Beck’s Reformed Church September 2008 Beck’s Reformed ... · Church Newsletter Beck’s...

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Transcript of Beck’s Reformed Church September 2008 Beck’s Reformed ... · Church Newsletter Beck’s...

Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

Beck’s Reformed Church September 2008

I believe if the Lord

Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Church and of our lives then He will set the agenda for the Church and for the lives of those who would be His disciples.

I believe the universal mis-sion statement of the Church of Jesus Christ is given at the close of the Gospel of Matthew. It is directive of the Lord to all His disciples concerning what is to be their focus and work to the end of the age. Simply put, it is the work of all disciples to make new disciples to the Lord Jesus.

The reality is that this is not the true focus of our church and most churches in America. We can as-sess the commitment to our ministry of making new disciples in a number of ways. The most simple is finances. Jesus said, “Where a man’s treasure is, there will be his heart also.”(Mt. 6:21) Outreach and evangelism compose a very small part of the budgets of most churches.

Time expenditure is an-other measure of commit-ment. When mak-ing other disciples is the focus of a con-gregation or of a be-liever then time will be given to the effort of making new disci-ples to the Lord Je-sus. Prayer is another measure of commitment to the concern of our Lord that we make new disci-ples. Our prayer life will include prayer for the op-portunity to bring others into a relationship with Christ and His Church. We will have a heartfelt con-cern for people who are not disciples of the Lord Jesus.

I know for certain that the Lord Jesus, by the testimony of His Word, expects and com-mands that Beck’s Re-

formed Church is to be a disciple making church.

It is His desire for all believ-ers to be dis-ciple makers. When Jesus calls His dis-ciples it is with the words “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men!” (Mt. 4:9)

Every follower of Jesus is under the mandate to make new disciples and every church has this as its primary call-ing to make new disciples. How long shall it be before His concern really be-comes the concern of His Church? God grant by the awakening of the Spirit, it shall be soon!

In the Love of the Lord,

Pastor Gerald M. Sanders

From the Pastor... Consistory 2 BOCE 3

Senior News 5

Ladies Circles 6


Splash! 8

From the Youth 9

Upcoming Events 10

OCC 11

Notes of Thanks 12

Gifts, Honors, and Memorials


Shut Ins, Prayer Needs


Birthdays and Anniversaries


Bible Study Info 16

Blue Jean Drive 18

Ladies Spiritual Renewal


Inside this issue:

Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of

all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit,”

A Word From the Consistory... The Consistory wishes to keep the congregation in-formed concerning their meetings and actions. To improve and to be more ac-curate in meeting this goal, we discussed the procedure of publishing Consistory minutes in the Church’s Newsletter at the August 11, 2008 meeting. Comments expressed were that all min-utes should be reviewed and approved before being pub-lished in the Newsletter. A

motion was made by Kevin Firquin that we do not print Consistory minutes in the Congregational Newsletter until the Consistory has had an opportunity to meet, re-view, and approve those minutes. Motion was sec-onded by Mike Swing and approved unanimously.

Based on the approval of this motion, minutes of the August 11, 2008 Consistory meeting will appear in the

Newsletter that is published after the September 20 deadline. This will be the procedure taken for each Consistory meeting relating to the publication of official minutes.

Shirley Varner Putnam

Consistory President

Page 2 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

1 Chronicles 22:19

19 Now set your heart and your soul

to seek the LORD your God…

Hebrews 11:6

6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that

He is, and that He is a rewarder of

those who diligently seek Him.

Consistory Members Elders:

Shirley Varner-Putnam, Michael Green, Doug Beck, Eddie Garner, Kevin Firquin, Greg Lohr

Deacons: Josh Regan, Terresa Parks, Scott Shoaf, Rick Black, Ronald Lo-

man, Mike Swing

Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter Page 3

STILL SEEKING We want to thank those who have followed God’s call and have com-mitted to a BOCE position for the

2008/2009 year. At the time of this newsletter, however, we are still in need of an Assistant Superinten-dent. Please give this position

prayerful consideration, and if you are willing to give of your time to do

God’s work, please see a BOCE member or Scott


Important Note:

Make God your

Priority. Come to

Sunday School

And let’s study

His Word


Upcoming Events...

