Basic neonatology course

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Basic neonatology course

Basic Neonatology course

A Road Map

By: Karim


ILOS1.Why !2.Job Description. 3.How to deal with your team.4.Component of NICU 5.Road map for most common cases.6.What do you need to learn to be

qualified. 7.History taking.

Money :D :D

Doctors are not poor !

بني على كتبنا ذلك أجل من «بغير نفسا قتل من أنه إسرائيلفكأنما األرض في فساد أو نفس

أحياها ومن جميعا الناس قتل « جميعا الناس أحيا فكأنما

!.. الجـــهل

!!.. والتقصــير

There is No Precious baby, All Babies are precious .

Job Description

You are a neonatologist resident !

1- Your consultant eyes !

2- Follow the instruction.

3- Emergency situations.

1- Your consultant eyes !

Good, Full detailed description of the cases !

Read More And More

2- Follow the


3- Emergency situations.

1. Medical Emergencies according to each case:

- Arrest

- Cyanosis

- Convulsion

- Hemorrhage … etc.

2. New cases admission.

الشيتات ! • كتابة

األهل .• مقابلة

التقارير .• كتابة

2- Communication with your team

1- Nurses

2- Doctors

3- Consultant


Components Of NICU


Ventilator CPAP

األكسجين .1. شبكة

المخارج .2.

.3Suction !

Most Common Cases

I. Respiratory distress. II.Neonatal Jaundice.III.Neonatal Sepsis IV.Pre-term.V.Hemorrhagic diseases.VI.CNS problems.VII.Pre and post -operative cases.VIII. .. Etc.

• Grades?• X.Ray?• TTT?• Ventilator Setting?


• How to diagnose?• TTT?TTN

• Vigorous or not?• Resuscitation. • Discharge or not?• Ventilator setting?

Meconium Aspiration

• Grades?• X.ray?• TTT?

Congenital Pneumonia

1- Respiratory Distress (RD)

حالة D: أكسجين

- Pulmonary Hypertension

- Pneumothorax

1.Downs’ score

2.Oxygen toxicity

3.Chronic lung ( Bronco-pulmonary dysplasia )

2- Neonatal Jaundice (NJ)

I. DD?

II. Specific cause?

III.General condition?

IV.Levels of TTT?

V. Pathophysiology?

3- Neonatal Convulsions.

4- Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.

5- Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)

Neonatal Sepsis

Early signs of Sepsis

ABs Regimen

Infection control


Complementary Topics

Fluid Balance. Drugs.Feeding.Normal values of: - Blood pressure - Blood sugar - Temperature Infection control.

Complementary Topics

Interpretation of CBC

Interpretation of ABG

Reading X-Ray


1.Endotracheal tube (ET).

2.Chest butterfly.

3.Chest cannula.

4.Umbilical catheter.

5.Chest tube.

6.Blood Exchange.

History taking

1.Name: Mother name ...: مدام ابن

مدام ... :بنتMedico-legal !


Male, Female or ambiguous genitalia!Medico-legal !

3. Sibling:

- History of other siblings. - IUFD - Abortions - RH,ABO incompatibility - Metabolic, genetic diseases - Precious baby or not?- Similar condition - Mother experience !

G…… P….. + ….

4. Consanguinity :

- For congenital abnormalities. - Degree of consanguinity.

5. Mode of delivery? NVD or CS

6. Full term, NT or preterm.

- Calculation of the gestational age.الـ - الشهر لنهاية وصلت يبقي 8اللي أسبوع 36كده! كاملين - Ballard Maturational Assessment

7. Age of the Baby: DOB: امتي مولود TOB: ؟ كام الساعة Jaundice

8. Maternal risk factors: ..

9. Parent history: - Name: - Age: - Blood group:

5. Mode of delivery? NVD or CS


• Obstructed labor

• Traumatic Labor

• Less liable for RD

• Cause ?

• Anesthesia

• More Liable for RDS

1- Maternal age: less than 18 years or more than 35 years old2- Socio-demographic factors:•Low educational status•Cigarette smoking•Drug addiction•Poor nutrition•Poverty3- Obstetric factors:• Previous cesarean section• Multiple pregnancies• Prior infertility•Blood transfusion

8. Maternal risk factors:

4- Medical conditions:• Diabetes mellitus• Hypertension• Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)• Pre-eclamsia• Congenital heart disease• Auto-immune diseases• Infections

8. Maternal risk factors:

Referral Reports


Hope Happiness finds you every where !