Basis Consciousness 98 Llinas Ribary

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  • 8/2/2019 Basis Consciousness 98 Llinas Ribary


    The neuronal basis for consciousness

    R. Llinas, U. Ribary, D. Contreras and C. Pedroarena

    Department of Physiology and Neuroscience, New York University School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA

    Attempting to understand how the brain, as a whole, might be organized seems, for the rst time, to be aserious topic of inquiry. One aspect of its neuronal organization that seems particularly central to global

    function is the rich thalamocortical interconnectivity, and most particularly the reciprocal nature of thethalamocortical neuronal loop function. Moreover, the interaction between the specic and non-specicthalamic loops suggests that rather than a gate into the brain, the thalamus represents a hub from whichany site in the cortex can communicate with any other such site or sites. The goal of this paper is toexplore the basic assumption that large-scale, temporal coincidence of specic and non-specic thalamicactivity generates the functional states that characterize human cognition.

    Keywords: consciousness; thalamocortical; gamma oscillations; facilitation; coincidence detection;voltage sensitive dye


    Perhaps one of the most insightful discussions relating tothe nature of global brain function took place in Englandin the rst decades of this century between Charles S.Sherrington (1906) and T. Graham Brown (1915). Theformer proposed, on the basis of animal physiologicalexperimentation, that the spinal cord operated, funda-

    mentally, as a set of complex reexes. Indeed, this viewfollowed the Jamesian postulate of reex (James 1890), inwhich the nervous system is organized as a set of complexneuronal connectivity pathways triggered into action bythe outside world. On this view, behaviour is fundamen-tally the resultant of sensory input. This general postulatecontrasted with the point of view espoused by GrahamBrown (1914, 1915) and more recently by Nicholas Bern-stein (1967), who viewed spinal cord function as mostlyorganized as intrinsically generated neuronal activity.With this view sensory inputs are mostly modiers of suchintrinsic activity.

    Brown worked, as did Sherrington, on the spinal cord

    but more specically on locomotion. He was the rst todemonstrate that locomotion was still supported by thespinal cord after bilateral dorsal root deaerentation,resulting in the total removal of sensory input (Brown1914). On that basis, he proposed that the complex motoroutput required for locomotion is a property of thespontaneous activity of the neuronal circuits in the spinalcord and brainstem. Interestingly, such importantobservation and conclusion have been mostly ignored bypresent-day neuroscience, which continues to emphasizethe primordial importance of sensory input in motororganization.

    Likewise, in cognitive physiology the prevailing view

    today is that consciousness is mostly the resultant ofsensory input brought into the brain by the dierentsensory aerents, the activity of which represent thefunctional basis for cognition.



    We propose here, as we have done on past occasions(Llina s 1990), that consciousness, like locomotion, mightbe more a case of intrinsic activity than of sensory drive.Thus, it has been proposed that consciousness is anoneiric-like internal functional state modulated, rather

    than generated, by the senses (Llina s & Pare 1991). Wemay remember how in childhood the sound of a curtainuttering in the dark could evoke rather worrying imagesthat were immediately dispelled by turning on the lights.And so, the internal events that we know as thinking,imagining or remembering are, for the most part, relatedto intrinsic activity. This is of course very much inaccordance with the fact that a very large percentage ofthe connectivity in the brain is recurrent and that muchof its activity is related to such intrinsic connectivity notnecessarily related to the immediacy of sensory input.

    Perhaps the most spectacular dierence concerningglobal brain states is that between wakefulness and

    dreamless sleep. We all recognize that no gross morpholo-gical changes occur in our brains during sleep, that couldexplain the enormous disparity between the two states.Indeed, the dierence must be functional. We know fullwell that if we are tired we can fall asleep extraordinarilyquickly and that if we are asleep and a strong stimulus isgiven to us (e.g. the havoc played by an alarm clock) wecan awaken also extraordinarily fast. It is so fast, indeed,that the only substrate capable of supporting the speed ofthese two events must be electrical in nature given thelarge number of elements involved; electrical in the senseof the electrical activity of neurons and the synaptic inputthat initiate or terminate such activity.

