Be mad be entrepreneurial, make a difference! (1.2MB)

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Be Entrepreneurial! Make A Difference!

Your smart & free e-booklet

Vadim Kotelnikov

Inventor of e-Coach

Founder of 1000ventures

BE-MAD advices from Great Achievers and Gurus My story: A Drop that Grew Larger than the Ocean

1. 6+6 Engines of an Entrepreneur

2. Discover Your Life Mission

3. Follow Your True Passion

4. Forge Your Own Path

5. Be a Passionate Innovator

6. Entrepreneurial Creativity

7. COCA Principle of Achievement

8. 12 Paradoxical Rules

9. Be a Victor

10. MAD song

Click on pictures and links to discover more

BE-MAD advices from Great Achievers

What others apprise, the same you want to, what others avoid, the same you want to,

that is why, you fail as others, how ridiculous it is!

You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.

For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?

People fall into three categories: Those who make things happen. Those who watch things happen. Those who are

left to ask what did happen… If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right.

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission

can alter the course of history.

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth... Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for

tomorrow. The most important thing is to not stop questioning... If at first the idea is not absurd, then there

is no hope for it.

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown

out your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what

you truly want to become.

My BE-

MAD story

A Drop that Grew

LARGER than the Ocean

The Drop vs. the Sea

We serve a common noble mission – we help people, societies and economies grow.

They have member countries, media attention, big buildings, donors, budgets and staff.

I do I do everything just by myself.

The Power of Mission, Passion and Entrepreneurship

For over 10 years I worked as a United Nations consultant in Asia and the Pacific. I used to contribute my drop to the ocean of economic and social development value created by UN-ESCAP for the region inhabited by more than 4.2 billion people.

Then, I invented an inspirational business e-coach that helps people and organizations grow more creatively and much faster. Since 2004, I’m a passionate social solo interpreneur. Every day, e-Coach helps over 30,000 people to generate new ideas and achieve their dream.

More people visit my website than that of UN-ESCAP. It's not about search engine optimization (SEO) ‒ I don't even do any SEO. It's about the value we create online for targeted beneficiaries.

I used to contribute a small drop to an ocean. Today, my drop is larger than that ocean.

Website Visitors (2014)


My e-Coach

That's the power of missionary, passionate and value-driven entrepreneurship.

6+6 Engines of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs look for opportunities, notice what could be better and do something about it – passionately! Many successful businesses started this way. When people were unhappy or unawakened, entrepreneurs built wealth by improving the world and making a lot of people happier in the process.

Entrepreneurial Drivers

Growth, Achievement

• To follow a great noble passion, to do what one loves to do.

• To pursue an inspiring entrepreneurial vision and a big dream.

• To lead the market, to create, innovate, nurture and develop new great solutions, amazing products, services, and technologies.

• To seize discovered opportunities and build something of global significance.

• To find adventure and excitement; to learn, research, analyze.

• To create wealth and earn recognition from those who matter.

Humanity, Spirituality

• To pursue an inspiring life’s mission.

• To create new and greater value for others.

• To help people solve their problems, find excitement, have fun.

• To help make the world a better place; to facilitate harmony.

• To be humanitarian and facilitate growth and economic development.

• To pursue spiritual studies, to spread and illuminate spiritually.

Discover Your Life Mission

Your Unique, Positive Purpose

To achieve lasting happiness, discover what you were born for and pursue your true mission. Your life mission is the reason why you exist.

Every human being, every soul comes into this world charged with a unique, positive purpose. You may have more than one mission. These missions can be consecutive or simultaneous. Many people in your area may be creating similar value, but your particular approach and the way of creating value for others is unique.

You were born unique, so be unique. Dare to live! Dare to be different! You cannot be replaced. Discover your life mission – you were born to do what you love to do! Yes, that’s right: you don’t choose your life mission and your true passion – they chose you. You must discover and pursue them if you want to live a loveful, happy, joyful, and fulfilling life.

To Discover Your Life’s Mission, Ask Yourself

1. If I were absolutely free of any must-bes and must-dos, and had to choose a single occupation, which one would I choose?

2. What has always come naturally to me? What am I naturally good at?

3. What are my deepest values?

4. What are my favorite things to do? What and who inspires me most?

5. What makes me feel great about myself?

6. What were the most pleasurable moments in my life? What makes me smile?

7. Which work makes me feel so good that I could do it all day long?

8. What does help me overcome challenges and hardships?

9. What message would I like to send to the World?

10. What would matter the most at the end of my life?

Follow Your True Passion

Discover Your True Passion – Your True Self

Successful people win because they choose the niche that they enjoy, where they can excel and stand a chance of becoming an acknowledged leader. The best and the only way to create great things and do a good job is to enjoy it. If you love what you do, there are no difficult tasks, only interesting ones.

