Post on 03-Nov-2020

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W’EOLE NUMBER 2071,, J ̄ ,

"1 ii II





. ’ "My counlry,’tl~ 9f thee,8west I¯nd or liberia,’

\I or thee l.¯lnll: ",~’ . knd where my fltthern die0,~ Land ofth~ pilgrim’s pride~jI~. From ev’ry UlhUntaln side%~ ’ ~ Let freedom rlngtv’

A geonlf~e41~lre op the ~art Of our residents°generally t o kid in whatever way they eau In"prelmringthe enuntry forafor~g war ~sevt.dent Mondly ovenlui It~t at u stirring npem;badge of citizens lu the Opera House, whenpermanent organization of the Public t~al’ety

’l~tUO Was effceted. ’TII~- citizens ~vb-6"Uookthe oath of allegiance to the Btete’ and Nationnumbered 1~ eu~ this number will nobe don~led nt snbseq nent meeting&

Credit for the su~:ce~ of the l~esgue’s Bridal~aUon was largely doe to the whole-be¯fledefforts of eaeh and every member of the tem-porary-~l~xecntlve Committee," appointed e

¯ week prior to .the meeting, cm:misllng af WII-

mtaon Saturday afternoon, .April28, at threeo’cl0ek. The place will ~e announced la~er.

May tO-day’sdayllght bring to view everyhon%e throuihont thiseommnulty flyingthcilorlous old FIq,. the Red, the White, theBlue! ¯ .

Mr. Walter EL¯Atmtin, manager of the AustinTool and Machine Co., ~ltteburgh,.Pa., andchildren 8ylvta and Clyde, spent the Fa~terholldayn here with relatives.

Miss Maude 8mallwood, whose engagementto Mr. JeueCollin¯ recently became kno~wn,was tendered g "klleben shower" Monday

¯ evening by her many friend~Mr& Albert C¯ Abbott r~turned ~onday last

after¯ week’s vieit at the home of her pax~nteIn Trehtou. Mr. Abl~tt Joined her Sundayand on Monday they motored home.

Mr. David F. Austin, bather of Mr. F, A.AmBtlu, of this pisoe" is vlstttog hem afternp4mdthg the Winter at Palm Beieh0 Fla,,making the trip there and.tmek by auto.

ee *~K p your eye onour farm column" e~ehweek, The snggeetlon| lUl to planting seed,

Itam ~. Mettle, Cis~k /~¯ Barrett,. Burton A.Ga~k[il, George J. Myers, Charles ~ t~Cewatt, nrry.o,in ...e T.,..r and ,.T. PERSONAL IIAPPBIIN6S

J-ter~mtII)" t’t~4k..~-~.-~. ".urger. minis,, however, Ite-m~e-__on dneto a eineeretha Start, of.eIUmnsand --rallyWlde4pfeadln the in" ’ AT


worthy cause forwblchthebm41uewas formed. Recent VIsltorI, and OIher IncldentsThe singing of patriotic ecuga was a feature Bunched For Quick Reading¯

of the gathering, somewhat hahdlcapped by alack nf ~ong books, but nt th~.~mr, t meeting To-day is "PlanUng Day." Start your

strmclent books will be provided’for everyoae garden !

to use. Addte~um were made by R~v. Win- Mr. Robert Bastlan, Jr., spent Tuesday th

field t~k’ctt I.udlow~ pastor of the First M. i~ Pbiladelphta,

Chumb ;’ Rev. Nicholas VaesoellI, of the 8t.Mrs. J~mph EL Bartlett ~pent Monday after-

Vincent de Paul Carbolic’Church ; Magistrate noon in Atlantic City.

Jams A. l~tmberi, Prof. ~. O. Huber and Mr. " Freeholder William Blair, of Mulllca TowwFrank B. liable0 muiIng citizens to tal~e Ship, was here ImltThureday.

Mr& E. C. 8haner left Monday to vlnlt betevery possible ete[~ tO to aid In preparing their

"oonntry for the "iacrlfiee~ that mq become daughter MarJorleat Bo~tod, MaY.oeoemary, Mr, Edward Shoemaker spent Sunday here.

Pc’r--ascent organls~li0u ~was eft’coted by the returolng In the evcotag to Pennsgmv~election of the foli0winlg officers: Preeidcnt, Miss M¯~lptrete Heritage le~Tuemtay after a

¯ Im T. B. Smith; Vice-President, Clark .8. ple~aut visit here with Mhm Marion t~hauer.l~rrett ; Treusttrer, Ge~r~ J. Myers; 8ecru- Sheriff Joseph It. Bartlett spent Tuesday InUtry, Gtor~eT. Yeller, Trenton and called on Oovernbr Walter E.

Con~mitteee were appointed by the President EdBe," [ ’u followI: Mr. William E. Maamey, of Ocean City, leR

~.~ ~ Executive--~harle~ C. Stewart, William N, Tuesday for California where he will spend~’ ’ ~,Mattla, ELsrry Jeukine" Burio~ A. Ousk]II,

s~veeslwecks‘ . g. I~nuvd. ’ Ml~ Ruth Whitman was surprised Thura-

[ Flal Uommtttee--Charles Mingle, Doric evening by s number of friend= who gave

~ 140over, bee 8. Lewis" B Laer 8cull, Jatneeher a"llnen shower."

¯" MoGeary. . Mn Fred Warrington, of Canada, who is at

t~d CrcemCommlttec--Melvlu Rlpley, X~VJl- preecntre~ldingbere, haatwomn~ntthefront

mer Ahbott, AIf,~d J~llet Wallet: Mahnke,"somewhere In Fraoce."

l~lphH Vuunantan. ’ . The n~any frleudsofMre. Clark W. AbUott¯

Appointment nf ao AgrleuItore Commltte~* 8r.i who has been critically ill, will be plcaned

wu deferred, owiog to the re~,eut appointment to leern that her eoudiUon Is Im[~rnved.

eta oommlttee for this purple by the lkmrd The Junior IAmgue will hold n pte and cake

of Education.The treasurer’s account wa¯ slurred with a

check for ~ the’eoutrlbuUot~ of J. M.. S~lvee-ter, Superintendent of the Bethlehem t~teelCompany’s grounds here, who promised /Mr-ther a~lstanee to the lzesguc In any waypo~thle.

Mr: Hubin generously placed his OperaHouse ̄ t the disposal of the League for auymeetingi It may bold and pledged hh~ assist-ance to Its efforts. He made a prment of ain3all silk en4g to(etch of tho~ present.

The eetivltieeof the L~mgue will be underthe directiou of tb~e Executive Commitlec, who

,will a~nge for future msetln~ and willllkelyordera "ladies night" in the near fu-tnr~ ~autrge nutTflber of women of the com-munity, who are already doing ~ Cro~qwork, have expressed their dssireto aid theL4ague.

Tendered Birthday 8urprlso Party.Mr. and Mr& Ebbte Rc~th tendered their

daughter, Miss Bea~le If.oath, ¯ birthday ¯ur- fertilizing, etc., are written by Brats.expertsprim larry Thuredsy evening lant at their and are Invaluable to the amateur gardener.Main Btreet rmldenec~ It was a complete nur-. The Flag Committee of the P~thlla Safety

League has purelumed a large flag to fly acrossthe street at the Po~t Ofllee, for which dons-tiGriS have been It .beraily made by a l~rgenumber of cltlzenL

The membe~ of the Township Conimttteowith Dr. I4. C. Jame~e ~me~or Harry Jenkinsand Township Clerk\)hompecn G. Hooverconeiltnllul the Board of Health, heldI theiranneal meeting Saturday evening.