    The questions would then be: (i) what is the funda-mental dierence between being awake and being asleep?and (ii) what does it tell us about brain function? Itseems to us that these are among the most important

    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1998) 353, 1841^1849 1841 & 1998 The Royal Society

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    clues about the nature of consciousness. The rstconclusion to be drawn from such inference is thatconsciousness (i.e. being awake and able to feel, judge

    and remember) is but one functional state of our brain.Other states, such as being asleep, do not supportconsciousness or even the feeling of self-existence.

    From classical neurology we know that damage to thecerebral cortex in mammals can cause a variety of well-dened dysfunctional conditions or syndromes. Visualcortex damage is accompanied by blindness that can be ofdierent types depending on the precise location of thecortical insult. Similar ndings are also encountered inother cortical structures. Thus, damage to the auditory,the somatosensory, the motor and pre-motor cortices areaccompanied by well-dened conditions. In fact, the rstsuch neurological lesion to be described in the terms used

    above was that which follows damage of Broca's area,generating dysarthria.Given the above, we tend to equate consciousness with

    cortical function more or less exclusively, ignoring thefact that the nervous system is deeply cursive and that astrictly hierarchical organization, rather than a globalorder, is most unlikely. On the assumption that conscious-ness is a global functional state of the brain relating tomore than cortical activity, we shall now attempt todene the functional parameters that support andgenerate consciousness.



    The questions of coherent electrical activity in thecortex and its relation to cognitive binding have been

    addressed by several authors in recent years (Von derMalsburg 1981; Eckhorn et al. 1988; Gray et al. 1989; Gray& Singer 1989; Llina s 1990; Crick & Koch 1990; Llina s

    & Pare 1991; Llina s & Ribary 1992, 1993; Singer 1993).Whereas it has been proposed that coherent eventsoccur at the cortical level, and such cortical events arethe primary binding substrate (Crick & Koch 1990;Singer 1993), others have proposed that the binding eventmust be not cortical but rather thalamocortical (Llina s1990; Llina s & Pare 1991; Llina s & Ribary 1992, 1993).Some of the reasons for the latter view are sketchedbelow.

    How is it that damage to the thalamus is equivalent tocortical damage? Experimental results from studies usingnon-invasive techniques, such as magnetoencephalo-graphy (MEG) in humans (Ribary et al. 1991) and extra-

    cellular and intracellular recordings in cats in vivo(Steriade et al. 1996a,b), indicate that such activity issupported by resonance between thalamic and corticalstructures at gamma-band frequencies, i.e. with frequen-cies between 20 and 50 Hz, often centred close to 40 Hz(Llina s 1990; Llina s & Pare 1991). Those results favouredthe hypothesis that cognitive events depend on activityinvolving thalamocortical resonant columns. Indeed, theneuronal mechanisms responsible for high-frequencythalamic oscillations that support thalamocorticalsynchronization and coherence are presently beginning tobe understood.


    A decade ago it was suggested that the presence ofneuronal elements with intrinsic oscillatory or resonant

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    Figure 1. Oscillatory properties of

    thalamic neurons and corticothalamic

    excitatory postsynaptic potentials

    (EPSPs). (a) Direct activation of athalamic cell evoked repetitive ring from

    Vm positive to 760 mV when depolarizedup to 737 mV, whereas a burst of spikes

    was triggered by the activation of a low-

    threshold calcium spike when Vm wasnegative to 765mV. (b) High-frequencysubthreshold oscillations were evoked by

    depolarizing the membrane potential

    (746 and 743 mV) by protracted

    outward d.c. injection. The autocorrelo-

    gram in the inset corresponds to the

    743 mV trace. (c) In a dierent neuron,

    EPSPs were evoked by identical stimula-

    tion of the corticothalamic pathway attwo dierent membrane potentials. Each

    trace is an average of ten single stimuli.

    Note the increase in EPSP amplitude

    when the membrane was 746mV

    compared with the control at 757mV.

    ((a) and (b) adapted from Pedroarena &Llina s (1997).)

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    properties in a network facilitates the occurrence ofcoherence between interconnected elements (Llina s 1988).Indeed, we have characterized, in a series of studies invitro, the intrinsic electrical properties of thalamicneurons that support high-frequency (20^50 Hz) sub-threshold oscillations when thalamic neurons are depolar-ized beyond 745 mV (Pedroarena & Llina s 1997) (gure1b). Previous studies in vivo had described similaroscillations in both relay and reticular thalamic neurons

    (Steriade et al. 1991, 1993a, 1996b; Pinault & Desche nes1992); however, the electrophysiological propertiessupporting this activity were not understood.

