locallY· ar. eJ.sewhere.

2, To help the church meet large building or building maintenance

projects such as new boiler, new air conditioning, new roof.

C. Philosophy

We believe that these goals can best be reached, not so much by asking

for donations, but chiefly by providing an opportiBli ty to give

memorials which will be kept in perpetuity and yield interest far

worthwhile projects, causes and needs of which the donor can be proud.

Further, the donor can be confident that after his/her death, tbe gift

will be serving an approved, worthwhile use.


Information and education go hand in glove with accumulation, both for

the person investing or donating, as well as for the Endowment Fund.

Therefore, it is to the best interest of the Endowment F\Bld that potential

donors are well informed on ways of increasing their aasets •nd at the

same time making some of it available to the Endowment F\Bld during their

lifetime or after their death. To that end the Foundation Board should

provide periodic education programs, probably annual.zy. The Executive

Committee of the Foundation and the Church Business Administrator would

arrange the program. The actual teaching would be done by experts in the

various fields; e.g. lawyers, CPA's, bankers, S & L heads, e11perienced

insurance agents. Many of these can come from the church congregation,

A. In the past, and currently, programs of education and information

included the following:

l. Foundation bulletin board in the church building where traffic

is heavy.

a) Brochure on memorials with names.

b) Information on current f\Bld totals,

c) References to helpful literature.


2. Brochure on Memorial Sunday inserted in church bulletin

listing memorials given in the past year.

3. A program on wills by a local lawyer received very favorable


A program on tax planning was presented.

5. A program on family financial planning was presented in

February, 1983, to congregational members. It was pro-

fessionally made and presented and the audience showed a

great deal of interest.

B. Proposed Programs to Inform and Educate

1. Foundation bulletin board as listed in A.

2. Temple talks in May and October.

3. One-on-one calling by enthused, knowledgeable, trusted

and trustworthy person (probably retired person).

4. Annual programs on family financial planning including

information on wills, taxes or on funding vehicles such

as life insurance and trusts, etc.

5. Mailing

a) Brochure mailed out in May of each year along with

schedule of educational programs for coming year --

also post it in bulletin board. (See sample brochure

at end).

1) List names of "Fmmdation Builders. 11 That is,

those who give $500 or more to Endowment Fund.

(The $500 may be accwnulated over time).

2) List names of those who gave $50 or more (may

be accumulated over time).

b) In the above maillng include the names of all who gave

gift of any size to the Endowment Fund or one of the

other funds.

6. Articles in "St. Olaf News," the church weekly.

7, The regular Foundati9n Memorials column in the "St. Olaf News."

C. Annual Programs and One-On-One Calling

The efforts which are expected to yield the greatest results in this

endeavor to build up the Endowment Fund are l) annual programs on

Family Financial Planning, or on Funding Vehicles and 2) One-On-One

Calling. The latter depends on the choice of an outstanding person,

the former depends on detailed program planning and choice of out-

standing teachers.

Those annual programs would include the following based on John Frame's

presentation at the July 1982 seminar:

l. Basic steps in Family Financial Planning.


a) Goal setting d) Financial inventory g) Savings accounts

b) Insurance e) Personal real estate h) Family budget

c) Taxes f) Stock certificates i) Wills·-

Accumulation of Assets

a) Cash at interest e) Trusts

b) Securities f) Life insurance policies

c) Real Estate g) Annuities

d) Ordinary income property

This program would be the basis for education on types of

charitable gifts -- as an integral part of the program

which in addition to that list would include:

h) Works of art k) Deferred payment gift annuities

i) Bequests l) Others as new laws make them

j) Charitable trusts & attractive.


3. Planning for Annual Program

a) Set date after checking calendars of church, public school


and co11111unity.

b) Reserve meeting place.

c) Have room ready

1) Chairs, and tables if desired.

2) Microphone that works

3) Audio/visual equipment

d) Provide for coffee and refreshments as desired.

e) Advertise -

1) Weekly church paper.

2) Foundation bulletin board

3) Sunday bulletin

4) Newspaper

In order for these educational programs to be successful,

the board, Church Business Administrator and the teachers

must have the best interest of the potential donors at heart.

This includes a recognition that for the majority of the

church members (and other potential donors), the education and

information will provide interest, knowledge and skills

primarily to better handle their assets and secondarily to

make it possible to give a gift (or enlarge their gift) to

the Endowment Fund. In the long run these efforts should

result in enhancement both to the people and to the Endowment

Fund, which means that the miss.ion of St. Olaf Church will

have been advanced to a greater measure.






(l) The name of this corporation is St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation

of Austin, Minnesota.


(2) The registered office of the corporation shall be at 301 First

Street Northwest, Austin, Minnesota, 55912. The corporation may establish and.

maintain any office or offices at such other places as the Board of Directors may

from time to time appoint, or the business of the corporation may require.

Corporate Seal

(3) The corporate seal of the corporation shall be circular in form and

shall have subscribed thereon the name of the corporation and the words "Seal",

11 Corporate 11 and 11Minnesota".


(4) All meetings of the members shall be held at the registered office

of the corporation in Austin, Minnesota, or at such other place as the Board of

Directors may previously determine; all such meetings shall be held within the

State of Minnesota.

(5) The annual meetings of the members shall be held on the second

Tuesday in February of each year. The first annual meeting shall be held on

the second Tuesday in February, 1972 when the members shall elect a Board of

Directors by majority vote by ballot and transact such other business as may

be brought before the meeting.

