BATS 29 & 30 Approbation HAT’s 21 -23 Thoughtlessness, Anger and Arrogance 1.

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Transcript of BATS 29 & 30 Approbation HAT’s 21 -23 Thoughtlessness, Anger and Arrogance 1.

BATS 29 & 30Approbation HAT’s 21 -23

Thoughtlessness, Anger and Arrogance



Approbation TacticsArroganc






Worry (Fear)















HAT 16: Disrespect






The Event


Appraisal Filter


The “New Man” Response

The “Old Man”


The VolitionalInterlude



The Sequence of TemptationThe Sequence of Temptation






Feeling of Hatred

Emotion of Hate


AppraisalFeeling of Hate


Traits (Pre-disposition







HAT 18: Bitterness•Bitterness falls under the general category of hate, and

is expressed because of hostility; enmity; or ill will.•Bitterness, also known as resentment or rancor is:•a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will.•This is then seen in one of these forms:•envy; enviousness - spite and resentment at

seeing the success of another•grudge; score; grievance - a resentment strong

enough to justify retaliation; •a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong

that causes resentment and is grounds for action


HAT 19: Stubbornness•stubbornness is the resolute adherence to your own

ideas or desires.•It is the negative side of the trait called resoluteness or

firmness:•stubbornness is also identified as, bullheadedness,

obstinacy, obstinance, pigheadedness, self-will, and results in 2 primary traits:

•intransigency; intransigence - •stubbornly refusing to compromise

•impenitence - •the trait of refusing to repent


HAT 20: Guilt

•guilty - culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing : “the police will soon discover who the guilty party is”

• conscious of or affected by a feeling of guilt : John felt guilty at having deceived the family

HAT 20: Guilt

•guilt - the fact of having committed a specified or implied offense or crime : it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner's guilt. ・

•a feeling of having done wrong or failed in an obligation : he remembered with sudden guilt the letter from his mother that he had not yet read.

HAT 20: Guilt•“Freud, who had so much to say about guilt, actually

used 2 German words to talk about it; one that means, "a guilt feeling"; and a second word meaning, "consciousness of guilt"; dividing guilt into two aspects, first, "feeling guilty", and second "thoughts of guilt".

•There are two sides to guilt, one good and one bad. •Sometimes when you feel guilty it is exactly the right

thing, however, on the other hand, other times when you feel guilty it is exactly the wrong way to feel.


The Soul and the BrainConsciousness

Soul The Real You


Computer Hardware

Corrupted by Sin Nature

Computer Software

Your Body



HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•Thoughtlessness, inconsideration, inconsiderateness - the quality of failing to be considerate of others

•Thoughtlessness begins with Insensitivity; insensitiveness•Insensitivity expressed as unkindness comes ou as

thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness.•Thoughtlessness is usually expressed as bluntness

and tactlessness.

•If Thoughtlessness becomes ingrained as a trait (the trait of not thinking carefully before acting), it will be revealed by impulsiveness, recklessness; foolhardiness and rashness in all areas.



The Event


Appraisal Filter


The “New Man” Response

The “Old Man”


The VolitionalInterlude



The Sequence of TemptationThe Sequence of Temptation





eTraits - distinguishing features of

your personal nature


Traits - distinguishing features of your personal nature

HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•There is no excuse for believers NOT being the most sensitive and thoughtful of people.

•Our thoughtfulness should exceed having good manners.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•We are commanded to have unconditional love for everyone which means that we must do our best not to offend.

•II Cor.6:3 - We are to give no cause for offense in anything in order that the ministry be not discredited.

• Rom. 14:13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•We must always be alert to the feelings of others.•When in a group, we should try to include everyone in

the conversation or in whatever is going on.•Take care not to interrupt others speaking and not to

dominate a conversation. •Restrain ourselves from doing things that we know

might annoy someone.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•Make sure that we are kind and gracious to all people, no matter how they look, what their station in life, how different they are from us, or how they treat us.

•Try our best not to embarrass anyone.•Refrain from talking, movement, or distracting other

people in public places such as cinemas, concerts, Bible Class, etc.

•Refrain from correcting others unless it is absolutely essential to do so.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•Believers should shine when it comes to good manners which display their self-control and loving-kindness towards others.

•1 Cor. 13:4-7 - Love (“agape,” unconditional love) is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, it believes all things, it hopes all things, it endures all things.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•Sometimes we must refrain from doing things we want to do that are perfectly legitimate in order to be thoughtful of others who might be offended. This is known as:

•The Law of Liberty - I Cor. 8:4-9 - directed towards ourselves (Anything but sin is allowed)

•The Law of Expediency - I Cor. 9:16-23 & 10:23 - directed toward unbelievers (Protect the reputation of the Lord and the Gospel)

•The Law of Love - I Cor. 8:13 - directed toward other believers (Do not cause stumbling of weak brothers -- not arrogant legalistic brothers, but the immature)


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

• When a believer remains silent while someone is declaring a false gospel because he does not want to embarrass anyone or cause any tension or unpleasantness, he is not being thoughtful, he is being disobedient.

•Verses commanding believers to stand firm for the faith:

•1 Cor. 16:13- Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•II Th. 2:15 - So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.

•Phil .1:27 - … that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

•Jude 1:3 - I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

• 1 Pet .3:15 - But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•Gal. 5:1, Eph. 4:11-14, Phil. 4:1, Col. 4:12, I Th. 3:7-8, II Thes. 2:15, James 4:8

•These verses do not give us an open door to engage in argument, belittle, or bludgeon others with our superior knowledge of Bible doctrine.