    High-frequency oscillations were described in the spar-sely spiny inhibitory interneurons of cortical layer IV. Theionic mechanism for this activity is a persistent sodiumconductance (Llina s et al. 1991). However, fast oscillationsin thalamocortical cells depend on the activation ofvoltage-dependent calcium conductances. In these cellssuch conductances are preferentially located in dendrites(Pedroarena & Llina s 1997), demonstrating that thedendritic compartment of these neurons exhibits activemembrane oscillations and suggesting that thalamic fast

    oscillations are supported in part by the intrinsic oscilla-tory properties of thalamic cells. These ndings are inaccordance with previous reports indicating that thalamiccells display highly rhythmic activity in the gamma rangeof frequencies (Adrian & Matthews 1928; Arnett 1975;Ghoose & Freeman 1992; Steriade et al. 1991, 1993a,1996a,b; Pinault & Desche nes 1992).

    Active dendritic oscillations are functionally signicantbecause the return input from the cortex to thalamicneurons terminates in their distal dendritic segments(Wilson et al. 1984; Liu et al. 1995), providing a uniqueopportunity for resonance between intrinsic dendriticoscillation and rhythmic synaptic inputs. This issue is of

    further signicance because waking and rapid-eye-move-ment (REM) sleep states are associated with thalamicneuron depolarization, whereas slow-wave sleep isassociated with thalamic hyperpolarization (Hirsch et al.

    1983), as are the intrinsic oscillatory properties ofthalamic cells (Jahnsen & Llina s 1984a,b; Pedroarena &Llina s 1997). Given the above we can conclude that coher-ence of fast rhythms in thalamocortical loops mightdepend both on the pattern of synaptic inputs and on theresponsive state of the neurons.

    To determine whether synaptic input of cortical originestablishes a resonance interaction with the subthresholdelectroresponsiveness of thalamic neurons, a set of

    experiments in vitro were implemented. In this studyboth single and repetitive stimulations of the cortico-thalamic pathway were employed to test possiblesynaptic gain changes as well as frequency-dependentdynamic resonance.

    Intracellular recordings were obtained from thalamo-cortical ventrobasal (VB) neurons in slices of the thala-mocortical system from the brain of young (3^6 weeksold) adult mice or guinea pigs (Agmon & Connors1991). The corticothalamic pathway was stimulated withshort current pulses (0.1ms, 0.1^2 mA) repeated at lowfrequencies (0.2^0.3 Hz) by using bipolar microelec-trodes placed in the internal capsule or in the layer VI

    of the cortex. These studies were designed to analyse thecharacteristics of evoked excitatory postsynapticpotentials (EPSPs) in VB neurons after corticothalamicactivation. Averages of ten EPSPs obtained at twodierent membrane potentials (757 and 746 mV) areshown in gure 1c. Note that the amplitude of theEPSPs at depolarized levels was larger than those at757 mV. This amplication was also observed when theN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist AP5 wasadded to the perfusing medium, indicating that it doesnot depend on the activation of the NMDA type ofglutamate receptors. The voltage dependence of sub-threshold fast oscillations and EPSP amplication are

    quite similar. This suggests that similar ionic mechan-isms underlie both phenomena.In a second set of experiments the frequency character-

    istics of the EPSPs evoked in the thalamus by cortical

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    Figure 2. Thalamic relay cells responses to paired cortical extracellular stimuli with dierent interstimulus intervals (ISI).

    (a) Diagram representing experimental paradigm. (b) Responses of a TC cell to a pair of identical CT stimuli, showing facilita-

    tion. Paired pulse facilitation (PPF) was estimated as the fractional increase in the amplitude of the second EPSP. ( c) Graph ofthe average of PPF for 22 neurons against ISI, showing that facilitation is maximal for intervals between 20 and 30 ms and thendecays at longer intervals, being still detectable at 200 ms.