(6) The presence at any meeting of a majority of the members in person

shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If, however, such major-

ity shall not be present in person at any meeting of the members, those present

shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other

than an announcement at the meeting until the requisite amount of members shall

be represented. At such adjourned meeting at which the required number of

members shall be present, any business may be transacted which might have been

transacted at the meeting as originally notice. There shall be no voting by proxy.

(7) At each meeting of the members, each member shall be entitled

to one vote.

(8) Written notice of the annual or a special meeting shall be mailed

or delivered to a member at such address as appears on the books of the corpora-

tion at least five days prior to the meeting. Any member may make written waiver

of notice of such meeting before, at, or after a meeting. The waiver shall be

filed with the secretary of the corporation who shall enter it upon the records of

the meeting.

(9) Special meetings of the members for any purpose or purposes may be

called by the president, or by the Board of Directors, and shall be called by

the president or secretary at the request in writing of two or more members of

the corporation. Such request shall state the purpose or purposes of the proposed

meeting. Business transacted at the special meeting shall be confined to the

objects stated in the call, which objects shall be set forth in the notice of the

special meeting.


(10) The property and business of the corporation shall be managed by its

Board of Directors, consisting of not less than three nor more than fifteen in

number and all of whom shall be members of St. Olaf Lutheran Church of Austin,


Minnesota. They shall be elected annually at the annual meeting of the members

and shall serve until his or her successor shall be elected and shall qualify.

The Board of Directors may exercise all po.,ers of the corporation and do all such

la.,ful acts and things as are not by statute or by the Articles of Incorporation

or by these By-la"'s directed or required to be exercised and done by the members.

Directors' Meetings

(11) The Board of Directors shall meet at the office of the corporation,

or such other office as designated, immediately following the annual meeting of the

members and no notice of such meeting shall be necessary. Special meetings of the

Board may be called by the president on one day's notice to each Director, either

personally or by mail, telegram or telephone. Special meetings shall be called

by the president or the secretary and on like notice on request of two Directors.

The Joard establish a regular meeting schedule.

(12) At all meetings of the Board a majority of the Board of Directors

shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum. There shall be no voting

by proxy.


(13) The Board of Directors may by resolution or resolutions passed by

the Board designate one or more committees, each committee to consist of one or

more Directors of the corporation, "'hich to the extent provided in said resolution

or resolutions or by these By-la.,s, shall have and may exercise the po.,ers of the

Board of Directors in the management of the business and affairs of.the corporation

and may have po.,er to authorize the seal of the corporation to be affixed to all

papers "'hich may require it. Such committee or committees shall have such name

or names as may be stated in these By-laws or as may be determined from time to time

by a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. They shall keep regular minutes

of their meetings and report the same to the Board at each regular meeting.



(14) The officers of the corporation shall be chosen by the Directors.

and shall be a president, one or more vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer.

Any two offices except those of president and vice-presidant , or president and

secretary may be held by the same officer. These officers shall be chosen by

the Board of Directors at its first meeting following the annual meeting of the

members. The board may appoint such other officers and agents as it shall deem

necessary who shall hold their offices for such terms and exercise such powers and

duties as shall be determined from time to time by the Board. Any officer elected

or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by the affirmative vote

of the majority of the whole Board of Directors.

The officers of the corporation shall hold office until their successors

are chosen and qualify in their stead. Any vacancy shall be filled by an affirmative

vote of the majority of the Board of Directors,


(15) The president shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation.

He shall preside at the meetings of the members and directors and shall have the

general and active management of the business of the corporation. He shall have

the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the

office of the president of a corporation,


(16) In the absence or disability of the president the other vice-presidents

who are members of the Board of Directors, in the order of seniority, shall perform

the duties and exercise the powers of the president and shall perform such other

duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe, until the Board of Directors shall

designate one of their members to perform such duties.


(17) The secretary shall attend all sessions of the Board and all

meetings of the members and record all votes and the minutes of all proceedings in


a book to be kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for standing

committees when required. He shall give or cause to be given notice of all

meetings of members and of the Board of Directors and s\1111 perform such other

duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the president.


(18) The treasurer shall have the custody of the corporate funds and

securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements

in books belonging to the corporation and shall deposit all monies and other

valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the corporation.

Checks and Notes

(19) Checks, drafts, orders for payment of money and promissory notes

shall be signed or endorsed in the name of the corporation by such person or

persons as the Board of Directors by resolution shall from time to time appoint.


(2P) If the office of any Director becomes vacant by reason of death,

resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal or otherwise, the remaining

Directors, by a majority vote of the whole Board, shall choose a successor or

successors who shall hold office until the next annual election and until a

successor has been re-elected unless sooner displaced.

(21) In case of absence of any officer of the corporation or for any other

reason that the Board may deem sufficient, the Board may delegate the powers or

duties of any such officers to any Director, provided a majority of the entire

Board concur therein.

Waiver of Notice

(22) Any member, Director or officer may waive any notice required to

be given under these By-laws or by the Articles of Incorporation or by any rule

of law. Such waiver shall be in writing and shall be given before, at or after

the act or meeting to which it applies. The waiver shall be filed with the


secretary of the corporation who shall enter it upon the records of the corporation.

Inspection of Books and Records and Audit

(23) All of the books, records and property of the corporation shall

be open at all times to the inspection and examination of the Board of Directors

and every member thereof and also to each member of the corporation. An annual

audit of the books and records of the corporation shall be conducted by persons

other than the members of the Board of Directors.