• Friendship

Sunday -

September 21st

• Fall Festival -

October 26th

• Christmas Events


We are in need of someone to

work with the chil-dren’s music during

Sunday School. Please see Jennifer

Younts or any BOCE member if you are inter-

ested in working with these beautiful children.

Help Wanted

Congratulations Congratulations to the Young at Heart Class and the First and

Second Grade Class for winning the attendance banner for the month of July. Also, congratulations to all of our children who were promoted to another class.

Thanks to All of Our Sunday School Teachers!!

Page 4 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter


If you could only see right now

From Heaven’s point of view,

You’d witness mighty miracles

From what you say and do.

Jesus said, “You’d hear the prayers

That fall upon My ear.

You would see souls daily growing

As My Word from you they hear.”

“The gift that I have given you

Will forever change man’s heart

And help him grow deep in his faith

As Truth you will impart.”

“Each man and woman, boy and girl

To whom you’ve shown the way

Will stand up for you in Heaven

With thankful hearts one day.”

“They’ll tell you how they came to know

The Truth that set them free,

Because you took the time to teach

And tell them about Me.”

So thank you for your faithfulness,

One day you’ll finally see,

From the fruit of all your labor,

Great your reward will be.

YOU ARE SPECIAL Thanks to all the teachers who have

spent time teaching God’s Word to all of us. It is so easy to go to Sunday

School each week and hear the Word of God being taught, but we forget how much time is involved in putting these lessons together. Thank your teachers

and let them know how much you appreciate them.

Thank you to all of the

people who served on the BOCE for the 2007/2008 term. It has been a reward-ing year, and I’m sure we have all been blessed. Those retiring from the Board

this year are Paul and Tammy Lopp, Tara Young, Beverly Leonard and

Tammy Burkhart. We especially want to extend gratitude to Beverly Leonard for her many years of service as the congre-

gational representative. Her commit-ment in keeping this position for so

many years is a wonderful example of what we are all called to do.

It looked like a combination of a beach trip and back to school when we en-tered the fellowship hall for our August meeting. Linda, Lohr, Barbara, and Doris did an excellent job on the deco-rations with beach balls, sand pails, pencils, notepads, markers, notebooks, etc. What made this even better is that all the décor was going to be donated to the schools – such a great idea.

Margaret started the business portion of the meeting. A new member joined our ranks today, Thena Goss. We are glad to have her with us. There are a total of 44 sched-uled for the Wolfhart Haus Theater on September 10th. That should be a very enjoyable day. She reminded us that money needed to be in by August 24th for the Bedford, Virginia trip. We have been invited to attend Mt. Tabor’s Senior Citizens Meeting on September 17th at 10:30 AM for a covered dish meal. We had a good show of hands on those who wanted to attend. Since Beck’s does not have a scheduled meeting in September, those of us who can will go to Mt. Tabor. We will be getting with everyone for a count a little later.

Several cards are being sent to those who need comfort and/or prayers. Margaret then turned the program over Shirley Frank.

Shirley started by passing out a “program” beginning with a “Handy Little Chart” showing that God has a

positive answer to your problems. For example: You say: “It’s impossible”: God says: “All things are possible” Luke 18:27. This chart will stay with me for all the positive statements to my negative feelings.

Keith had part of the program today about Sharing Vic-trola Music. Did you know that 78rmp records were the only ones available from 1900-1948? Keith

played some old records on an old victrola (wind-up). These were so up-beat and good to hear. The concluding song was “I’m Crazy Bout my Baby and my Baby’s Crazy “Bout Me” which ended with a dance by Keith and Shirley. I don’t know that we could imagine something like this happening several months ago. God still does miracles!

