Bayko Pirates 5

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bayko Pirates 5

Le Grenouille Frenetique – 2015The 6th ‘Bayko Baron’ pirate adventure

• Don Lardo celebrates the slaughter of the pirate Arbuthnot by having his portrait painted – meanwhile two young Muscavado Hussars have a dispute to settle

• Senor Mortadella and Father Fontenella stand by in readiness

• While on the gallery above Donna Quibab lays side bets

• The entertainment is interrupted by the arrival of – The Spanish Inquisition!

• The Inquisitors are here to urge Don Lardo on – the heretic rabble at Rochemarie should be next!

• Rochemarie – no sugar, no tobacco, no garrison

• A settlement of Hueguenot refugees – farmers and craftsmen

• Refuge also for Gaspard Le Phew – ‘Le Grenouille Frenetique’

• Meanwhile the hussars shed their jackets and get down to work

• With the result that one is shortly boxed while the other is carried off in triumph

That evening the Hidalgo Montoya pays his usual visit to Ms Sadies’ home for Indigent Seamstresses

• With the result that Ms Sadies feels the need to travel

In the courtyard of the Angry Duck there is also entertainment

• While upstairs Ms Sadie meets with her sister - The Baracudda – and Calico Jack Chinless

• The San Cristobal disembarks the Regimento Irlanda

The troops head through the palms to the unsuspecting settlement

• Moving round to close the harbour the San Cristobal spots the pirate brig ‘The Saucy Gladys Trusspot’

• As the brig hoists sail to escape her captain turns – The Baracudda herself!

• Rochemarie is forgotten as Don Lardo smells revenge

• Meanwhile the Irlanda arrive in Rochemarie – the streets are deserted, the good citizens are all singing in the Church

• As the singing stops the troops catch a whiff of garlic

• Discipline starts to crumble as the awful reality dawns

• The clatter of cannon wheels confirms there is no escape –• as Happy Dan Pugh gives the signal

• Some fight, some fail – all fall

The few survivors are sent out to the San Cristobal

Back in San Serif, Donna Quibab expresses her displeasure to the Inquisitors