(24) These By-laws may be altered or amended or supplemented by the

Board of Directors at any meeting by an affirmative vote of the majority of the

whole Board of Directors. They may also be altered, amended or supplemented at

any meeting of the members by the affirmative vote of the majority of the total

number of members.

Approved and adopted this __ :; of , 1971.






The undersigned, for the purpose of forming a corporation under and

pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota Non-Proft Corporation Act,

Minnesota Statutes, 317, do hereby establish a body corporate and

adopt the following Articles of Incorporation:


The name of this corporation shall be the St. Olaf Lutheran Church

Foundation of Austin, Minnesota.


The purposes of this corporation shall be:

(A) To take and receive any monies, securities or any other personal

property or real property wherever situated which may be transferred or delivered

to this corporation by any means including, but not limited to transfers by gift,

devise or bequest.

(B) To hold, administer, conserve, use, expend or disperse all or any

part of the property described in Article II (A), and all or any part of the

income from such property for the religious, charitable and educational purposes

and activities as may be undertaken, approved or supported by the St. Olaf Lutheran

Church of Austin, Hinnesota.

(C) To take and receive and administer property as described in Article II

(A) in accordance with such directions, restrictions, limitations or conditions as

may be imposed upon such property, including but not limited to the condition that

the principal be held in perpetuity and only income be expended; however, no

property shall be taken and received by this corporation unless either the principal,

or the income or both may be expended and dispersed for the religious, charitable

and educational purposes and activities which are undertaken, approved or supported

by St. Olaf Lutheran Church of Austin, Minnesota. 3.-. ')·' ... • (. PAGE :_cb

(D) To buy sell, invest, reinvest, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose

of real and personal property; to borrow and lend money and to enter into agreements

and contracts, including but not limited to agency or trust agreements; and without

being limited by the foregoing, to do and perform any and all acts as fully as

natural persons and as are necessary and proper to accomplish the purposes

expressed in this Article II.


This corporation shall not afford pecuniary gain, incidentally or

otherwise, to its members.


The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual. In the event

of the termination of this corporation's existence by dissolution, liquidation or

otherwise, title to all its property, real and personal, shall pass to St. Olaf

Lutheran Church of Austin, Minnesota, or its successors.


The location and post office address of the registered office of this

corporation shall be 301 First Street Northwest, Austin, Minnesota, 55912.


The names and addresses of the incorporators are as follows:

Hoover T. Grimsby, 604 20th Street South West, Austin, Minnesota

M. Arthur Bustad, Rural Route 2, Austin, Minnesota

Raymond B. Ondov, 1000 8th Avenue North West, Austin, Minnesota.


The government of this corporation shall be vested in its Board of

Directors consisting of not less than three nor more than fifteen members.

The first Board of Directors shall be composed of the following

five directors who shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified:

A. M. Arthur Bustad, Rural Route 2, Austin, Minnesota

B. Raymond B. Ondov, 1000 8th Avenue North West, Austin, Minnesota

-2- 32 ?27 - PAGE·--·

/{ -.?J 31° I N

C. R. I. Heland, 1301 Northwest lOth Street, Austin, Hinnesota

D. Carl H. Beireis, 2410 Southwest Third Avenue, Austin, Hinnesota

E. Harold J. Anderson, 400 Southwest 19th Street, Austin, Hinnesota

They shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the members

of the corporation to be held on the second Tuesday in February, 1972, at which

time and annually thereafter the Board of Directors shall be elected by the

members of the corporation. The annual meetings of the corporation shall be

held at its principal office or at such other place as designated by the Board

of Directors or the By-laws. The directors and officers shall hold their

respective offices until their successors have been elected and qualified. Any

vacancy which occurs on the Board of Directors may be filled by the remaining

members of the Board.



(A) There shall be thirteen members of this corporation who shall

consist of the six trustees and the six deacons who serve as the Church Council

for St. Olaf Lutheran Church of Austin, Minnesota, and their membership in this

corporation shall coincide with their membership on said Church Council. The

senior pastor of said church shall be a member during his term in office.

(B) No membership fee, contribution or other dues shall be required

of any member of this corporation.

(C) All rights and interests of each member in the privileges and

affairs of this corporation shall cease at the death of such member, or upon

disqualification or upon termination of his or her membership for any reason.

(D) The members of this corporation shall not be personally liable

for any corporate obligation whatsoever.

(E) Members of this corporation may be directors and officers of this


(F) Each member shall have one vote. CJ2 ?/8 t.J PAEt ·--3-


This corporation shall have nor issue capital stock of any kind.


This corporation shall not lend any of its assets to an officer or

director of this corporation. If it does make such loan, the officers and

directors make the loan, or assent to it, are jointly and severally liable

for its repayment.


(A) The board of directors shall elect a president, vice-president,

secretary, and a treasurer, and may elect or appoint any other officers and

agents deemed to be necessary.

(B) Officers need not be directors or members.

(C) No person shall hold offices at the same time.


The members of this corporation may by majority vote, amend the

Articles of Incorporation.


The Board of Directors is expressly authorized to make, alter, amend

and rescind the By-la\ of this corporation.

We, the undersigned, the incorporators above named, for the purpose

of forming this corporation pursuant to the laws of Minnesota, do hereby

certify that we have adopted and agreed to the foregoing Articles of Incorporation

for the corporation therein named.

In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this

day of J;...__,AA'""Y , 1971.


