Basis Registratie Topografie (BRT) Open Data Ben Bruns Productmanager Topografie.

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Basis Registratie Topografie (BRT) Open Data Ben Bruns Productmanager Topografie.

Basis Registratie Topografie (BRT)

Open Data

Ben Bruns

Productmanager Topografie


Why Open data ?

Innovation Economic stimulus Transparency EU: Digital Agenda, PSI (Public Sector Information)-

guideline, INSPIRE BZK: funding KEY registers IenM: ‘open data unless’

2012 -01-01 BRT OPEN DATA2012-01-01


Maps on scale 10K – 500k Maps on scale 10K – 500k


Aspects for further decision other Key registers

Privacy Legal security Rules about reuse Financing Open data is always free of charge?

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation that

enables the sharing and use of creative work in the Public

Domain through free legal tools. To simplify and standardise the way the public is given

permissions to share and use creative works, Creative

Commons have released 4 CC Licenses (modules), free of

charge to the public. Creative works can be released to the Public Domain

comprising of a combination of these CC Licenses


CC Licenses The CC Licenses allows the distribution of copyright

works into the Public Domain. It is not an alternative to

copyright but works alongside copyright. The CC Licenses all grant the “baseline right”, which lets

any creative work to be redistribute for non-commercial

purposes without modification, worldwide, at no cost. Besides licenses, CC also offers a way to release

material into the Public Domain through CC0, a legal

tool to waiving as many rights as legally possible.

CC Licenses…(cont)

Attribution (by) – Lets others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the original author/licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.

Noncommercial (nc) – Lets others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for non-commercial purposes.

No Derivative Works (nd) – Lets others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim (exact) copies of the work, not derivative works based on it.

Share-alike (sa) – Allows others (Licensees) to copy, distribute, perform and modify the works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work.

22-04-23 9


Government (TAX)



Integraal GMA werkoverleg


For me, the BRT is a blessing for the open geo community.


Integraal GMA werkoverleg