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    stimulation were studied. Electrical pair pulse stimulationof the corticothalamic aerents with dierent inter-stimulus intervals demonstrated that corticothalamicEPSPs exhibit facilitation with interstimulus intervalshorter than 200 ms. Maximum facilitation occurred at25^30 ms intervals (30^40 Hz) (gure 2) with an increasein EPSP amplitude of four times that of the control, in

    agreement with previous experiments in vivo (Lindstro m& Wro bel 1990; Desche nes & Hu 1990). This facilitationmight constitute an appropriate mechanism for selectiveamplication of those cortical inputs that originated inneurons ring with high frequencies, a pattern of activityassociated with arousal and sensory-motor processing(Bouyer et al. 1981; Gray & Singer 1989; Murthy & Fetz1992; Singer 1993).

    Both sets of experiments illustrating signal ampli-cation and facilitation indicate that the corticothalamicpathway can selectively enhance coherence and synchron-icity of activity between selected groups of interconnectedcortical and thalamic neurons during particular func-

    tional states. Modelling of the thalamocortical system(Lumer et al. 1997) suggests that a critical amount ofactivity is necessary to produce synchronous ring inthalamocortical loops. Although the coherence of corti-cothalamic activity during slow-wave sleep might dependon synchronously active large populations of thalamicand cortical cells with high degrees of synaptic conver-gence and divergence (Steriade et al. 1993b; Contreras &Steriade 1997), the evidence presented above suggests thatduring arousal a high degree of synaptic convergence intothalamic cells is not necessary to obtain coherence, but isinstead an appropriate pattern of activity.

    These results indicate that dierences in responsiveness

    of thalamic neurons, associated with changes in theglobal brain-state, modify the eectiveness of corticalinputs. The state of responsiveness of thalamic neuronscan be modulated by changes in the membrane potentialinduced by neuromodulatory inputs originating from thebrainstem or the forebrain, but also by other central orperipheral synaptic inputs.



    In an attempt at visualizing the functional conse-quences, if any, of dierent cortical activating frequencies

    a set of experiments with voltage-sensitive dyes wasimplemented in vitro. Optical data were collected fromsagittal slices (400 mm) of guinea-pig visual cortex by ourstandard technique (Llina s & Sugimori 1981). Slices wereexposed to the potentiometric probe RH-795 (MolecularProbes). Optical recordings were made with a videocamera system (Fujix HRDeltaron 1700) with an imagesensor of 128 pixels128 pixels and a temporal resolutionof 0.6 ms per frame. Stimulation was performed by meansof bipolar metal electrodes placed on the white matter.The average response to repetitive stimulation wasobtained by initially averaging 16 trains of ten stimulieach, and subsequently averaging the ten stimuli into a

    single nal averaged response. This averaging procedurelumped together the area activated by repetitive electricalstimulation at dierent frequencies, but eliminated thespatial dynamics during successive stimuli in the train.

    (a) The granularity of thalamocortical activation


    To understand the spatio-temporal properties ofaerent inputs to the neocortex, stimuli were appliedsimultaneously by means of a single electrode or twoelectrodes placed 2^6 mm apart in the white matter.

    Stimulation with a single shock to the white matter

    gave rise to an optical response that indicated depolar-ization and moved vertically to layer 1. Almost simulta-neously the response spread horizontally, away from thesite of stimulation, preferentially through layers 5^6 and1 (gure 3). Stimulation with two electrodes gave rise totwo waves of excitation moving horizontally and showingclose to linear summation at the centre of the slice, wherethey fused (gure 3b). This pattern was observed for eachof the individual stimuli within a train at 10 Hz. Thus, theaverage area of excitation after a train at 10 Hz spannedthe cortical distance between the two stimulating elec-trodes (gure 4a). During stimulation at 40 Hz, subse-quent stimuli in the train activated areas that were

    progressively smaller until only a restricted area, approxi-mately a cortical column in width, overlying each of thetwo stimulating electrodes, was observed. In consequence,the average cortical area activated by a train at 40 Hzconsisted of two distinct regions, separated by a gap ofreduced activity between the two activated regions(gure 4b).

    These results are in accordance with data showing thatslow frequency rhythms (less than 15 Hz) in the brain,

    characteristic of slow-wave sleep such as sleep spindles orthe slow oscillations, show long-range cortical coherence(Andersen & Anderssen 1968; Steriade et al . 1993b;Contreras & Steriade 1997a), sometimes spanning the

    entire neocortex. In contrast, during activated states, suchas waking or REM sleep, high-frequency oscillations(20^50 Hz) show a pattern of coherence that is eitherrestricted to its immediate vicinity (Steriade et al. 1996a)or occurs between distant discrete areas (Ribary et al.1991).