32 Ut.•-• .... l,/

31 11

In presence of:

a.L .. 1c, /;;r I

.. 0 : "'-"-£ --;-; M.

( J cv.-1 Ll 0 '?'f a-.-<.-du..-Yx.-1 v



d B. Ondov

• ••t ot !'a.Aos l 'o\Jonl County, 1 SS. l_hnH>hy L:••utlfy/ltat the t11_dt:l i)1)(•7o_}?

un _q_d•y of _ ,, D. 'J: ·1( "-'-:10 '"-recorded in Sook ,1-,:).,

I •

On this d.. day of January, 1971 before me, a notary public within

and for said County, personally appeared Hoover T. Grimsby, M. Arthur Bustad ·

and Raymond B. Ondov to me known to be the persons described in and who

executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same

as their free act and deed.

c Notary Public, Mower County, Minnesota

·c_ SANM!.I tJl er.du-v 9, / 9 7 6 My Commission expires:



I hereby certify that the within

Instrument was filed for re'd in this office on the_il__day of J2--rf.- · A. D. 19E., at Ya'clock.::f." M., and was duly recorded in Book 1-...::3'5 f;;;;;····-·· . /1! /7 J c? /} If;;- L<. (;It;;:, ·- r,

. . --------of Incorporations, on page d /0-f -·--

Secretary of State ------- -- .... __ _ .... ..... ... ,-.. .!

-5- 32 PAGt23l)


St. 0 laf Lutheran Church Foundation


DATION was established in 1971 under Minne-sota law·s as a tax exempt, non-profit corporation, to accept and disburse all contribut-ins it receives such as gifts, grants memorials and bequests.

WHO GOVERNS IT? A Board of Trustees is elected for a one year

term by the Church Council of St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Austin, Minnesota.

WHAT IS ITS PURPOSE? The purpose of the FOUNDATION is to give

aid and service to others above and beyond the regular yearly church budget. Examples of such aid and service might take the form of financial aid for seminary students entering the ministry, loans to new congregations to help them build a church, educational loans and scholarhsips. Good assistance to those in need.

HOW IS THIS ACCOMPLISHED? All contributions received by the FOUNDA-

TION are prudently invested. These funds, both principal and income, are then used to extend the services of the church.

"-- '"''-'-·'-


Funds to the FOUNDATION come from many sources, such as: "Living" memorial gifts in memory of loved ones, inheritances or bequests from wills and estates, gifts through life insu-rance with the FOUNDATION as the beneficiary, securities or FOUNDATION.

real estate given to the

ARE GIFTS TAX DEDUCTIBLE? Yes, all gifts to the FOUNDATION are deducti-

ble, for estate, inheritance and gift tax purposes, according to state and federal laws.

WHY SHOULD I GIVE? Churches generally use all of their income to

meet operating expenses, to meet the mission obligation of the church-at-large, and in most cases to meet building debt retirement. A FOUN-DATION is set up to meet the extra needs, the special service, the large special mission. Your financial assistance to the FOUNDATION helps your church fulfill its mission of telling the Good News by "Doing unto others."

HOW CAN I GIVE? The best way for most people to give is through

their wills by making the FOUNDATION an heir of part of their estate. Other ways of giving include making the FOUNDATION the benefi-ciary of a life insurance policy, giving from cur-rent income, or giving from capital such as

securities, real estate or other kinds of property. There are many tax advantages available for you through the various means of giving to the FOUNDATION. II is best that you should discuss your personal situation with your attorney or tax consultant.

WHAT IS THE FIRST STEP? The first step you should take is to meet and

discuss your gift with a member of the board of trustees of the FOUNDATION. They will be most happy to answer all of your questions. By calling the Church, arrangements will be made to have a trustee consult with you.

WHEN SHOULD I DO THIS? Right now, while you arethinking about it is the

best time.

A SUGGESTED WILL PROVISION The suggested form for a provision in a last Will

and Testament should read as follows: "I give and bequeath out of my estate the sum of ..... dollars to St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation of Aus-tin, Minnesota, or its successors, to be used in accordance with the judgment and discretion of the directors thereof, or to be used as follows ..... "

The suggested form for making a living gift to the FOUNDATION is as follows: "I hereby give to the St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation of Aus-tin, Minnesota, the sum of ..... dollars, or the fol-lowing securities: ..... , or the following described propertY.: ....... It is my desire that my gifts be used in accordance with the judgment and discretion of the directors thereof, or as follows:

Endowment Fund In 1980 the Foundation established an

endowment fund. Donations to this fund will be held in perpetuity. Therefore, it is an ongoing form of stewardship and can also be an enduring way to perpetuate the memory of a loved one. Only the income from the invested funds will be used to enhance the ministry of the church.

Endowment Funds of $50 and Over

(" Indicates Memorial)

• Rev. Carl D. Borgwardt • Torkel B. Aldahl

M/M J. Hobart Belknap M/M Darrel A. Bublitz M/M Kieth Ellertson

• Grace Gordon • M/M H. C. Hendrickson • M/M Eddie M. Johnson • Wyllis G. Larson • Wm. E. Peterson

M/M John Plantikow M/M Robert J. Thatcher

• Frank Johnson • Dwight Marlett • Roy Richards • C. W. Hildreth

M/M Bruce L. Bailey • Emma Hyland

Gina I. Peterson Roscoe Noble

• Lila E. Mathison Richard & Jane Schlange

.. Ove Berven • Ed & Lucy Plantikow • Kenneth Dean • Philip Berg • Clarence Engen • Edna Lien • Earl Wolff • Pearl Hynie





fOUNDf\ll ON oF-


301 1st St. NW Austin, Minnesota 55912



The Endowment Fund offers St. Olaf members the opportunity to give memorials which will continue to serve our church into the foreseeable future. ·It·is separate from other Foundation funds which are set up for the scholarship loan program, or are specially designated gifts by the donor.