•We must use discernment when we defend the truth of God’s Word, but that does not mean we must remain silent or avoid confrontation.

•Asking questions is the best technique for keeping people engaged, forcing them to express and to rethink what they really believe, and helping them to open up to what you have to say.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•If they think you are preaching to them, they will tune out, get defensive, or become combative.

•If you give them a hearing first, then they owe you a hearing.

•We should be loving and sensitive when defending the faith without compromising Truth.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

• Discernment comes through Doctrinal Orientation and the Spiritual Orientation.

•Mature believers must use discernment every day in regard to a number of issues.

•Discernment means that a believer knows when to speak and when to remain silent, when to be flexible and when to be firm, when to get tough, and when to be gentle.


HAT 21: Thoughtlessness

•Sometimes the most thoughtful thing one can do is to forcefully, uncompromisingly, hit someone between the eyes with the truth, even if it makes them uncomfortable or angry.

•NEVER COMPROMISE ON THE TRUTH OF BIBLE DOCTRINE ! Just be careful how you present or defend it.


HAT 22: Anger

•Anger in man is a mental attitude sin. •Although anger is used in the Bible to describe God

expressing His change of policy towards man related to divine judgment, we know that God does not ever sin.

•Ascribing anger to God is called an anthropopathism.


HAT 22: Anger

•Anger is expressed by antagonism, hatred, exasperation, resentment, and irrationality.

•It can be mental or emotional or both. •In the Greek, ORGE refers to mental anger and

THUMOS refers to emotional anger. •Both types are related to bitterness (Eph. 4:31)


HAT 22: Anger

•You can react in mental anger (ORGE) when your soul is dominating.

•Or you can react with emotional anger (THUMOS) when you emotionally revolt.

•Both are sins.


HAT 22: Anger

•Results of Anger:•Anger is a sin from the old sin nature (Gal 5:20).•It is never an isolated sin. Prov. 29:22. - An angry

person stirs up strife, and a hot tempered person abounds in transgression.

•Anger motivates jealousy and cruelty. Prov. 27:4 - A person can't be angry without being cruel and unfair


HAT 22: Anger

• Anger is related to stupidity. • Eccl. 7:9 - Do not be hasty to be angry in your soul,

for anger resides in the bosom of fools. • Satan’s genius was turned into stupidity by anger. • The reason why many stupid and embarrassing things

are said is because people are never smart when they are angry.


HAT 22: Anger

• Anger is associated with grieving the Holy Spirit. • Eph. 4:30-31 - Stop grieving the Holy Spirit, the God

by whom you have been sealed to the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and slander be removed from you, together with all evil.


HAT 22: Anger

• Believers are commanded to put aside anger and its attendant sins of the tongue.

• Col 3:8 – But now you also put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth

• When Anger is expressed (Wrath) it uses verbal or physical tactics.

• This admonition is against the Verbal tactics of Wrath.


HAT 22: Anger

• Eccl. 7:9 - Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.

• It hinders effective prayer, 1 Tim 2:8 - Therefore, I desire that men in every place pray, lifting up holy hands without anger and without dissension.


HAT 22: Anger

•It destroys a nation, Amos 1:11 - So decrees the Lord, `For three sins of Edom, even for four, I will not revoke its punishment. Because he pursued his brother with a sword, stifling all compassion, because his anger raged continually and he maintained his anger forever.'"


HAT 22: Anger

•We are not to associate with people who cannot control their temper.

•Prov.22:24 – Do not associate with a man given to anger, or go with a hot-tempered man, lest you learn his ways, and find a snare for yourself.


HAT 22: Anger

•We are to do our best not to provoke anger in others. •Prov. 15:1 - A soft answer turns away wrath: but

grievous words stir up anger. •Prov. 15:18 - A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension,

but a patient man calms a quarrel. •Prov. 19: 11 - A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is

to his glory to overlook an offense.


HAT 22: Anger

•A description of one who controls his temper: Prov. 16:32 - He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that rules his emotion, than he that takes a city.


HAT 22: Anger

•Translations of Ephesians 4:26:•(NIV) Eph. 4:26 - `In your anger do not sin`: Do not let

the sun go down while you are still angry,•(KJV) Eph. 4:26 -Be ye angry, and sin not; let not the

sun go down upon your wrath.•(Corrected translation) Eph. 4:26 - Be angry with

righteous indignation (ORGIZO), yet do not allow it to become sin; never let the sun go down on your anger (PARORGISMOS).


HAT 22: Anger

• Eph. 4:26 is a quote from Psalm 4:4:•(KJV) Psa. 4:4 - Stand in awe, and sin not: commune

with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.•(NIV) Psa. 4:4 - In your anger do not sin; when you are

on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Selah.•(Corrected Translation) Psa. 4:4 - Tremble with anger,

yet do not sin; commune with your heart (meditate on the Word) upon your bed and be still. Selah.


Feeling of Anger

Emotion of Anger


Psa. 4:4 - Tremble with anger, yet do not sin; commune

with your heart (meditate on the Word) upon your bed and be still.






The Event


Appraisal Filter


The “New Man” Response

The “Old Man”


The VolitionalInterlude



The Sequence of TemptationThe Sequence of Temptation






Feeling of Anger

Emotion of Anger


HAT 22: Anger

•David was tempted to become angry with his son Absalom, but he was able to keep his anger in check (II Sam. 18:5).

•It is normal to be knocked off balance when maltreatment occurs, but we can keep from reacting with an emotional, sinful anger.

•How? By DO and SO.