Be A Finisher, Not A Quitter (Kent Munsey)

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Sunday Message Recap | City Church Chicago

Transcript of Be A Finisher, Not A Quitter (Kent Munsey)

“Be A Finisher, Not A Quitter” City Church Chicago | 10/4/15 | 12pm Service

Pastor Kent Munsey

Main Scripture: Luke 22:41-42

“ And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but

yours, be done.” [ESV]

Introduction: Even Jesus was tempted to quit. Where does the desire to quit come from? Satan is the original quitter. He comes to kill, steal and destroy. God will never tempt us, but he loves to test us. Satan quit heaven because he didn’t want to worship or follow God’s will, and a third of heaven quit with him.

What do we do when we’re tempted to quit?

1) Be thankful. Consider that you even have something or someone to quit.

a) Jesus was also tempted to quit. b) Thank God that you have something to quit.

2) Consider the cost and company of quitting. There

is always a price tag. a) We are quitting what we should finish and not

quitting things we should be finished with. b) Who will your quitting impact? There is always a

price tag to quitting.

3) Finish strong. a) Nothing is forever. If you don’t quit or give up,

there’s a reward you will receive, but most people don’t get there.

b) The difference between Quitters and Finishers is that Finishers understand that if they stay faithful, they can finish, and God will give them something new. When you finish, God can trust you with another task.

c) Be a finisher. Don’t be a quitter. Finish!


What kind of man does the devil hate the most? One who doesn’t quit. David was a worshipper that would not quit. Paul had a faith that would not quit. If you really want to make the devil mad, stand your ground and don’t quit in the face of adversity. How can we be good and faithful servants to God? Show up and don’t quit.