Among the homes beluB-beautified thisSpring by repalntlus are thcec elM r. Albert C.

~hbott And Mr. L. W. Cramer. The Presby-terian Church has al~o been greatly Improvedby" a new cc~t of lm~nt on lhc woodwork."Mrs. Verdllla Rubrlght, qed,~yea~, died

ThUrsday at the r~Idenco of her d¯ughutr,Mr& ~muei Torp~ wlth whom sha resided formany year& Five children survive. The re-mains will be conveyed to at. Clatr, Pa., whereInterment will be made.

prim to MI-*, Ikselc as the guests a~embled sthe~’ home during her abeenee~ Theevenlugwas spent In playing games, ¯Inning andmusts hy tha Victrola. MI~ Itc~th receivedman~ haudmme presents to commemoratetheoecuslon. Refrmhmenlaweremrved. Thesepresent: Mimes Pearl and Mary Jenkins, AnnaAbbott, Aims Bmith, Abblo Morris. 8mdek]mlth, susan Gasltlll, Nlua and’Laura 8hsner.Alma a~l Margaret Yeller, Edna Ireland ;Mire. Melvin l~lpley, Arehte fdmAth, 16tephenBBrth~, Harry Deumea~; James MeGeary,ffI Barrett, Bmymond Abbott, MontgomeryISomers, Aifrod~Ieelln, P,.o~th ; Mr. andMrs. Bamuei Keating, Mr& Herbal Eailish,Mat Nellle Imisy, Mrs. John Penze" Mrs.Daniel beaeh, Mr. and Mr& Ebbte Rcath.

"The Hour’s Need."(J. O. Holland, In the Kansas City Star.)

give as men. The Ume demands Mr, Lorene LeilinfI large new dining roomst Lenape Park I- about completed aud stto-

8troui minds" gre~t hmrt~true faith, and ated lutlt hi right over the lake, neaUy finishedwilling Imnd~; -

In natural wood colors, it .k s iplendld Im-provement to his popular amusement place.The floor hi flnlahed for dancing an]~ the roomHII be hea~ in winter and umd for this pur-lEmployl ~’ the ootton mill raised a fund

brala~e flag, elus 19 by I~ whlch will beratm~ Mat 8~thrday ahern0on with tmpr~--rye mremmfleL l~-4adge &li -~ EL Endleotthas been. I,~vtted to deltver an oration and slarga she/r, comimmd entirely of mill emoploYl is r0he~ solM~ eider the direottonof Mr. Llm’man ~. flail l~tlJII music willbe provided amd OId~Otory will be hoisted tothe top of a new |taft b7 lltUe girls of IytmtiouailtisB. The full prog~ of thin bigevent will be published next I~tLurdaty ~ud alleitis~mms should arvenlpt to attend thla p~trioflodemoneiretlon, whleh wUI take ~ In theopen air.

Buy Your Ooal Now IThe May’s £amdlng Department Bteve ¯n-

nou~ that for a llmtt~ time 0oat will bemid and daUvered¯to their imtrooe, at the foblowing pries: Nht ~ Ir/.~; 8toys coal,~,~0; Pea coal, 1~15, On ecal that hM to be ear-tied 26 e*nla extra a 1o0 will be ehargod,--Adv.


Men whom the Im~ ofoflloe doec not kill :Men whom the 8polla of ollfloe Ban not buy ;

Men who poses opinion and a will iMen who have honor, men whowlll notl~

Men who can stand bel~re ¯ dm~a41o~teAnd damn hla tlhoroum flattarim with,

oat ~.lnkinl ;Tail men. ion.crowned, who live above th~ for

In public duty and I~ private think/rig.a,

Odd Fellows’ Anniversary.Members of Allantto Lodge NO. 60,1¯O,O. F,

and their famtlle~ will oelabrate the nlne%y-elIhth annlvenlry of the founding of theor~er In America Thursday evening next Inthe Opera ~=Iou~ The commtttm in charge otthis a~Mr\pmmiam an exeeltent program ofm--is, both vocal and Inatrnmentet, reeita-IAom sod n~dl followed by the ImrVlhlof r~hment~

1̄’the’Flrll Thln[ You Otn Do

.~ If you won,t doec mueh

as hang out s flag to showwhere you stand, what Inthe mmm of IItHotlam o~oyour country expect of youin anything IV

The Jim Of the ring don’t eO~lUt--lte thesplrlL A tea It ~ Is Jmfluol’~qn~mtu a teu dollar ene.

L s"ow Y°Ue c°LOeS ’



SAFELY STARTED hLq been set ulde byGovernor I~ll[e as plantln~ daythroughout t he’Butte, and~ every.thing ,has been (lone to eneour.age the planting of staple OrOl~

ou all land available. Prof. Alva Ages, ~core-tary of theJState Bcurd of AgHculthre, Tre~ton, and Dr, J. O. Llpmnu, Dlreetor of theNewJermy Airieoltural ggperlment Station;New Bruniwlck~ are doing all In their powerto amuse the farmer and home gardener to dohis or her patriotic duty..

The prostrate eonntrtm of Europe mu~t l~tlived fro~ ate, rv~Uon by American grow#p[od_ucta. Ott~ ~ la~t.lmm "ma, t,~to the clttm niOBe tber grmt Iod~ boomIx~lan~.. Our farme~ are tell wi~em f~rmlaborers Just when this soul)try ehoold meetthe luter-naUonai feed ehorta4p~ which hi el-meat here now, and It is aotlclpeted by ourelutcsmen and agricultural Imderethat very¯ evere times will exist wlthlu & year. Theplanting of these cmpa of’greatest econom~tlvales iueh ~q potatee~ dried i ~onions, e~rn, the root crops, sod crop0 of es~sing is urged.upon everyone who tm8 a plot ofground available.

The Governor of .New Jemey la co.operatingwltb all 8tats agencies :--the 8tare tloard ofAgriculture, the Agrieultnrel leap0rtmeutStation, the Extension Division of the 8te.teAiricultural College, Including the C~mntyFarm Demonstrators, and thu labile eeboalaof the 8tats in proehdming thla day ’, PlaullogDay." Therefore, the following net,- will dis.euu tho~ crepe which say’be planted toad-vante~e on thte date. The planUng of pots-toe% onions, yeas, uparagu*, stmwberrim,early eabb~te ptenta, lettuce, sweet 9or~ beaneand beeti should be done u sOOn as pO~lla4~If the ptanting of ontone" lettuee lind paasisdelayed good ruulis e~nnnt be eapeOta~ fro~these crops. They cannot do their b~lt whengrown In bet weather.

The 8ummer er0okneck squash hi v~’y pr~duettve from early July until Ootoben Thrmhill| in a garden will supply u famUy of evewith enough ̄ quash all 8urn mer. The hilt- aremade by opening a furrow five inebse deep.The plaut food dlatrtboted along io therow and the material la severed three inehsedeep with ectl ; then a domeu ~ am droppedevery four feet in the rows, whlah shodid befive feet apart In ~commuretal field. The mudIs eo#ered to a depth of an inch and a hallCucumbers dud cantaloupe~ are planted Inmuch the same way. /ks econ u the ~edlinpbeslu to come’up the irOWer should be pre-pared to dust wood aahea, tobacco dust oraiptflaked llme upon the bllln to drlveaway thedestructive ¯trlped cuoumber beetle,

Tomato plaais should not’be set oot Inthe garden until Inabis danger of frostis pest. In 8onthern JBrsey thla will beafterApril 9~th. Tomatoes produca beaVlly, and Ifa surplus Is produced they may b~ .~annedvery easily and succeIfoliy by the *’o oldImok" method advocated hy Miss M. AnnaHauser, Eateneiou Division0 t~utte Agricul-turai College, New Brnnnwlck.