Established in November, 1980, the Endowment Fund has grown rapidly. The amount earning interest at the present time is over $15,000.00 It is invested to receive the maximum interest consistent with security.

This Endowment Fund is intended to meet the,extra needs of the church. The Seminary Scholarship Fund, aid to youth groups and other special projects have benefited. We now desire to establish a timely method of reporting to you, the St. Olaf congregation.

It is anticipated that we will accrUe $1,000.00 interest income in October. At that time we will ask the church council for suggestions as to special needs of St. Olaf. Final determination as to gifts will be by a consensus of the Foundation board. We intend to give you a report on the Fund's growth, and how the interest is to be used, at that time.

As Memorial Day approaches many of you are considering how to honor the memory of a loved one. Please consider a gift to the St. Olaf Endowment Fund. Such a gift will continue to be a benefit to your church. For example: a $100 gift will return another $100 to St. Olaf every 7 1/2 years. That is, of course, based on current interest rates.

Your memorial will continue to be shown in the St. Olaf Church News. We will also prepare an annual listing of memorials and their donors. Such a listing is given today. If you have given a gift to the Endowment Fund, and it is not shown, please let us know thru Hobart Belknap, the church's administrator.

Please keep in mind that the Endowment Fund is a perpetual memorial. Regular will be given at six months intervals as to the growth and

interest expenditure. Your gifts will provide an increasingly important aid to the church program at St. Olaf.

Remember the memorial which lives to serve. The Endowment Fund.

The St. Olaf Lutheran Foundation Board

IN MEMORIAM St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation

SOLC=St. Olaf Lutheran Congregation VIRGIL DESPARD-SOLC CLARENCE ENGEN-SOLC, Amanda Horvei, llr &

CLARENCE M ANDERSON-SOLC Mrs Frank Cafourek, Irene AR1BJR ASHLEY-SOLC, Edna Christenson relatived and friends OLGA ATTIG-St Mark's Employees ROBERT ESSE-Mable Boysen PEARL BALDNER-SOLC ELMO FLORAND-SOLC RUTH BELL-SOLC JOHN FREESE-Emma Hagen PHILIP BERG-Gladys Berg & family WARREN GREENMAN-family & friends OVE BERVEN-SOLC, Mrs Hilda Johnson, Mrs DOROTHY GRUENBERG-SOLC, Mabel Boysen

Vernyce Austin, Amanda Horvei, Audrey C W HILDRETH-Mr & Mrs Bruce Bailey McNee, Gertrude Jacobson, Margaret Bjork, EMMA HYLAND-SOLC, Mr & Mrs Clifford Mrs Arthur Cipra Aandahl, Mr & Mrs Loren Hyland, Mrs

WALTER BLOWERS-SOLe Helga Peterson CARL BORGWARDT-SOLC, Audrey McNee, Hilda PEARL HYNIE-SOLC, friends & relatives

Johnson, Margaret Bjork, Mr & Mrs Donald GEORGE JECH-SOLC Austin, Mr & Mrs Darrell Bublitz, Clara !IICHLAS JOHANNSON-anonymous Swenson, Rev & Mrs Delbert Ring, l1r & Mrs HELEN L JOHNSON-SOLC, Mr & Mrs P W Peterson I Nathan Johnson, Margaret Scarseth, LOWELL JOHNSON-SOLC Valborg Anderson, Carolyn Eilertson, Mr HELEN KONZ-SOLC & Mrs Keith Paulson, Mr & Mrs Donald AL LEHRKE-Mr & Mrs Thomas Morem LaValley, & Mrs Bruce Bailey, Mr & EDNA LIEN-SOLC, Elna Bates Mrs Kenneth Mjoen, Amanda Horvei, First CARL LINDAHL-Mr & Mrs Thomas Morem Bank Employees, Mr & Mrs John Olsen, Mr DWIGHT MARLETT-Frances Marlett & Mrs Arnold Brustad, Mr & Mrs William LILA MATHISON-Chester Mathison, Richard Barnett, Mr & Mrs William Borgwardt, Mr & Jane Schlange & Mrs Earl Sampson, Dr & Mrs George ROY MATTSON-Gertrude Mattson & LaVerne Biedermann, Dr & Mrs Roald Kindem, Mr & EDWIN L MILLER-SOLC, Mr & Mrs Lowell Tennis Mrs Jerome Formo, Mr & Mrs Martin MARY MILLER-SOLC Vietoris, Mrs Irene Tollerud, Mr & Mrs EMMA NELSON-SOLC J Gerald Chopski, Mr & Mrs Ray Cochran, LORETTA NJOS-SOLC Mr & Mrs Arnold Heimsness, Mr & Mrs ROSCOE NOBLE-SOLC, Morine Noble, Ralph Fred Borgwardt, H H Sorenson, Mr & Mrs Noble, Irene Tollerud Roy Christensen, Mr & Mrs Robert Soucek, ED & LUCY PLANTIKOW-John Plantikow Herbert Lund, Dr & Mrs B J Cronwell, Mr ROY RICHARDS-Vivian Richards & Mrs Bernard Rosander, Nerine Dalager, MILDRED SAARANEN-SOLC Mr & Mrs Willard Hardy, Mr & Mrs Kenneth ESTHER SATHER-Alma & Al Nelson Highet, Mr & Mrs C Raimer, 11r & Mrs MURL SHUTT-Margaret & Ted Hall & the family William Matthews, Mrs N A Petersen, Mr & MAVIS SNYDER-SOLC, Marion Knutson Mrs Robert Langfald, Rev & Mrs Philip HENRY SORENSON-SOLC Formo, Dr & Mrs LeRoy Krause, Dr & Mrs BARBARA SWEEP-SOLC, Annella Krupica, Mr & Inman Hesla, Mr & Mrs Donald Scholes, Mrs Leonard temanson Vernon Gosha, Dorothy Aberg, Mr & Mrs RACHEL THOMAS-SOLC Dennis Buege, Ruth Borgwardt, Mr & Mrs OTTO THOMPSON-Mr & Mrs Herman Skov, Mr & · Robert Thatcher, Mr & Mrs Duaine Giffin, Mrs Henry Freese & family Elnora Dutcher, Mr & Mrs William Moravec, MAY TORGRIMSON-SOLC Hammel Green & Abrahamson, Inc., 11r & Mrs MYRTLE TREANOR-Margaret & Ted Hall Lawrence Crowe, Myrtle Nelson, Mr & Mrs GREGORY WILSON-The Family, Nina Carlson, Raymond Steiber, Margaret Schmidt, Mr & Mr & Mrs Alfred Johnson Mrs Robert Potach, Mr & Mrs Alvin C EARL WOLFF-SOLC, relatives & friends Anderson, Mrs Lilly Johnson, Marie OLINE YANZER-SOLC Hoenke, Mrs Evelyn Herreid, Mr & Mrs A gift - Gina I Peterson Thomas Gulash, Mr & Mrs Jean Burton, Mr & Mrs Faymer Gray, Atlanta Oliver, E J Hovda, Mr & Mrs Nathan Goodwin, Mr & Mrs Thomas Morem, Mrs Eileen Peterson