Shirley finished up the program with a story of Elvira and Henry – two back-woods country folk who took a trip up the mountain to see to Elvira’s sick sister. The return trip was amazing and a little unsettling at times. She then led the group to a Sunday service at Beck’s Chu4rch in the 1800’s. We had groups that did “sound effects” to the words: horse, wagon, preacher, choir, Bible”, prayer, etc. That was certainly fun—maybe a little confusing but fun nevertheless. Shirley must have been a great teacher, she can get us “old folk” to listen to her. Story telling abilities have been given to

Shirley in abundance.

After Jim Strickland led us in prayer we adjourned to the food table for sus-tenance and fellowship.

Hope everyone enjoyed the Poor Man’s Supper this month. We will have them for two more months before stopping for the year.

PS-You have to get Shirley to tell about her experience at a Primitive Baptist Church at about 7 years of age.

Senior Marilyn Hilton

Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter Page 5

Upcoming Events...

• September 10-Senior Trip to see Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at the Wolfhart Haus Theater

• September 17—Senior Meeting at Mt. Tabor

• September 24—Poor Man’s Supper

• September 29-30 Senior Trip to Bedford, VA

Breakfast Marilyn Hilton

Monday, August 6th, 15 members and 1 guest met at John Wayne’s for our breakfast and fellowship. Unfortunately the day did not start out well due to the news of Sheila’s death. Even though we were glad to know she was not longer in pain but in heaven with her Heavenly Father, we were sorrowful for the family as well as our own loss of Sheila and her infectious smile.

Hazel had decorated the tables with cheerful placemats, napkins and had a photo album for each member.

After our devotions, Barbara had the program on “How we treat oth-

ers”. She cited He-brews 13:2 “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing, some people have entertained an-gels without knowing it.” She went on to tell about the welcome ministry started at Becks. This is to provide a warm welcome for every-one entering the church. Everyone is not necessarily what he or she seem to be. Strangers and others need to be enriched by us. We do not know their circumstances.

We voted to give $100 to the book

bag ministry. We were reminded of the poor man’s supper in August and the overall guild meeting on September 21st.

We are looking forward to starting back at South-ern Lunch and hope things go well so we can go back “home” next month.

For all women who do not have a circle to attend, please consider joining us. We meet the first Wednesday of each month for breakfast at 8:30 AM. We would

Home students. This ministry is on-going, so that any of you who have not yet contributed or would like to make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one, may do so at any time dur-ing the year. Please direct these dona-tions to “Day Circle

Book Bag Ministry”. Words cannot convey the depth of our thankful-ness for your kindness and generos-

On behalf of Day Circle #1, we would like to ex-press deep appreciation to those individuals and Church groups who do-nated so generously to our “book bag ministry project.” Because God touched your hearts so deeply, the project was once again a tremendous success. We were able to fill the requests of South-wood, Churchland, and Silver Val-ley Elementary schools, as well as, the needs of Nazareth Children’s

ity. God will surely smile upon you for taking care of “the least of his children.”

Love in Christ,

Book Bag Ministry Committee

Andrea, Betty, Jerrie, Jackie,

Kay P., Joanie, & Jeanne

To The Congregation of Beck’s Reformed Church

fund-raising calendar to be given out at our next meeting on September 18, 2008

* Our Christmas Party will be Thursday, December 4th at 6:30 at Jennifer Firquin's house.

* We will provide gifts for an Angel off of the Angel Tree this year

or Christmas in lieu of exchanging gifts

* We were all reminded of the Women's Retreat on October 4th

* We were all reminded of Pastor

Stan's arrival and Revival on

September 28th

* Dessert of the Month may be coming soon!

Prayers were offered up for those in out church and community who are sick, hurting and dealing with loss.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned and we were served wonderful refreshments pre-pared by Becky Wynn.

Thursday Evening Circle Kim Black

The Thursday Evening Circle met on August 21, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the fellowship hall. We began with a program about the will of God by Becky Wynn.

Old Business discussed was the meal provided of pizza and fruit for Bible school, which worked out well.

