Being a "Mobile Designer"

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Being a "Mobile Designer"


@seyfoyun #mobilistanbul


Mobile Design



Covers by Daniel Gray

Covers by Daniel Gray


Tim Berners-Lee

Web Page document.ready();

card (e.g. HyperCard, Notecards)

An alternative term for a node in a system (e.g. HyperCard, Notecards) in which the node size is limited to a single page of a limited size.

Web Terms Glossary (1992)

Javascript (1995)

CSS (1996)

Jeffrey Zeldman

Web Standards (1998)


Web started when books and documents were the most advanced thing.

It was all they had to be inspired from.

Mobile platforms started when computers were advanced.

Web was mature. Lessons were learned.

Mobile was a brand new platform, built on 20+ years of foundation.

Mobile is different than the Web.


Web -> Mobile

Designing something requires fundamental knowledge of how that thing is made.


Responsive Websites

PhoneGap (meh.)


Trends. Fuck Trends.

Designing something requires fundamental knowledge of how that thing is made.

Designing something requires fundamental knowledge of how that thing is made. And the lines between design and development are blurring.

Today, a Web Designer is required to have HTML & CSS knowledge.

We should treat Mobile Designers the same.


Wait. We can’t learn Objective-C?


Don’t. But learn the fundamentals.


Typography (TextKit)


Layout (Auto-Layout)


View Controller

Connecting Parts of an Application

Have a developer friend. Ask him/her.

WWDC Videos

Cocoa Controls (

What The Pod (

Capptivate (

Pttrns (

Human Interface Guidelines

Paper by Facebook

Storehouse Soundcloud

Blixt Flight

Deliver designs.

Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook (P3)


Use Vectors.

Use Vectors. @3x

PaintCode 2(

Designing something requires fundamental knowledge of how that thing is made. And the lines between design and development are blurring.

Interaction Design

Interaction Prototyping

Facebook Origami Form (Google) Framer.js

Form (Google) $0

Framer.js $80

Facebook Origami $0

Apple Watch

Designers Who

Designers Who: Understand that Mobile is different

Designers Who: Understand that Mobile is different Have basic knowledge about making apps

Designers Who: Understand that Mobile is different Have basic knowledge about making apps Deliver perfect designs

Designers Who: Understand that Mobile is different Have basic knowledge about making apps Deliver perfect designs Work collaboratively with developers

Designers Who: Understand that Mobile is different Have basic knowledge about making apps Deliver perfect designs Work collaboratively with developers Think different

Thank You


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3 Nisan Cuma, 19:00 Kolektif House