    More fundamentally, however, an examination bypharmacological means, of the mechanism by which thegranularity of activation is engendered (results notshown) indicates that the areas of silence between patchesof activity at 40 Hz are generated by active inhibition.Thus, in the presence of GABAA blockers, the spatialltering of cortical activity described above disappears.

    These results are clearly in accordance with the ndingsthat cortical inhibitory neurons are capable of high-frequency oscillation (Llina s et al. 1991) and with the viewthat, if such neurons are synaptically coupled and re insynchrony, they might be formative in generating corticalgamma-band activity. However, our results indicate yetanother function for coherent inhibition at cortical level;that of generating the `thalamocortical resonant column'.From this point of view, the thalamocortical resonantcolumn is the functional architecture of the active statethat generates consciousness. Indeed, the thalamocorticalconnectivity can be viewed as a permissive network thatdisplays spatial lter properties that are frequency

    dependent. Frequency in this view forges activity into awell-specied cortical activation geometry by increasingthe encoding contrast, as the activity areas are bothintensied and focused. By increasing the contrast

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    between activation and inhibition this organization mightunderlie the columnar organization observed in prepara-tions in vivo during physiological stimulation of thecortical mantle (Mountcastle 1997), with the addedadvantage of a thalamocortical resonance that might linkthese expanded columnar activation into the bindingpatterns required for consciousness.



    To relate the type of activity encountered at thethalamocortical level in the experiments in vitro described

    above, on the one hand, to activity in vivo in humansubjects, on the other, we have attempted to search forcoherent thalamocortical activity in the human brain byusing MEG.

    Previous results with MEG from our laboratory haveindicated that consciousness is accompanied by thalamo-cortical oscillatory activity as determined by the recordingof evoked and spontaneous magnetic activity in humans(Ribary et al. 1991). On the basis of our research for the

    minimal temporal interval for sensory discrimination, weconcluded that consciousness is a non-continuous eventdetermined by synchronous activity in the thalamocorticalsystem (Joliot et al. 1994).

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    Figure 3. Voltage-sensitive

    dye response to a single

    stimulus applied to white

    matter. Two snapshots at

    5 ms (a) and 10 ms (b). In(b) the positions of the two

    stimulating electrodes (S1

    and S2) are indicated, aswell as the position of the

    slice (dotted lines) in the

    eld of the camera (WM,

    white matter; I and VI

    indicate layers I and VI).

    Intensity between 0 and

    256 coded by the arbitrary

    colour scale.

    Figure 4. Voltage-

    sensitive dye responsefrom visual cortical slices

    after stimulation of the

    underlying white matter.(a) Snapshots at 5 and

    10 ms of the averaged

    response to repetitive

    stimulation at 10 Hz.

    (b) Snapshots at sametimes as in (a) of theresponse to stimulation

    at 40 Hz. Dotted lines

    indicate the position of

    the slice (see the scheme

    in gure 3).

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    Because this activity is present during REM sleep(Llina s & Ribary 1993) but is not seen during non-REMsleep, we postulated that the thalamocorticothalamicresonance is modulated by the brainstem and would begiven content by sensory input in the awake state and byintrinsic activity during dreaming.These studies addressedissues concerning (i) the presence of gamma-band activity

    during sleep and (ii) the possible dierences betweengamma resetting in dierent sleep/wakefulness states.Spontaneous magnetic activity was recorded continu-

    ously during wakefulness, slow-wave sleep and REMsleep by using a 37-channel sensor array positioned asshown in gure 5a. Because Fourier analysis of the spon-taneous, broadly ltered rhythmicity (1^200 Hz) demon-strated a large peak of activity at 40 Hz over much of thecortex, we decided that it was permissible to lter thedata at gamma-band frequency (35^45 Hz). Largecoherent signals with a very high signal-to-noise ratiowere typically recorded from all 37 sensors as shown ingure 5b for a single 0.6 s epoch of global spontaneous

    oscillations in an awake individual.The second set of experiments examined the respon-siveness of the oscillation to an auditory stimulus duringwakefulness, slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. Thestimulus comprised frequency-modulated 0.5 s tone bins,triggered 0.1s after the onset of the 0.6 s recording epoch;recordings were made at random intervals over about10 min. In agreement with previous ndings (Llina s &Ribary 1993; Galambos et al. 1981; Pantev et al. 1991),auditory stimuli produced well-dened 40 Hz oscillationduring wakefulness (gure 5c) but no resetting wasobserved during slow-wave sleep (gure 5d) or REMsleep (gure 5e) in this or the six other subjects examined.