Carrots mi~ be planted at once, using t-8ounce of seed Yet a row 100 feet 1o1~, Plant itIn rowi 14 Inches apart and one-hair I/~eh dr, sp-Atter the eee~ eom~ up I! may be a~lVt’mbteto thin the plant. so that lI than fifty pilatewill be in One foot. Later on, by pulling thehtrgmt enrrote from the thlakeet spots, a max.Imam yield will be obtained.

The Ifl|h I~rico of point,s hM e~used Ireatquanlltlee of mud pointom to go on the market~)r table Itook. Tben~ore~ ~oy growem willl~d tt necemary to us* very ordinarY, and Inhems I Inferior sleek for me~lng purpoem.It Is advkable to treat the mud for eoml2a-

scab, scurf Ira1 other fungous dimmed, luButting the m~l It is wire tO."throw oUt alltubers t bat show rote nnd dlecolomtlotm of anykind. It JJtro~ g~tat uomaof ~ ~anddiseoloveUone woUld" p .rove of wry llttla is-pOrtanoe, but einee Iy Of thI nnt vnt7 in-Jnrtoas, and ~inoe the Irmwer must eutandphmt the seed within a relaUvely iIq l~lqlodof lime, It la ImpoIt to Ikll a Ialh~examin~ Th~ It la alwtlm wtii tothrow oUt them inhere that elmw elteh dis.ooloratton~

Watar Works Protact*d,Several is~ eisotrio ilghte lmve b~en ntmi~

nhottt Um pnmplh~ ~aUoU And eiaJmiplpe ted

~oty’sall’nlgbt l e~ta~mi~d~t~


Manufacture of Liquors May Be HaltedAs War Measure.

Tbc NOW Jerm~ Bta(o Ikmrd of Agriculturemet In Trenton Mood~y to*consider the quea-ties of’th~IhOl~ Of¯̄ the food supply and totaka such a~ql0n its I~F tu their power to pro-rifle for aa-lner~;~upply for the comingyear. lteportskol~m|tt0d by the different mem-bers IhoWed that ~t year thero was a chert-age in the ~, whe~and oabt crop and alsoin the potato crop d~ to Wet weather lu MayindJom~ and to tl~ tong drought and earlyfrost of Fall Tht- ectodltion would not bc mserious had the / Importation of fo~lstuflk been fortheolalaff, but because of thewar not O~ly wus tier0 no Importation of po-tatom IS (- silly the’:eue during periods ofblgb prleU kut thm~ the nuumal exper-"taUone of~/I products due to the war. Tblahu reealte~ In th0 pr~ent qearelty of foodeiufl~snd the unim~deuted high pricea. Tbetm IOppllea I~ airiest exhnust~l and UWism In zin~mually ~ orop la grown duringtheoomtng l~l ~’ Untied 8Jutes faces th5dagger eta food ei~}tqltge bordering ou famineeond~’l d~dnl I~Wfutcr.




AP.TIUITVAN IHTERESTIN6 BUDGETu,,,,,, OF 0 N "¯ I. C U TY SCHOOL NEWSflY itECOfiOI] Compiled F;; Public’i;; By Superln,

tendent of. Schools.Examinatlous In 6th and 7~th gmde~ under

BcL6dule A will be held May8,9, 10 and 11 ;under Behedule II, June 5. 6, 7 and 8. The 8thgrade County examlu¯tinn~ will be held,I~ehedule A, Mey 10and II, Hchedule.B, June7cudS. State Emclency Tests In 8th gradeswill be "held, ~ehedule A, May 14, 15 and 16 :Hehedule B, June II, 12and 13.

Brats inspector Charles McDermott in-spited Hchool No. g, HIghl¯nd., (~alloway

of AtlanUc Ave. 12,800. Townsblp; I-3chc~l Building No, 1, Pleaaant-Jmeph It. Bartlett, Sheriff to Carlton God-

vllleand the new school building at I~mem’froy, ~0x62.5 fL Eaat side of Mobile Ave. and

Point on Tueeday laat.the 8outh elde of AtlanUe Ave. 972~.

An electlou to add an addlUon to Eom0naRosalind B. DcVItls el vlr. to ~t Land

Co. 28z120 t% North s~e of Arctic Ave. 157 ft.West of Connecticut Av~. $1.

R(mallnd B. I)eVit!s el vir. to f~3~t ImndCO, 28z]00 ft. West side of Eonn~ctleut Ave. :~0ft. 5oath of Oriental Ave. II.

Joseph It. Bartlett, Bhertff 1o Carlton God-fre~, 50x62.6 fL East ride of Lehigh Ave. 50 ft.Houth of Atlantic Ave. 1700.

I~uls Behwab eL UX. tO Jane C. M¯rehall,lleportewero ~dv~t fromall paris of the 49.T8XlIR~ fl, West side of Maryland Ave.

8tale ahow~ that ttwre la raeb a ebortage inhlln labor that uule~ Immethtni Is done toSUPDLY helpJ~rjgbmtt~18 ¯rid barvmttng emp~the prt~wfll l~e much II than L~thee~e in ordlnar~ yean~ It Is con~er~aUvely mtl-naiad that thronghoot the United ~tatce as awbote there Is only trois thirty to ~eventy percent of the o~ml supply of tabor on the ~armIand Do more Svldlabl~. Many ~rms wblchusually I~tve two hinid men report none andMmtlkr coodlU0ne exist throughoul all Mzed~trmn. ThM abortageof labor is beund to’re-Inltqn dee~ ~od cropa and the StateBo~rd is dotlrg what they can to counteractthis rendition by various me~n~ Borne weeksago a letter wua sent lo.ali the Iuperiutendent~of schools ,aplalntng the ¯ltuatlon to themand Url~ng’them to have the students eo-operate in the rabdog of food enpplte~ in homeprdeas and on It iota. A Bulletin on

8ebool will be held ¯t 8mithvllle, (;a]lownyTownehlp,.on April 28.

Pletmautvllle contemplattm remodeling theSmith’s J~anding building with a view of In-troducing pre-voeetlonal work with the open.lag of ~hool~ In September.¯ MI~ ’M¯mle L. Camp had resigned her po~l-tton aa teacher at Margate. She has beenelected to a po~UOn In Metuehen where her








borne gardens Itaa Been prepared and au edl-Uon ot forty thIl~ coplee is very largelyeahnu|ted owlnl to damands made on theDepartmeot tar Infoymation regarding bornegardens. A |utter Is" aura beinI een~ to thebendaofaU munlellZdl~lus Jn the8tate eo.oper~e fir lhla etmpalIn and aslt.lag them to ~y Io l~wo ~ home girdenn’w~ked to me-ttastt ~m~! ’aim to tr~ to getvd~tht lots given to ~ mfltlvalethem~ .if tim peop~..M the 8tats rmpond, thi~W’tll result th .a-~Idrrah~ ineeerme Inthe sUpplyOf v~ and perishable foodsbat will ~ 8e~ |nfiuenee the prodnc*tton Of the gv~t stall, rope like corn, wbe~l,pOta~ and ha.y, I~I~[~ whleb will be urgentlyneeded. ~

A e~rcntar Is betn~ I~zt to all furthers of the8irate uqging them toelfmlnate as fitr aa p~ml.ble all ~rcm of wusto’~m f~rm% urging themwhere tbeylmvethe limber to culUvnteeveryInch 6faval~ab[o groined. They ate also urgedto avoid the Bee of aa~eemary luxuries dur-tog the period of tl~ ~rar and to exert everyeffort topre~wv~surlPJ~ Supplle~ from goingto w~-tte by~tnnlngth~m for Winter use.