New Business discussed was:

* Bonnie Mize made a motion (second by Kim Black) that we do-nate $50.00 to Meals on Wheels

* Donna Yarborough will prepare

Page 6 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

The Kids For Christ Fellow-ship group enjoyed an af-ternoon of swimming and fellowship at the home of David and Terresa Parks on Sunday, August 17. We enjoyed the time with the Children’s Youth Fellowship and the Middle School Youth. The children had a

supper of chicken tenders and pizza and other snacks. A big THANK YOU to eve-ryone who has assisted me with this very special group of children over the last several years. As of next month, Tara Young will be the leader of the Kids For Christ fellowship group. I

know you all will continue to support activities for the children. Keep an eye out in the bulletin for upcoming scheduled meetings.

KFC Terresa Parks For Children 4 Years Old Thru 2nd Grade

Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter Page 7

KFC and CYF will meet September 14, 2008 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Basement of the Church. There will be devotions, snacks

and visitors from the community. Bring a friend! Parents will need to update and Emergency Contact Sheet before leaving your child at the church. For any questions see Tara Young or Dana Hedrick-



KFC and CYF Next Meeting September 14

3-5pm! Be There!

home we will be focusing on Matthew 25: 35-36, Our focus for September is on “I Needed Clothes and You Clothed Me”. We will be collecting Gloves, Scarves, Socks, and Coats for the needy all month. Please make any dona-tions to a pre-designated box in the church basement.

September 21st, Terresa and David Parks will host the MSY at their lake house from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Please join us for food, fellowship, and fun!

Finally, we are planning an outing to the Carowinds Christian Music Day on October 4th. Tickets are limited and first come first serve so if you plan on attending, please let me know right away!

in celebrating that week and finding out more about how our lives were blessed and changed on Sunday September 7th during Worship Service.

Also in August we had our kick-off party for new members. We welcome all rising 6th graders and bid a sorrowful farewell to the rising 9th graders. They were a great group and we will miss them but hope they will visit us often!

The MSY is planning a new adventure for the upcoming year. In an effort to in-crease our mission work at home we will be focusing on Matthew 25: 35-36, Our

August was an exciting month for the MSY. We went on a wonderful mis-sion trip to the NC Baptist Assembly where we were able to participate in a bi-ble study that explored our Spiritual Gifts, the Fruits of the Spirit, and the Power of the Holy Spirit. In addition to the inspira-tional worship services and bible studies, we were blessed by getting to help several area senior citizens with work that needed to be done around

their houses. Please join us

MSY by Kristie Regan

Matthew 25: 35-36, For I was hungry and you gave me something to

eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to

drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick

and you looked after me, I was in prison and you

came to visit me.

Page 8 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

Splash! Small People Loving and Serving Him!

SPLASH! Leaders

Leaders: Jill Shoaf & Lori Burris (0-3 years old)

Leaders: Tara Young & Kristen Burkhart (4 years old – Kindergarten)

Leader: Tammi Rachels (1st & 2nd Grade)

Leader: Stephanie Shoaf (3rd through 5th Grade)

2008-2009 SPLASH Schedule (formerly Pioneer Club) September 3 – SPLASH Kickoff!!! (Water Games)

September 10 – Regular Meeting

September 17 – Regular Meeting

September 24 – Regular Meeting

October 1 – Regular Meeting

October 8 – Hayride, Campfire with S’mores

October 15 – Regular Meeting

October 22 – Regular Meeting

October 29 – Shoeboxes

November 5 – Regular Meeting

November 12 – Regular Meeting

November 19 – Thanksgiving – Service Project (Last meeting until January 7 due to the holidays and children’s Christmas practice).

January 7 – SPLASH Kicks Off the New Year!!!

Come make a SPLASH for Jesus! September 3 – Water Games and Homemade Ice Cream Bring your bathing suit, towel and water gun!!!! Fun! Fun! Fun!

