Behaviral decision making activity pdf

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Transcript of Behaviral decision making activity pdf

Team 69314

Santiago Aviles S.

Yolanda Vargas

Javier Barrezueta

Assignment 2 Behavioral Decision Making

1. Team Dynamics and Decision Process Capture briefly what you think happened in the team project video.

Three people (three students, one lady, one girl and one a boy) enter in a meeting room in order to analyze a project.

It seems that the girl doesn´t understand the project or doesn´t care about that. While the lady talks with the boy, the girl gets her cellular phone in order to play or chat.

The boy has an idea, but he changed because of the thought of the lady. First he wants to analyze the Cuban Revolution but the lady prefer the French Revolution.

The lady doesn´t listen other ideas. There is not enough communication.

What choices were made in the video?

The revolution project.

What is the likely outcome of the project?

The likely outcome of the project is that it fails or doesn´t go very well.

Is there a victim?

Who is responsible for the breakdown?

Everybody. The lady wants to impose her ideas, the boy do not consider other opinion and the girl does not express her unconformity.

Team Dynamics and Decision Process

As you watch, take the perspective of the individual you feel was most responsible.

• The lady.

Who would they say is at fault? • Everyone.

Did you see things you hadn’t previously? • No, we don´t think so.

Have you experienced anything like this? • Yes.

How could decision process help? • The girl is reacting to situations without thinking. She must think how one

thing relates to another and the consequences of her decisions. • Her classmates must ask her for more commitment, and also include her

in the conversation. • The lady has to accept other ideas.

2. Smith Family Decision Situation

The Smith family has a big decision to make. Mrs. Smith’s elderly mother, Irene Brown, has

been showing clear signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. Her frequent spells of memory loss have

become quite disturbing and are potentially dangerous. It seems clear that she should no

longer live alone in her own apartment. But where should she go?

One possibility is to have Irene move in with the Smiths. To make space, the Smiths’ two

teenage daughters would have to share a bedroom - this is not something either of them

would like. Also, Mrs. Smith would have to adjust her work schedule so that she could be

home most of the time to look after her mother.

Another possibility is to put Irene into some form of assisted-living arrangement. The Smiths

are unsure which type of care would be most appropriate for Irene both in her current

condition, and in her possible future conditions.

Mr. Smith worries about how long Irene’s finances would allow her to remain in assisted

living. Meanwhile, Mrs. Smith is wrestling with conflicting feelings. On the one hand, she

feels that as a dutiful daughter she should make sacrifices to care for her mother. On the

other, she believes that the needs of her own family and of her career weigh heavily toward

putting her mother in an assisted living home.

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Discussion of Smith Family Case

Did you notice that you were more likely to identify one type (head/heart) of issue more than the other?

May be that some of us are more likely to identify from the heart, but we have to use also the head.

Would you say that you are a person that leads more from the head or more from the heart?

The members of the group lead more from the heart than from the head.

What kind of decision is this, Head or Heart?

I think this is a decision that they have to do from the heart and from the head too.

As one member of the group said “I would organize with my whole family and take the decision”.

How does the Decision Trap of Selective Attention (seeing what you are most interested in and discounting other information) play a role in these two cases?

Viewing the problem not only from the perspective of the heart, neither only from the perspective of the head, but from both perspectives.

How does Decision Process help to answer the challenges that are created by Decision Traps and our own personal strengths, weaknesses and experiences?

Getting better information and being clear about what we really want.

Comparing alternatives based on the information and values.

Proceeding to the committed action.