The Bueean of JMad~eUt h~ been workingwltb the census ~deavorlng to teachth~ ~onoi~l~li o1~1~" foods, food valure aud

work will begin May 1.

~9.88fl, 8oath of Pacific A’v’e 411, Active work in reerolUng the A~rlc~lturelDirt¯ion of-the Junior Industrial Army Is cow

Theatre KIIcouree to Mary A. Dougherty eltaking plan* at Jdammoutout Egg /ctarbor

ILl. 31 ft. 8 tn.zl~0 ft. Northwent corner of Ten. City, Abeecon, P]Itvllle, May’s Landing,n~mee and Adrtatle Ave& 15.

Minotola and other sectlons of the County,Louis Ltppmau to Cheise~ Brick Do. 25xI~3.~6 Boys and girls under fOUrteen can do ~oth-ft. ~lorth side of Bunset Ave. 1.~ ft. ~A’ekt of Inn butler during their, vacation than to beBrighton Ave. |1. occupied In the cultivation of home garden0.

Alfred Harris el ux. to Thomas IL t~kid-more, 8~x~0 ft..Nortbe~t corner of Pacific nndTexas AveL 142,000.

Protective B. & L. Ace. to Frank J. Moore,~zSO ft. Intersection ~orth stale of Fulton Ave.with East side of Unlou Ave. 1100,

Mary E. Colloty eL aL Io ColLoty Co. f~.Mx160 ft. ~outh tide of Atlantic Ave. I25 ft. Westof Ohio Ave. I~0,0~0.

George D. Couover to Franklin W. lteew,14161,5 ft. West side of New Ham p*hlre 33 ft.North of Pitney Ave. IL

Profit and honor will come to them tf they dotheir work well.

Prominent eilizene everywhere sre offeringIhelr servloee and financial aid in helpingschool authoritles who are’ interested to tbcorganization of the boys and glrls for agrieuL.tural work.

The public ~hool at Abeeecn furnishedthree days’ extertainment--Wedneeday, theMarriage of the. Midgela or Tom Thumb’sWedding. On Thursday, Tea and P[0tureExhibit and ¯ noctai meeUng In the eveulng,

German-American Title & TruAt Co. Excre. YmUerday, Picture 8thdy and a musical co-



Thc Oovernor of IIII~ ~t~,Ule Commle~looer of I’:due:tt~Uand the 8tats B,)Hrd of A~l-culture appeal to ll|P publl- toaMIst In n’~oblllzlng tl~e I,ot’qabove the ~ge of fourteen

meshes in the Agricultural Dlvlnlon of IheJunior Iudu#trial Army In New Jersey. It Isaeall to help thecouhtry In the prodoctton offood, the ~rclty of wh|ch has already madefor blgh prlc~l dud uule~ It wl]i be providedIn sumelent quautlty will tneau the defeatofthe pnrpeaes of the war In which we ̄ re eu~ga4~e~L. Itls.tu~t~necetumry to produce foodas it IS to bear arms and every patriotic cltir.enmust reel it him duty to give wh¯teverassl~-tanee he can 1Bald hlneountry In thl,. prob-

aodEaatTrueteeasLde of MontpeIlert° Jennye Greenberg,Ave. 175 ft.50x125North I~of tertalnment In the evening. Tim walls of the ably the mv~t critical Use lu Its hlntory:[ rooms and hatl~ wer~e covered with reproduc-

"The ~mu’- t~u~rinteud .........PaeJfle Ave. $100. ~r w" eu~ tn ncoo~m annI fleas of the works of promtmmt arthda, the Count- 8u--rintendent of " ---¯ 3 i~ r¯rm l~emou-Jmeph It. Bartlett, ~heriff to Atlantic Ccaal I

Charles Wesy District Clerk of Buena Vista, straUou will ¯~lst in the o ........B. & L. Asso. f10x75 ft. aide of M|ehl- ’ rg~ntzatton ot melenteriained h~, c~ss it dinner it hi, Junior Industrta.I Arm~, of New JglnDrlve,Ave.l~0.310 d. Northwest o! F.a~t Rlveralde Ii -nose I U ~uena la¯l cventng, recrOillng the boys" either’" dlre~tlyerneyu~ rr~urhUY

~’ The~cocd annnal0on I compeUUomof the thelrofncea or thmu-h ---u .... "Emily GIbersoo el vlr. to Bleanor A~ Browu- . ¯ ~ ret’r sung omcers up-public ~ehool? of Atlas.tie .(3mznty, to be held ] pointed In different I~iltI~, of the Conuty.

Ing, 87.5x12~ fLEaeteldeof Brlghtou Ave. 27~ at Hammonton on May ~ pr~l~s to he[ The~rt0j,,t

ft. North of Atlantic Ave. I~,CC0.-" .-i,.~-~. ,. ....... ~u~n~y imbues, ~X’TO V,. Fe~att" ~"’"--" -% ---~’~’-= ~" ~= ~-a I Prof. D. P. [~,hrbaeh; at l’ltmaantv~llo. Dr.8Outh IIde of Monterey Ave. ~0 n. West Of ere" t which It is plashed to have a full r William Whllnev ; lu May’s Imodlng Huper-

do gOU U~.ele. and.. ?oddi of llberiy,/riding Prinell~l 81aBe (L Hubor; lu Mine-aug what Is I~lleVco’wl|i ~ me II~ track I to’- 8u~rvl’sin- Prlnci--I J .....¯ ~ Ix K p~ . r. ru~ppa, atmect ever heid in &tlanUn County, therewlll IMammouton’ prof W. B. McD~ug~ll ; at’Ab-8pray Ave. 1~.700

Harriet J. 8teelman, admrx, to Ell~th J.Townsend, 100xl00 ft. North eide of LlneuInAve. 108.7 ft. "F~tnt of Ohio Ave. II0,000.

Charlee T. Moore et. uL to Edw¯rd A. Moore,38x80 ft. Ea¯t side of Surrey Place. 158 ft. Northof Atlantic Ave.$4.r~. ¯

Ilarry Cobb et. al. Excr~ & Trustees toJsme~ H. MiIIon, 70x75 ft. F~t elde of Se*mideAve. 2"~ ft. ~uth of Oriental Ave. 115.~0, p(med ofthrec izvomlnent etUzene" W. Richard

~ely, Dr. J. A. Wmand Herbert C. Dou~bty,Joseph It. 1lartlett, Sheriff to lmtiah Hatet~, have designated the patrioUn song, "To Thee,

Irreg. 296" ft. ~uth of DHental Ave. and 25 ft. Oh Oountry "aa the mug to be enng br allWest of New Hami~shlre Ave. etc. I15.090. competing ~chook. Mueiclann have been le-

Wlli¯rd 8peneer0 Jr. to We~t Jer~y & ~ea- vlted to be present to Judge theoompeUtlon.shore l~llroad CO. Irreg, West side of 5ttesourl

The Butte Board of EdaesUon will bold aAve. 788.7 ft. North ........otBaltle Ave. I155~0. meeting at 10~0 o’eloek to-day In the 8tats

Hamilton T0wa,hip. Hooec at Trenton for rue purpo~ of holdinga public bearing on the military training pro-

,be a spirited c(mt~ for the handg~me tongcompetition trophy donated by the Hammon-tot~ Board of Trad~ Iz~ this co~teet mebsebool will ling tWO 0Bags" our of Its OWn ss-lectlou, nod one selected by the mug commit-ice for all contestints‘ This committee, rom-

tha proper metho~ 4~ buying so aa to avoidWuto and In eo4qmt’o~ou with the 8tale Ex- 8utah A. It|sely to William Loatma~ farm ~qmlon of the Preteen Act.perimentBintlo~,~is havebecnglvlng IotNo. 46enmupnff~rmlnmofE. A. DOBghty Do not fall to ~the Pternon l~lL rt-~