Actually, your noble passion is your true life’s mission. If you find your true passion and devote yourself to it, you’ll find harmony and joy in your life. You’ll be achieving great results continually and effortlessly. You’ll create great innovations if you have passion for both your work and your customers. And you’ll find true happiness – happy people love what they do, while unhappy people hate their job.

Nothing is difficult if you love what you do. Discover and pursue your noble passion, fall in love with what you do, and success will fall in love with you. >>>

Be Passionate About People and Make them Happier

Here is a simple recipe of true joy: anywhere, in any public place, look at people around you and say silently and sincerely, "Folks, I love you all so much!" And you'll see your soul filled with great joy. Love breeds Love. Love people around you, love your clients, and they all will love you back.

Dream big dreams. If you have small dreams you voluntarily put your unlimited creativity and power in a confined prison cell. If you follow your true passion and dream big dreams, you grow, blossom, and create great value for others and yourself. Wealth will follow as wealth is just a measure of the value you create for others. Giving is getting – the more you give, the more you get. >>>

Forge Your Own Path

Top 10 Tips for Thinking Differently

1. Be willing to discard the "old" paradigms you are familiar and comfortable with.

2. Remove the "box" – all perceptual and cognitive limitations imposed by your own knowledge structures.

3. Reject popular thinking. Challenge assumptions, think laterally and outside the box, consider approaches you've never thought about before.

4. Ask "why? what if?" questions, develop "what-if" scenarios.

5. Spend a lot of time with people who challenge you and make think inventively.

6. Collaborate with other smart people. Brainstorm with others frequently to learn from them, cross-pollinate ideas, and invent new approaches to thinking.

7. Do different things to think differently. Get exposed to new ideas and ways of life. Observe disruptive people and problems they face and be a champion of new ideas that help solve these problems in new ways.

8. Look for cross-functional combinations, build synergies.

9. Question your new ideas, play simulation games to discover obstacles to their implementations and come up with further outside-the-box solutions.

10. Practice outside-the-box thinking every day to make it a habit.

Be a Passionate Innovator

Every successful innovator and entrepreneur knows that innovation is actually a very simple phenomenon.

Innovation is about Love:

do what you love to do, and love your customers.

Get involved in a variety of activities to find eventually your true passion.

Experiment, investigate various jobs and interests until you find something you love to do.

This is a key factor in creating something that not only makes you money

but also brings you joy!

If you love your work and strive to make your customers – your loved ones – as happy as

possible, you’ll be creating wonderful things for them –

continually and almost effortlessly.

If you love what you do, there are no difficult tasks, only interesting ones.

If you do love your customers and do strive to make their life happier, more fulfilling, comfortable and joyful, you’ll invent amazing things for


You’ll become a relentless value innovator and keep creating new great things your customers will love.

4 Pillars of Entrepreneurial Creativity

Turn Your Passion To a Great Business

Successful people win because they love what they do. All of them have a very strong desire to succeed. They have passion for their field, their business. Great business requires heart and dedication.

If you think your passion or hobby has potential as a business, ask yourself, "Is this something I really enjoy doing and can sustain? What is it about my offerings that are unique or hard to find? Is this something people really want? How could I find it out?"

The Power of Your Cross-Functional Expertise

Your mind can accept only those ideas that have a frame of reference with your existing knowledge. It rejects everything else. If your knowledge is functionally focused, you'll be open to new ideas related to your functional expertise only and will miss all other learning and innovation opportunities. If you develop a broad cross-functional expertise, no new idea will be wasted. It will immediately connect with the existing knowledge and will inspire you, energize you, and encourage your entrepreneurial creativity. The broader your net, the more fish you can catch.

Take a Different View

It was by taking a different view of a traditional business that major innovations were achieved. To find a better creative solution to the current practice, force yourself to reframe the problem, to break down its components and assemble them in a different way.

Take Action

Action is the key to your success. You can be the most talented person in the world or have the best ideas, yet still if you do not take action you will achieve nothing. Having dreams and passion is not enough. If you wish to achieve something, don't let life just "happen" to you. Set goals, take action, learn from feedback, adapt, and take the next step. Keep going.