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Planning your estate is one of the most important decisions in life. It is a time when careful thought must be given to your ultimate goals, the needs of your family, and your responsibility as God's Steward. It is also a time when knowledge about the law governing the disposition of your property is essential.

Planning your estate provides the opportunity to reflect on your stewardship of your earthly possessions. As recipients of many blessings from God-both spiritual and material-it is appro· priate to consider how these blessings have prospered under our care. It is also a good time to make sure that our possessions are in order and to consider providing for the continuation of God's work by means of a gift in your will.


Without a will, Minnesota law determines who will receive your property. You may wish to leave all of your property to your spouse. If you have children and have no will, then it is likely that only one-third of your estate will go to your surviving spouse.

Without a will, your property will be divided in shares that do not take special needs into account. For example, you may want a particular brother to receive most of your estate because of his particular needs. However, if you are survived by two sisters and two brothers, the law generally provides each will get one· fourth of your estate.

Without a will, you cannot nominate guardians for your minor children. The court will be forced to designate guardians, and the people chosen may not have the values that you wish to be nurtured in your children.

Without a will, you cannot designate the person(s) you wish to be responsible for the administration of your estate. A person will be appointed by the court according to the law of our state.

Without a will, your estate cannot be distributed to charitable or other organizations whose work you may wish to further.

Without a will, and should you have no surviving relatives;-your estate will be given to the state.

Without a will, you cannot take advantage of the tax provisions that permit you to reduce the amount of the

estate and inheritance taxes due. The opportunity to give the most property to intended beneficiaries will be lost.

WITH A WILL, not only can these and more problems be avoided, but your estate and beneficiaries will benefit from your careful and thoughtful planning.


A will is a legal document that specifies how the property in your probate estate will be distributed after your death. What is my Probate Estate?

Your entire estate is divided into two portions: Probate and Non-Probate. The Probate Estate consists of everything that you own outright. It is this portion of J:he estate that is distributed according to the terms of your will. The Non-Probate estate is made up of property that is not owned outright, such as jointly owned property, life insurance proceeds, and others. Non-Probate property is passed on by law to survivors at the time of your death. Both your Probate and Non·

.Probate estates are subject to tax.

If all I own is Non-Probate property, why have a will?

Wills do more than distribute property. A will can appoint guardians and persons to administer the estate, designate how taxes are to be paid, and act as a permanent testimonial of our faith.

Even if all property is jointly owned, there is always the possibility that the joint owner will die in a common disaster or predecease you. If you do not have a will, the property will be distributed according to law.

May a will be changed? Yes, as often as you desire.

Changes are usually made by a simple, written addition called a "codicil." However, any changes must be made with the same formalities as in making the will. The attorney who drafts the will and/or codicil is responsible for making sure that all formalities required by law are followed.

What about the expense of making a will?

The cost of a will depends largely upon the complexity of your estate plan. A very simple, short will may be sufficient or you may require a more detailed will along with a combination of trust arrangements. However, the cost of a competently drawn estate plan is small when compared to the potential dollar savings and a peace of mind it can bring.

Can a will be tailored to fit my situation?

Yes, it can and should be made to meet your needs and those of your beneficiaries. You can provide for the management of a beneficiary's property if he/she is unable to do so. You can divide your property as you see fit, with only your minor restrictions.