I " * .............. vr~*dentsoom~tioos I~’lmlno ean/tlng metbod~, eLa.atMcKec C tyand koow’u ¯stnmtNo ...............8 ’ " V|U~ reed I[ sours |naM~OtlOq~ ID puytn~t.I

This work: will be ~O~tlnood throughout the ’ ~’ _ ............. ] tralaing tn every clam-morn Of the 8tat~ Ityir nhd when ~u’~ times return ¯gain thc UllU~rt d~ U’uattagnau io Arums e~ ~nam, "1 ...... ~ ...... ~ ..........I ° " " t .......... }w. ~ paumme~ m tlm m~y,tmmmui

GTibert & O’£~tllegh¯n, ~’~fftrff-~k-ffi~t...~o. ’ ~_2Z-- ..... ~- -- " ’ - imganda ~m" the bi’lnglng of briner sad con- [ ~ . -r. F venutge of tl~ Bummer ~ lmdru~lon t9;~* ere gg77sumernearor togetber for the purposeof re~t ’ , ¯ ’ " -- ........... qualify in this subject. All the Helpingd~L~g food eo~i lad lnorldng con¯umpthm Hammontoo. testenem of the State will attend the Bummerof fresh food& Btephen .t~t~’co to Peter Cestn, 50xl~0 fL North seboob~. Teache~ will do well to follow theirThe oulycrop whk:b ~ beof Lmmedfate eaststdeof Tl~lrdHt. 50fLHoutheast from the~ezamp!e-

~ t "help In prevenllng eertona shortage next yearis the corn crop. Far’mere are urged to go thelimit In plantlngeorn even to the ezeinsl,mof other eropa whleh sr~ ordinarily raised,eamm corn requtrm but little hand labor In thephmUng and cultivating, because It supplIeqfoe6 furman and ~t. bec~u~the fodder L~good for cattle feeding, because it is non-perishable and the labor nf harvesllng ~ becztended over a long- period and can be doueata Ume when other labor supplies my be re-leased f~r this pu~ Farmers are alto ad-vised, where they bare been able to Neurefertlllser, to ferUUze their torn more hravllythan usual io order to th¢I the yield andIt is expected that tha tamers of New Jerseywill not be behind hand In" r~ponding to thisap~t~l to their patrtotlI.

The’question of relIIng labor from othch’Iourom for ~ pmductloa wu dlteussed atkmcth and mveral pisms were iuggaetedL Onethat met with eonmldorabis approval wu thatof trythg to Brits a sonUment agalust the useof, luzuriee ec that there might be a gradualntimei~l of labor osed to Csrm work. Thepropmltton to ~e h~ school boys for beip onthe larms wire heartily endorm~ and the Sug-gestion to have enlisted men, used to e~rmwork, return to farn~ for limited periods wasalso approved.

The 8tats Board felt that the ire~test econo-mical step wh~h the government could Utilefor the sake of avBrting ~od fs‘mlna wad totake thesisp wbleh haa been taken tn meet oftha Eoropean eountrien now atwar, naively :Uae eonveritng of all Born, rye, barley andother graias now used In the manufaelure ofalooholle IlquoN Into the channels of fondpreduetlou, thereby preventtng the manufac-

socou. Prof. 1~ D. HI1ey. Tn other locaJ1tlesrecruiting officers bare not yet been reportedbut every Board of Education should takeItel~ immediately to sppolfit such per~n~.The recrulUog ofllecr will report to thu C~ttnty8nper4ntendent of Stools who In turn will v,~thal every boy’s name Is properly registered Inthe Rtate Dep*rtmeut ut Treutoa.

In order to e~ll~t a boy must be four, senyears of ¯ge aud In ~ physical e, edition.He must have the eonm~at df hi, l~treDtSOrguardian and of the ~h,~l prtnclp tl ¯od mustbe willing to work on his fatber’s farm or onSome farm Iv the neighborhood. BesigkJsapledge to glve-hl~ best servlet~ to the farmersod to the Brain‘ Boy~ who enlist In thl~

Fa*t t~rm.r of Third and Pails HUt. 12..T~0.J ulin, P~hm¯nn ct. ux. io Emma F, Mmlth, LIFE AT HAY’S LAHDIH6

20x80 r~xi~, beginning In middle of Tenth t~L100 rods ~touthwest from middle point of In-’ler~ctlon of 10th SL and 2nd Road, etc. $1.200. ]


Joseph M. Smith el. ux. UJJ. Edward Wai-llr, loUt N~.I and 2 i~ ae~Uon3ou map ofJamea L. ltlsley, etc. II.

Jeeeph M. Hmlth ct. ox. to Mary J. Wallln,lot No. 7 in section 2oo map of Jam~ L. ILI~-ley, $I.

E~hralm ConneUy eL ux. to Thoma~ Mc-2x10 chains, beginning In the middle of

Main 8here l~oad leading from Ab~n toSomers’ Point. etc_ II.

Charlm 1. lturkard to Oerald H. Plerecy, 50xM~ ft. SoUt hwe~t side of Washington Ave‘ a~!theI:;otltl:l~t ,.de o¢ an ~l~ey mat Ilaufrut t’J~ft. Northwest fmm ~hore P.~d. ~t,~0.

J. Edward Wallln eL ux. et. al. to Joseph M.Smith, lot No. 7 lu ~etinn No. 2 on map ofproperty of Jume~ L. Itlaley, etc. ~L

Hubih On The Job.Frank llubln Is keeping up his good work

of boosting May’s I~mdlug and ts having50,000 euvelop~ printed with a big ¯dvemL~.merit of May’s Landlug thereon. ~e~tiug forththe many oppor~unitlea here. These envelope~,Mr. Hubln ttay~, wlll go all over the ,#’oeldand will be a great advertisement for the town.

Farm For Sale.8pleod[d so[], ou Iml, roved rrmd. ~hortdls-

tense team May’~ IAtnding. Good stone dwell-

THIRTY-EiGHT YEARS A60Random Items From "The Record"

Of April 19. 18T9.Mr. John Orr and family moved to (;Iou~ef~

ter.Joe Peck and William Smith tcok ~her-

ring In oue haul at High Bank.Bodine Cofflu h~ his red Irish:setter. lmc.

entered In thePhiladelphta dog show.Allen Eodlcott and Byron Penningtou, the

former ¯ law and the latter a mediesl studentIn Philadelphia, spent their F~mter va~tJonshere.

Mr. and Mr& George D. Oatley cave theirm~.T ~’~de ¯ " bouee.warming" Im~y.

Mrs. Fred. Devtnne.v ~mcuIidFen;, ~peu! FAts~r here with Mr. 8ol. Devinney.

Tbe ~chconer Centennial, Capt. Buffet1,cleared for Pbllade] pbut and will return witha cargo of coal for the Water Power Oompany.

In rnurt Mouday L¯at the t~towing com-missioners were appol nted to divide the Walkertract : William Ve~l, William Tre~ehard andCharles T, Abbott.

Capt. I~n V¯agbn paid ¯ fly:rig visit to theLanding while his vessel, the S. 8. Hudmmlay In port In Philadelphia.