    The traces in gure 5c ^f are a superposition of the 37traces recorded during a single 600 ms epoch. Theiralignment in gure 5c indicates the high level of coher-ence of the 4 0 Hz activity at all the recording points after

    the auditory stimulus. A high level of coherence is alsotypical of spontaneous 40 Hz bursts such as that ingure 5b.

    These ndings indicated that although the awake stateand the REM sleep state are electrically similar withrespect to the presence of 40 Hz oscillations, a centraldierence remains: that of the inability of sensory input

    to reset the 4 0 Hz activity during REM sleep. In contrast,during slow-wave sleep the amplitude of these oscillatorsdiers from that of wakefulness and REM sleep but, as inREM sleep, there is no 40 Hz sensory response. Anothersignicant nding is that gamma oscillations are not resetby sensory input during REM sleep, although clearevoked-potential responses indicate that the thalamo-neocortical system is accessible to sensory input. We

    consider this to be the central dierence betweendreaming and wakefulness. These results suggest that wedo not perceive the external world during REM sleepbecause the intrinsic activity of the nervous system doesnot place sensory input in the context of the functional

    state being generated by the brain (Llina s & Pare 1991).That is, the dreaming condition is a state of hyper-atten-tiveness to intrinsic activity in which sensory input cannotaccess the machinery that generates conscious experience.

    An attractive possibility in considering the morpho-physiological substrate is that the `non-specic' thalamicsystem, particularly the intralaminar complex, has animportant role in such coincidence generation. Indeed,neurons in this complex project in a spatially continuousmanner to the most supercial layers of all cortical areas,including the primary sensory cortices. This possibility isparticularly attractive given that (i) single neurons burstat 30^40 Hz (Steriade et al. 1993a), especially during

    REM sleep, a nding that is consistent with the macro-scopic magnetic recordings observed in this study; and(ii) damage of the intralaminar system results in lethargyor coma ( Fac on et al. 1958; Castaigne et al. 1962).

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    Figure 5. Oscillation at 40 Hz inwakefulness and a lack of 40 Hz reset

    in -sleep and REM sleep. Recording

    was with a 37-channel MEG.

    (a) Diagram of sensor distributionover the head; in (b) the spontaneousmagnetic recordings from the 37

    sensors during wakefulness are shown

    immediately below (ltered at

    35^45 Hz). (c^f) Averaged oscillatoryresponses (300 epochs) after auditory

    stimulus: (c) subject awake andstimulus followed by a reset of 40 Hz

    activity; (d, e) stimulus produced no

    resetting of the rhythm; (f) noise ofthe system in femtoteslas (fT).

    (Modied from Llina s & Ribary


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    (a) Thalamo-cortical dysrhythmia and the edge


    From the above, we can see how high frequencythalamocortical oscillations may underlie consciousness,and how low frequency, having a lower dynamic granu-larity, might not. This is corroborated by the fact that lowfrequency thalamocortical oscillation is present not only

    in dreamless sleep, but also in the abnormal neurologicalstates that occur during the waking state. Examples ofsuch are Parkinson's disease (Volkmann et al. 1996) andpetite mal epilepsy (Jeanmonod et al. 1996). In both thesecases, abnormal low frequency thalamocortical activitydue to low threshold calcium activation at the thalamiclevel is observable (Jeanmonod et al. 1996). We wonderwhat may happen when normal awake activity occursside-by-side with abnormally slow oscillation. We wouldlike to propose that at the interphase between these two,because of the asymmetry of inhibition due to interneur-onal cortical activity, intrinsic high frequency thalamo-cortical oscillation will occur. This oscillation, out of

    context, may be responsible for the cognitive events thataccompany this `edge eect'. A clear example of what wemean by the edge eect is, for instance, the scintillatingscotoma of migraine or in the epileptic or migraine auras(Russell & Olesen 1996), except that in a migraine, themoving boundary is probably related to the edge ofspreading depression (Russell & Olesen 1996).