Wednesday nights

6:30 – 7:30 pm

Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter Page 9

It’s been another great summer but it is quickly fading away into another school year. My prayers are with all of our students, parents, and teach-ers as they face another challenging year in their lives. Our youth have had another great summer filled with many activities. Our youth enjoyed Bible School, pool parties, youth fellowship meeting, and another suc-cessful mission trip. It has been a blessing to watch our youth learn and grow in their spiritual faith. Thanks to all of our youth leaders who have given of their time to be with these young men and women. I have no-ticed an interesting model in our kids that we as adults should try to copy in our lives. The Scripture in Mark 10:13-16 and verse 15 in particular tells us, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” What an interesting challenge for us as adults. Until soci-ety and culture take hold of our children they so innocently place their trust in Jesus Christ, they don’t question why, they simply responded to his calling. We see the same in concept when chil-dren cling to their parents; they know they are safe when they are with them. Years ago while vis-iting John’s River and making our way up the mountain I had the opportunity to help a young boy who was struggling at the time. As I picked him up he asked if there would be lions and bears at the top. Before I could answer he replied, “It really won’t matter, Jesus will take care of us.” What a testimony of faith from such a young child. Without question he chose to trust in God.

Wouldn’t it be great if we as adults could share the same simple faith this young boy demon-strated. It is amazing to me how we so often question the Creator, who created all things, about what is wrong in our lives as if it is His fault. Instead society, culture and our own egos have con-vinced us that we should be the rulers of our own lives. We are never satisfied unless we have complete control of our lives. We simply cannot allow ourselves to share this complete trust in God as our children have so faithfully done in their young lives. How can we be models for them when they are showing us the way? We as adults must grasp the simplicity our children model for us in their trust and faith in God because at some point the pressures of our society will affect our children as well. First John 3:6 -8 tells us, “No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him. Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning.” So often I have found while teaching children we should stop to watch them and model their faith in our lives. May God bless each and everyone as we strive to grow His Kingdom.

In Christ,


From the Youth Pastor...

Mark 10:15

“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom

of God like a little child will never enter


Page 10 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

Revival With Stan hankins

September 28, 29, 30 Beck’s Reformed Church is blessed to have again as our revival speaker the Reverend Stan Hankins of Honolulu, Hawaii. Reverend Hankins is a world wide evangelist, teacher and missionary with Ambassadors for Christ. He has been with our Church on two other occasions and these times were a blessing. He will preach on Sunday morning and on Sunday evening at 7:00 as well as on Monday and Tuesday Evenings at 7:00.

THE GATHERING When: Saturday, September 6 at 5:30 pm

Where: Kenny Newsome’s Lake-house

Who: Everyone is invited!

What: Devotions, music, a cookout, and Christian fellowship.

Bring a dessert or appetizer. Drinks will be provided.

Invite a friend to join us!

Upcoming Events...

Come make a SPLASH for Jesus! September 3 – Water Games and

Homemade Ice Cream Bring your bathing suit, towel and wa-

Dates to Remember...

? September 3 Splash! Kickoff

? September 3 Ladies Breakfast Cir-cle Meeting

? September 6 The Gathering

? September 7 Youth Caswell “Rewind”

? September 10 Senior Trip to see Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

? September 14 KFC and CYF Meet-ing

? September 16 Crocheting for Christ Meets

? September 18 Ladies Thurs-day Evening Circle

? September 21 MSY Party

? September 28—Revival Begins

? September 29-30 Senior Trip to Bedford, VA

Important Dates and Information

• Plastic shoeboxes will be available in October for you to pick up and be-gin filling. Please be in prayer and consider making this a part of your family’s Christmas tradition.

• If you are unable to shop for the items, we will gladly accept donations and we will do the shopping for you. We would like to do the shopping before the Shoebox Packing Party on No-vember 2. Donations can also be made to help cover the cost of shipping the shoeboxes. Please make checks payable to Beck’s Reformed Church and designate to Operation Christmas Child (OCC).

• Bins will also be located in the church basement beginning in September if you would like to donate items for the shoeboxes. We will have bins for the following: toothbrushes & tooth-paste; pencils, pencil sharpeners, pens, markers, rulers; bars of soap (Ivory) & washcloths; notepads & coloring books; hairbrushes, combs, hair barrettes, hair accessories; flashlights & batteries; and small toys. We cannot pack any items that are war-related or liquids of any kind (shampoo, lotion, bubbles).

• November 2, 4 – 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall – Shoebox Packing Party for all youth. Invite a friend to join us in packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

• November 9 – Shoeboxes due and dedicated during the worship service.

