Bearded Earth

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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The Portfoilo of Danny Papageorge

Transcript of Bearded Earth

Ask. Learn. Solve. Create. This is the portfolio of Danny Papageorge.

Bearded Earth-noun The collective consciousness that is Danny Papageorge.Bearded Earth represents a collection of only his best ideas and intentions.


Eco Taco

Saul Williams

Fuji Film

Fine Art

Top Shelf

Zenway Typeface

Krylon Spray Paint

Compile Magazine

Litter Bugs

Book Cover Design

Street Beat


Cast Krylon under a new light by appealing to a younger, more creative consumer. Create an advertising campaign for Krylon to spread awareness of their new line of glow-in-the-dark, chalkboard, and magnetic spray paint. Target the audience of mainly eighteen to thirty year old men and women who thrive on do-it-yourself projects.


In order to reach the target audience and clearly display the use of each product, it is necessary to find a unique link between them. Humor is utilized to capture the mind of the consumer while simultaneously informing them on the use of the product.


A text based campaign that uses pop culture phrases, and informative imagery to create a lasting impression of both the usability and personality of Krylon’s new creative spray paints.

Krylon Spray Paint

Compile MagazineCHALLENGE

Brand and design a magazine for the sustainable aspects of the design industry. Target the audience of twenty to sixty year old professionals who have interest in Graphic, Industrial, Interior, and Architectural design.


In order to create a cohesive magazine, certain themes and rules need to be defined. Every aspect of the magazine from layout to typography was carefully designed, showcasing the most relevant and inspiring sustainable design.


The term “compile” was conceived to describe the magazine and it’s intention to collect and gather sustainable ideas related to design. Compile Magazine: A Collection of Conscious Design.

Book Cover DesignCHALLENGE

Re-design three separate book covers utilizing similar treatment yet strikingly different illustrative techniques.


Sketched ideas were made concrete through the exploration of block printing, oil painting, photography, and line drawing.


Three unique book covers each utilizing a different, yet relevant illustrative technique.


Keeping up with the competition, Fuji Film is releasing a wide range of under water cameras. While Fuji is a well established brand, they haven’t yet tapped into the young active consumers of today.


Through the use of energetic and unexpected photography, a youthful and adventurous feeling is created. This ephemeral feeling is what speaks to the consumer, inspiring them to use Fuji Film’s under water cameras.


Large ads are placed in well populated areas, spreading awareness to Fuji’s under water cameras while Fuji’s website is redesigned for this campaign.


Bridge the gap between the online world and the physical world. Concept and design a user-experience product aimed towards college students that connects them both physically and digitally.


Research, brainstorming, and ample amounts of sketches led to a unique solution that takes into account the latest technological advancements, the target audience, as well as the competition.


Utilizing real-time data, augmented reality, and GPS, Street Beat is an iPhone application aimed toward college students allows one to see what events are going on around them, as well as when and where they are located.

Top Shelf SpeakeasyCHALLENGE

Create and brand an up-scale restaurant targeting intelligent, affluent individuals.


Gaining inspiration from old Chicago restaurants as well as the prohibition era, the speakeasy theme was conceived.


Top Shelf Speakeasy.Logo. Menu. Stationary package.Drink recipe cards and coaster set.

Zenway TypefaceCHALLENGE

Create an unconventional bitmap typeface and make it three dimensional. The typeface, which is to be used by Compile Magazine, is to have a modern and peaceful look.


Inspired from nature and architecture and bound by typographic rules, the letterforms took their shape. Using Starbursts as the pixel, “compile” was built up through color.


By contrasting the square pixels with the organic shapes they produce, a balanced, yet natural feel is achieved.The result is Zenway.


In a world where communication is impersonally mediated through technology, we often lose sight of the people that physically surround us. This perceived advancement in communication is slowly deteriorating our ability to pick up on both verbal and non-verbal cues, forcing us to avoid eye contact and keep to ourselves. My intention is to cause attention to our natural attraction towards faces and comment on our current state of communication.

Saul WilliamsCHALLENGE

Saul Williams, the American poet, writer, actor, and musician is coming to New York to perform Spoken Word, excerpts of his poetry.


Inspired from Saul Williams poetry, each piece is designed to translate his intangible ideas into visual form.


Posters, tickets, and collateral signage for the event were all designed with typographic solutions. Type along with a graphic of Saul’s face is used to segway from his written word to his spoken.


Create and brand a taco company targeting eco-friendly, intelligent, and affluent consumers. A sustainable company that provides simple, high quality meals.


In order to stand out from competition, a unity between modern and organic design must be created.Negative and positive organic shapes are explored to create the design elements. Clean lines and bright colors reinforce the modern brand.


Three modern Eco Taco trucks provide healthy, sustainable food directly from the truck, saving the consumer on gas and time. Video screens will display live feeds from all taco trucks, spreading the love and connecting the taco enthusiasts.

Litter Bugs CHALLENGE is launching an anti-littering campaign targeting Schools around the nation. Challenges include breaking through the clutter and engaging the audience.


Influenced by comic books and movie posters, litterbugs were created and illustrated to grab the attention of the students and make fighting litter the cool thing to do.


Large posters are placed around the school and places frequented by students. Cardboard cut-out’s of the bugs will be used to direct students to the available garbage cans. An iPhone application is created to spread litterbug buzz. The app let’s you convert an image of yourself into a litterbug. • • 561.512.7123