The Recipe for Achievement


Capability is a synergy of your can-do attitude, knowledge, and skills. Your attitude is the key component. Actually, every person cannot do much more than he/she thinks he/she can. The difference between impossible and possible is chiefly inside a person: losers approach possible as impossible; winners approach impossible as possible. Most limitations are more self-imposed than real. Keep stretching yourself, choose progressively more challenging tasks to unlock your true potential and create wonders.


Search for opportunities always and everywhere – and opportunities will search for you. If a problem arises, don't talk about the problem; talk about opportunities. This is the magic of your attitude: if you treat problems as problems, they are problems; if you treat problems as opportunities, they are opportunities.


Mobilize yourself to seize opportunities. Stretch your comfort zone. Don’t wait for a 'special' time when everything falls into place. This time will never come. Take action if you want to change and improve your life. Master the skill of getting motivated to do the things you've always wanted to do. It will help you take action and move forward in spite of fear, worry, and resistance to change.


Embrace your vision and goals and stay true to your true self and your crusade. Wind is always fair even when it looks unfair. Keep smiling at your fate, and your fate will smile back at you.

12 Paradoxical Rules of Life and Success

1. Taking risk is often less risky than playing it safe. Conformists succeed by following the rules. Innovators succeed by breaking the rules.

2. Impossible is possible. The difference between possible and impossible is inside yourself. Stretch your goals, and your goals will stretch you.

3. You win or lose the battle before it begins. You live as you believe. Develop a 'Can-Do' attitude. If you believe you can fly, you can fly.

4. The most important and amazing news are inside yourself.

5. You move faster when you stop to think.

6. If you want to think better, learn to stop thinking. If you want to gain true insight, quiet your mind.

7. Wind is always fair even though it may often look unfair.

8. Even if you lose a battle, you still win, if your treat failure as valuable feedback that makes you wiser and stronger.

9. Giving is getting. If you want to grow as a leader, help people grow and shine.

10. Everything Is Nothing. If you want to achieve everything you want achieve nothing. If you want to please everyone you'll please no one.

11. The less you want to possess the richer you are.

12. Real climbing begins when you reach the top.

More paradoxical rules of life

Be a Victor

Top 10 Tips

1. Believe in yourself. You live as you believe. If you believe you can fly, you can fly.

2. Take action. Losers watch things happen, winners make things happen. Losers fake action, winners take action. Start moving! Every step up will open new horizons!

3. Approach impossible as possible. Winners believe everything can be changed and approach impossible is possible. Losers don’t believe in themselves and approach possible is impossible. Both winners and losers achieve according to their beliefs.

4. Keep stretching. Compete with yourself! Choose progressively more challenging tasks. Keep stretching yourself to unlock your true potential.

5. Focus on solutions and opportunities. When a problem arises, look for creative solution and opportunities.

6. Develop a burning desire to achieve success. Problem solving starts with a burning desire to change something and an open mind.

7. Do your best. Make doing nothing but the best your habit and you will enjoy nothing but the best in your life.

8. Keep learning to keep winning. In today's rapidly changing World, the key to success is not what you know, but how fast you can learn. If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

9. Don’t look back, look forward. Every morning, start a fresh new game – the starting score is 0:0, and you must win the today’s game!

10. Conquer your weaknesses. External victories bring temporary happiness. Conquering yourself brings lasting happiness.

MAD song ► Video

Make A Difference!

Though everyone has inborn talents,

Most people let them die unlocked.

I always swim against this current

And every day create a lot!

Though many live without a vision,

My way in life is not to fake.

I'll bring my big dreams to fruition –

I have a difference to make!

Though many guys have great ideas,

Unacted on they turn to dust.

But I don’t let mine disappear –

I work on them ‒ and really fast!

Let other guys be safer sailors

Afraid of making a mistake,

But I take risks and learn from failures –

I have a difference to make!

To others “winning” means “defeating”,

To me “Win-Wins” are greater deals.

While always with myself competing,

I strive that everybody wins.

Though many preach, “It doesn’t matter.

Don’t question it, don’t cause a wake”,

I always strive to make things better –

I have a difference to make!

Some people spend their life in plazas,

For others beer’s the upmost goal.

But I create great things for others –

Their gratitude rewards my soul.

Let others yield in face of problems

Though their dream could be at stake,

But I keep fighting till it’s over –

I have a difference to make!

Be Entrepreneurial! Make A Difference!

Be the best! Achieve impossible!

Vadim Kotelnikov

Inventor of e-Coach

Founder of 1000ventures

You were born to pursue your true passion and make a difference.

You are unique, so be unique!

Don't let the vanity cacophony mute your life symphony!

And remember: If you stop learning,

you stop creating history and become history.