• Week of November 16 – Deliver shoeboxes to Drop-Off Location, First Methodist Church.

• December 5, 9:00 – 12 noon – Work as a volunteer at the OCC Processing Center. (Must be 13 years old.)The following people are currently signed up to work: Jerrie Swing, Terresa Parks, Donna Yarbrough, Joyce Greer, Beverly Leonard, Nancy Alley, Donna Caulder, Loretta Comer,

Kathryn Everhart, Tara Young, Scott Shoaf, Stephanie Shoaf, Tammi Rachels, and Mark Rachels. We have 10 spots available. Please call Tammi Rachels at 859-5561 if you would like to join us.

Operation Christmas Child

Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter Page 11

The Pastor’s Pantry

A note of thanks was sent by the folks at Pastor’s Pan-try for the generous dona-tion of $1,000.00 by Beck’s Reformed Church.

Dear Pastor Sanders and Beck’s Reformed Church,

Thank you so much for allowing us to use the church sanctuary to celebrate the homegoing of Aunt Jennie Lee.

She was a wonderful person and lived a Godly life that will be remem-bered by many.

Thank you again for making a sad time a wonderful remembrance.

Hilda Adams

Beck’s Reformed Church,

Simple words can not convey our thanks for all the love and compassion everyone in this church has shown our family dur-ing this difficult time.

All the prayers, cards, visits, food, flowers and every thought is and always will be appreciated.

The outpouring of love has surrounded our family and given us immense comfort. We could never repay each and every one of you for all you have done.

God Bless You All.


Jerry, Betty, Amanda and Dana

Page 12 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

Dear Friends,

On behalf of cancer victims in Davidson County, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your gift of $1,500.00. These funds will be used here in the Davidson County community to help our friends and neighbors struggling to survive the devastation of a cancer diagnosis. Without generous donations like yours our agency’s assistance to others would not be possible.

We would welcome the opportunity to speak to some of your church groups at Beck’s Reformed Church so they can learn more about how DCCS helps cancer patients. Thank you for your commitment to our community, and may God continue to bless your ministry as well as each of you.


Tonya D. Austin, Office Administrator

Notes of Thanks...

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff at Path of Hope, Inc., I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your recent dona-tion of $1,000.00 to our program. Also thank you for remembering us with the Memorial for Donna Raye Burkhart Watson in the amount of $50.00. We are most appreciative of your continued support of our pro-gram.

We are in the process of building a 12 bed female halfway house on our present campus. We hope to have this facility in operation December 1, 2008. You will be hearing more about this in the near future.

We have speakers available to talk to church groups concerning addic-tion. If you would like for us to come talk with your youth, women’s group or brotherhood, just let us know. We will be happy to provide that service to you.

Again, thank you for your donation and the Memorial and may God bless you as He so blesses us—One Day at a time.

Ann House, Finance Director, Path of Hope

Dear Church Family,

Please accept my sincere thanks and gratitude for all of the cards, visits and prayers during my stay in the nursing home.

A special thanks to the prayer shawl ministry for the lovely, warm prayer shawl that you gave me.

Thank you again,

Hallie Hawkins

Book Bag Ministry Donation by Max and Linda Loflin In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Lohr and Linda Younts In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by John and Ann Bryant Donation by John and Maxine King

Cemetery Fund In Memory of Willis Younts by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Lib and Eddie Lohr In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by John and Margaret Burkhart

Choir Fund In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Randy and Brenda Hed-rick Fellowship Hall Fund Shelving Donation by Charles Swing

General Fund In Memory of Jennie Miller by Helen B. Smith Mission Fund Donation by Kent and Jeanne McCarn Donation in Honor of Mark and Tammi Rachels and Kristie Regan by Pastor Jerry In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Jim, Jeannette, Ben and Caryn Renas In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Eddie and Jerrie Swing Donation by John and Lynette Lollis In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Eddie, Joni and Sarah King