D 0 y 0 u N E E D A w I L L ? •

A CHRISTIAN WILL, WHAT'S THAT? Your gift to St. Olaf Lutheran Church

We hope that you seriously consider including in your will a bequest to your church-perhaps through the St. Olaf Foundation.

The St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation was incorporated in 1971 under Minnesota laws as a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, to accept and disburse all contributions.

The purpose of the Foundation is to give aid and service to others above and beyond the regular Church budget. A Board of Trustees is elected annually by the St. Olaf Church Council to govern the activities of the Foundation.

After discussing your estate with a pastor or business administrator and/ or your attorney, it may be that other types of gifts would be better suited to your needs, such as a living gift, one that you could see and enjoy while alive.

If you would like any information on gifts or charitable contributions, please contact the Foundation.

St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation 301 NW 1st Street Austin, Minnesota 55912 Phone: 507/433-8857


Mark your place ...

in the hymnal with this handy bookmark. And mark your place in the continuing history of this congregation by establishing a living endowment fund in your name with the St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foun-dation. It doesn't take a large gift - $50 or $100 will start it and you can make additional contribu-tions throughout your lifetime as God prospers you.

Many of our members and friends have joined the Foundation Builders by making provision for a more substantial gift to the Foundation in their will. Your gift will continue to serve into the distant future.

St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation Austin, Minn. Tel. 433-8857

A thought to mark

There are many ways of giving to the Foundation. For example, you may " give securities such as stocks and bonds. Your· stock broker will inform you of special rules regarding market value and delivery date, and will advise you how to transfer these securities conveniently. Homes, farms, commer-cial buildings, and other forms of property can also be given. As the Church confronts a changing society, new opportunities for service arise. Gifts to the Founda-tion will help the Church respond to these oppor-tunities now and in the future

St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation Austin, Minn. Tel. 433-8857


What· it's purpose'!

The purpose FOUNDATION is aid and service to above and regular yearly budget. Such take the form of fi help to other students, youth groups, Goo(J:l:! aritan assistan! other special oroieet

Churches all of their incomet&i operating galion to building debt retinln A FOUNDATION is'S

Your financial to the FOUN helps fulfill the r .. "doing unto ni'iier"'": Gifts to the TION are tax deduqt

Austin, Tel. 433-81

Leave your mark

Through the CHURCH FOUNDATION members of the Congregation can make gifts in honor of important events, or in . memory of departed rei a-_ lives or friends. :·· e :··.')

Gifts may be of any _·• 1 amount. ·. :;_' Some people renew their · .,_., gift each year on a signifi- · ''\ cant anniversary. . .-·: Through the endowment \':j fund the donor may give a perpetual gift. , ;

···"·· ' ,_,,_;,-Your Church will be able ·, · .• to reach more people, do ic it better, and broaden its sphere of influence with . your gift to the Founda-tion. Be a Foundation Builder

St. Olaf Lutheran Church .·.· Foundation Austin, Minn. · Tel. 433-8857

lhrntrn Jrru irrs WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23

Worship Services: 1:30 & 7 pm "Amos on Suffering"--Pastor Forma (Van pick-up, 1:30; nursery 7 pm}

Coffee & Dondts served following 7 pm service. First Communion Classes, 7:45-8:30, for 5,6,7 graders and parents.

VAN SCHEDULE The regular route is to stop at St. Mark's first and then at the Twin Towers. If you are at a residence and desire a ride on a particular day, call the office, 433-8857, that morning.

Wed., 2/16-3/23 Thurs., 3/30 Good Friday, 4/1

Leave Service Time St Marks 1:30 1:30


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11:45 am

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH First Sunday in

FIRST LESSON---Deut, 26:5-10 SECOND LESSON--Rom. 10:8b-13 GOSPEL--Luke 4:1-13

8:00am--Worship Service 9:15 am--Worship Service

Educational Classes 10:15 am--Refreshments, Refectory &

Youth Room 10:45 am--Worship Service

Educational Classes 11:45 am--Communion in Chapel 3:30 pro--Seminar with Rev. Hansen 4:00 pro--Fellowship Communion 5:00 pm--Fifty-Plus Potluck

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST 9:00 am--chancel Needleworkers 7:00pm--People Needing People

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND 9:00 am--ALCW Crafts 1:00pm--High Rise Bible Study 1:30 pm--St Mark's Auxiliary/Home 6:30 pro--Parent Support Group 7:30 pro--Deacons Meeting

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD 9:30 am Playtlme 1:30 pro--Lenten Service 2:30 pm--Pickett Place Bible Study 4:00 pm--Childrens Choir 7:00 pro--Lenten Service 7:45 pro--First Communion Class

Coffee & Donuts, Refectory Foundation THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH

9:00 am--Qulltlng 10:30 arn--St Mark's Home Bible Study

3:30 pro--Confirmation 4:30 pro--Confirmation 4:45 pro--Saints Choir 6:30 pm--Chapel Choir 7:00 pm--We Care Group

Word & Witness Building Committee

7:30 pro--Church Choir SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH

9:00 am- Conf1rmat1on 7:00 pro--Gold Band & Pairables

--MINISTERIALS--BAPTISM Dust1n Matthew Eric Kaye Cox FUNERAL Alv1n o. Anderson t'Vayne Ehlers

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Reverend Philip L. Hansen, Executive Girector of the Chemi-cal Dependency Rehabi-litation Program at Abbott Northwestern Hospital's Family Recovery Center in

Minneapolis and the Family Treatment Center in Jordan, will be with us in several activities throughout the


He will preach at all worship services and will conduct a seminar at 3:30 pro in the afternoon in the Murray Room. The theme for the seminar will be "Chemical Dependency--Identification, Intervention, Treatment and Recovery." The coffee pot will be on, and every-one is invited.