A most enjoyable little m~elable wad that ouToet~¯y evening ¯t tbe r~ldenee of Mr. andMra D. F. Is~trd. The company included.Ml~ Etta Bailey and her guesut Mimes Brooksmtd Luther, th~ MIqe0 Endicott. His Honor.Judge P.eed and his associate, Judge Byrne~

ing. Grouud prepared fur alfalfa uhder the MI~ ILate Eudlcott, Brooks and Oatley andtore ofs~h liquor& It wai felt that this al~o direction of Farm Demonstrator and clover Judge Keed r~vored tbe company with bothweald ~ toa mDoh Ir~t, ter State ofemcleuey Irowlug. Apply Record Office for particulars, vocal and Lnstrnmental music.

MIv~ ,~mm¯ Somenk of C¯l~den. received aDr. Marcus Welntrob ] present from Mr. John Wlllooghby, of Cote-

Will meet his patient~ in his office at M¯y’i t rude, her hrother-to-law, In the shape of a flueLaudlug on Tue~ay ¯rid F~riday evenings group ofptarmig~n,¯specles of grouse, hand-from 7.~ to 9.00 o’elock.--Adv. ~me~y mounted.

For Rent, Building and Loan AssociatiOn Meeting¯AimrtmenUI for rout. with aJl oouvenlenct~. The regufar monthly mectlng of the May’¯

Apply P. O. Box 382, May’s Landlnf,--Adv. l~tndlng BuUding and L~m’AmmctaUon will= be held at Room No. 1, Opera Honse Building,

Fence For Sale. next Tuesday evening, 24tb Inst. Money toNew Iron fob.Aug. ~ee George Abbott, May’i l~tn on bond and mo~

[~tndlng--Adv. It. ~S. Vannaman. ~re~ry.

in ~mxm help. This view met with the urmni-mona approval of the Bo~rd ud they haveaddl a resolution to the Governor of the8taro and to the ..~mlttore and members ofChngrem, orging thec~ to comdder the adop.tton of such a law Immediately m a necessary

IrL ~ II~I ~ ~ farmersor the 8inla to I~trk~n rmponm to their ap-peal for more food for t[he Ui~ltt~ B~m~ and Ifmore ~r is ~n ~vallahle for the farms,they teal Iure that th41r ~measure* will meetwith sucomL If the farmaare left with a’faborehort~ the eituatton Is apt to be more thanserious noZt Winter4

Pretb~erian Church.¯ At the P/ytartan Church to-morrow the

mrvt~ will beu follow~: ]Preaching at 10.30It. re. and 7JI0 p. m. by tha lZu&or, t4uudaySchool nn~ Christian l~nd~vor at the usualhour. Prayer .meeting, W~dne~lay evening.In them daJtof oruetai tat for onr countryalad the indlvidoal, I~t all people attend God’shi; ¯Od bY prayer to tllmln wbomour~t~ alway8 trusted for the triumph orrlgbt ~ the overthrow of dmpotam.pum-bly ~k ltIis bl~ng upon the foreet thai

flzr d~htoo4tan~ freedom, Justice,humaQitymad pme~ l],ev; lkld. Hmlth, Pa~6r.

Firet M. E. Ohurch.

AN APPEAL TO EVERY CITIZENIn these stiring days of national stress, when

every man .and woman should stand ready to dohts or her part In the preparation for war and thedefense of home and country, there Is one thing

everyone can do, simple In Itself, but great in its Influenceand significance, and that ls to display the American Flag onevery home, every place of business, where patriotic heartsreside or work. ’

There are still a few places in May’s Landing where noflag Is waving, where Old Glory’s stars and stripes should beseen before the dose of thls day. May we not ask that thesefew ~.wIII place a flag on their homes ~nd stores to-day, soMay’s Landing can show¯ to the world a people united Intheir allegiance and sterling patriotism ?

Put up a fl~g at once, friends t- Flag Committee

Public Safety League.\

Army wllJ b~ excuse| f~m attending lhepublic ~ch~fl while employed eO the farm.Tbo~e who eomplelc this work g¯tl~tctorllywtll re, lye from Ihe Governor a certificatefor f~Hhful ~rv~

enroll boy~ a~l girl* under fonrteen year,.oft~ge lu thecultlvatla~ of homegardetm. Thlienrollment should be kepL ~paral~. It leplanned to Issue ̄ certificate to every m~mber.Chldreu ~hould eoroll throuch thPIr owusello~)l~. At the C|~t~ O! tier season 8 n~rllfleateWill be It~ued I ’°~rtn]~’nt nfPublleIn~trot’tlou [w~ir]. i;tlut’e Of 1he Goreerror to all memo " the Home Garden

t~Ivl~lo~ whoim’,¯¢ ueee~fully couduet~

elr gardens. \Further information will gladly Ue furnished

to anyone by- Henry M. Cre~man, CountySuperlntendeut, Ibe tl~*’~ of Farm Demon-stration, the Vocational NI’hc~)I ,)fflee~ ¯n(tt~tcb(-re or those tU charge Of !he districtroernlttog,


Committee Appointed To Take ActiveCharge Of Local Situation

a t;~la] oDIntl3|ll~ aplx~lLtpd Wednes~yevening last by the ]~ar~ ()[ F~lucaUoD toenoouragr In thl~ district the tncreaee of vege-table pluntlng, for which au energetic eatn-i~ign ts goAug forward throughout the country.The beart,v ec~)pemtion of farmers and eiUzensgenerally Is n~ked by the CommlttPe, whh:hconsJsU~ofJohn (:. Babcock. Henry Phelffer.J&me~ R. Hoover. Carl Moberg, borenz Lell-lug and Christian Jetmeo.

The speclnt In~,tlng Wednesday evenln~followed t| ~f~l~l m~tlng Frld~ty eveoilJg ofI~st wevk. wbeu Courtly t4upt. Henry M. Cre~-man api~eared twfore the B~mrd and urgedthat everything p~lble be done to iuerea~crops lu 1hi. 1owu,*h|p.

tSupervt~,rt~. G. HuLwr and Prof. Elmer A.l~umme]J ̄re iu charge of the recruiting workamong the boy,. le keeping wltb (tover~orWaller F~ Edg~’~ policy of raising a Juvenilelndustrlal~rmy to uld in f~rming especially,and lu otherwork Ifa large r0umber of menart. called to’the color~.

The~ ar~ many Vt~nt. ploU~ about townnOW unnBed, whl(’l) cite ~ ~MIve~ lute pro-fltabie truck gardPn% with the re,operation ofthe owner~ ;ted the aid o~ the sehuol ~ys II~the metx~l~%i~ of the (’,~lu[nitt~’. which nnm-hers men who have had Tnoeh i~uo~q In

= _’_"

farming and ~lll devt)te a good part of their \time to supervlalug the b,~ya’ work. \

Presto Girls" Meeting.Miss Lela Keats entertained the l~to Girls

Tuesday evening last. The r~ttlon Wa~ spentknitting ~ks f(w the mldlera ¯od MIaa MaryJenkins headed a "’patriotic parade"cored¯t-lag of nine l~.ed Cr~J~ girls. Thc~e pcesent:Margaret L~yhm. Mary and }’earl Jenklmt,Aim¯ and Margaret Yetter, Edna Irehmd.Marten Bh&ner. Delon~ Loyer¯ Lela Kears, Mr.IL¯ymond Kear~. and Mr. and Mr& f~larie~tL Keam

Former Resident Dead.Mr. Charles H I I1, of this p]a~e, re~elved WOrd

Wedne~ulay that hit thtter. Mr& .Emnat F.Rltehny, died at the residence of her sou. Mr. "~Earl F. Itltehey. at East End, Pltutburg, Pa., 2,’.aged 5? ye~tra ~ WM welbknowu here ~’(having re, dded here wlth her bmtber oeveral ./yeare. 8be w~ I11 for a long period wtthtuboreul~ls. Her rein¯Inn were taken ~yestar. ,r ~7

day to l*lqut, Ohio, for burial /};;

FI’" ~r ~lo " ;I tThere Is no ezcuec for not havUzg a ~ fly- !~ . i

l.ngon yc~r home. Ihave thI ~m’eale, all ~" "?~i~, .2’1

a4Sm’ allW, En~erhilL--Adv, prieS% from 10cent, up. to ~lk J.: ’~,’~’ "~’:,-4

ltho~t l~l~md ~ apply Cari Onet~ Mayht . ~ ~*~~Landi~¢, N, J.--&dv. q " I


Hubl.’s l"h~mtre.. ,’I;t]Dma’t mtm ti~ ~ allht’s’ am i .... , ,a tttmt in up4o4nte movtuI’Imm~i~Iv, . ~"..../ :.