Pastor’s Pantry Donation by Eddie and Jerri Swing Donation by Lynn Walser Donation by Donald Hedrick Donation by Kevin Lipe Family Donation by Greg and Nadine Lohr Donation by Brad and Jill Shoaf Donation by Charles Swing Donation by Nancy Aley Donation by Mark and Tammi Rachels Donation by Bruce Greer Donation by Steve and Andrea Regan Donation by Van, Wendi, and Brianna Bernhardt Donation by John and Ann Bryant Donation by Anonymous Donation by Kent and Jeanne McCarn

Projector Fund Donation by Jan and Susan Hauck Donation by Scott and Stephanie Shoaf Donation by Charles Swing In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Garner

Samaritan Fund Donation in Memory of Paige and Richard Beck and Wilma and Leonard Cross by Bill and Louise Cross Donation in Honor of Laura and Abby Bryant and Anna Swing by John and Ann Bryant Donation in Honor of Drake Carrick’s 7th Birthday and in Memory of Poppy (Ray Swing) by Drue and Carmen Car-rick In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by John and Judy Greer In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Sealey In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Bill and Louise Cross In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Max and Linda Loflin In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Judy Younts In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by John E. and Maxine King In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Ed and Cathy Wilkerson In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Don and Joyce Greer In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Raymond and Kay Padon In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Charles Swing In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Doug and Gayle Beck In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Keith and Shirley Frank In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by David and Terresa Parks

Video Fund Donation by Van and Wendi Bernhardt Donation by Donald Hedrick Donation in Honor of Cosmic Crafters of VBS by Tara Young In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Jason, Meredith, Gavin and Aiden Gallimore In Memory of Shelia Hedrick Looper by Scott and Stepha-nie Shoaf In Honor of Pastor Jerry by Scott and Stephanie Shoaf

Gifts, Honors and Memorials...

Community ? National ? World Military Personnel and their Families:

Jason Moore –mailing address 17 Colonial Dr, Lexington, NC 27292 Willie and Sally Marshall –stationed in Ger-many, serving in Iraq Chris Hurd—USAF—502 Vermont Ave, Ft. Walton, FL 32547 Zack Miller—503 e. Sladen Pl, West Point, NY 10996 SN David Black USCGC Thetis (WMEC-910) c/o USCG Sector Key West 100 Trumbo Road Key West, FL 33040

Becky Allison Terry Fields

Laura Benedict (terminal cancer) Jerry Lohr

Art Bethel (bone cancer) Nancy Swing

Tamara Crotts Bob Almstead

Patsy Flynn (breast cancer) Peggy Pearce

Nellwynn Grubb (cancer) Roger Younts

Katie Gulledge Morgan Ward

Justin Hardin age 3—pray for healing of leukemia

Claudia Rapier Brett Tharp

Shell Crotts Beulah Swing

Parks Brown and Mary Adelee Brown Vanhoy Hines

Willie Owen

Navahlia Quesenberry (colon cancer)

Long Term Prayer Needs

Norman Briggs: Atria Forest Lake—451 Forest Drive, Room 221, Columbia, SC 29206 Roxie and Foy Floyd (home) 543 Hedrick Mill Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Bessie Greer: Piedmont Crossing-Room 310 100 Hedrick Dr., Thomasville, NC 27360 Bertha Kepley: Piedmont Crossing —Room 114, 100 Hedrick Dr., Thomasville, NC 27360 Pauline Seaford: 608 Johnson Ridge Rd., #138 Park-wood Place, Elkin, NC Martha Seals: Brookstone Retirement Center 2968 Old Salisbury Road Lexington, NC 27295 Louise Spruill (Barbara Strickland’s mother) Carolina House, 161 Young Dr., Lexington, NC 27292 Ruby Tussey: Piedmont Crossing—Room 209, 100 Hedrick Dr., Thomasville, NC 27360 Leon Varner: Lexington Health Care—Room 110, 17 Cornelia Drive, Lexington, NC 27292 Roma Jean Burkhart: Brookstone Rest Home-Room 36A, 2968 Old Salisbury Rd, Lexington, NC 27295 Hallie Hawkins: home with Rev and Mrs. Sanders 2944 Beck’s Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Carleen Allred: home-1882 Beck’s Church Rd, Lexing-ton, NC 27292 Willa Younts: home—107 Eastview Dr., Lexington, NC 27292 Dolan and Iris Parks: (assisted living) Brighton Gar-dens Ste 266, 6000 Park South Drive, Charlotte, NC 28210 (704) 643-8708

