BBVA Compass winning culture

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Transcript of BBVA Compass winning culture

Building A Winning Culture

I will not waste one minute of your time…

• I have a ton to cover and I will go pretty fast.• Please take lots of notes, think/work hard and feel free

to ask questions or give comments at ANY time.• I am happy to answer any of your questions, offer advice

and recommend books at any time after this session.•

The slides are already posted at:

A few of my clients:

The Pattern of Business Success

(T + C + ECF) x DE = Success


The Four – I’s

• Ignorance• Inflexibility• Indifference• Inconsistency


How to avoid the Four I’s

• Aggressive external market focus.

• Ridiculously high level of customer focus.

• Keep the “Main Things” the main things.

• Bullish on knowledge sharing and learning.

• Teamwork is mandatory – not optional

• Passion and commitment at all levels.

• Foster a healthy paranoia.

• Revel in change.


To get the most from our session together…It is absolutely critical that you be brutally honest with yourself today.

So let's get started with a little self-test on page 3


• The willingness… even enthusiasm… to change EVERYTHING combined with the wisdom to understand what must NEVER be changed.

The Key To Success in the New Normal…


The level of highly satisfied and engaged EMPLOYEES in your business.

The number one factor in increasing the level of highly satisfied and engaged CUSTOMERS in your business is…

1. People enjoy the work they do and the people they work with.2. People take pride in the work they do and the company they work for. 3. There are high levels of engagement, connection, camaraderie and a community of caring.4. There is a culture of fairness, respect, trust, inclusiveness and teamwork.5. The leaders walk the talk, live the values and communicate a clear vision and strategy for growth.6. Lots of open, honest, robust and transparent communication across the entire organization.7. The company invests back in employees; there is a commitment to learning, coaching and development.8. There is a bias for action, employees have an ownership mentality and always strive to give their personal best.9. There is high accountability and a strong focus on delivering the desired results.10. There is ample recognition and rewards and mediocrity is not tolerated.

1 - 10

Ten Elements of a Winning Culture


1,300,000 interviews: Basic 4 + 1

Goal Setting





• D• M• C• C• M• D

irection – vivid, clear, inspiring --- shared

easurements – specific, observable, focused

ompetence – very good at what they do

ommunication – open, honest, courageous

utual Accountability – all team members

iscipline – do this every day

Key Elements of a High Performance Team


10 Key Team Competencies:

1. Setting clear, specific and measurable goals.

2. Making assignments extremely clear and ensuring required competence.

3. Establishing accountability for high performance across the entire team.

4. Running effective team meetings.

5. Building strong levels of trust.

6. Establishing open, honest and frank communications.

7. Managing conflict effectively.

8. Creating mutual respect and collaboration.

9. Encouraging risk-taking and innovation.

10. Engaging in ongoing team building activities.1 - 10


Key Drivers of Business Success

Financial Performance

Quality P&S&

Customer Relationship


Empowerment High Standards


Enthusiasm, Commitment,


Training &Development

Fair Compensation


CR= .404




CR=.280 Coaching

CR=.285CR=.371 CR=.365 CR=.191 CR=.247

WorkshopPage 7


From: Practice What You Preach by Maister

Global study:16 countries29 companies139 offices5,589 respondents


Based on what we have covered…

What are FOUR specific action steps you can take that would have a significant positive effect on your organization?



If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to send a note or call. My email address is:

PLEASE connect with me on LinkedIn

Also, you might find value in the ideas I share in my blog. You can sign up for it

Lastly, these slides have already been uploaded to: