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Transcript of BBUS1370_Assign2_SadhAditya

Gandalf the GreyAditya Subodh Sadh


Table of ContentsGandalf the Grey 3

Powers and abilities 4

Gandalf’s Power Equation 5

Battle with balrog 6

Gandalf’s Care Meter for the Fellowship. Pie Chart 7

Gandalf’s Final Speech…………………………………………8

Source Page 9

Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf The grayGandalf the Grey, an immortal being, is a wizard, one of the five Istari (i.e. “wise” in Kvenian) and a maiar. Before coming to Middle-earth (T.A. 1000) like any other maiar he was subject to the Volar. He can appear both in visible and invisible form.

Gandalf is often described in The Lord of the Rings as quick to anger, and equally quick to laugh. His deep wisdom clearly derived from the patience he learned in Valinor, just as his care for all creatures of good will must have come from his strong sense of pity for the weak. Both his patience and sense of pity were revealed again and again, extending even to the servants of his enemies.

Originally, the name "Gandalf" was to be used for another of Tolkien's characters: a Dwarf who we now know as Thorin. Can you imagine Gandalf’s Gate or Gandalf's Hall? What changed Tolkien's mind is the actual Old Norse meaning behind the name Gandalfr, which incorporates the words "gandr", meaning both "wand" and "magic", and "alfr", meaning "elf" or "mythical being". So quite literally, his name means "Elf of the Wand", although he technically resembles that of a Man, instead of an Elf. Gandalf's original name of "Bladorthin" was not entirely lost though, as Tolkien eventually used it to name an ancient king, later in the books.

Although Gandalf is his most commonly-used moniker, he went by several other names as well. In his origins as a Maiar spirit in Valinor, he was known as Olorin. In Gondor, he was known as Mithrandir, meaning Grey Pilgrim. The White Rider was his name to those who saw him on his great white horse, Shadowfax. In the south, he was called Incanus, meaning grey-haired. The Dwarves called him Tharkun, meaning Staff-man, while the peoples of Sauron knew him only as Greybeard. He also gained the quirky surname of Stormcrow, mostly from the Hobbits who saw him as a troublesome meddler in the affairs of others.

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Gandalf the Grey

Powers and abilities

Gandalf was servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor, and bearer of Narya.

He demonstrated extensive knowledge of the land and an assortment of magical abilities from trivial to essential. For example he would use his powers for entertainment, by blowing glowing smoke rings that moved around a room at his direction, and Bilbo Baggins remembered him for his fantastic fireworks displays. He created blinding flashes and other pyrotechnics to distract the goblins of the Misty Mountains, aiding the dwarves in their escape from Goblin-town. On the eastern slopes, he turned pine cones into flaming projectiles that threw hot sparks and started fires that would not easily go out. He was also able to come and go from the presence of Thorin and Company without being noticed.

He again displayed his proficiency with pyrotechnics at Bilbo's Farewell Party. When the Fellowship is attacked by Wargs in Hollin Gandalf speaks words of power to inflame the trees on the hillock where the company had camped. He was also able to start fires under blizzard conditions, create light of varying intensity for the journey through Moria, magically secure doors, and break the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. When angered or aroused for battle, he seemed to grow in height and assume a terrifying aspect. He fought the Balrog of Moria and killed his opponent, although he did not himself survive the battle.

Sent back to Middle-earth as Gandalf the White, he possessed greater charisma and a limited degree of clairvoyance, although he was unable to peer into the land of Mordor to see the progress of Frodo and Sam. His power and authority had increased so that he could break Saruman's staff with a spoken command, showing his authority to throw the treacherous wizard out of the order.

Most times Gandalf displayed his power, this had to do with fire. It is not known whether his possession of Narya, the Ring of Fire, had any merit to his abilities.

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Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf’s Power Equation


Where, a2 is the total magic contained in Gandalf (watts)

b2 is the total magic potential in Gandalf staff (watts)

c2 is the total power Gandalf can produce at one time (watts)

Here, a = 120k, b = 690k

Therefore, On applying that to the equation it is found that.

(120 k )2+(690 k)2= c2

240000 + 1380000 = 1620000 watts

Thus, it is found that Gandalf the Grey can unleash 1620000 watts of power at one go. After he uses up all his power, his energy diminishes and becomes 0

He needs a 10 hour rest, before he can use his powers again.

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Gandalf the Grey

Battle With Balrog

Balrogs are fictional characters who appear in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. Such creatures first appeared in print in his novel The Lord of the Rings, where the Fellowship of the Ring encounter one known as Durin's Bane in the Mines of Moria. Balrogs figured in Tolkien's earlier writings that appeared posthumously in The Silmarillion and other books.

Balrogs are described as tall and menacing with the ability to shroud themselves in fire, darkness, and shadow. They frequently appeared armed with fiery whips "of many thongs", and occasionally used long swords. In Tolkien's later conception, they could not be casually destroyed—significant power was required. Only dragons rivalled their capacity for ferocity and destruction, and during the First Age of Middle-earth, they were among the most feared of Morgoth's forces.

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Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf’s Care Meter for the Fellowship.Pie Chart





6% 12%

Gandalf's Care Meter for the FellowShip


From the pie chart it can be seen that Gandalf cared about Frodo (46%) . He cared for Sam,pippin and merry equally(12%, All of them were hobbits). Similarly, he cared Legolas, Aragon and Gimili equally but less than the Hobbits (6%)

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Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf’s Final Speech

Fear of death is instinctive. The fear becomes meaningless when one accepts death. The instinctive self-preservation and ego that fears death will remain, but as long as you do not dwell on this fear, it has no power over you. Whatever lies on the "other side" is a mystery to all living beings. But we do not need to walk through life fearing something simply because it is unknown or unknowable to us.

This speech was given to pipin by gandalf before the orcs attacked.

Before the final battle…

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Gandalf the Grey

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Gandalf the Grey

Source Page

1) Cover page-

2) lord of the rings(background Picture) -

3) introduction of Gandalf(Page 3) -

4) gandalf the grey- information(Page 3) -

5) Gandalf the Grey Information (Picture page 3) - the grey-

6) Gandalf using magic(picture. Page 4)-!/page2

7) Gandalf fighting balrog(picture page 4)

8) picture number 3(Page 4)

9) Gandalf’s power Equation Picture(page 5)-

10) Information about Balrog (Page 6)-

11) Screen Shot (Page 6)'s+battle+with+balrog&spell=1&tbm=isch&imgdii=_

12) Gandalfs Final battle, youtube video(Page 8)-

13)Gandalf’s Picture(Page 8) last battle pic

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