Shut Ins and Rest Homes

? ? Prayer Ministry of Beck’s Reformed Church? ? September 2008

“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

Please help us keep this prayer list up to date. For names to add or take off our prayer list call Donna Yarbrough at 357-7569, Rev-erend Sanders or the church secretary at 357-2369, or email the church secretary at

Page 14 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

mailing address 17 Colonial Dr, Lexington, NC 27292

many, serving in Iraq

Walton, FL 32547

SN David Black 910)

c/o USCG Sector Key West 100 Trumbo Road

Page 15 Beck’s Reformed Church Newsletter

September Birthdays and Anniversaries

1 Tara Young, Marie Gobble, Jill Shoaf, Sam and Judy Tussey

2 Arnold Miller, Shannon Leonard, Gerald and Susie Beck 3 Larry Younts, Jennifer Leonard, Mindy Crotts 4 Steven Young 5 Samantha Burkhart, Rachel Brock, Ben Renas 7 Logan McCarn, Nathan Regan, David Spratt 8 Jill Beck, Stephen Barnhill, Wayne Johnson

9 Phillip Sink, Mark Rachels, Carlton and Ann Sealey 10 Bret Burkhart, Taylor Glosson, Darrell Swing, Imojean Burkhart, Paul Leonard

11 Becky Wynn, Kristen Burkhart, Kali Swing, Gene and Gail Smith, Bruce and Gilda Greer

12 Judy Tussey, Ronald and Jamie Loman 13 Kayle Brock, Rodney Miller 14 Joshua Parks, Mallory Mize, Willie Hayes 15 Chad Garner 16 Dalton Frank

18 Randy Davis, Alison Graves, Phil and Jodi Hernandez 19 Gilda Greer 20 Gina Idol 21 Brenda Burris, John Beck 22 Sherry Burkhart, Martha Seals 23 Iris Parks, Daniel Burkhart 24 Steve Regan, Judy Trexler, Shane Miller

25 Jimmy Wilkes, Blair and Carol Crouse, Josh and Whitney McCarn 26 Brandi Euart 28 Stephanie Shoaf 29 Roxie Floyd, Donald Hedrick, Patsy Lohr

30 Miriam Burkhart, Odell and Ruth Hedrick, Eddie and Joni King

Be In Prayer For…

Our children as they start the new school year...

Our church, as we grow in God’s Word, as we humbly build up his Kingdom…

Our Pastor and Kaye as they minister not only within the church, but within the commu-nity.

Our Youth Pastor as he leads our youth and young adults in seeking God and His perfect will and as he works towards his degree at Liberty University

Our Seniors, as they take their trips, for the fellowship they have and the quiet Godly leadership role they take in the church…

Our Consistory as they seek God’s will in the leadership of the church…

Our nation as we face uncertain wordly times in the upcoming elections, yet taking hope for the future God has promised His beloved…

Our new President, whoever may be elected, as he takes a powerful leadership role that he may first seek wisdom and discernment from the Almighty God we serve…

Missionaries, both at home and abroad, as they humbly spread the Word of God and win souls to Christ, oftentimes working in harm’s way…

One another as we seek God’s perfect will and as we seek to live our lives in such a way that we make God proud of his children…

James 5:16

16 Confess your trespasses[a] to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Let Us Pray...

Beck’s Reformed Church

2845 Beck’s Church Road

Lexington, North Carolina 27292

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Join Us in Worship and Fellowship Sunday School Classes for All Ages at 9:30am

Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am Children’s Church and Nursery Provided

Beck’s Church News September 2008 Beck’s Reformed Church Reverend Gerald M. Sanders, Pastor Mark Rachels, Youth and Young Adult Pastor 2845 Beck’s Church Road Lexington, NC 27292