’ ¯ .’ , "%, ,! @T:’:*.





.%." i"

+: ,:!


: C "



li II

We are in a position to serve you with all kinds oflumber and millwork ; lumber !hat has quality deliveredto you where and when you want It.

Frame Lumber WhLte PineSheattng CypreslFlooring RedwoodCeiling CedarWainscoting Door~Trim louldingsAsphalt Roofing " All kinds of li~lllwork

............... .--£_

EggHarbor City, N. J.,..~

~ N ~ [~-’---~] I~-

+ ,-- +.Long Distance Driving a Specialty

AnywhereI!olh I’l,ont~






Conveyanclng In all Its Branches

Hammonton, N.J.. ++~


Money to Loan on MortgageTitles Examined

..... Offices .....

B~rch Bu~llding,


of any Chronic or Longstanding Disease who have Triedmany Doct6rs, and all kinds of Patent Medicines, without

]--] relief, Db not hesitate to WRITE ME at once,III

, r



II10[~2 th;lll doll|)lc that ntml|st.r..)The 7;illlr st~|~iit¯~; shay that l(l(i.IIQ() nleli couh[ I)e |at,lind on the"I)acifi~ C<)ast,,1,v at |cast o|lc ll’llioiiof the Orient in tlm.’c week’;. Twoof L]leSe four lh’ltiollS "ire c(sncedcdto l)c st|per)or ill sea I)ower alld )he

other two’it least equal to theIUnited St~|tu~ i|| naval 15owcr aud!lnig]lt ’Aa.k’l (’,)ntro| of the stas, so=

the I)ossit)i|ity rsf lI/eetillg air invad-ing force i~ tt(,t so rcu,otc as Ilia)IS"

O[ us like t<l\be]ieve.Conscription now,. contpul.~urv

milit.’lry .*;er vice to follow. Thoroughprepared,leSS is the I,ricc we lntlstpay for peace. In this there isno,threat to true des,,crecy. Ever}"Inan who enjoy’; ,lie bentfits ;tlldl)rotectioi, of this cou,ltry shouhleontril)ilte his share to its t]efense,





Two Years In Alfalfa on Right; One Year In Alfalfa on Left.

BIG PROFIT IN HAYIts Value Is Generally Underesti-

mated by Farmers.

Rn tllli+illlllh’d f(’a~ tlnlt I)ecflil,qO tile

taller Irl"ltllles tile nweaty ~kln whenbandied It nay hurt thP .V()IIH~ ~aSP

" sho~d.~. The I~telll’lawil~ surroilnd|BgIllPJ)P )Iirilnen[ elf Al~l’letlltllre in ~Vllsh

ingl.n llre lluled in the spring wlthi~r,)in.l lime, which Is less mild thanhydrnl(.. I.nst year the I)Iflts wei~ewlflle wlth It hl April. the greeno~rassgrowlnl~ IIn’ollgh It vignr()nsly. TheIInXh)n.¯l c,lin lIRa ])ulvpPlT.ed llmestone

STIMULANT FOR SOIL NEEDED or hi’;,i,lz, ,Z,,,wj, to l)e finer than corn-nleaI¯ wlthottt tu)tteeal)le grain++, It

Hay Has Received Too Little Attention

In Past--Gras¯ Necessary For Forage

and Alia to Increase Soil Fertility.

Better Method= of’ Seeding Wanted

to Increase Yield¯

Tile iml.)rtnn(’i’ o£ the hay or gra~8

erol) Ill ()tip sybl|ellIR O~ filt’nl~lll~ ~lt o~-

te|l lilH[or(’~.litlltlll’tl. The lilt)’ <.’ro t) l~ell-

ertl[I.v ,-l.<,l,[vl,~ h,.~r~ 4iil,.lllil)ll+lhlla filLY

doe.q not sllnlulnle’so qlllek n start,


Fertilizers eontainln~ nltrogerl mayhe nl)l)iled a,~ ~oon ns the weatiler be-(’(iota& mettled ni)d tile ~rll~S beghlR to~’row. T()o early nT)l)lh’allon of nitro-gen Is likely Ill result hi the )o~ of the

solnl)le l+lllrnles by lenehln4 by ere

<itlent llnd heRvy rlllfl~ The mistake Isoften )nnde ill toT) ,h’+,ssll)g of alll)lyltl#the lllHfl+l’llil till) earl-%" In the sell,on

Farming Methods Endangered byConfusion of Instructions.


sl),)l)lll 1)+, on lira fire wllhhi arleen

Illlnlltt’+4 itftPr l)ellll~ llulleil frolll [he~lnlk (’(irn does hPSl hi a fer{Ih, .m)lI)nt f~ nl);P ll+ #t(|llp¢ If~clf fo II11 lex¯


~h,)tiid not he planted nntll after dnn¯~er ¢)f fl~t ts DOlt.

"Turning Under Red Clover, a Prominent Leguminous Forage Crop,

RI+N+~+P _ - - _.


To tell our own secrets Is seno

eralfy folly, but that folly ia

without guiltl to communicate

these wlth whlch we are in-

trultod ie ilwayl treachery, and

treachery, for the most part,

comb;ned with foHy.--Johneon.

Getting Put Off.

"’l cnnlHIl lhe slr(,+,l car conductor

Who I)Wl’~ lilt? Ill()llCy on the cnr plat-


Show rne a young man who

kas not succeeded at first and

hn~ then ~one and risen ond I

w~II back that men to do better

than those who ~ucceeded atths

f]~lt trial.----Char[os Jamee Fox.





o=o0.,,+d+..o..o00LO CLOBY TO.+ FLY



Grand..PHmr- Panama-Pacl/~c E~odt/on .

You must see thi~ time savlng invention for yourselL Let us dem-onstrate it in your oftice--on your own work, or send tot lltlrature today.Write, or "phone



An Expert’s TestimonyA-telephone whose twenty

years of experience qualifies him to speak--has said that over half of the service difl%cultie~ of to-day would be prevented ifpersons would ~lJeak di)’ectl~j into the franc-mitlcr, with the lips half an inch from themonth-piece, and .~peal¢ slowly and distinctlyin a modcr~le tone of voice, particadar~l when:/iri..:/ to thb operator.

The telephone mouLhpiece has beendesimled to catch sound and convey it to then#ochanism of the Iransmitter. The present.~hal~e has been deterinined to be the best;but the best is not su,~cient if numbers arewhispered or shouted, from lips a foot awayor turned at right angles to the telephone.

TllP+ I)I’]i.AWAlti +++ & ATI.ANTI~Illi~l,~lliiAi’ll & ’l’l~iJl¢l’llONl~ CO,).

