Being entrepreneurial at your workplace

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Being entrepreneurial at your workplace

Being entrepreneurial at your workplace

Avlesh SinghCo-founder & CEO, WebEngage

Who am I? And, why have you been forced to listen to me …

My story:

Okay Mr-know-it-all, tell me why should I be entrepreneurial at all?

Why should I work for someone while they get rich because of my hard work?

Hmm … lemme tell you a story

Nobody Cares:


Your contribution is truly meaningful ONLY when it helps your organization WIN

Who is an entrepreneur?

Somebody who constantly strives for success.Not somebody who wants to fly business class.

How should I become one?

Believe me, you shouldn’t become one. Until you have these 3 traits in you – FOCUS. FOCUS. FOCUS

If I had eight hours to chop down a tree I would spend six hours sharpening my axe. — Abraham Lincoln

Don’t gimme that. I know how to Focus. Tell me how to become an entrepreneur …

Well, in that case, you just need to do one thing:Think out of the box …

Really? How?

Simple ways to start thinking out of the box:

Hint: Take a shower, invite randomness and learn about some other industry.

Focus & OOTB Thinking – Done. What Next?

Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.” — Thomas Edison

Its easy to talk. Be a doer instead.

Doing makes you an informed person.Aside, it helps improve your tolerance levels – because talkers will always get paid better than you.

Don’t work for your success. Help your team succeed.

This is precisely the role an entrepreneur plays at her organization. This is the best way to contribute and get noticed.

Never be afraid of failure. Ever.

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work — Thomas Edison

Have some sense of humor. Please.

Learn how not to take yourself too seriously:

Other low hanging fruits

Use data and instincts together to make decisions. Never say no to opportunities. Be the force of good.

Yikes! All of this sounds too difficult …

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t

— Anonymous

Ask me anything now …

Thanks for your time!

avlesh [@]