Fifty-Plus invites you to join them for a 5:00 potluck supper. Follow-ing the supper, Reverend Hansen will speak on "Alcoholism - A Family Affair. '1 Everyone is asked to bring their own utens1ls, dishes, and a dish to serve. This potluck will be held in Rasmussen Refectory.

"CREATIVE RETIREMENT" will be the topic this Sunday, February 20, at the Adult Christian Education class. (I A panel, led by Ramsey Johnson, will give us insight into what people need, want and are doing in Austin as they move into retirement years.

Something new for Sunday will be the addition of a Brunch! A brunch con-sisting of coffee, rolls and orange juice will be served prior to the two ACE classes, which begin at 9:15 and 10:45 am. So, come and enjoy the food and fellowship, and stay for the 11 CREATIVE RETIREMENT" panel discussion.


Dr. Richard Jensen On: HCCO, 830 at: 1 0:3 0 om Suna.av'S


fOUNDf\11 ON Memorial gills to the Foundation are an enduring way to perpetuate the memory of a loved one. Monies specified tor the Endowmenl Fund are held In perpetuity, with the lnleresl from the funds each year used for the welfare and special programs of Sl. Olaf, as designated by the donors and the Board.

IMO - In Memory of IHO - In Honor of SOLC - Sl. Olaf Lutheran Congregallon


Frances Knutsen MRS R 0 BERGAN--by Amanda Horvei

ABBIE SAMUELSON--by Mr & Mrs Don LaValley


Mickelson JORGEN KNUTSEN--by Frances E Knutsen SUNDAY SCHOOL A spec1al g1ft has been given to the St. Olaf Sunday School by Paul and Joanne Worlein in memory of Lloyd Gaul.




FREEWILL OFFERING Will feature 14 area musicians on trumpet, trombone, horn, tuba and organ



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A Benefit Concert for AFS will be presented on Wednesday, February 23, in the Austin High School Auditorium by the High School Choir, Concert Band and Orchestra. Tickets are $2 for adults, $1 for students and senior citizens.


Following the service, a lunch will be served in the Lommen Library.


The Lenten Devotional Books, written by members of St. Olaf, are now printed. You can pick up a copy at the reception desk.

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From Marion Knutson

During the month of February, we are reminded of the birthdays of some of our presidents. After the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, while his body lay in state, a great proces-sion of mourners passed by his casket. There was an elderly Negro woman with her four-year old grandson in the procession. As the elder-ly lady came to the casket, with tears running down her face, she paused, then stooped and lifted the little boy so that he, too, could see the body of the dead president. Wiping the tears from her eyes she said to the little boy, "Ho.,ey, take a iD>lg .took a..t that mM, He dJ.ed nolL you."

In a much higher sense, the Christian is pausing during these Lenten days to take a "long look" at the Lamb who bled and died so that we might be forever free from the guilt, power and punishment of sin.

During this time of Lent I am reminded of Barney. Barney had just stepped from the crowded drug store into a telephone booth. He had been told that there was an urgent message for him from home. Try as he would, Barney could not make out the voice at the other end of the line. The message was lost in the noise in the crowded store and street. After several minutes, Barney managed to catch one sentence. The voice in the tele-phone said, "PR.eo..oe c..tMe the doaJt beh<.nd you. 11 Barney in his excitement, had forgotten to close the door to the phone booth, and the noises of the store had drowned out the voice from home. How much we need to remember to close the doors behind us during this Lenten season. We must not risk missing the 11 Sti11, sma 11 voi Ce 11 which speaks from the Father 1 s heart to ours. A message of peace and pardon, of courage and strength, of life and hope through the wounds and death of Jesus Christ, our Risen Savior.




The Call Committee is now interviewing Candidates for the position of Pastor of Visitation and Counseling. Notice the new title for the Associate Pastor which reflects some changes in pastoral responsibility. Formerly the Pastor of Visitation was also the Pastor of Evangelism, in charge of organizing the calling program on the visitors and new members of St. Olaf Church. In the new adjustment of duties, Pastor Philip Forme, the Pastor of Life and Growth, will handle all of the new member pro-grams. Our congregation has needs both in the areas of visitation of the shut-ins, elderly, nursing horne residents, hospitalized and ill at home, and in the area of a preventive and need-based counseling program for the congregation.

The Call Committee, therefore, is inter-viewing candidates who have strengths in both the visitation and counseling areas. The Call Committee feels that experience and qualifications in these areas are most important for the total program cf St. Olaf Church.

The Call Committee hopes to have a candidate to recommend to the congrega-tion for call by the end of March. Hopefully, the new pastor would begin his work with us by July 1, 1983.

Mr. Don Johnson, Chairman of Call Committee



f"""'MTION 301 NW First Street

Austin, Minnesota 55912


Mr. John Doe 1234 North Street Austin, MN 55912

The members of the board of The St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation wish to express their gratitude for your gift.

Providing for the future life and work of this congregation is a most meaningful way to perpetuate the memory of a loved one.

Those who administer the St. Olaf Lutheran Church Founda-tion will endeavor to use the gifts entrusted to them to the service of man and the glory of God.

Sincerely in Christ

Foundation President