    A schematic diagram of a neuronal circuit that might

    subserve temporal binding is presented in gure 6a.Gamma oscillations in neurons in specic thalamic nucleiestablish cortical resonance through the direct activationof pyramidal cells and feedforward inhibition through theactivation of 40 Hz inhibitory interneurons in layer IV(Llina s et al . 1991). These oscillations re-enter thethalamus via layer VI pyramidal cell axon collaterals,producing thalamic feedback inhibition via the reticularnucleus (Steriade et al. 1984). A second system is illu-strated in gure 6b, where the intralaminar non-specicthalamic nuclei projection to cortical layers I and VI andto the reticular nucleus (Peneld & Rasmussen 1950) isillustrated. Layer V pyramidal cells return oscillations to

    the intralaminar nuclei. The cells in this complex havebeen shown to oscillate at gamma-band frequency(Steriade et al. 1993a) and to be capable of recursiveactivation.

    We propose that neither of these two circuits alone cangenerate cognition. Indeed, as stated above, damage tothe non-specic thalamus produces deep disturbances ofconsciousness, whereas damage to specic systemsproduces loss of the particular modality. Although at thisearly stage it must be quite simple in its form, the abovesuggests a hypothesis regarding the overall organizationof brain function. This rests on two tenets. First, the`specic' thalamocortical system is viewed as encoding

    specic sensory and motor activity by the resonant thala-mocortical system specialized to receive such inputs (e.g.the lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex). Thespecic system is understood to comprise those nuclei,

    whether sensorimotor or associative, that project mainlyto layer IV in the cortex. Second, after optimal activation

    any such thalamocortical loop would tend to oscillate atgamma-band frequency, and activity in the `specic'thalamocortical system could be easily `recognized' overthe cortex by this oscillatory characteristic.

    In this scheme, areas of cortical sites `peaking' atgamma-band frequency would represent the dierentcomponents of the cognitive world that have reachedoptimal activity at that time. The problem now is theconjunction of such a fractured description into a singlecognitive event. We propose that this could come aboutby the concurrent summation of specic and non-specic40 Hz activity along the radial dendritic axis of givencortical elements; that is, by coincidence detection

    (Llina s & Ribary 1994). This view diers from thebinding hypothesis in which cortical binding is attributedto the activation of cortical V4, pulvinar or claustrum(Crick & Koch 1990).

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    Figure 6. Thalamocortical circuits proposed to subserve

    temporal binding. Diagram of two thalamocortical systems.

    (a) Specic sensory or motor nuclei project to layer IV of thecortex, producing cortical oscillation by direct activation and

    feedforward inhibition via 40 Hz inhibitory interneurons.

    Collaterals of these projections produce thalamic feedback

    inhibition via the reticular nucleus. The return pathway

    (circular arrow on the right) re-enters this oscillation to

    specic- and reticularis-thalamic nuclei via pyramidal cells in

    layer VI. (b) Second loop shows non-specic intralaminary

    nuclei projecting to the most supercial layer of the cortex

    and giving collaterals to the reticular nucleus. Pyramidal cells

    in layer V return the oscillation to the reticular and the non-

    specic thalamic nuclei, establishing a second resonant loop.

    The conjunction of the specic and non-specic loops is

    proposed to generate temporal binding. (Modied from Llina s

    & Ribary (1993).)

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    In conclusion, the system would function on the basisof temporal coherence. Such coherence would beembodied by the simultaneity of neuronal ring based onpassive and active dendritic conduction along the apicaldendritic core conductors. In this fashion the time-coherent activity of the specic and non-specicoscillatory inputs, by summing distal and proximal

    activity in given dendritic elements, would enhance defacto 40 Hz cortical coherence by their multimodal char-acter and in this way would provide one mechanism forglobal binding. The `specic' system would thus providethe content that relates to the external world, and thenon-specic system would give rise to the temporalconjunction, or the context (on the basis of a more intero-ceptive context concerned with alertness), that wouldtogether generate a single cognitive experience.

    This work was supported by NIH-NINCDS NS13742 and theCharles A. Dana Foundation to R.L.


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