Be3 Mission Partner: Cheyenne Berean -...

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Transcript of Be3 Mission Partner: Cheyenne Berean -...

Mission Minded Be3 churches:Have a defined purpose for their church to accomplish in God’s missions to the world

Pray to understand God’s will and to seek His direction

Strategize to have a defined focus for their missions overseas

Equip and send their people to reach others at home and abroad

Concentrate their resources on fulfilling the Great Commission

Spread their passion and vision for world evangeliza-tion to other churches

Be3 Trip Leaders

Kris Cheek (CR)

Tom Parr (IN, IN, CR)tom.parr@e3partners.orgChad Tabor (KE, PE, TH)

Be3 Mission Partner:Cheyenne BereanCheyenne, Wyoming

What is your overseas missions focus and how does Be3 help you ac-complish it? Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ at Cheyenne Berean is viewed as local, regional and globalresponsibilities based on Acts 1:8. Be3 is a powerful partner to assist us in mobilizing people of differing ages and backgrounds to participate inmissions on various levels such as planning, leading, praying, giving or going. These cross cultural trips allow our family and friends to go and be the hands, feet, ears and mouth of Jesus Christ on behalf of the larger community at Cheyenne Berean.

How is that communicated and what is most effective in encourag-ing participation from within your church? We have two designated organizers who are the point leaders who bear the burden of casting vision, recruiting and training the team. Through emails, public announce-ments, inquiry meetings, fund rais-ers, and personal recruiting people are made aware of the opportunities for a Be3 trip.

How has Be3 missions affected your church since your team returned home? Though some have lost some of the flame, most have retained the “fire” because it was a shared experience with others in their local community. More common is the re-sponse, “If I can do it there, then why shouldn’t I be doing it here.”

What would you like to share with other Berean pastors? The pastor should prayerfully seek out someone to be the point person (not a commit-tee) who will take the lead and releasethat person to develop a Be3 trip. We are convinced that sending people on Be3 teams with other Bereans from our own church and regional fellow-ship was the more lasting way to do short term missions.

Richard Crocker, and his wife Toni, lead Cheyenne Berean Church. Brad Brooks and Kris Cheek lead a team of lay leaders who recruit for Be3 mission trips from the Front Range district.

Be3 Mission Partner:SONrise ChurchTorrington, Wyoming

What is your overseas missions focus and how does Be3 help you accomplish it? We desire to partner with foreign churches, to partner financially and to go ourselves to share the gospel and help with physical needs. We want to focus on 1-2 strategic geo-graphical areas and minister to them well.

How is that communicated and what is most effective in encouraging participa-tion from within your church? This sum-mer we sent a short-term team to Costa Rica. As a new church plant, we saw partnering with Be3 to be an effective way to accomplish our focus on a specific area of the world. We look forward to sending a team from SON-rise, to Costa Rica, year after year.

How has Be3 missions affected your church since your team returned home? They brought home a passion and a confi-dence in sharing their faith, and they chal-lenged our young church with the truth that you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to share your faith. Just share how Jesus Christ has change your life.

What would you like to share with other Berean pastors about your Be3 missions experience this year? To obey the Great Commission of the Church is to experi-ence the health of Christ in us and the hope of glory. To see people grow further into being the people Christ created them to be because they said “yes” is an incredible privi-lege of being a pastor, and one you cannot afford to pass up. Scott Mathis, along with his wife Diane, lead SONrise Church. This Berean church has only existed one year, but has experienced amazing growth and impact in their community.

Be3 Mission PartnerHighlights 2012

• SONrise Church, Torrington, WY, combined teams with Cheyenne Berean Church, Cheyenne, WY to send 23 people on the Be3 trip to San Ramon, Costa Rica. In their first year of existence, SONrise sent 8 people to the mission field.

• New Hope Church, Ogallala, NE, sent 4 people on the Febru-ary trip to Assam, India. Then, to help with the follow up and to launch three new programs to further church planting in Assam, New Hope contributed $8500 to the Assam strategy fund. These funds will be used to train pastors and leaders in biblical storytelling and to develop solar-powered Audi-bibles which will be loaded with stories from the bible in Assamese for discipling new believers in the more remote areas in Assam. Be3 will be re-turning to India with New Hope and other Berean churches on January 17-27, 2013 to install these new strategies.

• Marysville Berean Church, Marysville, KS, distributed 9 members among three differ-ent Be3 trips. Marysville sent team members to Kenya, to Peru and Thailand. You can read more about Marysville, SONrise and Cheyenne Berean churches, and the impact mis-

Be3 Mission Partner: Marysville BereanMarysville, KS

What is your overseas missions focus and how does Be3 help you accomplish it? e3 gives us a proven ministry model. It provides training, tools, and connections to evange-lize and establish new churches in unreached areas of the world. Be3 missions have helped us expand from ministering in Haiti to serving in mis-sions in unreached areas of the world.

How is that communicated and what is most effective in encour-aging participation from within your church? We have used the Be3 reports of previous trips to excite our church about the possibility of ministering in this way. We set up a scholarship program to pay for 60% of their cost. And then if they still need financial support, we took up a love offering. Hearing the testimonies of those who went was a huge encour-agement as we heard how God used them to win people to Christ and begin to disciple them and the new churches that were established.

How has Be3 missions affected your church since your team returned home? One of our students has gone off to college and started an I Am Second group with fellow students. Others are now constantly thinking about the gospel and how they can share it with others. Whereas before, they would rarely think about it. They are more aware of the need for evangelism and have become passion-ate about it. They are actively recruit-ing others to go with them on the next trip.

What would you like to share with other Berean pastors? Pastors shouldn’t be intimidated to ask their church to give sacrificially to make these trips happen. The church will take on more ownership if they know they have an important part in send-ing and praying for those who go. Joel Barber, and his wife Ellen, lead Marysville Berean Church. They have been very active in Be3 missions and are going to Thailand in 2012.

Be3 Mission Trips 2013

Assam, India: January 17-27;health clinics, church planting,and orality trainings (secondtrip, June 16-26)

Malindi, Kenya: May 30 -June 9; sports ministry, church planting, legacy (for families)

San Ramon, Costa Rica: July 5-13 and July 13-21; sportsministry and church planting

Urubamba, Peru: July 12-21;sports ministry, church plantingand legacy (for families)

Chiang Mai, Thailand:October 17-27; sports ministry,church planting and legacy (forfamilies)