C. li. I’IMITII. Dlatrlct M,t¯~ger,’~l ATLANTIC CITY. N, J,









~\Old Glor3" will be ho|,i~d to

the top of lllloe n~ imle at theVi’a~er l)l)we~ C, ompany’¯ 09t-lea mill llere thilr ~iflerno~n, attwo-th|rll o’clock, w{th flttthg

ceremonttm. A’hand~()me flag ha~ been pur-

C~ by the employet~ I)t Die mill, r2 by 15feet in size sad t~upl. Ctnlrlt’~ I{. Kollrs hli~

(3) Uee commerMal feitllilmr |lhlnllly. (I)’ watebmanioebarin I wtllbaglld toe. them, COlllmi, Made Yool, FIoiluae Abbolt. ~ nlnommithi Todothlm wiiibeipnotoniytoMr. Tommy,lre~go(2L

IJliittv&ta thoroligbl¥ ind take every pre¢lu- explalntheworkindshowthamtlie°°u°trY- Andrewlb Llora ltrrett, Keohei I¯girloll, rl~loq the higb cOlt of Ilviolhwhlchls boond Tbepulmotorw&~ordeTed tr~i~Merred fromtogol~ligherllthep~riodofUlewarlengtbeai,

niu~t rely ,,advertl~l’"ltnd give thediteoi ofmoehf~vorabie~omment. Itlslngldlly-

bat the itooont of prodo~ you nll~e willi¯ by tliat maeh the demands that will be

toalil apen the Ilmlllld food moreel of this0oonti’Y imd will perma that moeb more to t~|opplled to tlis ILrmiee Of our illled eountrlelwliO are now aetmllly englled In beltle.

0. ~bope tlli.I the people o~ my l)lstri~t wi~glvs\beed tO tha ~ll Of tlieir pi-elldem, in~loverDOr, ¯¯d liuil every i~h of avallible

.Iro~t will be plaolad and cottlv¯tt~, to thitNuw Jer~y wlllthl= y~ir tiiwImt the gie~teetai, lr~Ullilril =rap In Iti hllbir~."

Be0herlth In "Bill Thirt~nn."COOI~ i 1/1011rlndli hsa lleoo

glvlm ¯ ~ oo ~ I~immlttee on PublioBolldlnll lu~d Etlolladlk oI~ el.the m~t Im-Iortlat (~ooimlllalof the ~ snd Io¢ludedIn what tl knowo aa Ule " Bill Tbtrteen Com-mittal" ~ eolmltt~ i upon ¯llplihllo ~DU0Jnll plllJ~ll, liid III ipproprll-

lu=lnaliy, I1 Ii ~ proll~le thlt Mr. llleh-

l’erm)lm (~llllng fi)r .any t)f the alive lctt4’re

hiR Ihlt. CnAitLK.~t (’. l~Tl~W’&tlT, l’. *~to

First M. E. Church.~-~rvlee~ In ~he M. FL Choreh to-morrow lUl

follows: Cleam Inoellng st 9.30: vrl~ehlng st

10.80 ¯. in. and 7..~0 p. m. t~ubJPct for themoralng imrmou, "Chri~ ()or All." t~UUdit~I~hool ind Epworth L~igue at the neuttl bout.At 7.30 the Men’s Bible Cl~s wil] have chargeof the ~ervlct~ followed by a llhort tslk ~)OllOor Flq" by the pl~tor. Hpt~llll niuil~Bey. %%’¯ I~, l,udlow, Plultor. ~.

Preibyterian Church.At Ule prembytertan ChurCh to.morrOw the

I~rvl¢’~li ll’lll Im as fulh)li’¯ : Prelahlng at 10.30i. m. =llnd 7JI0. p. m. by the pe~tor. MornlDgsubject, " IJOd’l Incentive to Well-doing."Kvenloa ~ubJe~’t. °’ The Call of A 8oldier. Buo~~aiy p~hool and Cbrtstt&o l¢odtlvor at rutlilliil boor. Payer meeting, Wl~lneilday =tee-lea. lily. B. M. ~mlth, |~iltor.

wU! iN pit li tbe aah.oommtttee (of Repalrtnll.

tlIM 0o~mlttM) for llaw Jeniv, I¯ wbleb Hol¯mhold relllll of mechankil tiodl, Job-evlld .lie ~ he llqalred to ~ J¯~llment [ bin¯ worli, et~ Bog ~ lay’s Llndlog.--ldv.

I - -=p~=dilmbl~ot~tl4t~llN’=t~ l~timS~-l~ , Hst~KtnK Eggs For lllila.lli, i i.lllll4~ !illllllitdoUlliil .llll011 i i lai i I liiio01 lld i~ alPl~t (~lil Ooeti, May’a

itll i=l/u~ ol i lio=~ . , ~ lU.-A(Iv. --

: ,, ~, : .’~ ,~.~’.,.’, ’, *.,;

bl~ugnt to hi¯ &tteotion, hive beln the llohjl~t

lag that" when you want to have aeythtngdone, get a 0usy mILn to do IL"ind Congl~l~man Ilachsrleh provel the truth of the old[uw. A thoroughly trslned bustoell Inin, heatteodz to hi¯ doUeK, both at Wa~blngtoo andat I~ome, im he wOOId 1he bnsloelll of Ill blgl

eorpovailon and tile pro.~pLltude with wh[ehmlltters referred to him by hbl eonalltoe¯tiare dllpoeed of, even now wbeu the Conlrel~m0.ll’z energies sre clllmed IO clelely iO thehalls ot Coollre~, prove onoe moll thit the

Heeond Dlslrlet Is forthnale in tile lele~tlon of

tt~ itPp~ntatlve.--Mt. Holly Mirror,

Rolaelle’s Special.To-day Is Jnbn lluliin ind Jelle~ ]Pride, the

~t[¯hlm &c. e~l¯rl% Spe011 to-lily liven for ¯q ulXrler, llxilell~’s llrlitr 8~op.--Adv.

Fer Rant.Apartmeota for reDt, with all oo¯vealen~ei

Apply r, O, Box ~ MlY)a Lindio¯.--Adv,

Fines For ~ete.New Iron leneilil. ~ ~ Abboll, Mlly’e


Houle For Rent¯Apply IBeX il~ tiles llllitllll.--~v."

\¯ .+-i s

pby¯lcal examt(iatlon.

the I~lurrog~le’s omee where It bil been kept to

theolilc~ of Dr. H. C. Jamee, where ! t will bemore rmidlly*ilecured In SO emergency.

There will oonsldenible dll~ullion, n9 scl.tonbelni t=ien, on the prolmlitloo to flne el~hmeml~r, who falls to littend i~rlll¯ or meeO~leIII rot e¯eli t)ffen~, oale~ he can show ar~alnallle excels, hlenLiment lleemed to bdagltlnst idoptlog iuch I 0oa rlKe lind In lavor oflnerel~ing luter~t oy other mean~

On next Monday evening the flre belt willtfi.~ te~tt~l at eight o’elockl ¯od the public 1.rl~luelted to like noU~ of tb, La fil~t eo no onew111 be anduly ¯lillrO~li~ wheu it ti ~ounded.


Farm For 8ale.I~lplendid loll0 oil lmprOied i~lil,’~liorti~liIp,

I~. Groo~ preli~ for .,l~i I i

dt~mtlou o¢ P&rm Dimolltmtor ~

ImWlO¯: Apply ~l’sol~Ollllivl~tllttii lii

Blrihdm~ Burn.Thurldiy, Imy t-Arthl~ Vklwll~.Frt~-y. Idly l-..(~/zi li~+~=, tl’Ikiturday, M~ 5~-Fre.nit lIIpl, II. , ̄

Ev~y ~


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